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Fairy Tail parody: Patreon Reward

Chapter 5 

Chapter 6 Iron Special

“Ahh ohhh aaahhh Ga-aaaahhh!” Leo was writhing in pleasure. His penis was caged, locked up tight, he was good with that, happy with that even. It thrilled him and made him throb in delight.

Never did he think someone would suck him, cage and all!

This was wild, a normal man might not enjoy having metal in his mouth, but for an Iron Dragon Slayer it was a treat. “Mmm~!” He licked the cage, tasting the special celestial world metal. It was sweet like candy, but no matter how much he sucked and licked it, the celestial metal didn’t dissolve or melt in his mouth. An ever lasting candy.

Gajeel buried his nose in his pubes, just slurping and sucking his cage. The metal grew warm in his mouth, and his moans washed over the cage making it vibrate ever so slightly, like the strike of a tuning fork.

Leo’s penis tried to get hard, but the cage kept him locked down. The bite of the cage was intensified. Leo shuddered, Gajeel could feel it, having a hand on the spirit’s thigh, his free hand came up and fondled his balls. “Ahh ahh ahhh!” His toes curled.

The spirit was a treat for the eyes, ears, nose, and mouth. His sensitive Dragon Slayer nose took in his sweet musk, playing with his balls just let the musk rise and fill his brain. Leo’s moans were a treat for the ears, he played with the spirit like he would an instrument and enjoying the noises. Gajeel already enjoyed the sight of the caged spirit. His mouth was enjoying the caged dick. The pre-cum that leaked from his sensitive penis was like the creamy center.

All he needed was a little anal stimulus to cum, he was dangling on the edge from a chain. “Haa haa haa haa!” He was panting and drooling.

Gajeel was so rough with him, squeezing him making his aching balls churn. He was so high on pleasure, even the bursts of pain, mixed in and caused his libido to spark.

Redfox pulled off and Leo whined at the loss. “Gihi, look at you, you’re a little slut aren’t you?” He squeezed his balls.

“Ahh yes! I’m a slut!” He moaned.

“You got some nice tits slut, so lewd!” Gajeel grabbed one of his nipples and pinched them.

“Ahhh!” Gajeel rolled his nipples, pinching and tugging on the buds. “Ahh ahh ahh ahh!”

“You like some metal slut, you’re such a mess!” Leo shivered, more pre-cum leaking out of him. “I like my bitches wet for me.”

“Ohhh fuck!”

“If you were my bitch, I’d have you decked out with metal, get you some nice rings on these!” He pinched his nips with every word, giving a tug on every three. “I’d bet you’d look real nice with a tongue piercing.”

Collecting some of Leo’s essence he caught the spirit’s tongue rubbing his thumb over the muscle. “Ohh yeah you’d be super cute.”

Leo bucked and moaned. “Had I known you were this much of a slut, I’d have grabbed you a long time ago. This little cage is cute, but I’d have you in a full chastity belt!” The words brought the powerful image in Leo’s mind.

“I belong to Nat…Lucy!” Leo whimpered. It wasn’t much of a slip, Lucy gave Natsu the key, even if it was temporary.

Gajeel chuckled. “Relax kitten, I don’t go taking people’s bitches. You’ll be my bitch just for tonight, so I’m gonna use your slutty ass till I’m content. Just enjoy the ride!” He growled the last part in his ear, a shudder raced through him.

Clip – Clip

“Ahhh!” Gajeel came prepared, he had clip on nipple rings. His nipples were already tender from the relentless teasing, but the bite of the clips sparked through him.

He was still blindfolded, so he couldn’t see the naughty smirk on his face as he brought out some more metal. He licked a sounding rod, looking rather kinky while doing it.

Leo didn’t have to wait long as Gajeel took hold of his cage, lined up the rod with his slit and pushed it in. “Aaaiiieeee!” His pipe was plugged.

“My bitches cum when they earn it slut!” The spirit writhed in a mix of pain and pleasure. His heart was racing so fast.

Gajeel was so dirty and rough, it was turning him on.

“Yes sir!” He could feel the rod inside his penis, it wasn’t a smooth one, there were little bumps along the sides, he could feel them rubbing against the inside of his cock.

What came next was a rather sizable vibrator was pushed inside him, while on. The only warning he got was the sound of the buzz. Leo’s toes curled, he’d have cum if not for the rod. “My bitches wear my iron, but you’ll have to make do with this.” Leo felt some leather get wrapped around his neck.  “Salamander ordered you the iron special, so get ready for this.”

He was on edge with anticipation. Ting!

“Ahhhhhh~” Gajeel tapped a magical tuning fork against his left nipple ring, pleasure rippled out through him as the metal resonated. Ting! He tapped the other one and Leo bucked and writhed in pleasure.

“Get ready!” Ting!

“Ohhhhhhhh~!” He tapped it right on the cage, magical vibrations shot through his crotch.

Ting! He tapped it on a ring attached to the vibrator, and those pulses rang through his ass. Leo’s body convulsed, humping the air as the ringing washed through him. It made the vibrations even more intense, and he couldn’t cum. Ting! Ting! Ting! Ting! Ting! Ting! Ting!

Gajeel kept striking the metal at the perfect time continuing to send ripples of magic through Leo’s body, intensifying his pleasure. He was on his back but his body felt like it was going through a work out, he was sweating and tingling all over. Just when he thought things couldn’t get crazier Gajeel grabbed him by the balls and turned his hand to metal. Ting!

“Ahhhh!” Leo arched his back, his magic flaring as his body jerked and bucked in a dry orgasm.

“Now that’s a good look for you!” Leo’s chest was swollen and tender from the rough groping, and it appeared that the magical tuning fork stimulated his muscles. His fines pecs swelled up into beefy tits! The vibrations through his crotch washed through him, making his abs more prominent, his hips thicker. The vibrations through the vibe spread from his ass, making his booty grow larger, his arms and legs getting more toned and thick. Gajeel released his balls revealing his orbs had grown larger.

Leo couldn’t see it but he could feel it. He was looking a lot like his eclipse form. Even his hair had grown out, looking more wild, his chest got peppered with hair, his crotch grew a thick forest of manly hair which grew into a treasure path up to his navel. “Don’t worry it’s only temporary, I picked this up when Juvia told me some rocker freak messed her up.” Gajeel took hold of his heavy balls each one fitting in the palms of his hands. “Such ripe fruit gihi!”

He played with the spirit’s sac. His plugged dick twitched desperately. “Balls full?”


“So are mine, you gonna be a good slut and drain my balls for me.” Leo heard the shuffling of leather and metal, catching a whiff of strong manly musk.


“Lick my cock slut!” He brought Leo’s face to his crotch.

His tongue slipped out and ran over his length. ‘What the…’ The wet muscle came in contact with some strange round objects along his length.

“Gihi, first time experiencing a pearl implanted cock?” Indeed it was, with pearls scattered around his shaft. “Get ready, because you’re never gonna forget it.”

Leo kept licking, being unable to see he mapped the length with his tongue, tracing the pearls, playing a lewd game of connect the dots. Gajeel was bigger than Elfman, not as big as Natsu, but the pearls and girth he displayed was impressive.

His musk was powerful, having Leo positively drooling, his saliva washing over his cock. “That’s good bitch, now my cock is ready to breed your ass. Get your ass up!”

Leo scrambled, getting on his hands and knees. It was a scramble as the vibrations in his ass made it difficult to move. Gajeel enjoyed his thick body shifting and moving getting into a submissive position. He played with his balls at the sight, not wanting to ruin the lube job the spirit performed.


“Ahhh!” Gajeel removed the vibe, without turning it off, buzzing away as it slid out. The iron dragon slayer ran the vibe along his cage and balls. “Ahhhh~!” His back arched so nicely.

His pearl implanted cock kissed his hole, before getting pushed in. “Ohhh!” He shivered. ‘The pearls...they...are rubbing….ahhh rubbing so good!’

Leo’s anal ring was worked open by the pearls, made all the more intense as Gajeel rocked his cock back and forth. The pearls dug out his his insides, making his hole blossom lewdly. His hole kept clenching, squeezing Gajeel tightly, feeling each individual pearl and his girth.

Inch by glorious inch Gajeel filled him, every three inches he pulled back two, nearly driving Leo mad. He made sure the spirit felt every inch of him, and let the pearls work their magic. “You squeezing my ass good bitch, you like my pearl implanted dick!”


“They say when you sleep with someone you sleeping with everyone they’ve ever slept with, sounds silly to me, but it gave me an idea. I got a pearl for each bitch I’ve bred, so enjoy the full force of my conquests.” Leo didn’t even think about counting them, he couldn’t do much thinking at all as Gajeel began to roughly fuck him.

His thrusts were so hard, his pelvis clapped against his fat cheeks making them jiggle. The impact shook Leo’s form making his beefy pecs bounce. Gajeel set the pace hard and fast, the friction and the pearls driving Leo wild.

All the spirit could do was pant, moan, and drool. Gajeel held him firmly by the hips, driving his iron pearl studded club into him again and again. He wanted to cum so badly, but he was plugged and caged and it was….HOT!

Leo didn’t care how he looked, a big beefed up slut, body bouncing and shaking as the dominant drilled him, used him, and eventually bred him.

In the back of his mind as sexy as Gajeel was, talking all hot and dirty, even with his special assets, he actually came faster than Elfman and Gray. It was quite the load, Gajeel pumped him full, each spurt making the spirit shiver. He started to feel  the dragon slayer soften inside him. “Please...please let me cum!” He wiggled his ass.

“Gihi...I don’t think so bitch, you haven’t felt my Iron Dragon Slayer Cock’s true might!” Suddenly his cock was hard again as he coated his length in iron scales.

“Ahhh!” Gajeel shifted them around so he was laying down with Leo on top of him.

“You said you liked my dick slut, so show me, ride my cock to your heart’s content!” Leo shuddered, trailing his hands along Gajeel’s abs to his pecs for leverage.

With a horny grin on his face he began to ride, using his newfound muscles to buck and grind on Gajeel’s cock with gusto. ‘That’s so hot!’ Gajeel licked his lips.

It was gonna be a long ride, but who would win out Gajeel’s magic or Leo’s libido.

To be continued…

Choose your next adventure

Big Kitty (Lily/Leo/Gajeel)

Natsu’s Home (Natsu/Leo)



Awesome story!