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Pocket Monster parody: Patreon Reward

Chapter 4 

Ash Ketchum (Hybrid/Satyr)
Ability: Nature’s Aura – Can change the form of Deerling, unlocking different typings.
Moves: Energy Ball, Sweet Scent, Grass Whistle

Badges Unova: 1; Trio Badge

Pokemon on Hand 4/9

Pikachu | Ability: Static | Size 6 inches | Moves: Thunderbolt (Counter Shield), Quick Attack, Iron Tail, Parabolic Charge | Style Moves: Spin Dodge

Oshawott | Ability: Shell Armor | Size 4 Inches |  Moves: Tackle, Water Gun (Counter Shield), Razor Shell, Icy Wind

Summer (Deerling) Ability Serene Grace | Moves: Tackle, Double Kick, Leech Seed |

Tepig | Ability Thick Fat | Moves Tackle, Odor Slueth, Defense Curl, Flame Charge | Style Moves: Spin Dodge

Pokemon at Oak’s Lab: Bulbasaur, Kingler, Muk, Tauros x 30 Snorlax, Bayleef, Quilava, Totodile, Donphan, Swellow, Sceptile, Torkoal, Glalie, Staraptor, Infernape, Buizel, Gliscor
Pokemon In Training: Squirtle, Primeape, Charizard,

Chapter 5 Trio

The Striaton Gym has been a key feature in Striaton City. It’s Butler Cafe style is a fine tourist spot, they treat locals and travelers to fine food, drink, and atmosphere. When there is a gym challenger things become dinner and a show.

Cilan, Cress, and Chili were the gym leaders, brothers; the greenette being the oldest, bluenette being the middle and the red head being the youngest. Their rules allowed the challenger to choose one of them to fight, by defeating the brother of their choice you get the Trio Badge.

They each had great looks and were quite popular with the ladies, gentlemen, and non-binary specimen that frequented their establishment. There was no denying that each leader had a fan club of varying size.

The plan was to be the first triple battle gym in the Unova Region, there was just one problem. While the three could work together very well, they had very different battling styles that just didn’t mesh well. The brothers got along with each other, their pokemon got along with each other, but the battling….yeesh it was a mess. It was odd as they used to train together when they were kids, but things changed...

Chili had a straight forward battle style, his fans said he was very wild/hot and passionate. They also liked to think he was that passionate in the bedroom. He was eager to win and have battles with fire and passion. Though he liked to brag that he was the strongest of the three, his loss record said otherwise. His Pansear lacked coverage for dealing with other types, and when trainers with strange or unique tactics came around they always threw him. This was hard on Chili as he always wanted to be a gym leader. It was his dream to open up the first Fire Gym in Unova!

He also had a short fuse, when he got flustered things went down hill fast. It bothered him because he couldn’t shake the idea that he was holding his brother’s back. That he was the weak link in their gym. These feelings ate away at him like a ravenous blaze. ‘I want to be stronger...I have to get stronger...how...how...’

Cress had a cool and refreshing battle style, he treated every battle as if it was a performance. He sure acted cool which gave his fans chills. The bluenette was a bit of a tsundere type, he played things off chill and collected but he actually put a lot of work into his battle style. His efforts were to entertain their guests as well as win, even if he lost he hoped those in the audience enjoyed the show.

He had tactics for handling most threats to his water type Panpour. Lots of trainers brought an Electric type thinking to score an easy win from him, but they wouldn’t find such a match. Truth of it was Cress wanted to be a coordinator!

Unova didn’t have a contest circuit, that is until this year. Cress would watch the Grand Festivals from each region on tv, year after year. He wanted his battle style to hold that same flow. Going by his win/loss record his fans would claim he was the strongest. Cress would always admit that was his brother, Cilan!

Cilan was an A Class Connoisseur, he worked hard to earn his rank. His gym battles were crisp and confident, win or lose he always evaluated his opponent and their pokemon, giving them tips on how they could grow. There were times he’d defeat an opponent and then they’d use what he taught them to take on Cress or Chili. As the eldest brother he was the most mature, his battle style seemed the most balanced. His fans really loved that air of maturity, it was spicy!

Offense, Defense, Tactics, Cilan seemed to have a handle on all of this as a connoisseur. Like a skilled chef he prepared his battles like a meal, seasoning them to the peek of perfection. He loved seeing trainers take his lessons and come back stronger even if it meant his loss. Cilan had the true elegance and spirit of a gym leader.

Some trainers took his evaluations the wrong way, like he was talking down to them, but he wasn’t. He kept the same suave attitude even when he lost, and the praise he gave to the trainers gave them that extra boost.

As an A Class Connoisseur he could open his own shop, but he didn’t. He had his hands full with the cafe and the gym, he kept his skills sharp evaluating the challengers that faced him, but there seemed to be something missing. It wasn’t being the big brother.

They had each other and have stuck together through thick and thin, but things were changing. Cilan wasn’t blind, he could see Chili’s growing frustrations with his battling, he saw Cress’s want in learning that Unova had opened up a contest circuit. Some might say their brotherly bonds had become chains locking the three. Not that the brothers agreed to such a thing.

What could they do? Trying to pursue their dream left them feeling a sharp stab of guilt that they were hefting the weight of the gym on their brothers’ shoulders. The fact it seemed Cilan had shelved his dreams and ambitions to support his brothers kinda made it worse. Even their initial idea of the gym hadn’t panned out, and they couldn’t get it to work. The truth was they hadn’t changed much since they were kids, they needed to grow, they needed to evolve...

Then Ash Ketchum came into their lives like a hurricane, he was wild, he was passionate, he was fresh, he was different. He was the first trainer to challenge all three of them. It wasn’t the triple battle they dreamed of but it was still wild.

He met Chili’s heat, rode out Cress’s flow, and surprised Cilan tossing his evaluation like a salad. They got a taste of Ash and were wanting more! He was a traveling trainer, with his badge won, he’d be moving onto the next town, off to the next gym. They might never see him again, outside of on a tv screen.

Cilan was up all night, he couldn’t sleep, his mind just kept turning like a pepper grinder. To him Ash was like a whole new recipe book one he wanted to read cover to cover. Their last battle had his mind flooding with ideas.

Cress was also having trouble, his mind was an overflowing cup. He’s never seen a gym challenger with such contest flare. It stirred his coordinator spirit, he wanted to start practicing on his own style moves, work his own combinations. He wanted to see more...

When his mind or body overflowed he had a way of releasing the pressure. Cress elegantly got naked, stripping like he was posing for Vogue. He got a toy from under his bed, if his fangirls only knew…

The bluenette played with his ass, it had been awhile since he last overflowed, but this was his favorite toy. The rod was lubed and it filled his channel. “Ohhh~!”

His penis twitched in delight. “Nnnhhh haa haa ohh!” He took the toy deep. “So good~!” His back arched. “Mmm~!”

With a flip of the switch the toy began to vibrate. “Ohhh yes ohh!” Pleasure rippled through him. He let the toy buzz away inside him, letting his hands be free to play with his dripping cock and perky nipple.

His toes curled in delight. Having his front and back toyed with at once made his libido twist into knots. He also totally wasn’t thinking of Ash fucking him, nope absolutely not. “Ohhh!” His eyes closed as his release hit hard.

Chili also wasn’t holding back. “Ohh Ash fuck fuck fuck yeah!” He was naked in bed, on his knees with his cock in his hand. “Haa haa haa haa haa!” The red head worked his meat, so hard his balls bounced and jiggled.

He liked Ash’s fire and passion, so like he did when he lost to a challenger that was his type, he fantasized about fucking them. The idea of dominating and sleeping with Ash stirred his loins and put a fire in his belly. “Ahh ahh ahh ahh fuck yes ahh take my cock!” He grinned.

The red head came, imagining showering Ash in his cum. “Fuck that’s hot!” He kept going. “Mmm yeah take my cock, suck my dick yes!”

Chili worked up a sweat, his face got redder and redder. “Oh man...he’s totally my type...I want...I want…” He worked his cock faster, using the cum as lube. His hand squeezed the shaft tighter, the wet sound helped imagine Ash sucking and slurping on his cock. “I wanna come!”

He came again, making a mess of his sheets. He slumped forward a horny/happy expression on his face as he was sated for now. It wasn’t until the euphoria ended did he realize he was laying in his own seed. “Oh crap tissue tissue tissue!” He found the box only to find it empty.

Chili wasn’t a stranger to the alone time ritual. “Aww man!” He rolled over. “Oh well…” Closing his eyes he drifted off to sleep, the smell of seed and musk sending him off to dream land.

All three brothers wanted to travel with Ash, and when morning came they decided to take that leap.

The trio went to the Center and learned Ash hadn’t checked out yet. Arriving at his room a powerful aroma hit their noses. “Oh my!” Cilan blushed, his cock getting hard.

Chili couldn’t help himself and jizzed in his pants. Cress felt it in his ass, he squirmed and wiggled. ‘What is this feeling?’ It felt like they were getting drunk on their own libido.

They opened the door, and the world before them was about to change.

To be continued


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