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Fairy Tail parody: Patreon Reward

Chapter 6 

Chapter 7 Fairy Tail A and B

Fairy Tail was in the waiting room, the Grand Magic games were in full swing. There was music and the guilds could hear the crowd roaring and cheering from their respective waiting rooms.

The teams were being introduced in reverse order so the eighth team went first. Chapati Lola was getting the crowd riled up, his fellow announcers were retired council member Yajima, and Blue Pegasus poster girl Jenny Realight. “Alright everyone give it up for the team that came in Eighth place Fairy Tail!”

“Will Fairy Tail reclaim their past glory?!” Natsu, Gray, Lucy, Erza, and Elfman walked out in matching uniforms, Elfman was carrying the guild flag. “Here they are the rowdy, the wild, Fairy Tail!”


The crowds cheers turned to booing and jeers. “Go home Fairy Tail!”

“Why did you guys even enter this year?”


Natsu’s jaw dropped. “Agh!!”

Gray and Elfman were annoyed. “They’re booing us?!”

Lucy looked sullen. “Keep your cool and your head held high, we knew what we were getting into by entering this year.” Erza said and gave her a comforting pat on the shoulder.

“It seems Fairy Tail has lost their prestige from the old days, their past attempts in the games always had them in last place, but hold on folks! They have returned after seven years, the missing Tenrou Team members, true power houses of the guild that had been lost long ago. Could this be the year they claw their way to the top!?”

There were some people in the crowd that were happy to see Fairy Tail back again, Mr. Yajima was giving them a thumbs up. Things may have changed in the last seven years, so much so people have forgotten how great Fairy Tail was, but those that met them, were helped by them, fought along side them, even if the crowd was quieted down there were some thumbs up out there.

“Hooray!! Huzzah!! Hooray!! Huzzah!! Fairy Tail!” A huge roar of cheers came from the box reserved for the guild entering this year. Fairy Tail was in high spirits and everyone had shown up in support. Oh yes everyone even Mavis!

She had come from Tenrou Island to show her support. “Go! Go! Fairy Tail Go!” Thankfully no one could see her except members of the guild.

“We have the cheers and support of our friends that’s all we need!”

“Hahaha, having the First Master cheer us on is uplifting!” Natsu said.

“Kinda weird we got a spirit cheering us on, but whatever…” Gray sweatdropped.

Chapati spoke up. “Next we have in Seventh Place Quatro Cerberus! They are the hounds of hell’s army, the manliest guild around!” Quatro Cerberus fans began to cheer.



The men roared and howled. “We are wild!”

Their guild master was an old friend of Makarov’s and was once a member of Fairy Tail himself. “Let’s take the prize this year boys, sorry Maki this year belongs to us!”

Elfman eyed them. “I can take ‘em!”

“Coming in Sixth place we have the all female guild...the dancers of the deep blue seas, Mermaid Heel!” The ladies came out and the crowd cheered, men had hearts in their eyes.

Erza eyed a cloaked female. ‘Is that?’

Jenny took over for this intro. “Fifth place is the azure wings that sparkle in the darkness, Blue Pegasus! Do your best boys!”

The hosts marched out and the crowd went wild. “Ren~!”




“Sho?!” Erza gasped.

“Hey it is Sho!” Natsu exclaimed. It was hard to see with all the sparkles floating around.

The four pretty boys stood tall and proud, shooting winks at the crowd, waving to their fans. They were all dressed in dark clothes with the Blue Pegasus crest on them. Sho was looking good in a suit. “He looks happy!” Erza said smiling.

Ichiya winked at the crowd and the mood suddenly turned sour. “Ichiya is so gross!” He was the only one dressed in white, a rather cheap way to stand out.

Master Bob couldn’t be there, the host business made it so they couldn’t close up the guild. They had a lacrima in the club for the games so their fans could come watch and drink.

Quatro Cerberus were huddled up and psyching each other up.

“Fourth Place….the Goddess of Love and War’s Sacred Destroyers...Lamia Scale!” Lyon and his guild marched out, with three familiar faces. One of the shocking ones was seeing Jura, one of the Wizard Saints among the group.

“Ohh crap!” Natsu and Gray remembered how powerful this guy was, he wasn’t gonna be easy to defeat.

Their guild master was loud. “Why are you in forth place?! Are you idiots even trying?!” Harsh.

The girl on the team stepped up. “Sorry...it’s my fault...I was so clumsy!” She ended up tripping over her feet and fell over.

Lucy was confused. “She seems different…”

Natsu sniffed the air. “Wait that’s not Shelly.”

“This is Shelia, her little sister!”

Lyon came over and got in Gray’s face. “Don’t forget our promise, if Lamia Scale wins Juvia joins our guild.”

“I don’t remember promising any such thing, but whatever it’s not like we’re gonna lose to you!” Lyon twitched.

He grabbed Gray by the front of his coat. “We haven’t finished our talk, you claim to have mated someone I wanna know who it was!”

“Yo Lyon!” Natsu said.

“Back off Salamander, I’m talking with Gray, and it’s private!”

Dragneel laughed. “Are you sure my ears were burning?” Gray smirked.

“I wasn’t talking about you, I was asking Gray about his supposed mate!” Gray brushed him off.

“Yep, I was right, my ears were burning.” He put an arm around Gray and the ice wizard cuddled up to him.

Shelia blushed and her eyes sparkled. “Man love!” Her heart fluttered.

Lyon was struck dumb, he kept looking at Fullbuster waiting for him to deny it, but he didn’t. “So manly!” Elfman praised.


Before they could answer the obvious, Blue Pegasus came over. “Did my ears deceive me, are you speaking of gaining new members upon victory of the games. I say if we win, I’d love to take the lovely Erza!” Ichiya said, thrusting his hips.

“Quit it!! I will stab you!”

Ichiya sniffed at her. “Mmm~ A lovely perfume as always!”

Sho had enough of this and trapped Ichiya in a card. “Hey...sister...I mean...Erza…”

She smiled. “It’s okay, coming from you I’m happy to be called that.” Erza hugged him. “So you joined a guild, I’m proud of you Sho, I just hope Ichiya is not teaching you improper things.”

The robed girl in Mermaid Heel fidgeted a bit. “Best to stay put.” Their leader spoke. She nodded and held back.

“I’d love to take you, though I didn’t pick you because I liked you or anything.” Ren said, putting an arm around Lucy.

The blonde sighed. “You haven’t changed much in seven years, still running the hot and cold shtick huh?” He twitched.

Ren Akatsuki was a hot guy who acted cold and indifferent to how he actually felt.

“I’d love to take you oh beautiful one!” Eve hit on Shelia, making the girl blush.

Jura gave Eve a fierce look making the show wizard back off in terror.

“If we lose, I’d love to get snatched by Mermaid Heel!” Hibiki said and approached the team of ladies. Kagura glared at him and he backed off.

“Honestly, you three haven’t matured in the last seven years, it seems under Ichiya’s tutelage you’ve lacked maturity.” Ichiya felt the words jab at him even through the pocket space of the card. In truth Ichiya hadn’t taught the boys much, most of his advice was either nonsense or heinous.

The next guild to come out wasn’t met with cheers or boos, but a mix of terror. “We have the Midnight Raiders, Raven Tail!” Their auras were sinister and chilling, each member of the team appeared to be a nasty customer.

Raven Tail was known as a Dark Guild seven years ago and was founded by Master Makarov’s son Ivan. They only joined the official guild ranks recently.

Makarov was losing it in the stands. Even Mavis could feel a malicious force. Ivan’s image was in the crowd. “I’ve waited patiently and quietly for this day father, we’ve stepped out of the shadows and shall crush you in the light for all to see!”

A man clad in gold armor stepped up. “Fairy Tail...that little runt of a dragon slayer was just our way of saying hello!”

A creepy creature appeared on a tall being’s shoulder. “Kikiki!!” It’s face shifted to Wendy’s and mimicked her terror before fainting.

“You’re the ones…” Natsu’s body surged with heat. He took a step forward in rage, his body growing larger. “I won’t forgive you, not a single one of you!”

Natsu had to be held back by both Gray and Elfman. “You gotta calm down!” Though Gray was feeling just as angry. ‘You can’t go wild here or we’ll be disqualified.’ He whispered.

Fullbuster felt it, Natsu was ready to go full dragon size and crush these bastards.

The group just snickered before turning. “Enjoy the festival...we will…”

There were two teams left to be announced. The crowd was sure one of them had to be Sabertooth but who was the second.

“I don’t believe this, this is real folks, in second place is Fairy Tail Team B!” Out came Gajeel, Juvia, Mira, Laxus, and...Mystogan?

“What?!” Natsu gasped.

The crowd was quite confused by all this.

Dragneel could tell by his smell that Mystogan was truly Jellal.

There was some confusion about this, why did Fairy Tail have two teams, how did they get second place, they must have cheated! “Enough!” Yajima snapped. “Guilds across the country entered their best in the games, over 100 teams entered I can assure you no cheating happened within the Labyrinth. If a guild is confident enough they can enter two teams, it’s always been allowed just two teams have never made it to the finals.”

Only the Guild Master was barred from entering the games, but one guild had a Wizard Saint in their ranks should they be disqualified? No!

Laxus was annoyed about something. “What I don’t get is, if we were the first Fairy Tail team to cross why are we B?” That’s just how the sticks fell.

“As it stands the games are random, both Fairy Tail teams are competing for the number 1 spot.” The games are always random so there is no way to properly gain an advantage with more than one team.

“This just makes me more fired up!!” Natsu roared. This turn really helped his mood. “Laxus, Gajeel, and Mystogan, I’m not holding back on any of you if we face off I’m taking you down!”

Gajeel got in his face. “That’s what I want to hear, I have a score I need to settle with you Salamander. You better prepare yourself!” Lily was feeling pride in Gajeel having seen how hard he’s worked in the past months. “Heard you had a little mishap, is that why you ended up in last place Salamander?”

“Don’t get cocky, that was then and this is now, and I’m a lot stronger.” Gajeel grinned.

“You better have gotten stronger, this won’t be fun otherwise.” He looked at Gray and Elfman, his smirk growing wider. Of course with his nose he could smell Natsu on them and in them.

Romeo was gushing. “They are so cool!”

Elfman was a bit more distracted. “Sis…”

“Do your best Elfman, just know I won’t be falling for the same trick last time. I expect to see you have improved.” Elfman felt like he was gonna be sick.

Erza and Jellal had a talk. This plan was thought of last minute, and when he approached Makarov the man was understanding and agreed. Erza wasn’t sure she liked this since technically Jellal wasn’t a guild member. “Hey now!” Laxus threw an arm over Jellal’s shoulder. “No need to be so tense this is a festival right?” She was also worried for Jellal’s sake, he had an important mission and if his identity was revealed he could be arrested or given his history executed on the spot. Criminals who escape wizard jail tend to not get a second sentence, being deemed too dangerous. “We’re all buddies here unless we get put up against each other right?”

Erza sighed and looked over to Makarov and Mavis.

“That person in the mask isn’t a guild member is he?” Makarov gasped, both impressed and terrified that she could figured it out so fast. Macao was quick to throw Makarov under the bus.

“Please first master forgive me, we have good reason for this I swear.”

Her eyes were focused on Jellal. “He’s not evil, it’s strange he has the same Heart as everyone else in the guild.” She could feel the man had a deep love and desire to protect Fairy Tail. “Is he strong?”

“Well yes he is, he was once one of the wizard saints.”

“Very well…” Makarov looked surprised. “I’ll allow it!”

“Huh?” Jaws dropped.

Mavis’s eyes sparkled. “For Fairy Tail’s Victory~!!!”

She was definitely Fairy Tail’s first master alright. “And besides I think he’s close enough to be a member by bond?” She said, this confused people. Mavis was quite perceptive. ‘We shall see if you will be able to stand tall in Fairy Tail.’

Mavis gave a thumbs up so Erza relented. As it happened Jellal hadn’t sensed the evil they were looking for yet, though he sensed much darkness from Raven Tale.

“Gajeel-chan!” Ivan said with a sick smirk.

“Is this going to be okay, Gajeel didn’t give us anything on that guy Mystogan.”

“Do not worry Flare, he will be just another sacrifice for our glory.”

The last but not least guild in the land. “That’s right! You know them, you love them, the strongest!! The Invincible!! The Dominators of the Grand Magic Games!”

“SABERTOOTH!!!” It was Fiore’s strongest guild.

“Hmm…” Makarov turned to look at Mavis.

“Something wrong First Master?”

“They are said to be the strongest, and while their magic power is mighty. I sense their hearts are closed off, it is very strange. It feels almost lonely.”

The dragon slayers had a stare down.

To be continued...Spicy Bet

As the games begin Gray learns of a bet Makarov made with Fairy Tail B, whichever team wins gets to command the losers for a whole week. While Gray wants to win Raven Tail seems adamant on tormenting them, and Sabertooth proves their strength with Rufus!


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