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One Piece parody: Bad Day Fic/Tier 1

Luffy’s Anal Brides
Luffy had changed a lot during the two year time skip, he’s awakened to desires and wants that most thought were impossible for him. He walks in on Sanji changing clothes and things begin.

Chapter 1 The Cook’s Secret

Luffy was so happy to reunite with his crew after two years and the events of Sabaody, Impel Down, and Marineford. It was a lot, and it caused him to grow up and reflect on things.

Everyone had gotten so strong and cool over the two years. Though Sanji had this funny nosebleed thing going on. When the crew ventured into the sea with their coated ship, Sanji ended up getting a nosebleed seeing Nami and Robin. His clothes got all dirty so he went to change.

Luffy being Luffy, got hungry and went to check on him and walked in on the blonde cook. “Sanji food!” He cried out happily.

The cook froze, as his captain blinked at him. “Sanji...that outfit…” His face burned red.

“DON’T LOOK!” He cried out and tried to cover himself.

“Why?” Luffy asked seemingly innocently.

Sanji sniffled and covered his face with his hands. “Damn it, it’s over, this is the end of Sanji the man! Damn that bear bastard, damn those perverts!”

Of all the people that could have seen him like this, it had to be Luffy, his captain, and the man who couldn’t lie to save his life. If it had been Usopp, he could have threatened him to lie his ass off.

Sanji had come back from Kamabakka Kingdom with a secret, a secret he had hidden under his clothes. It was a secret he had hoped to take to his grave. When one’s flower bloomed in Kamabaka Kingdom it didn’t wilt so easily.

“So you wear ladies underwear now?” Luffy was as blunt as always.

Indeed he was, stretched over his firm pecs was a lacey number, a bra with a ribbon clasp in the front. It was a striking contrast to the manly hair that peppered his chest. He was wearing blue panties with a black bow on the front, Luffy could see his treasure trail of pubes sneaking up to his navel. The panties were bulged out, stretched lewdly around Sanji’s penis.

On his legs he had sexy stockings, clipped up with a beautiful  garter belt. “Get out!”

“Why?” Sanji was trying not to freak out. He should have locked the door, but felt that was too suspicious, he didn’t think it’d take him too long to change. “You look really pretty Sanji!” His heart pulsed.

“What?” The cook blinked.

Luffy smiled at him. “I said you look really pretty Sanji!” He approached the cook, letting the door shut behind him. “Is that bad?”

“Yes!” He snapped. “I’m a man, men aren’t supposed to be pretty!”

“Sure they are, men can be pretty, cute, handsome, sexy, cool, awesome, and so on!” Luffy’s arms snaked out and wrapped around the blonde, pulling him into a hug. “I think you look sexy too!”

Sanji’s whole face went red. ‘Since when does he talk like this!’ Luffy’s words were so honest and pure, it provided a striking contrast to the things he was saying. He struggled but couldn’t break free of Luffy’s Gum Gum Hug. “Do you even know what you are saying? You don’t think it’s weird that a guy is wearing women’s clothing?”

“Not really no, Bon-chan, Iva-chan and Crab-chan all do it.” There were others Luffy could mention. When on Amazon Lily he had freaked out about some frilly clothes the girls had gotten him, he had thought they had done it to make fun of him so he lashed out, which got him into more trouble. He had apologized after the fact, and after spending time in New Kama Land, he realized it was a pretty insignificant thing to be freaked out about. “I think what matters is how does it make you feel?”

Sanji grits his teeth. Stopping the answer from spilling from his lips. It was hard to face Luffy like this. Seeing as the rubber man wasn’t backing down and the longer they stayed like this the higher chance they’d be caught. “Good...it makes me feel good, I feel...pretty…”

Luffy smiled at him and unwrapped his arms from the cook. “Then that’s all that matters, I still say you look sexy.” Sanji’s blush grew, reaching his ears and going down his neck.

“Stop saying that, do you realize what that means!?” Luffy nodded. “Fine let’s just see.” Sure enough Luffy’s cock was bulging his trousers. Not shying away Sanji made a move, undoing Luffy’s pants.


His eyes widened. ‘So huge!’

“See Sanji got me all excited!” The blonde gulped.

‘This is because of me!’ He had seen Luffy naked a few times, but hadn’t really been looking-looking. Just some good natured manly size comparing. Luffy lacked all sense of shame so walked around with no covering at all. Sanji knew he was endowed, the benefits of going through puberty as a rubber man. Seeing it hard, stirred something inside Sanji.

“Ohh look, Sanji’s all excited to!” His hard dick pushed at the silky confines.

“No this isn’t...ahh~!” Luffy grabbed his penis through the confines. “Lu...Luffy!” In seconds he started to leak pre-cum, his essence spilling through the fabric.

“Sanji is really pent up huh?” He squeezed the trapped cock, making the blonde shiver and squirm.

“Luffy!” He moaned. His mind was trying to process what was happening, but his libido was holding the reigns.

“Do you want me to stop, I can let you take care of it.”

“I...I...I...I don’t…” Luffy raised a brow. “I’ve never touched myself.”

That was a surprise, the blonde truly valued his hands, Luffy hadn’t discovered such interests until recently, but he was sure someone as pink as Sanji knew that stuff. “So you’ve never…” He nodded.

No wonder he was so wound up having nosebleeds. “Want me to help you?” Sanji trembled and nodded his head.

Luffy slid the panties down and his cock snapped up, standing proudly at 6 inches. It was glistening with pre-cum. “Thank you for the meal!”

“Ohhh!” The rubber man descended on him sucking his full length down to the root. “Luffy!” His body trembled and his legs nearly gave out.

Monkey’s hands came up to support him, cupping his plump cheeks. Sanji’s ass was groped, the firm hands kneading his cheeks like fine dough. “Ahhh~!”

Luffy began to suck and his cook lost it. He came hard, and the captain sucked him through his release. “Luffy~!” Sanji panted. He felt the raven boy’s tongue work along his shaft, he greedily sucked every drop.

The blonde was so wound up he was still hard even after cumming so much. Luffy didn’t wait, he kept sucking and licking Sanji’s shaft, burying his nose in his pubes and moaning around his length. ‘Where did he learn this stuff!?’

Monkey D. Luffy, his captain, was sucking his dick, working his shaft, teasing his tip, he was even going as far as to lick at his nuts while his length was warmed by his mouth and throat. Sanji couldn’t stop looking at him, his gaze blurring pink as he watched Luffy go down on him. “Ohhhh~!”

He came again and Luffy drank his seed once more. Sanji felt like he was gonna collapse, and yet despite two powerful orgasms he was still hard. “Hmm…” Luffy eyed the stubborn cock, stroking his chin.

The cook was feeling so hot, his body flushed with arousal. His nipples were hard and peeking through the fabric of his bra. Luffy looked up at him, if possible he looked even sexier. It made Luffy’s cock twitch in want.

“Sanji...do you trust me?”

He looked down, and there was no denying it. “Yeah...I do…”

Luffy had him brace himself against a wall, ass out, his hand reached around and worked his stubborn penis. “Luffy what are you Eeehhhh!” The rubber man kissed his hole, burying his face between his buns.

His cock wasn’t experienced, so was his back door, and Luffy knocked hard. The lips meshed against his rim as the tongue worked him open. It took Sanji a second too long to remember. ‘Oh right...he’s rubber…’ As the tongue stretched deeper and deeper inside him.

‘Oh my god!’ It thrust so deep inside him, then wiggled and curled, stimulating his insides. His sweet spot, GOT LICKED! A sensation that sent sparks up his spine.

To make matters worse Luffy was fisting his cock, so he was being pleasured from both ends. It wasn’t long before he was cumming again, the anal stimulus making the orgasm more intense than it was before. Ivan had told him about anal delights, but he hadn’t believed it and at the time didn’t want to listen.

Luffy tongue fucked him through his release, his wet muscle darting back and forth like a controlled rubber band. Sanji was milked of a few more spurts before his cock finally went soft. “Ohh fuck!”

With his strong Observation Haki he could feel Luffy’s arousal. ‘Is this it, am I gonna get fucked, is he gonna fuck me?’ His heart pounded in his chest. Was he ready to be fucked by a guy? Hell...was he ready to be fucked by Luffy?

This all happened so fast, just like when he met the rubber man years ago. Luffy came into his life like a hurricane, but maybe that was love to.

To his surprise, Luffy instead pulled back and tucked his hard on away. “Luffy?”

“Are you feeling better Sanji?”

“Oh...um...yeah!” Luffy grinned.

“That’s good!” He placed a clean on hand Sanji’s head and ruffled his hair. “I’m happy to take care of my crew.”

“What...what about you?”

Luffy looked down. “I’ll be fine, unless are you willing to help me take care of this?” Sanji bit his lip.

He felt like he was at a cross roads, he spent 2 years clinging to what he believed manhood was. Would sleeping with Luffy be crossing that line, his captain was giving him an out. If he let Monkey walk away, this would just be a captain helping a crewmate out. This would be just a secret between them. “Would you still want me...if I wanted to be a man who loves the ladies?”

Luffy cocked his head to the side. “You can be a man who loves the ladies, that doesn’t have to stop just because you also might want to be loved by men...or me.” Sanji’s expression was so cute.

He had that look like he really wanted a cigarette to ease the tension in the room. “Just know, that if we cross that line, I don’t want a one time fling. I’ll make you my mine, you’ll be my first anal bride!” Sanji’s jaw dropped.

Luffy’s neck stretched over and he captured his lips in a kiss. “Mmmm~!” His eyes fluttered and his legs buckled.

When he pulled back Sanji was brought to his knees. “Think it over, just know I know what I want, but I won’t force you, not this!” He had wanted Sanji as part of his crew, which taking no for an answer wasn’t his thing, but this was different. They could be nakama or something more.

Luffy left the room and Sanji got dressed, before rejoining the crew he went to his stuff where he found some of the scrolls he obtained from Kamabakka Kingdom. Ivan had said these scrolls contained the recipes for Attack Cuisine, but they held more than that as they said these scrolls were handed out for bridal training.

Sanji opened the scroll and shifted through it, he had studied the recipes but hadn’t finished the scroll, Luffy’s words reminded him. He reached the part he had stopped before. “Tips for the Blushing Anal Bride!” With a gulp Sanji shifted the scroll and began to read it’s contents.

To be continued


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