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Pocket Monster parody: Tier 1

Johto Advanced

Ash is fresh off a loss in the Kanto League and a win in the Orange Islands. After bringing the GS Ball to Professor Oak, the man couldn’t figure anything about it. Deciding to ask to a Monster Ball expert, Ash is tasked with taking the ball to the Johto region, where he learns Gary is going and taking part in the Johto League. With old friends at his side, an increase of the carry limit, and working towards his goal of becoming a Pokemon Master, Ash is ready to take on his next test.

Chapter 1

Ash Ketchum : Trainer
Kanto League Badges: Boulder, Cascade, Thunder, Marsh, Rainbow, Soul, Volcano, Earth | Rank in the Indigo League Top 16
Orange League Badges: Coral-Eye, Sea Ruby, Spike Shell, Jade Star | Winner of the Orange League
Pokemon on Hand: Pikachu, Pidgeotto, Charizard, Bulbasaur, Squirtle, Tauros
Pokemon at Oak’s Lab: Kingler, Muk, Tauros x 29, and Snorlax
In Training: Primeape
Released: Butterfree, Lapras


Ash has returned from the Orange Islands with the GS Ball and the Orange Islands trophy. His victory in the orange islands helped give Ash perspective on his journey so far. Ketchum’s goal was to become a Pokemon Master but there was still a lot more for him to learn.

Victory in the Orange Islands tournament got him more than just a trophy, he was recognized by the league officials and as such his carry limit was raised to 9. This would be handy with the growing popularity of Double Battles.

He brought the Mysterious GS Ball to Oak for study and reconnected with his Pokemon. Pidgeotto was doing better and was ready to be at his side once more.

Brock was back, though something happened between him and Professor Ivy that he really didn’t want to talk about. He was very eager to start traveling with Ash again. Tracey was eager to work with Professor Oak, so agreed to stay with him. Misty wanted to continue her journey to be a Water Pokemon Master and decided to keep traveling with Ash.

As Samuel studied the GS Ball Ash checked on a disturbance in the forest where it seemed all the local Pidgey and Pidgeotto were in distress. A powerful Fearow had gathered the local Spearow and began taking over their territory.

This was a reunion Ash wasn’t expecting as the Fearow was a familiar face. It was the Spearow he had met at the start of his journey. It had evolved and was dominating the sky. Ash’s Pidgeotto tried to help the wild ones but the Fearow was just too strong...until…

“Pidgeo!” It glowed and began to evolve.

“Ohh Pidgeot!” Ash exclaimed.

They took to the sky Ash flying on Pidgeot’s back with Pikachu riding his shoulder. The aerial battle was intense. With Fearow calling for support. Pikachu helped fend off the Spearow so Pidgeot could focus on battling the Fearow.

Pidgeot was fast and strong, dealing blow after blow to the angry bird. “Monster Ball go!” Ash threw a ball at Fearow, it hit and sucked him up.


It escaped the ball with an angry cry. Ash caught the ball and the fliers rounded for another attack. “I’m not the same inexperienced fool you met last time Fearow, we are going to defeat you!”

Taking the challenge Fearow charged at Ash and Pidgeot. He got Fearow with a critical Wing Attack, knocking it out. Before he could hit the ground Ash threw the ball again.


The ball landed safely and Ash collected it. “I caught a Fearow!”

“Pika!” “Pidgeo!” His mons cheered.

With their leader gone and inspired by Ash’s Pidgeot, the Pidgey and Pidgeotto reclaimed their territory from the Spearow.

Ash even had a run in with his rival Gary, the young Oak was heading to the Johto Region to challenge the Johto League. The two have a battle deciding to use the Pokemon they just recently caught. Gary used an Eevee while Ash used Fearow.

Despite it being fully evolved Fearow got cocky and ignored Ash’s commands allowing Eevee to take him down. It was a humbling experience for the flying type. “I’ll admit it, you’ve gotten stronger Ash. I want us to settle things properly in the Johto League!”

Ketchum couldn’t agree more and began to prepare for traveling to Johto. Having traveled with Pokemon Power in the Orange Islands he asked Professor Oak to do the same. He agreed and had three of Ash’s Tauros registered as Ride Pokemon.

His Pokedex was upgraded so he could call on these Pokemon and use them to ride. He nicknamed these three Rush, Dash, and Charge!

Oak wasn’t able to learn anything about the GS Ball so he asked Ash to take the ball to a man named Kurt. He was a monster ball expert able to craft unique monster balls. This gets Ash excited so he agrees to help.

With the help of the travel trio, Ash, Misty, and Brock race towards Johto. Misty riding Rush, Ash riding Dash, and Brock riding Charge. Team Rocket follows after them, hoping to steal their Pokemon.


The gang’s first stop was supposed to be New Bark Town, but they take a short break so the Tauros can stop, rest, and eat.

Pikachu senses something and leads Ash to a spring. In the spring was a mysterious glowing Pokemon. Ash wanted to catch it only for the Pokemon to flee. “Whoa it’s fast...who was that Pokemon?” He wondered.

Meanwhile Team Rocket had lost the twerps and ended up reaching New Bark Town first, and finding the lab of Professor Elm. He was lost in his research and didn’t notice them, allowing them to steal a Totodile.

Ash’s group arrived in New Bark Town and went to the center to register, only trouble was Nurse Joy wasn’t there. She had an appointment at Professor Elm’s lab, so they went there to find her. Officer Jenny was there, causing Brock to go gaga over Joy and Jenny.

Neither of the ladies paid Brock any mind, Joy was scolding Elm for this debacle and Jenny was looking for clues.

They learn of the theft and try to help. “Pidgeot, Fearow, Charizard, I choose you!” He calls out his flying types and have them search from the sky to find the lost Totodile. It was meant to be one of the starter Pokemon for a new trainer. One trainer had already come and collected one of the Johto starters, the remaining two were Totodile and Cyndaquil.

Team Rocket is found and the Totodile was terrorizing them. He had Jessie by the hair and was refusing to let go. A battle broke out, the rockets unleashing their Pokemon.

Jessie: Arbok, Lickitung

James: Weezing, Victreebel,

Ash has Pidgeot battle Lickitung, and Fearow battle Victreebel. Pidgeot was too fast for the Normal type, dodging it’s tongue to land powerful hits on him. Fearow was ferocious and dealt super effective damage on the grass type.

The remaining poison types got roasted by Ash’s Charizard. Ash got the Totodile back, with Pikachu sending Team Rocket blasting off with a Thunderbolt!

He was returned to Professor Elm. “You see I’m a specialist studying Pokemon abilities. I was so lost in my work as I was examining a Pokemon with a truly rare and unique ability.” He explained. “But I nearly neglected my duties as a Professor.”

Elm got a monster ball and handed it to Ash. “Here Ash, take this Pokemon, it has a unique ability that may prove useful to you.”

“Really?” Ash took the ball and called the monster out.


“It’s an Eevee!” He exclaimed happily. It was just as cute as Gary’s Eevee, but this one was new, it hadn’t had a trainer yet.

“Yes, this Eevee is unique it has the ability Anticipation, usually an Eevee has the abilities Run Away or Adaptability.” Elm explained. He felt it was right to reward Ash for rescuing the Totodile and fixing his mistake. As a bonus he upgraded Ash’s Pokedex allowing him to scan Pokemon he’s caught to learn their abilities.

“Let’s be friends Eevee!” Ash said happily, and the little guy jumped up and nuzzled him. His eyes sparkled. He had an Eevee of his very own now, a Pokemon full of potential and possibility. Truly the perfect Pokemon to join him on his Johto Quest.

Ketchum scanned his Pokemon to learn their abilities. Pikachu’s ability was Static, which when hit with a physical move had a chance of leaving a Pokemon with Paralysis, it also boosted the chance of electric moves leaving paralysis.

Charizard’s ability was Blaze, when in a pinch his fire type moves would get a boost, when in effect his moves also had an increase chance of leaving a burn.

Bulbasaur’s ability was Chlorophyll, it boosted his speed in strong or harsh sunlight. “Ohh that’s a unique ability?” Elm’s eyes sparkled, he wanted to study Ash’s Bulbasaur and he got elbowed by Joy.

Squirtle’s ability was Rain Dish, it helped him recover health in the rain. “Ohhh!” Nurse Joy grabbed him by the ear and dragged him off, giving Misty an idea.

Pidgeot’s ability was Keen Eye. It prevents any drop in accuracy, Pidgeot had sharp eyes giving him a long distance sight.

Fearow had Sniper, it increases the damage of critical hits.

“It’s important for Pokemon to have moves that synchronize with their abilities, by uniting a Pokemon’s moves with their ability you can turn the tides of battle.” Elm said.

Ash promised to keep that in mind. He got registered for the league and got a badge case. A boy named Jimmy would arrive later to get Cyndaquil, while another boy with red hair would come and chose Totodile.

As the group continued on they bumped into the other new trainer named Casey, she was taking on the Johto League, and her main goal was to have a full team of yellow Pokemon with stripes. Not the weirdest goal any of them had heard.

Casey was an Electabuzz fan, both the sports team and the pokemon. She knew the fight song by heart and applied baseball terms to her battling style.

Ash made the mistake of saying other teams were better, so got challenged to a battle. “Go easy on her Ash, she’s just a rookie.”

“I don’t need pity, give me your best shot!” She was asking for it, but Ash decided to take the high road.

“Eevee I choose you!” He called out his new Pokemon, deciding to give him some battle experience.

“Ohh an Eevee are you gonna evolve him into a Jolteon?” Casey asked, gushing over the yellow Pokemon in her mind.

“I haven’t decided yet.” Ash checked Eevee’s move set, they were pretty normal for a Normal type, Tackle, Sand Attack, Quick Attack, and Yawn.

Casey started with a Rattata. Ash had Eevee start things off with a Sand Attack, it dropped Rattata’s accuracy.

This helped Eevee to dodge his attacks, before coming back and hitting hard. Next up was her Pidgey. “Use Yawn!”

Eevee yawned and released a bubble, it floated about before popping causing the flying type to get drowsy. Casey should have switched, but instead had Pidgey charge in. He landed a Tackle, but fell asleep. Eevee was able to hit Pidgey and knock em out before they could wake up. “Next I’ll use my star pitcher!” She called out her Chikorita.

“Then I’ll use my star.” Ash switched Eevee for Pikachu. Casey thought she had an edge since Grass types were strong against Electric types. What she didn’t factor in was Pikachu was very experienced.

When Ash called for a Thunderbolt, Casey thought they could take it. True Chikorita was still standing but the grass type got paralyzed, they couldn’t even launch a move before Pikachu’s quick attack finished them off.

Casey had rushed in with all her pride up in arms, and got smacked down hard. Ash approached her wanting to shake hands and be friends, but Casey slapped his hand away. “Leave me alone!” She snapped and ran off.

“Casey wait!” She wasn’t listening. Ash felt a little bad, but he had battled her fair and square and losing was a learning experience.

Team Rocket observed the whole thing and tried to trick Casey into helping her. She bought into their lies about Ash being a cheater and she caught up with them to challenge Ash for a rematch. They battled again only for Team Rocket to interrupt their battle to steal their Pokemon.

Ash helped rescue their Pokemon, letting his Charizard cut loose and wreck Team Rocket’s plan. Casey apologized, and Ash wished her luck, he wanted her to get stronger to become a rival for him at the league.

To be continued


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