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Pocket Monster parody: Patreon Reward

Chapter 16
AN: Chapter is a lot of plot and character stuff nearly 5000 words, please enjoy

Chapter 17 Ash’s First Gym Badge

The boys have left Mt. Moon and were heading towards Cerulean City. They stopped for some meals and some training along the way. Route 4 didn’t have any Pokemon they wanted to catch but they offered some battle experience.

“So Brock, what’s the Gym Leader of the Cerulean City like?” Ash asked.

“Well I haven’t met them personally. I know they are a Water Type Gym.”

“That’ll be great for Pikachu!” Toren exclaimed. “My Grass Types will also do well.”

“I’ll have to special challenge them as well, so everyone is gonna need to be in top shape!”

“With those mastered moves it’ll give you an edge.” Brock said. “They threw me for a loop.”

“They are awesome but relying on them alone can end badly. When a move is mastered there are two styles one can use Strong Style increases the power and function of moves, but it can put strain on the pokemon making it harder for them to act after. Where as Agile style weakens the power but grants versatility and helps a Pokemon act more. Some Pokemon will favor the styles, others can balance both well.” Toren took notes.

“Interesting, but it seems the training alone really helps a Pokemon develop.” Brock also took notes. “So it can be an ace in the hole or a double edged sword.”

“Like with relying on certain moves or abilities, they can be a crutch if not careful.” Toren added.

Ash smiled at the two of them. A scientist and an aspiring Pokemon Breeder, these two would certainly be crucial in helping building the bridges between people and Pokemon. It was a long road to master moves when Pokemon don’t have their potential unlocked, but Toren and Brock seemed ready for the challenge.

They reached the city and got their Pokemon looked at. Something strange happened as Brock began to flirt with Nurse Joy. ‘His aura is all pink.’

Toren found it weird, he was sure Brock had feelings for Ash. Takeshi spilled words of love for Nurse Joy that reminded Ketchum of his mom’s soap operas. She didn’t seem interested which left Brock feeling rejected. He was persistent. After a check up, Ash’s mons were fighting fit. “So the losers finally made it.” Toren jumped hearing a familiar voice.

“Cross…” They turned and saw him standing there with a Charmeleon. “So your Charmander evolved!”

“Sure did, but my party is so strong, I didn’t even need to use him to get my second badge.” He showed off his badges. “If it took you this long to get here, you must have done some kind of training or something?”

“We went ore hunting.” Ash said.

Cross laughed. “You can’t be serious, wasting your time with that nonsense. Are you even trying to be a Pokemon Master?”

Ash folded his arms. “I think you and I have different definitions of what that means.”

“It means being the strongest trainer in the world, the best of the best. I’ll show you that’s me.”

“I may not have any badges yet, but I’ll face you right here, right now!”

Cross froze. “Wait…” He pointed at Ash. “You don’t have any badges?” He burst out laughing. “You lost in Pewter City that’s hilarious!”

“He didn’t lose.” Brock said. He had recovered from Nurse Joy’s rejection.

“Sure, sure!” He put his monster ball away. “Oh man, that’s so pathetic, without a single gym badge you aren’t worth my time.” The two walked off, Cross having a good hard laugh at Ash’s expense.

Toren hated seeing Ash get laughed at. “Ash!” He took hold of the boy’s hand. “You go first, take on the Gym and get your first badge!”

“Okay…” He was stunned at Toren’s boldness.

“Umm, I have some stuff to do, so I’ll catch you guys later.”

“What stuff?” Ash asked.

“Just stuff…” He patted Ash’s shoulder. “I know you got this!” With that Brock left. The two shrugged and went to the gym.

They bumped into a guy in a trench coat, who seemed to be sneaking around. ‘Isn’t that…’ Ash shook his head.

The gym was packed, but not for a battle. There were three women doing some kind of water show. They were performing with water pokemon, some of them looking pretty strong. “Wow!”

Golduck, Blastoise, Wartortle, Lapras, Seadra, Starmie, Seel, Gyarados, Seaking, Goldeen x 3, Krabby, Shellder, and Cloyster. They had a large variety of water Pokemon, but Ash could feel from the auras which ones belonged to who. The stronger ones didn’t belong to the three girls.

Toren was a bit surprised at the strong water types they had available here, it was impressive, if not a little intimidating. He knew that gyms had extra Pokemon to handle special challenges and higher badge matches, but still.

The show ended and was met with a chorus of applause. “Thank you, Thank you!” The blonde woman calls out, while the other two wave. “As always we’ve been the Sensational Sisters, I’m Daisy, these are my beautiful sisters Violet and Lily!” The blonde said.

“Who do we have here?” Violet asked.

A spotlight lands on Ash and Toren. “I’m Ash Ketchum from Pallet Town. I’m here for a Gym Badge!”

“Oh is that all.” Lily said.

With a snap of her fingers Seel showed up and came out with the Cascade Badge. “This is our Gym’s badge, the Cascade Badge!”

“We faced other trainers from Pallet Town before, one was a hottie the other was naughty.” Daisy said.

‘Oh brother!’ An orange haired boy thought.

“They managed to defeat us, but our battles were still beautiful!” Violet said, flipping her hair.

Ash and Toren sweatdropped. “I’m Toren, I’m also from Pallet Town.”

“Two challengers in one day, aren’t we popular!” The three laugh. “Sadly only one of us can battle today.”

“I’m not just here for a gym battle I want a special challenge!” This surprised the sisters and caused the audience to gasp and murmur.

The sisters shared a look. “How many badges to do you have?” Lily asked.

“I don’t have any, this will be my first badge.” Ash declared, this caused laughter from the crowd.

“No badges and he’s challenging the Cerulean Gym to a special match, is he high?”

Toren pouted in frustration.

“Huddle!” The girls huddled up.

“What do we do?” -Violet

“We have to accept his challenge, don’t we?” -Lily

“According to mom and dad we do, but maybe we can use this to our advantage, since this is a special match we can use the gym’s best pokemon.” -Daisy “Let’s show off and get some high praise.”

“Yeah this dude doesn’t know who he’s messing with.”

“We can totally crush this guy!” They began to giggle.

The huddle broke and Daisy busted out a microphone. “Ladies, Gentleman, and Non-Binary Specimen, we have a special treat for you today. We got a gym challenger here wishing for a special match. That means you’ll have to defeat all three of us, it will be a six on six match, with each of us using two Pokemon each!”

“Ooooohhhhh~!” The crowd went wild.

“A six v six?!” Toren gasped. He knew Ash’s team, and he was suddenly worried. ‘No Ash can do this!’

“Yes, yes, this will be truly fantastic show. Normally we have our gym battles in private, but today we’ll do it live!” The crowd cheered praising the girls.

Some men were crying out “I love you Daisy!” “I love you Lily!” “I love you Violet!”

“Are you brave enough to face us?”

“Yes I am!” Ash declared.

“Then let’s do this!” The stage was set and the crowd was bursting with excitement, not only did they get to see a beautiful show but now a battle!

Lily went first. “Cloyster the stage is yours!”

“Kakuna, I choose you!” Ash called out the bug type, and Lily began to laugh.

“You are gonna fight with that?”

“Kakuna use Harden!” He built up his defense.

“Cloyster use Clamp!” It moved through the water before jumping at Kakuna.

“Harden again!” Kakuna was able to get in another Harden before the attack hit. It didn’t do a lot of damage. “Harden once more!”

“You must be an amateur, is that the only move that Pokemon knows?” Ash didn’t respond, he was very focused. “Two can play at this game.” She had Cloyster use Withdraw, increasing it’s defense.

Another bout of Harden and Withdraw came, Kakuna was at 4, while Cloyster was up to 2. “Now Kakuna use Poison Sting!” He suddenly fired poison needles from its mouth area, the needles struck Cloyster but looked like it didn’t little damage.

Lily laughed. “That little sting of yours won’t beat my Pokemon,” she called for another Withdraw.

Ash had Kakuna fire another poison sting and it did less damage then before. Lily got cocky and asked for one more Withdraw. It’s defense got raised as Ash had Kakuna hit him with another Poison Sting. “Did that even do any damage?” Lily laughed.


“Huh?” She blinked as Cloyster began to suffer the effects of poison. “Oh man talk about bad luck.” Now Cloyster was on a timer.

“Kakuna use String Shot!” He sprayed the clam monster, tying it up in it’s withdrawn state.

“Use Water Gun!” It couldn’t it tried to open up it’s shell to launch the attack, but the string shot held it closed. “No Cloyster try to break free!”

It tried only for Kakuna to hit him with another String Shot. It was wrapped even tighter now. “Oh no!”

“Good job Kakuna now get in close!” Kakuna used String Shot to pull a Spider-man, drawing himself in and attaching himself to the clam monster like it was a tree.

“What’s he doing now!?”

Ash had Kakuna wail on Cloyster with a point blank Poison Sting, it was a bit of chip damage, but add it to the poison damage and Cloyster was in trouble. “But how I had stacked my Cloyster’s defense.”

“Certain status conditions cause side effects to a Pokemon, a burn weakens their physical attack, paralysis drops their speed, freezing drops special attack and sleep drops special defense, but Poison?”

“Oh no, it weakens a Pokemon’s Defense?!” This wasn’t just about winning this was also pushing Kakuna past his limits. His aura flared and he mastered Poison Sting.

Cloyster fainted and was unable to battle. “Kakuna is the winner.” Kakuna began to glow and evolved into Beedrill. “I mean Beedrill is the winner!”

“Great job Beedrill!” Ash praised.

“You won’t get so lucky with my next Pokemon. Golduck the stage is yours.” She wouldn’t underestimate Ash not this time.

“Okay Beedrill, return!” Ash called back Beedrill. “Now come on out Ponyta!”

The fire type appeared on one of the platforms and again the crowd was stunned at the choice. “What an amateur mistake you know fire types are weak to water types right?” Lily struck a pose. “Or have you been bewitched by my beauty and decided to lose to me!”

Ash’s jaw dropped. “I’m aware of type weakness, but we aren’t gonna lose here.”

“Here I thought you might be tricky, but you just had luck on your side. Golduck sweetie snuff out this fire type with Hydro Pump!” It was a powerful water move, but not the most accurate.

“Dodge it Ponyta!” He did jumping out of the way. “Use Ember!”

“Use Light Screen!” Golduck was fast able to erect a barrier of light. It reduced the not every effective move’s power more. “That barely tickled!”

Golduck’s moves were Hydro Pump, Ice Beam, Psychic, and Light Screen. Ice Beam was pointless on a fire type, so she went for Psychic. “This will keep your little pony from jumping around, use Psychic!”

Ponyta was grabbed by Golduck’s psychic powers and lifted into the air. The duck-like monster was focused on him to keep it’s hold. “What do you say folks, how about we have Ponyta take a dip!” Lily was showing off again.

“Hypnosis!” Ash called.

Ponyta made his flames dance, the warm glow caught Golduck’s attention and because of his focus it hit dead on. He fell asleep and Ponyta was free. “No Golduck wake up!” He was fast asleep.

“Ponyta use Strong Style Flame Charge!” He called for the mastered move, with Ponyta bursting with flames, he charged and slammed into the water type. With strong style it did double damage and Ponyta got a double boost in speed.

Golduck was still fast asleep. “Strong Style Flame Charge one more time!” Ponyta charged burning brightly as he hit Golduck again, Light Screen had no effect on physical moves.

This second strong hit woke Golduck up. “Gol…”

“You can do this Golduck, you won’t lose to a fire type!” She called for a Hydro Pump. Problem was, Ponyta was too fast now. Instead of attacking, Ash had Ponyta focused on dodging letting Golduck burn up his energy. Doing this helped Ponyta recover from side effect of using Strong Style.

“Use Psychic!”

“Ponyta use Agile Style Flame Charge!” Ponyta was now faster than Golduck, able to strike him before he could use Psychic. Golduck tried to recover but Ponyta came back hitting him with another Flame Charge! He was like a shooting star, surging and charging hit like a flaming truck.

Golduck was knocked around. “Golduck use Psychic!”

“Ponyta use Hypnosis!” With max speed, Ponyta moved first and managed to put Golduck in a trance before he could move.

Ash called for Embers as the Light screen wore off and the attacks were enough and Golduck fainted. “I lost…” Lily slumped down in shock.

“It’s not over yet we can still beat him!” Lily said. She was next and Ash returned his Ponyta. He had done great and the experience even helped him learn a new move. “Seadra, the stage is yours!”

“Poliwag I choose you!” His friend hopped out.

“Battling a water type with a water type, you sure don’t like being conventional do you? Too bad for you Seadra has you beat in both speed and power, use Surf!” Seadra let out a loud cry as it conjured a massive wave, it surfed the wave bringing it to crash down on Poliwag.

Nothing happened. Poliwag glistened. “What happened?”

“Poliwag use Belly Drum!” Poliwag obeyed doing a little dance and maxing out his attack power.

“Don’t get cocky, use Hydro Pump!” Seadra moved in at close range to launch the attack, landed a decisive hit.

To Lily’s surprise Poliwag looked more refreshed instead of damaged. “How can this be?”

“It’s my Poliwag’s ability Water Absorb. Now Poliwag Strong Style Hypnosis!” Poliwag unleashed the mastered move, he put the whammy on Seadra, putting him into a deep sleep.

Next Ash called for a volley of Pounds, Poliwag hit like a truck. Seadra took three hits before waking up, getting to see Poliwag come in and hit him with another Pound.

‘He’s really good, what’s up with these styles?’ Mist was in the audience, observing the match. ‘What other kind of tricks does he have up his sleeve?’

The audience was stunned as well, these style moves were helping Ash defeat the gym’s very powerful Pokemon. Even Ash was a little put off. ‘Something isn’t right here.’ He was expecting a challenge, but there was no synergy between the trainer and the Pokemon.

That would have to wait as Poliwag began to glow. “Poliwhirl!”

“You evolved!” Ash hugged his new mon.

“Whirl!” He said happily. Not only did he evolve he learned a new move.

Three mons down and three to go, though Lily only had one left. “Come forth Lapras!”

Ash decided to keep Poliwhirl in since he had a power set up. “Perish Song!” Lapras began to sing a haunting melody.

“What move is that?” Ash hadn’t seen that one before, he checked his Pokedex.

Dexter: Perish Song a sound based pokemon move. The Pokemon who hear this song gain a perish count and will faint when the count hits 0.

Poliwhirl had heard the song and a phantom number appeared on him. Ash could see the number with his aura sight. What surprised him was Lapras also had that number. “Wait...is Lapras also under perish song’s effect?”

This was a bad play by Lily, as the only way to remove Perish Counter is to switch. In a special match the gym leader could switch. Had she used Lapras first it would have been trouble either forcing Ash to switch out or lose his pokemon.

‘Why would she use that move now?’ Toren thought.

“Damn it Lily!” Mist grumbled.

Sure enough Ash switched out calling in Butterfree. “Use Ice Beam!” Lily called.

“Use Sleep Powder.” Butterfree flew overhead letting the blue powder fall.

Lapras fell asleep. Their counter fell to 2. They were fast asleep unable to do any moves and their counter fell to 1.

Lily called for Lapras to wake up and use Ice Beam, they did but it was countered by Psybeam, the two attacks clashed with each other, but Lapras’s counter fell to 0 and they fainted.

“I lost…” Violet and Lily cried.

“Don’t lose hope girls, we still have the strongest Pokemon of the Gym left. Daisy was up and she started with Starmie.

Since Butterfree was still raring to go Ash kept him in. “Starmie use Calm Mind!” Starmie’s aura flared showing it boosted it’s Special Attack and Special Defense.

This Starmie was only to be used if a trainer had 6-7 badges. It truly was one of the power houses of the gym.

“Butterfree use Sleep Powder.”

“Dodge it Starmie!” They dove under water and dodged the attack. “Get em with Blizzard!”

Starmie jumped out of the water and spun unleashing an arctic wave of snow and ice. Butterfree got his and was taken down. “Ohh Butterfree!”

Daisy laughed. “Now you’ll see what we have to offer!”

Ash returned his bug type. “Pidgeotto, I choose you.” The flying type took to the sky.

“Starmie use Calm Mind!” Another surge of the aura and Starmie grew more powerful and defensive.

“Pidgeotto Strong Style Gust!” Pidgeotto summoned the power of his mastered move, creating a mighty wind that blew Starmie back and slammed them into a wall.

Despite the plus two to the Special Defense that did a good chunk of damage. “Oh Starmie you got hurt, you best Recover!” In a flash Starmie healed itself.

“Oh that’s not good.”

Daisy called for Blizzard but Pidgeotto was able to dodge it. With a strong Quick Attack it hit Starmie hard for a nice bit of damage, another Quick Attack landed, but it was all for nothing as Starmie used Recover.

‘We gotta do something about those buffs, or none of my Pokemon will last.’

Daisy called for a Psychic which hit hard, knocking Pidgeotto down to the platform. The flying type hung on but not by much. ‘This is bad!’

“Let’s see lets go for another Calm Mind!” She had gotten greedy.

Mist had seen this strategy before, it was long ago. Starmie was a beast with a few Calm Minds able to take out most powerful opponents while taking strong special attacks. Then even if Starmie takes damage with Recover it can heal drawing out a battle to tilt in their favor. If trainers didn’t have a counter, they’d find their whole team getting swept.

“Now Pidgeotto use Whirlwind!” Pidgeotto used his strength to blow Starmie away, as it flew back towards Daisy it was returned to energy and was sent back into it’s ball. “There goes your buffs.”

Daisy twitched in annoyance.

“Well aren’t you clever, but it doesn’t matter, cause now you’ll meet the star of the Cerulean Gym. Blastoise Go!” She called out the king of their gym, a mighty beast intended for trainers with seven or more badges. He came out and readied his cannons. “Use Hydro Pump!”

Pidgeotto didn’t have the strength to dodge and got hit hard, becoming unable to battle. “You did great thanks Pidgeotto.”

He looked to his partner. “Are you ready Pikachu?”

“Pika!” His cheeks sparked.

Pikachu took to the battle field. “Your Pikachu may have a type advantage, but he’s too weak to handle my Blastoise!”

“We shall see…” Ash crossed his arms. “Blastoise is strong, but I wonder if you have the ability to bring out that power.”

Daisy huffed. “Blastoise shut him down and shut him up, use Hydro Pump.”

“Pikachu Agile Style Double Team!” Pikachu seemed to multiply as Hydro Pump hit one of his clones. “Now use Extreme Speed!”

The real Pikachu zipped in and hit Blastoise hard. “Use Rapid Spin!” Blastoise spun in his shell, tearing through the clones, Pikachu barely dodging at the last minute.

“Use Strong Style Nuzzle!” Pikachu’s whole body got charged with electricity as he jumped onto Blastoise. The hit was strong and left him with paralysis.

“Get him with Ice Punch!” Blastoise’s fist became surrounded by ice energy and he swung at Pikachu.

“Agile Style Double Team!” Pikachu managed to dodge, substituting himself with a clone. “Use Thunder Shock!”

Pikachu zapped him, but Blastoise was still standing. “That move won’t be enough to put down our Blastoise!”

Ash smiled. “You are right. Strong Style Double Team!” Pikachu summed about ten clones of himself, and they surrounded Blastoise. “Now Thunder Shock!”

“Pika!” They unleashed their attacks all of them blasting the water type. He was still standing.

Ash was impressed. ‘He’s tough!’

Blastoise made the next move, unleashing a Rapid Spin that took out the pika-clones. “Pika!”

“Blast!” The paralysis was slowing him down, even as he went for an Ice Punch he became paralyzed and couldn’t move. Pikachu recovered from the strong style and was ready to go.

“Pikachu hit him with Strong Style Thunder Shock!” It hit hard doing a lot of damage and left him immobile with paralysis.

Blastoise was tough, he truly was the gym’s strongest Pokemon. Daisy called for an Aqua Jet. It took one final Extreme Speed from Pikachu to bring the big guy down.

The battle was hard fought but Pikachu won, learning a new move on top of it.

Daisy still had her Starmie.

Ash was ready this time. When Starmie set up a Calm Mind, Pikachu hit hard with a Strong Style Nuzzle. It did some nice damage and let Starmie with paralysis.

Daisy called for a Psychic, but Starmie couldn’t move.

Pikachu hit them with an Extreme Speed. “Recover!” Starmie healed itself.

“Pikachu let’s try something new use Thunderbolt!” The move he learned replaced Thundershock. Even with the Special Defense boost the attack hit hard.

“Oh no!” Daisy gasped. “Use Recover!”

Starmie healed up. They went back and forth like this, only for Starmie to run out of energy. “Use Calm Mind!” It was fully paralyzed.

Pikachu ignored it’s Special Defense by hitting it hard with Extreme Speed. It’s core starts flashing showing it was in the red. “Use Strong Style Nuzzle!” The hit comes dealing super effective damage.

“I...I lost…”

“We lost…”

Seel came over and gave Ash the badge. The crowd while amazed initially at Ash’s moves some of the fanboys got mad at Ash for making the girls cry. For winning at the Cerulean Gym Ash also got a TM, of the options he chose Water Pulse.

The other options were Rain Dance, Surf, and Waterfall. The crowd was asked to leave since the show was over, the sisters going to Ash after they had left.

“Hey!” Daisy approached him. “Do you really have no badges?”

“Yeah this was my first one.”

The sisters wanted to know about the weird styles Ash used in their match. “Sorry I don’t think you guys can handle it.” The trio cared more about their Water Show then they did about the gym. There was a clear disconnect between them and the Pokemon. It took hard work to master a move and these girls didn’t have the aura for it. “You each had really powerful Pokemon but didn’t get in sync with any of them.”

“Ugh whatever you got your gym badge, you can buzz off.”

“Yeah buzz off!” Lily and Violet said.

“Hold it!” Mist showed up.

“Oh it was you!” Ash said.

“This guy is completely right, with the way you three battled you only brought shame to our gym.”

“Well if it isn’t Mist. Come back with your tail between your legs have you?”

“No!” Mist huffed.

“You stormed off declaring you’d be a water pokemon master and that you’d show us one day.” Violet jabbed.

“I’m still on my journey!”

As it happened the gym was run by two water Pokemon trainers, they had a lovely family three daughters and one son. The two were currently off in another region looking for new Water Pokemon to add to their gym. They left the gym in the hands of their daughters. “Of course Dad left us in charge because we are the greatest!” Daisy said with a hair flip.

“Dad left you in charge because you were the oldest. You guys never cared about the Gym, I was always the one taking care of the Pokemon.”

“Whatever you’re just jealous of us!” Lily said.

“Yeah, we’ve always been more beautiful and popular than you.” Violet said.

“We may lose sometimes but we also kick butt to.” Daisy said.

“Only because you use mom and dad’s pokemon, you never take training seriously!”

“There you go again, keep that up and no one will ever wanna date you.”

“Ugh that has nothing to do with what we are talking about!” Mist snapped.

“You talk a big game but you’ve never been able to beat us have you little brother?”

“That’s because you tricked me.” The trio played innocent but it was the truth. When Mist first got his Staryu he loved it, he wanted to raise it to become a strong Starmie like his dad’s. His sisters got him a Water Stone for his birthday and being young and naive he used it to evolve Staryu into Starmie. Evolving it so soon cut him off from learning more powerful moves, this could be rectified with TM’s but those cost money. Starmie may have been evolved but without a varied move set or learning stronger moves Mist lost to them time and time again. “Just you wait, I’ll get stronger by taking on the gym challenge then I’ll be back to take you on.” He had said after getting fed up with them.

“Oh please, you are always gonna be the runt of this family. We were nice enough to let you help us with the gym duties and you only complained.” Lily said.

“That’s because you all did nothing and had me do all the hard work then took credit for it all!” He snapped. “This battle shows you aren’t taking the gym leader duties seriously at all.”

“Mist you gotta relax, the gym is just fine in our hands, we battle sometimes we win sometimes we lose, it happens.”

Ash had to disagree, even going by the aura of the Pokemon. They listened to the sisters because they were told to, they were the gym’s pokemon so they were loyal to the gym leader. If they were just their pokemon they’d likely be disobedient. Had then been more in sync with these Pokemon Ash would have lost more than two Pokemon.

Even their auras showed a lack of desire for battle. “Why are you back here then?”

“I’m checking on the gym!”

“Sure sure, do you even have any badges yet.”

“Yes I have one!” Mist said proudly.

“Just one, I bet you planned to take us on next huh?”

“Well I…” He hadn’t actually.

“Excuse me…” Toren spoke up. “I’d also like to schedule a battle please.” The sisters looked at him and Ash.

“Are you two friends?” Toren nodded.

“Can you do fancy moves like he can?” He nodded again.

“How many badges do you have?”

“Just one.”

“Why don’t we just skip the battle then.”

“What?!” Mist snapped.

“Yeah, you can just take the badge and pick out a TM.” Lily and Violet had a badge while the other had the TM options.

“I don’t want a badge that way…”

“If you lazy bums won’t battle him, I will!” Mist snapped.

“You wanna take him on?” Daisy asked.

“Do you think you are gym leader material?” Lily asked.

“I think he is!” Ash stepped up. “I can see it in his aura he has a passion for battle and Water Pokemon.” Ash believed a battle between him and Toren would be a good match.

“Fine, you can take this guy, won’t be our fault if you lose.” Violet said.

“That battle was rough, I feel like I could use a spa day!”

“Yes let’s treat ourselves!” Mist shook with anger.


“Oh right!” Ash and Toren sweatdropped. The sisters left.

Mist pointed at Toren. “You better prepare yourself, I don’t plan to lose.” Mist wanted to talk to Ash about those style moves and how he learned them but his sisters got him so fired up he lost sight of it.

Ash left to get his pokemon treated, they had to recover because it was time to celebrate their first badge.

To be continued


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