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Fairy Tail parody: Patreon Reward

Indigo Flare
Natsu has been studying flare magic, after making red his dragon fire and holding skill in purple his next stop was Indigo. It’s not seen as a powerful flame but it is one of the most versatile, seen as both enchantment magic and hex magic.

Chapter 1 Mark of the Dragon

Natsu Dragneel is the fire dragon slayer of Fairy Tail, aka the Salamander. He joined Fairy Tail at a young age, and became attached to a veteran wizard Macao. The man was a fire wizard though he used very different flames than Natsu’s.

Purple Flare – a purple flame as the name suggests, this fire was on the elemental spectrum. This was a flame that did not burn but instead was tangible, it’s trade off allowed it to be inextinguishable by wind or water.

Natsu thought it was cool, his fire just burned stuff and destroyed things. Macao’s flame was more complex, able to grab things, pick things up, move it, hit things, even be used for balanced offense and defense. “Mmm tastes like bubblegum!” Natsu said after eating it.

As a Dragon Slayer he was capable of eating fire. Macao’s was a unique treat, as he ate, and ate, and ate over the months and years he found he could manifest it himself. It was a benefit of Natsu’s dragon power. Igneel told him once that he had faced many Red Dragons and Fire Dragons, he bested them and made their power his own. The young lad didn’t understand what he meant at the time.

For elemental dragons and their respective slayers, they were fine tuned to a specific element, and thus had a deeper understanding of said element. Color dragons and their respective slayers could eat anything of that color to gain power and devour any magic on their color spectrum. They lacked the deeper link to a specific element even if they choose it as their favorite. A jack of all trades but master of none deal.

It was why color dragons worked so hard to evolve into element dragons. The mastery dragons had over their element was said to be legendary. If they try to eat other elements it can make them ill, even violently so. Though it was said that dragons could evolve further. Igneel told Natsu once of the Storm Dragon Veldora, he had command over the winds, the rains, clouds, and lightning. His dad always spoke of him in high regard but from his tone Veldora was no longer in this world.

This tale pushed Natsu to try and eat Laxus’s lightning once...it didn’t go well. While lightning didn’t sit well with him, eating Macao’s flames over and over allowed his magic to absorb it and evolve.

His partner in crime, Sammy aka Samuel, did research into fire magic and noted that among fire wizards there was the rainbow flare spectrum. It was next level fire magic and Natsu just dipped a talon into it. “You can start studying for the Orange Flare or the Indigo Flare?”

Tough choice really. From Sammy’s research the Orange Flare was a purely Defensive Flame, used for either barriers, shields, or as a smoke screen for escape. Purple Flare could block physical attacks and some magic, but Orange Flare was the flame that excelled at Defense.

As for the Indigo Flare, this one was more unique, much like it’s sibling flame on the spectrum it didn’t burn. It was heavily an intangible flame, some fire wizards could use it to cast or burn away illusions. It’s key feature was it’s handle of support magic able to enchant and support your allies or hex your enemies.

Natsu made his choice, he wanted a challenge, and figuring out all he could do with the Indigo flame sounded fun. So it began Dragneel’s path into this style began, not knowing it would change so much going forward.


Alzack Connel is a man from the west, he immigrated and joined Fairy Tail for work. He stands as a Guns Magic user, a holder type. With his magic guns in a revolver style, he loads different types of magic bullets into them that he can use depending on their type and the situation at hand. With two guns he can mix and match and even perform powerful combos.

As a wizard he was quite skilled, and as a guild mate he was very loyal. If there was one thing he was lacking in it was a love life. He had an old flame back home, but she didn’t want a hard working man like Alzack, she ran off with some rich schmuck.

It didn’t matter, he had found a home in Fairy Tail, that wasn’t gonna change. He started carrying a torch for Bisca Mulan, a fellow immigrant from the west. They had a lot in common, sharing similar backgrounds, having an interest in guns magic, though Bisca did tease him about his pistols when they first met.

She used a magic rifle. Her magic wasn’t as versatile as Alzack’s, she went for range, power, and accuracy. The two worked together on a few jobs, and while they were in good sync work wise, relationship wise they were reading different books.

They way Bisca treated Alzack was like a little brother. Teasing him now and then when he got into trouble, only for her to snipe him out of it. It was hard to figure out what she wanted in a man, and looking for advice he just got insight into their own tastes.

Cana liked hot guys, she loved to make pretty boys melt for her. Levy liked creative guys. Laki liked submissive guys, she was a sadist so it made sense. Other girls in the guild ranged from, tall guys, rich guys, smart guys, powerful guys, muscle heads.

“Ugh!” Alzack was at the bar drinking his troubles away. “Hey Mira...what kind of guys are you into?”

“I’m not one that’s big into looks, I think it’s important their personality is good, I want a guy who’s really interesting!” He banged his head on the counter. “Oh my!”

Another answer to a seemingly simple question. ‘Why is life so complicated.’

“Hey Alzack, what’s got you down buddy?” Natsu appeared and slapped his back in greeting.

Alzack looked up from his drink. “Oh hey Natsu. So you are back from your job.” He drank some more.

Sammy adjusted his glasses. “He seems to be having heart troubles.”

His words hit Alzack like a bullet, causing him to spill his drink. It was amazing how perceptive Samuel was. Even at a young age he was very curious. “Is that right?” Natsu sat down beside him. “What’s troubling you?”

Maybe it was because of the booze, or Natsu was offering a shoulder to lean on, but the truth spilled from his lips. “I just wanna know what kind of guy Bisca likes!”

Sammy’s glasses glistened. “Interesting…” Watch out he was getting an idea.

“Oh is that why you were asking about tastes in men?” Mira asked.

“Yeah, why else would I ask about that?” Mira chuckled and began cleaning a dish.

“Oh no reason.” After a moment. “I believe she said she wanted someone strong. We had some girl talk once or twice, but her tastes always leaned onto a strong guy.”

“I’m strong!” He said proudly, before drinking more. “Aren’t I?”

Mira just shrugged. Alzack looked around the guild and saw Elfman, the guy was all about man this and man that, though he was a bit of a muscle head. From his bulging muscles that seemed to stretch the fabric of his clothes when he flexed he was indeed strong. ‘Is that the kind of guy she’s into?’ He raised an arm and flexed.

Natsu sighed. “Are you sure you aren’t looking for love in the wrong place?”

Connel looked at him. “Huh?” His gaze ran over Natsu, the dragon slayer wasn’t afraid to show some skin, his pecs and abs were on full display. A hand ran over his stomach.

“You shouldn’t have to change for someone to like you, but if you want to get stronger I can help you out.” Sammy agreed. Love could change people, but this was true of all relationships, people are constantly growing and evolving, effected by the world around them, and the bonds they forge.

This is true for better and worse. Jet and Droy were constantly chasing after Levy, even though it was clear she wasn’t interested in a romantic relationship. They poured so much time and energy into romantic pursuit, they were stunting their own development. “You should reflect, a good working relationship does not equal a good romantic one.”

“Mmm!” Alzack wanted to believe they were perfect for each other. “Natsu let’s train!”

Dragneel grinned. “Alright meet me in the woods tomorrow and we can get started.

Sammy adjusted his glasses and smirked. ‘People can grow given the right environment or if in the loving care of the right person.’

-x-The next day-x-

After nursing a hang over Alzack remembered his training time with Natsu. He rushed out to meet him in the woods, when he was suddenly grabbed by a purple flame lasso. “Wha?!”


“There you are!” Natsu reeled him in. “I was gonna come looking for you!”

“You are pretty good with a rope.” Alzack was impressed.

Natsu and Sammy stepped out. “Thanks I’ve been practicing.”

The purple flare released Connel got up and dusted himself off. “Sorry, I think I drank too much yesterday.” He paused. ‘Come to think of it, how did I get home?’

“A light weight with alcohol.” Sammy noted.

Alzack blushed. “So what are we gonna do, some sparring or something?”

Natsu shook his head. “Nope we are gonna do some strength training.” He removed his scarf and his vest, setting the garments carefully aside. “Let’s go, you can’t work out wearing all that.”

“Well I uhh…” He didn’t know what to say, this wasn’t what he was expecting. His eyes roamed over Natsu’s form, appreciating his physique and not just out of envy.

“Training one’s vessel as a wizard helps shape their core allowing one to hold more magic power, as well as ability and stamina in fights.” Sammy glowed and transformed into his anthro form. “It’s thanks to Natsu’s training I was able to hone this form!”

As he flexed Alzack’s eyes roamed his furry form. “Come on hop to! We got a lot of work to do.”

Connel was a bit too slow removing his poncho, so Natsu summoned his purple flare again and formed hands. “Ah Natsu wait whoa!” His poncho, his shirt, his jeans, even his boots were removed and set aside with Natsu’s clothes.

“WOW!” Alzack’s ass was out.

His underwear was quite unique, resembling a loincloth, it was tied around his waste with a crotch cloth that went down close to the knee, the back of this cloth was a pouch for his cock and balls to be slipped in and rest in. “Why do I gotta train in my underwear?”

“Because we are gonna be working up a sweat.” Alzack looked at them and saw they were wearing baggy pants.

He pointed at them. “You guys are wearing pants why don’t you have to train in your underwear?” Alzack felt they were messing with him somehow.

The two shared a look. “We don’t wear underwear.”

Sammy adjusted his glasses. “We typically train naked and take a dip in the river to wash off before going home.” The words painted a picture in Alzack’s mind, one he tried to shake off.

‘Is this where they get all this confidence from?’

“Get ready Alzack, we are gonna get you revved up for the Vermillion Ball!” The Vermillion Ball was held every year in honor of the founder of Fairy Tail Mavis Vermillion. There was music, dancing, good food, it was all and all a wild good time.

Alzack’s jaw dropped. “But that’s only six months away, there’s no way I can bulk up in time.”

Natsu smirked. “Oh you’re gonna bulk up!” Indigo flames appeared in his hand. “Mark of the Fire Dragon!”

Alzack gasped as he was hit in the chest. The odd color flame sank into chest a mark appearing on his skin. “What is this?” He touched the mark, it seemed to pulse under his touch.

“It’s my mark, you put yourself in my capable claws. It’s just a temporary one so it’ll fade in six months. Now let’s get down to business.” Alzack didn’t quite get it, but began to train as Natsu instructed.

A hundred sit ups, a hundred push ups, a hundred pull ups, a hundred weight reps, and a hundred kicks! If he failed to complete a full set Natsu had him start all over. It took hours but he finally managed to complete the full set. Alzack collapsed, his body sweating. “Again!”

“Wait Natsu I need a break...I can’t…” The mark glowed and a wave of heat washed through his body. He felt recharged, the aches and soreness in his muscles seemed to melt away.

“You got a fire in your belly now, again!” Alzack obeyed going through the exercises again and again. He worked his body until everything went black, and when he came to he was back home his clothes put away.

‘How did?’ He got out of bed and he felt a bit sore. There was a note left for him. “Take warm shower you’ll feel better – Natsu and Sammy”

‘Yesterday was intense, should I really be doing this, and for six months…’

He thought about Natsu and felt his loins stir. “I mean, Natsu and Sammy are helping me out, I can’t chicken out now. Plus this is gonna make me stronger!” He removed his underwear and his cock rose up. “Guess it has been awhile.”

Bisca may have thought he was packing a mini magnum, but Alzack was working with much larger equipment. The reason why he hadn’t switched to boxers or briefs was that this land’s underwear was too restricting in the crotch area. Maybe guys in the west were built different or Alzack was just lucky but he had a mighty 13 inch penis.

He got in the shower, and the note was right a warm shower did wonders. Alzack took hold of his “gun” with both hands and started his morning ritual. It didn’t take him long to cum. “Wow!”

The mark glowed and a familiar warmth washed through him. It took a lot to stir his mighty beast after a release, but Natsu’s mark seemed to do the trick. Alzack smirked and he got to truly play with himself, diving deep into a fantasy and truly letting go. His next release came and the evidence was washed away by the shower.

To be continued...


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