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One Piece parody: Tier 1

Chapter 1 

Chapter 2 Let the Games Begin

Luffy had set off to sea once he came of age, after taking out the Lord of the Coast he thought it was smooth sailing, that is until he ran into some whirlpools. He ducked into a barrel to save himself, and he got fished out by a treasure ship, shortly before it got raided by pirates.

Koby, a boy who’s been trapped as a pirate’s slave for 2 years. Alvida caught him and he’s been stuck under her rule ever since. It’s gotten to the point even her men were bossing him around.

The pinkette brought Luffy’s barrel to the ship thinking it was supplies when some of Alvida’s men followed him and planned to take the spoils for themselves. Alvida ruled by fear, so there wasn’t much loyalty.


Luffy popped out of the barrel and right into trouble. The men attacked him, and swiftly got taken out. “Who are these guys?”

“You need to get out of here, those were Alvida’s men, if they find you they’ll kill you.”

Luffy eyed him. “Aren’t you with this guys?”

Koby twiddled his fingers. “Well you see…” He told the Chess Human his tale of woe. Escape wasn’t even possible as the boy feared of Alvida finding him.

“Ahh, so you’re an idiot and a coward, I hate people like you!” Monkey said with a laugh. The pinkette wept tears, but he was used to it.

“It’s easy for you to say, you’re strong. Pirates bully the weak.”

“Not all pirates are like that, I’m a pirate!”

“Ehhh?!” Koby gasped.

“If you want to escape, escape! If you want to get stronger then do it, you are your own man!” Luffy boldly declared his own dream, he was going to the Grand Line, he was gonna find the one piece, and become King of the Pirates. “If I die chasing this dream, I’ll die with no regrets.”

His words touched Koby. “Then...I won’t give up on my dream, I want to become a marine!” He expected Luffy to laugh at him, but he didn’t.

“A marine huh?” He stroked his chin. “Do you want to get stronger?”

“Yes!” Monkey grinned and there was a flash of light. “Wah!”


Alvida was informed of their little stowaway, her men throwing Koby under the bus. “He let him on!”

“Is it Zoro? I heard he was locked up but he could have escaped.” Alvida wondered.

“We don’t know if it’s Zoro, but he’s strong!”

“We’ll see about that! Find him and Koby!” The men searched the ship and while they couldn’t find Koby they brought Luffy to Alvida. “Who are you? You don’t look like Pirate Hunter Zoro?”

Luffy blinked. ‘Zoro?’

“I’m Monkey D. Luffy, I’m a pirate.”

Alvida laughed. “A pirate is it, that would make us enemies being under different flags.”

Luffy shrugged. “If that’s how you wish to see it sure.”

She pointed her club at Luffy. “Is it just you, or is your crew lurking somewhere?”

“Just me so far, but I’ll have a great crew soon enough, and then we’ll hit the grand line.”

Alvida and her crew laughed. “A scrawny weakling like you, entering the grand line that’s rich.” She wiped a tear from her eye.

One of her men arrived holding Koby’s clothes. “This is all we could find of him.” Luffy chuckled at the confused looks on their faces.

“I could head there now, I’m actually pretty strong on my own, but it’s more fun with other people.” Luffy said.

“You won’t be going anywhere, if you don’t tell me what I want to know we’ll torture you!” She hit the ground with her mace. “Where is Koby?”

“Koby?” Luffy crossed his arms, whistling innocently.

“I know that little coward didn’t run off, not without help. So where is he?”

Luffy shrugged. “I know where he is, but I’m not gonna tell you.” He stuck his tongue out at her.

“You little shit, you think you can stand up to me and my crew, all alone.” Her men chuckled and readied their weapons.

“Oh...I’m never alone, I’m a one man army.”

“Attack!” Her men charged, and Luffy took action, he was quite agile bounding around, dodging attacks, using punches and kicks to counter. “Come on get him he’s just one brat!”

Luffy seemed to be having fun, monkeying around Alvida’s ship and just wrecking her crew one by one. Things seemed to be going in Luffy’s favor, even as seconds turned to minutes, and minutes turned into an hour.

“Got you!” One of the men attacked Luffy with a sword only to be blocked by twin daggers.

“Welcome back Koby!” The pinkette was naked and sweating.



The little runt they knew was gone, he was taller and more physically fit. He seemed to be brimming with confidence, even as he stood bare ass naked. “Thanks Luffy, that training you had me do was intense.”

“Shihihi, I knew you could handle it, I’ve been playing with these guys to give you extra time.” Luffy clapped his hands together. “Now it’s checkmate!”

“What is this? Who is this?” Alvida pointed her club angrily at Koby.

“Don’t you recognize me Alvida, I’m Koby!” He said proudly. “I got something to say to you, something I always wanted to say…” Taking a deep breath he readied himself. “YOU ARE THE BIGGEST, NASTIEST, FATTEST COW IN ALL OF THE EAST BLUE!”

“WHAT DID YOU SAY!?” She charged at him, club raised high.

“I’m not afraid of you, I’m leaving, I’m gonna join the marines, and when I do I’m gonna hunt you down, and send your fat ass to prison!” Luffy was cracking up laughing.


Luffy intercepted her attack, blocking it with a club of his own. “I’ll have you dance with me!” He fended her off, and the two clashed with clubs.

“Don’t just stand there you fools, get them!”

“Pawn-Men, Rise!” Luffy snapped his fingers and from his shadow appeared strange people. Their upper bodies were that of men, but their lower halves were like chess pieces. They had helmets, and carried twin daggers.

“What the hell?!” He had devil fruit powers.

The pawn soldiers attacked, moving at a good speed they helped smack down Alvida’s men, Koby taking out his years of frustration on them. Her men were sent flying off the ship one by one. None of them were prepared for Koby’s strength.

It took them too long to realize Koby was using the same knives as the pawn warriors.

Alvida and Luffy clashed with clubs, despite her size and power Luffy was countering her well. Monkey was deceptively strong. “Do you think this some kind of game?”

He blocked her swing. “Indeed, and this is checkmate!” Luffy wound up his bat, Alvida tried to block, WHAM! She was sent flying out to sea. “Game over, we win!”

To the victor went the spoils, Luffy took control of Alvida’s ship. “Can we really sail this ship with just the two of us?” Koby got dressed, though his old clothes didn’t really fit him anymore, his underwear was too small, his pants were too tight on him, and his shirt wasn’t able to fully cover his body, so you could see his abs. “Are you gonna have the chess-men help?”

“Just leave it to me.” Luffy manifested a tiny castle chess piece, he placed it on the deck. “King’s Castle!” The chess piece melted and washed over the ship.

With his devil fruit powers he took control of the ship, the whole ship. Full control of the ship allowed Luffy to make the ship sail, leaving Alvida’s men behind to be picked up by marines. He went through her treasure and found a devil fruit.

Alvida thought they had been but rumors, not willing to eat the fruit herself, when she could sell it and make a fortune. Luffy offered it to Koby who declined, not wanting to lose his ability to swim. “I wonder what kind of devil fruit it is?”

It was pink and large, almost like a devil peach.

Luffy couldn’t eat it as he had already eaten a devil fruit. The Chess Men packed up the spoils before vanishing. “Your devil fruit powers are something else.” Koby praised. “Do you think you can train me some more?”

“Sorry Koby, you won’t be able to use that for a day at least.”

“How long was I in there?”

“Hmm, about two months.”

“Two months!?” Koby gasped. “How...What?!”

“That’s how it works, sadly I can’t use it on myself. I couldn’t give you back the two years you spent with Alvida though.” Koby blushed.

“It’s okay, you did more than enough for me. Thank you!”

The two were off to Shell Town, where Luffy would find Zoro, and Koby would find a marine base where he could enlist.


Zoro was tied up in the execution yard. ‘Just one more week...I can make it…’

While he suffered, his two friends were at a bar drinking their sorrows away. “Poor Big bro!”

“What can we do, we can’t face the marines, we’ll end up as criminals.”

“It’s not fair, he didn’t do anything wrong!”

To be continued...Chess Rank


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