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Mobuseka parody: Patreon Reward

AN: A wild card request 

Chapter 7 

Chapter 8 The Greatest Revenge

Julius woke up, he hadn’t realized he had drifted off. ‘I’m in Leon’s bed!’ His heart fluttered at the thought.

The raven haired master was asleep beside him. Julius took this time to look at him, truly look at him. His features were relaxed, so he didn’t look as angry, wicked, or miserable as he had seen him. ‘He really is handsome!’

Julius drew closer, admiring the mob character, his honest feelings overflowing. He wanted a kiss, inching closer and closer, his heart beating faster! ‘Leon...’

Before their lips could meet an alarm went off. Julius jumped, his heart racing in a different way. ‘What did I do?’ Nothing.

It was just Leon’s morning alarm. Bartfort stirred and woke up. “Ahh!” He yawned and stretched. Julius blushed seeing Leon’s sexy physique and morning wood. “Morning!”

“M-Morning…” Bite! Julius squirmed feeling the bite of the cage. “Nnnhhh!”

Leon chuckled. “Well it’s time to work.”

“Work?” He nodded.

Bartfort had a farm boy internal clock, getting up at sunrise to work the fields. Even at the academy he woke up and did exercises, homework, training, maybe other prep work depending on his itinerary that day. If Julius had an early morning it was rare, and it was only because of special lessons.

To his surprise Leon undid his cage. “Ohh!” Julius’s cock swelled and stood at attention. “Leon?”

“You will be joining me in my work today, and nothing like a morning wank to get the blood pumping.” He caressed his cock and Julius eyed it hungrily. Leon noticed. “Or...is there something else you’d like.”

Julius nodded, and Leon got into position with the prince settling between his legs. He licked along Leon’s mighty rod, before taking it into his mouth. The face fuck session he had before helped ruin his gag reflex so he was able to deepthroat Leon’s cock much faster. “Mmm~!”

There were those sparks again. Julius began to bob his head, licking and sucking on his treat. He breathed through his nose taking in the musk that made his penis twitch and weep. His moans sent pleasing vibrations through Leon’s rod and the mob leaned back and enjoyed the show.

“Wow, this is even better than last time. You are a fast learner, maybe you can learn to become a grade A cock sucker!” Julius shivered at the praise, finding the idea rather appealing.

His hands rested on Leon’s thighs as he began to suck with more gusto. He still lost control and came while sucking Leon’s penis.

Instead of fucking his mouth like last time, Leon pulled his cock out and finished on his face.


He came a lot, making a mess of the prince’s neck and pecs. Julius couldn’t help himself, opening his mouth to catch some of the seed. ‘Fuck that’s hot!’

“Ahh that was refreshing!” Leon said. “Let’s get washed up and ready for work.”

Julius was surprised as Leon didn’t fasten the cage on him. “Leon...the…” The mob raised a brow at him.

“Oh? Do you want the cage on you!?” Julius blushed and said nothing, not wanting to lie and not wanting to admit he wanted it back on. “Relax, we are gonna be working the field a bit, it’s gonna be enough punishment for you as is, so we’ll take a break in the cage for now.”

They washed up quickly and Leon gave him his uniform...a thong! “What is this?!”

“Your uniform, a part of it anyway!” He also had some work gloves and boots for him to put on.

It was the first form of clothing he’d worn in days, not counting the cage or collar. Julius put on the thong, Leon whistling at the pretty sight. The bluenette’s cock and balls stretched out the garment, forming a lewd bulge, while the string rode his ass showing off his plump cheeks.

He put on the boots and gloves and followed Leon out to the fields. “Why are you doing this when you have these...robot things doing it?”

“One, it’s best not to over rely on technology alone or it’ll dull your mind.” Luxion would point out later that his master relies on his tech often, but that was more for equalizing the playing field. “Two, it’s good to get your hands dirty and work the land, it helps strengthen the body, plus it’s kinda relaxing.” He raised a holding holding three fingers. “And three, it’s good for the soul, you can feel accomplished that you made something.”

‘You can do this Julius, if you can swing a sword you can swing a farming tool.’ It was a lot harder work than he was expecting, even though Leon made it look so easy. “You did this kind of work back home a lot?”

“Sure did, work at dawn, breakfast, more work, then lunch, studies and training, dinner, free time then bed.” It was harsh work but they were a struggling family, they had to work twice as hard or risk Zola’s wrath. Even though Leon came into money, he didn’t want his siblings to become spoiled, a lesson ignored by his sisters. With the support they didn’t have to work quite as hard though, not having to do all the work themselves was a plus. Leon also made sure their tools were proper and sturdy.

Julius could now see where Leon got his stamina from, field work was more intense then sword or combat training. He worked up quite a sweat, his body glistening as it was bathed by the shifting sun.

Leon did three times the work as him and wasn’t as winded. ‘Damn it…’ Bartfort walked over to him. He was expecting Leon to tease him or insult him but…

“Not bad, you did well for your first time.” He got a playful pat on the butt.


A robot brought them some drinks, and the two shared some ice cold lemonade and water. The last bit before breakfast was planting some seeds. Leon showed Julius how to do it and let him handle his garden. He had to get down in the dirt, but when he was done he felt accomplished.

The robots watered the field. “Go ahead and head in and grab a shower.”

“What about you?”

Leon stretched. “I got some more stuff I need to check into, but I’ll grab a shower before breakfast.” Julius accepted this and went inside.

A nice warm shower felt amazing on his sore muscles. ‘Leon really is amazing, no wonder he was so confident in taking us on. Had we not used our mechs he would have still beaten us.’ One of the robots brought him some medicinal oils to help. “Oh thank you.” The stuff may as well have been a healing potion in this otome game world.


“Master, is it wise to be helping the prince like this, couldn’t he be turned against you by Marie?” Luxion asked.

“Maybe it’s not wise, but he’s not the annoying prince I thought he was from the games, just like Olivia and Angelica aren’t as bad as I saw. If I gotta live in this world, it’d be better if we had a competent ruler.” Leon’s goal was to avoid the many bad endings that were possible. The worst option being the War ending where the whole kingdom gets wiped out, everyone dies! Even in the games the only one who had the power to revive the dead was the saint and that was at the max level of her abilities. ‘Of course you get that right as you fight the final boss cause that fucker is hard!!!’

He didn’t know what game Marie was playing here, but he hoped she wasn’t stupid enough to think this was just a game. Having been in a real life or death situation he knew this world was real and he didn’t plan on dying again. His family was real he would protect them, his friends were real he was gonna protect them, his master was real he’d defend that noble gentleman with his life if he had to!

“This prince seems to have fallen for you as well master, is that part of your plan?”

“Not exactly, I figured I’d have to match Marie’s affection level to get the guy to see reason.” He wasn’t wrong, in this case love really did make a guy dumb. From the way Julius talked about Marie knowing him without having to say a word, was because of her game knowledge. It’d be one thing if she actually loved him, but given how that girl has operated so far he didn’t believe it.

“So is it safe to assume you love the prince then, master?” Leon blushed. “Sensors indicate master’s heart has skipped a beat!”

“Ugh!” Leon growled. “Don’t go putting words into my mouth, I care about the guy but that’s it!”

“Is this what master calls being tsundere?” He glared at the little robot. “What about the others, the Prince’s friends?”

Leon shrugged. “I’ll have to run that by Julius first. Maybe since he’s their friend and future prince they’ll listen to him and I won’t have to take control of the situation.” He cursed Marie forcing his hand like this.

Still...seeing Julius work his ass off, wearing only a thong was pretty hot. He expected the guy to fight and protest but he really manned up. ‘The guy isn’t as hopeless as I thought he was.’ Clearly Marie was the problem here. She REALLY wasn’t good for the prince, stunting his growth and inflating his arrogance. If Julius went back to her despite everything well...that’s what back up plans were for.

Luxion didn’t really see the point in holding back, minimizing risk would be the most efficient way of doing things. Though his dislike of the new humans would mean a worse fate for those involved. His master was quite odd, despite his dislike for the “hot guys” he was still trying to help them. It seemed illogical.


Leon finished his morning checks and grabbed a shower. So far he was right on time for breakfast as Luxion informed him the girls were waking up. What did surprise him was Julius in his room. “Yes?”

“The um Robots left these out for me.” They were his old clothes. “Is this a trick?”

“No trick, we have lady guests can’t be in our birthday suits for a meal. You have permission to wear them.” It was an odd feeling, one Julius couldn’t quite describe.

“Okay...but what about these…” With a blush on his cheeks he raised up a pair of blue and black panties. The blue matched his hair, while the black frills matched Leon’s.

“Those are the underwear I picked out for you.” He smiled happily. “I thought they would look great on you!”

“These are women’s undergarments!” Frilly panties to be exact.

“And you will wear them too. If you like I can call you my princess?” Julius’s face turned bright red.

“Absolutely not!” Leon smirked.

“Have you forgotten pet?” Julius gulped. If this was a trap he just walked into it.

His penis was caged once more, but that wasn’t all. A robot brought in an anal probe. It was a nicely sized dildo/vibrator, just having it pushed inside his ass caused his loins to stir. “Ahh!” The familiar bite of the cage was felt. He couldn’t help the smile that crossed his features.

The toy was a lot bigger than Leon’s fingers, and he had this feeling had he not came this morning the toy would have made him cum alone. ‘This size...this shape...is this how it would feel if he was inside…’ Bite!

Leon held the remote, and activated it, putting the setting on low. “Ahhh!” Julius moaned and his legs buckled. “What is this?!”

“You wouldn’t know about these, ladies use these to stimulate their pussies, some people use these in masturbation, others in training. I’ve heard that some women will even fuck their husbands using modified garments with these rods attached. As you can see it can also be used with men.” He briefly raised the level to five before bringing it back down to one.

The feeling in his ass made the prince drool and his legs go weak. “Leon…” He changed the setting to three making the bluenette shake. “Master please!” The setting was put back to one.

“Are you gonna wear your panties?”

“Yes sir!” He moaned.

Julius put on the frilly garment and Leon was right they really did look good on him. Julius really was beautiful, he could were a fig leaf and it’d be a glamorous display. “I expect you to be on your best behavior. Just because we have guests doesn’t mean I’m going soft on your punishments understand?”

“Yes master!” He moaned. The glamour charm was removed, he’d have to face Angelica today as himself.

His clothes were put on and they felt weird. “Now then what would you like for breakfast?”

Julius collected himself. “French toast?” He asked hopefully.

“Hmm, sure why not…” Leon got dressed. “I’m sure the girls would like to try it to.”

Again Leon’s words made Julius feel a strange twinge in his heart. ‘What is this feeling?’ He followed after Leon, after being lost in his thoughts got the level raised to two. The vibrations pulled him out of his confusion.

Leon went to the kitchen while Julius sat in the dining room. He was joined by Angelica and Olivia. The two met face to face for the first time officially since their last confrontation.

She put on a brave face. “Your highness!” She bowed elegantly.

“Your majesty!” Olivia bowed as well.

“No please, don’t do that, not here. Besides I’ve been disinherited.”

“That is only temporary, sooner or later you’ll be reinstated I’m sure.” Angelica said.

“I…” That was most likely true, either by merit or recommendation. “Angelica...I need to apologize to you…”

“What?!” She gasped.

“I did you great disservice. We were engaged and I never once appreciated you. I saw you like so many others, just after my title. I never once considered your feelings and yet expected you to understand mine. I truly am sorry!” He bowed his head and Angelica was stunned.

“Julius…” She said feeling at a loss for words.

Thankfully Leon came in with breakfast to break the tension. “Food’s up!”

French toast was served with powdered sugar and syrup, with even some cut into strips for dipping, with caramel, honey, and melted chocolate dipping sauces. Olivia’s eyes sparkled at the treat, the sweet aroma was strong and it looked delicious. “Well I’ve never had such “commoner” food before…” She looked at Julius. “But I’ll give it a try!”

Part of the fun was eating with their hands. “Mmmm~!”

“So good!”

“So yummy!”

“So sweet!”

They let go and began to eat without all the heirs and manners. It was rather cute to see. “More please!”

Julius had syrup all over his lips. Angelica giggled and pointed it out. Julius laughed back as she had powdered sugar all over hers. The two finally connected, without all the royal nonsense being in the way. Their walls were down, truly connecting.

It was another thing she’d have to thank Leon for.

After breakfast, it was time for Julius to work. He was brought back to Leon’s room. “I heard what you said Julius you were a real man out there, well done!” Leon praised, sending shivers through the prince.

He was rewarded with a kiss, that had his heart racing.


“Clothes off!”

“Yes sir!” He began to strip naked, but Leon stopped him when at his panties.

“You can keep those on.”

“I’m gonna work in the fields like this?” He asked.

“Nope, I’m gonna have you work in the manner today.” He had a new outfit prepared. “Ta-dah!” It was a maid outfit.

Julius had the faintest urge to smack Leon. “I can’t wear that, what if Angelica sees?”

“You can wear the glamour charm, they won’t notice it’s you.” Wearing the maid outfit, he’d look just like a female servant.

He put on the maid outfit, with the full knee high stockings and a garter belt to help keep them up. “I had this made special for you!” The words were weirdly touching.

Julius got to work cleaning Leon’s estate. This should have been easy but it seemed Leon was bored and kept adjusting the levels on his vibrator on a whim. He had to control himself, the anal stimulus was enough to make him cum even caged.

The last thing he wanted to do was make a mess in his panties. As he was cleaning he happened upon the guest room where Angelica and Olivia were in. “I think that’s the first time I’ve ever seen Julius so happy. I’ve truly been blind.”

“You couldn’t have known, you both were caught in your stations.” Olivia said.

“And yet that Marie girl seemed to know him. I must be no good as a woman!”

“Don’t say that!” Olivia hugged her. “Angelica-san is great! You didn’t do anything wrong. You were trying to protect the prince in your own way as best you could because you cared.”

“Yes but Leon-san has managed to do that and more. He was willing to get expelled because of me.”

‘Expelled?!’ Julius thought.

“Leon...I haven’t even thanked him yet for supporting me when no one else did. It seems I have more to thank him for, I feel I got a look at the real Julius today. He even apologized to me when I thought he hated me. Even if we can’t be romantically involved I wished we could have remained friends!” Angelica cried softly.

“Didn’t your dad say he’d help Leon avoid execution?”


“He did, but that’s my family’s help I haven’t been able to thank him personally. Leon had more nerve to face Julius and his friends no matter the cost, he’s truly special.”

‘He is…’ His heart fluttered. He was able to look back on their fight a lot differently now. Leon wasn’t as much of an ass as he first thought, he was pointing out their flaws yes, and raised his concerns about Marie. Now that he thought about it. ‘What about Jilk, Brad, Greg, and Chris? If Leon was right about Marie and she truly was just using me, does that mean she’s using them?’

Olivia and Angelica continued talking. Olivia sharing her experience with Marie that she had told Leon about. They were both on the low end of society, and Olivia had wanted to make friends, but Marie was so mean to her. “I knew that little witch was fake. If possible I wish the prince had met someone that truly cared for him, like you.” Oh the irony, if she only knew.

Julius heard this and thought of Leon immediately. His friends cared about him yes, but even at school his status and position seemed to trump things. He had allowed them to be close to him, why not let Angelica do the same.

Olivia was actually surprised the prince apologized to Angelica as well, and despite making her cry if she was gonna forgive him, she would to!

“What’ll happen to Leon-san if he’s expelled?” Olivia asked.

“Odds are he’ll have to live independently. All marriage options will dry up for him. I wish there was something more I could do.”

Olivia clapped her hands together. “What if you marry him?!”

Angelica blushed. “What?!”

‘What?!’ Julius felt that weird feeling again.

“But Olivia, I thought you liked him, don’t you wanna marry him?”

“I do…” Julius got that feeling again. “He’s too far above my station for someone like me. If he makes you happy it’d bring me such joy to see you together!”

“You really are sweet!” Angelica hugged her. “I thought you were already his lover, he seemed so close and protective of you before.”

Julius felt that weird feeling twist and turn inside him. He’d have stayed to hear more but the vibrations suddenly cranked up reminding him of where he was. “Eeehhh!” He scurried off.

The girls decided to take a bath together and continue their chat in the baths.

Julius went to Leon to talk about some of the things he heard. “Leon is it true!?” He asked.

“Hmm? Is what true?” The prince dressed as a maid marched towards him.

“Is it true you were expelled from school?”

“Sure is, it sucks but I have options.” He’d be under his father’s care and he’d most likely live independently on his island. After raising some crops he’d likely make a deal with the kingdom to peacefully live out his days. Given his wealth he could live comfortably for years without needing to risk his neck again. Plus he was happy to not have to deal with those harpies again.

“If you had told me I’d have done something. All of this is my fault, I ignored Angelica’s feelings, looking back I handled everything wrong. You came to her rescue when no one else would, you deserve every right to go to that school!”

Leon began to sweat. ‘It’s a good thing he’s been disinherited or he may very well have the power to keep me in.’ He smiled. “Julius relax, it’ll all work out, as long as I keep my head and my family alive I’ll call it a win.”

“But…” Leon patted his shoulder.

“Relax, you’ve been working to hard. Let’s go have a bath together.”

“A bath...you and me...together…” Leon nodded.


Leon let him change out of his maid uniform and panties and even removed the vibrator. “Cage off or on?” His hand hovered over Julius’s crotch.

“It...it can stay on…”

“That’s my naughty boy!” He praised and gave him a kiss.

‘Fuck…’ He came, making quite the mess. The prince was too wound up the kiss just pushed him over the edge.

Leon didn’t punish him for that, he was actually impressed he lasted so long. They went to the baths, and the two were naked and alone.

Julius felt really content like this. He helped Leon wash his back. Doki~Doki! Scrubbing his arms and pits. Doki~Doki! Feeling up his muscles. Doki~Doki! ‘He has the build of a true adventurer.’

He remembered before meeting Marie he had wanted to meet the legendary adventurer everyone was talking about. Then somehow his whole world became about that girl.

Julius moved around to Leon’s front, washing his feet and his legs. “I can do the front myself you know?”

“I’m sure, but I want to do this for you master!” He said sweetly.

Sure enough Julius began to clean Leon’s crotch personally with his tongue. Something inside him pushed him, drove him to want Leon to look at him and think only about him in this moment.

After Leon came the two soaked in the baths together. ‘This is nice...a part of me wishes I could share this with my friends…’ Bite! Julius blushed as something he thought of stirred images in his mind, images that didn’t cause the same strange feeling he had before.

It would soon be lunch time.

Leon and Julius met up with the girls each of them wearing robes. Leon noted the two were quite lovey dovey, the atmosphere was really sweet. The three spoke a bit, with Olivia asking to be called Livia as she wanted them to be friends, Angelica agreed asking to be called Angie in return.

‘The games and this world almost feel like night and day. The evil antagonist and the sweet protagonist are getting along so well.’

Angie was still feeling awful, despite willing to forgive Julius Marie was another matter. “I still hate that girl, a part of me wishes I could get her back somehow.”

“Ah so you want revenge, say no more!”

“Leon!” Julius and Olivia gasped.

While the prince and the protagonist didn’t hate Marie they didn’t want her hurt either. “Is it really okay to take revenge?”

Leon had gotten some payback on the hot guys, it felt great. Though a pettier person may have wanted them in the hospital or worse. “Angie no!” Olivia protested not wanting her to go down a dark path of revenge. Leon could see where she was coming from, many have ruined their lives chasing revenge.

“I happen to know the most amazing way to get revenge!”

“R-Really?!” Angie got excited.

“Leon please…” Julius protested.

“The greatest act of revenge in the world is to attain your own happiness!” His words stunned the three of them. “First off, ruining someone’s life takes tremendous amounts of effort, typically it’s not worth it. Even if you get revenge this way, you’re left with nothing.” With Leon’s payback on the hot guys, he was getting something else out of it, in his eyes it was a win win! “Rather than wasting your time like that it’s better to improve your life.”

Angelica didn’t need to waste her time destroying Marie’s life, Leon had a feeling karma was gonna hit Marie in the face for what she had done, and would have to face the harsh realities of life eventually. “But is that even considered revenge?”

Julius was impressed. If Angelica truly went to the dark side of revenge, Marie would not survive the full might of the duke’s influence. No doubt his friends would suffer if they got in the way. Thinking back on it, he had suspected Angelica of bullying Marie, but if she had done so it would be more extreme or clever.

“Of course, the end goal is your own happiness. You can make Marie regret ruining your engagement by moving on. She doesn’t need to live rent free in your head. If you focus on your happiness you can change, grow and find someone new to love. When the urge for revenge stirs just imagine the look on Marie’s face when Karma bites her in the ass and she has to come crawling to you for help.”

‘Find someone new to love…’ Even Julius was touched by the words.

“You’re right, I’m gonna get revenge by showing them how happy I can be.” She had a bright future ahead of her, she didn’t need to waste her life trying to make Marie suffer. It’d only bring trouble for her, her friends, and her family in the long run.

“If that’s the case then I’ll be cheering for you!” Olivia said happily. “Let’s work together to get your revenge.” The two cuddled up and held hands.

Julius looked to Leon wanting to hold his hand. ‘If he hadn’t brought me here I’d likely be plotting revenge right now.’ He’d want revenge against Leon for defeating him, for ending his relationship with Marie, all of it. He also had a feeling his friends felt the same way and would likely try and get back at Leon. ‘I don’t want that...this...this happiness...I had no idea...it’s so different than how it was with Marie…’

The prince hadn’t seen Angelica this happy before either. He could also feel a strange aura coming from the two women like something was being forged between them. He looked to Leon and wondered if they could be like that.

With the rival and the protagonist teaming up Leon almost felt bad for Marie, almost. ‘I’m glad she’s taking this path.’ In the dating sim, there were many routes good ones and bad ones, some routes pushed Angelica into a path of revenge and she does everything in her power to destroy the protagonist’s life. It’s a nightmare for everyone involved. If you didn’t pursue the harem ending there was a chance for Angelica to team up with a jealous member of the conquerable characters, again not a good time. This however was new, in the game there was no way for Olivia and Angelica to team up at all. ‘The ultimate team up had begun!’ He thought.

“Leon...thank you…” Angelica came over to him and took his hands. Julius got that weird feeling again. “Not just for this trip, thank you for everything you’ve done for me!”

“Aww it was nothing!” He blushed and rubbed the back of his head. Julius felt weird again.

“It’s not nothing!” Olivia rushed over and took his hand. “You are a really amazing person Leon-san!” Again the prince got that weird feeling.

What Leon didn’t realize was there was also no path for a mob to win the heart of the prince either, he was forging a new path without realizing it.

Leon had been right though, Karma was coming swift for Marie and she was getting a big bite on the ass.

To be continued...Jealousy of a Prince

Julius keeps feeling weird whenever the girls talk about Leon or when his brother mentions who he’s gonna marry. He wants to scream “Me!”. It takes him a bit but he learns he’s jealous of the girls. This feeling exists because he’s in love with Leon!


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