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Ben 10 parody | Tier 1


Gwen got the omnitrix, but Ben isn’t out of the hero game finding power in charms and magical trinkets. Things take a wild turn when Ben crosses paths with an alien werewolf. Funny thing about anodite bodies they are quite fluid, especially in early development

Chapter 1

So far the Tennysons were having the weirdest/best summer ever. Things started with Gwen finding the omnitrix, it latched onto her wrist and gave her the ability to tap into different alien forms, starting with an original batch of 10.

As for Ben, the boy always had a love for magic thanks to his Grandpa Max, which developed into a love of super heroes. He was quite jealous of Gwen being able to “go hero” and fight bad guys with alien powers. His own powers would manifest not long after, wanting and wishing to be a hero triggered his spark and gave him access to his mana.

After defeating Hex he gained the Charms of Bezel, using their magic helped Ben work his magic muscles. There were five charms in all, the Charm of Fire, giving the user the power to create, blast, and manipulate fire. The Charm of Electricity was similar but granted the user power over electricity and lightning.

The charm of Reincarnation was a charm of healing capable of reviving and healing things. The charm of Telekinesis gave the user manipulation of the mind, able to move objects and people, even granting the user flight.

Last but not least was the Charm of Luck, granting the user control over probability. Of all the powers Bezel could have honed into these charms Ben had to wonder why these five.

Fire and Lightning were two very destructive forces, Telekinesis could turn what was around you for offense and defense. Reincarnation helped heal injuries and revive the fallen, while Luck could turn a fight in your favor. It had Ben pondering what kind of powers would he fashion into charms.

Gwen had 10 alien powers, each alien having their own unique ability and talents. Even after losing Ghost Freak, she gained a big roly-poly alien. She also unlocked a plant alien after fiddling with the omnitrix a bit.

He had plenty of practice with them by the time Hex got busted out of jail by his niece Charmcaster. Their goal was taking back the Charms of Bezel and the Key Stone of Bezel to perform a ritual to become “all powerful”.

Ben, Gwen, and Max stopped them and Ben got the Key stone, which promptly got taken by Grandpa Max as it was seen as too powerful for him to have right now. The key stone amplified the user’s abilities by 10 and enhanced the other charms. “You can have this when you are older.”

“Kay…” Max would let Ben use the key stone if the need called for it, which tended to happen when heavy hitters came around.

They learned their Grandpa was a Plumber aka an alien police officer, he retired but had plenty of adventures over the years. Making friends, battling enemies, and having connections. They didn’t know it but he used these summer trips to catch up with old friends and see how they were doing. Some were still active, especially with the alien activity still happening on Earth.

Their trip took them to the stomping grounds of the Greens. His old friend Wes and his daughter Kai. Wes was giving a lecture on dream catchers. Gwen wasn’t really buying the whole story, not very scientific. “I dunno, maybe with a bit of magic it works just fine.”

Before Ben could work any magic, they were distracted by music and dancing. Kai was doing a ceremonial dance.

Something strange has been happening, sure enough the skies darkened and strange lightning crackled in the sky, given it’s purple color it wasn’t natural. “That wasn’t a rain dance was it?” Gwen asked Kai.

“No it wasn’t…” She shook her head.

They take shelter as it begins to storm. Lightning began striking the town, one bolt striking very close to Ben and Gwen, in the smoke a large creature could be seen. “A werewolf?!”

The beast roared and as if calling disaster a flood occurred. It slipped away into the dark as the people took cover. Kai got swept away by the raging river. “Help!” She called out.

Gwen went for the omnitrix, but when she went for Ripjaws, but for some reason the omnitrix wouldn’t activate, it was receiving some strange interference. Ben acted fast, using his charm to lift Kai out of the water, using his powers he was able to get her high enough she could hold onto something for safety.

On a roof the wolf creature rips down a satellite receiver and runs off with it, vanishing between flashes of light.

The water dies down and the two families reunite. “You saved me?” She asked Ben.

“Yeah, it’s just a little thing I do. No need to thank me.”

“I wasn’t going to.” She said swiftly.

“Excuse me?” Ben blinked in surprise.

“For the record, I never asked for a boy’s help.” She crossed her arms defiantly.

“Well I just heard you crying for help, didn’t realize I needed a gender specific request to save someone.” Given Kai would have been smashed by the current had Ben done nothing she really is lucky to be alive.

“Well I thank you Ben, thanks to you my Grand Daughter is safe.” Wes said politely.

“Next time I won’t need your help.” She poked at Ben’s chest.

“Kai!” She huffed and moved away from Ben.

“What’s her problem?” Even Gwen was shocked at the attitude. Even if she saw her cousin as a nerd and a dweeb that didn’t mean he deserved to be snapped at like that.

Wes told the story of the Yenaldooshi, a Navajo werewolf. He got a tranquilizer gun and prepared to hunt it. Max volunteered to help. “We’ll go to!” Ben and Gwen said.

“Let me go to Grandpa!” Kai said.

“You know only Braves can go on this hunt.”

Gwen blinked. ‘Okay I kinda see why she’s like this.’

The man was clearly set in his ways. “Times may change but traditions don’t.” Kai glared at Ben, as if he was the one saying these things.

“But…” Gwen wanted to protest but Max stopped her.

“Their land, their rules.” He told her, he didn’t agree with it.

“Ben is also too young, he must also remain behind.”

“Aww man!” So the grandkids had to wait at the Rustbucket.

Wes and Max track the wolf, and find it scavenging through metal. He tried to shoot it, but the creature’s enhanced senses allow it to dodge. It moved fast, knocking the two men away before charging. “It’s heading back towards town!” Max exclaimed. “The kids!”

Ben was trying to practice his magic. Gwen was fiddling with the omnitrix, finally getting it to activate. “So you and your brother have super powers?”

“He’s my cousin, but yeah kinda. I got this watch that let’s me transform into different aliens. He’s got magic and trinkets and things.”

“I wish I had some kind of power, maybe then my grandfather wouldn’t treat me so...less…” She had to beg and plead just to let her take a martial arts class. “Truth is I learned the ceremonial dances to make him happy, but I want to be a warrior, not a nothing.”

Her grandpa was old school, but her parents were just as bad. They wanted her to grow up as a proper lady and find a nice guy, get married, have kids. It was annoying to say the least. “Even when I bring up what I want its brushed away because of tradition.”

“Look...I get it, but do you think you could cut my cousin some slack. He’s not a bad guy.” Kai was clearly channeling her frustrations and taking them out on Ben, which not only wasn’t cool could cause unnecessary issues.

“Gwen, Kai, look out!” Ben called.

The werewolf attacked, the two just barely managing to dodge. Ben managed to push the wolf back just enough so the two could avoid his claws. “You aren’t getting away this time!” Gwen transformed into Wildvine.

Ben threw some boulders at it, but the creature was too fast. Gwen/Wildvine tried to tie it up but it slashed at her and bit her. “Yoww!”

“Kai get back, leave this to us!” Ben said, he channeled some lightning and fired at the beast, pushing it back.

“Don’t tell me what to do!” She pulled out a metal tool, with a quick turn it stretched forming a staff.

“Whoa!” Her grandpa was also a plumber, she found this in his stuff.

She charged at the wolf and struck him. It didn’t do much...with a growl it snatched her staff and snapped it with it’s jaws. “Oh man!”

Ben rushed in, just as the beast lunged at her. Just as Ben was about to blast the beast away, Kai grabbed him and used him as a shield for the beast.

It sank it’s fangs into Ben’s arm and a surge of energy was felt. Sparks flew, as purple energy mixed with green. “I’m not on the menu!” He unleashed a full power fire blast that forced the wolf off. “Ugh!”

Ben collapsed, clutching his wound. “Ben!” Gwen rushed over reverting back to human form.

“I didn’t mean to...I...I didn’t do anything wrong...I...I...never asked for you to save me!” She was saying as Max and Wes arrived.

“What happened?”

Ben’s charm of Reincarnation helped heal the wound, but something strange occurred. His skin turned blue, his brown hair turned a rich dark blue, and his nails turned black. “What is this?” His ears grew pointy.

“Did the Yenaldooshi bite you?”

“Yeah but it bit Gwen too!”

“As Wildvine, maybe my alien form protected me.”

“This isn’t a joking mater, the creature can create followers, as it grows stronger it will make you destroy those closest to you.”

“That’s not gonna happen!” Ben snapped.

“How do we get Ben to unwolf?”

“We must defeat the monster that bit him.” They had to find the creature Wes and Max track it down, leaving the kids to find ingredients for the ritual to stop the beast. They had a silver pendent.

Ben sprouted a tail, and he could feel his senses sharpening. Gwen noticed something odd, not with Ben, but with Kai. She was being nicer to Ben, talking to him, actually treating him with kindness.

The werewolf attacked a radio center, Wes thinking this thing is doing this because it believes technology is ruining the sacred lands. Max wasn’t so sure, it attacked some technology but left others alone.

With a bit of magical luck they find the cactus they need and reunite with Wes and Max to stop the werewolf. They tracked him down into a cave. As it turned out they weren’t dealing with a Navajo werewolf but in fact an alien werewolf. It unleashed a sonic howl blasting them away.

Gwen’s watch reacted, glowing yellow and hitting him with a beam scanning him. “Whoa and I didn’t think this summer could get weirder.” She hit the watch and turned into a female werewolf. “How’s this!” She blasted him with her own sonic howl.

The beast went after Kai again but Ben tackled him away. Kai actually cheered him on. “Let’s try this!” He channeled the Electricity Charm, his hair and fur stood on end as an electric current surged over him, giving the beast a lightning hug.

It howled and thrashed, eventually throwing Ben off him, but he was badly singed. The beast went nuts unleashing a sonic howl causing a cave in. Ben and Gwen got them out, but they had no idea if it survived or what it was doing with all that equipment.

“Why am I still liked this?” Ben questioned.

“We’ll figure something out.” Max said.

“Do you need to change back?” Kai asked. “Some see the Yenaldooshi as a god.”

“Umm ok, what’s up with you. You’ve been acting weird since I transformed.”

“Ben, you should stay here with me. You’d like that wouldn’t you?”

“Umm no, even if I can’t change back why would I stay?”

“I like you much better like this.”

“Excuse me what?!” Gwen snapped. “I know I said cut Ben some slack but you are acting weird as hell.”

Kai shrugged. “I’ll admit I really don’t like guys, but now that Ben’s a werewolf I can tame him and train him so he’ll obey me completely.”

“Wow, you are sick. Train me, tame me, I’m a person not a pet.”

“Just think of it Ben, now we can be together, I hear some guys enjoy being a pet.”

“Wow, I legit just met you, I thought your dancing was cool but you were so mean to me before I became like this, did you think I’d forget you using me as a human shield?”

“Don’t you wanna be my guard dog and protect me?” She winked at him.

“I just wanna be a hero, wanting to protect you was just a thing I do. I have 0 romantic interest in you!” He made a zero with his fingers. “Frankly I don’t even wanna be friends with you.”

Gwen had to agree with Ben. Kai didn’t really give off the best impression and her 180 when Ben transformed was a major red flag. She didn’t even try to get to know him, before lashing out, even now she didn’t want Ben, she wanted the wolf.

They couldn’t leave this place fast enough, but Ben had questions. “Ben...let me tell you something about anodites…”

To be continued


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