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Ben 10 parody | Patreon Reward

Chapter 10 

Chapter 11 Trouble

Apparently Kai and her grandfather Wes had been looking for the lab of Doctor Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. They were attacked by Forever Knights, who were also looking for the formula as a means of obtaining the legendary sword Excalibur. While chasing leads and following clues they managed to find the lost lab, only to run into some trouble. Forever King Chadwick, Sir Morton, and the Forever Ninja jumped them and took the formula. Now her grandpa was missing taken by men in armor.

Now Kai and Ben had a complicated relationship. Gwen and Rook talked, so Blonko had some knowledge of his idol, even if Ben wasn’t fully aware of it. He had confessed to reading Ben’s file but Gwen was eager to share “embarrassing stories” of her favorite dweeb.

When he was young Ben had a kinda/sorta crush on Kai, which she had no interest in returning, that is until Ben crossed paths with an alien werewolf. Suddenly Kai started showing interest in Ben, as he went through the slow process of becoming a loboan. She wanted to tame Ben and train him, she wanted a pet not a person, and hey some humans were into that, Ben wasn’t. His feelings didn’t seem to matter to Kai, which was a big red flag.

Every year she’d send Ben a really creepy gift with an equally creepy note. A collar or leash, with the note saying waiting for you -B. It wasn’t for Ben it was for Ben Wolf. Gwen got him to toss that stuff out.

“She was Ben’s first female crush, and she crushed him.” Blonko informed Scout of what was happening.

“Rook, do you think you can get us to London?” Ben called.

“Yes...of course…”

“Is this a good idea, if Ben and this Kai have history maybe we shouldn’t go on this mission?” Scout wondered.

“And leave those two alone, not a chance!” Rook practically growled. “Besides, Mr. Green is an important man, if he is missing we must find him and help him.”

The two suited up, for Scout it was easy with the help of the Alpha rune. “So is this an escort mission or a rescue mission?”

“Yes!” They got into Rook’s truck and the trio were off to London.

“You guys don’t need to stay, this should be quick.” Ben told them.

“Ben...do you still have a crush on Kai?” Rook asked.

Tennyson blushed. “No! I got over that a long time ago. I haven’t even seen her since I was 10!” That didn’t mean she wasn’t still in contact with Ben.

“Ben, you are my alpha, the one I wish to serve and be with above all others.” He took hold of Ben’s hand. “You have formed a pack, and I will support you as a beta would. If you truly loved Kai I would support you in this, but I feel it is unwise as she only cared about you as a werewolf.”

Ben eyed Rook. “Gwen and I talk.” He looked back at Scout.

“Rook and I talk.” Tennyson facepalmed.

“Look...Kai was just different…” He shook his head. “I am different now, I know I was looking for love in the wrong places before, you don’t have to worry.”

Despite Ben’s words Rook couldn’t help but worry. “You guys should just tour around London, I’ll call if I need back up.” The betas share a look of that wasn’t gonna happen.

They meet up with Kai. “Who’s this guy?” She eyed Rook.

“Kai, this is Rook Blonko, he’s my partner and…” She cut him off.

“I believe I called you for help, why’d you bring him.”

“He’s my partner, this is a plumber case right?”

“I had heard you were teamed up with your Cousin and her boyfriend. I needed help finding my grandpa, not dealing with a rookie.”

“Gwen’s at college, and Kevin’s with her working at a garage.”

“Ugh!” She rubbed her temple. “You idiot, I called you to keep this off the record.” She knew they handled cases on the down low, outside of plumber jurisdiction even.

“I see you haven’t changed much, just a bit taller.”

“You’ve gotten taller to.” Kai comments eyeing Ben up and down.

“Yep, way too tall to be a house pet.”

Kai smirked. “I don’t know about that, though I have to say I miss the fuzzy ears and tail.”

“You do not need to worry Miss Green, we are on as they say a vacation. We just wish to help.”

“We?” She raised a brow.

“Yes, this is Scout, my new partner.” The loboan climber out of the van.

“Oh wow!” She pushed past Ben and Rook and eyed Scout.

He backed up, not really liking how the girl was looking at him. It reminded him of how some alphas looked at him back on Anur Transyl, like he was just a piece of ass to be fucked and bred. “Where did you find this tall drink of water?”

Ben was a bit stunned at how blatant she was.

“I’m from Anur Transyl…” She put her hands on him and made the loboan flinch.

“Scout was it…” She chuckled. “Well, how about you and I…”

“Kai!” Ben snapped, surprising her. “Your grandpa, he was captured, remember!”

“Oh right…” She backed off Scout, but shot him a wink. “Let’s talk later handsome.” The loboan shivered in disgust.

Kai took it as a shiver of anticipation.

Rook was positively fuming he had a few contractions to say to her, not only was she insulting Ben by her actions, but was making his beta brother uncomfortable, but Ben put a stop to this. They had a mission to finish.

Kai filled them in on all the details, while she was looking for Jekyll’s lab the forever knights were looking for it as well, seeking a grander conquest. Ben found it hard to believe both Jekyll and Hyde were real, but also Excalibur.

They had a clue to where the knights were, leading them to Howl’s Castle Moving and Storage. “So Ben, have you become Benwolf since we were kids?” She asked.

“I mean yeah a few times, before the watch calibrated. I don’t call him Benwolf anymore, it’s Blitzwolfer.”

“So you could change into him right now, use his super senses to find my grandfather?” She said, trying to make a case for Ben to transform into her crush.

“Weren’t you just hitting on Scout a bit ago?”

Kai shrugged. “A girl can have more than one pet.” While she had a point as Ben had two betas, she was acting like she already had Scout in her pocket and Ben was the hold out.

Scout grit his teeth. “I don’t like her!” Blonko nodded in agreement.

“Let us hurry up here, the sooner we rescue Mr. Green the sooner we can leave.” Rook found a clue, and off they went.

They found Wes and the Forever Knights, after a few scuffles and solving some riddles they found the location of Excalibur. Even with Scout’s magic and Rook’s skills, they were forced to stand down with hostages on the line.

Chadwick took the Hyde elixir and was transformed into a monstrous ape monster. He tried to pull the sword from the stone but couldn’t make it budge. Ben transformed into Four Arms but couldn’t pull it out, he then changed into Humungousaur. He lifted the sword, stone and all. “Oops, this isn’t working!”

“Turn into Blitzwolfer!” Kai called.

“The legends are true, only who is worthy may pull the sword from the stone!” Wes said.

“No!” Chadwick screamed. “I will be the king of kings!” He slapped Ben away and continued to try to pull the sword out, having no luck. The other knights rushed over to help.

It was no surprise the forever nuts weren’t worthy. Scout and Rook escaped their bonds, and helped free Wes. Rook let the man use his prototool. “Get them you fools!”

The fight was on. “Okay omnitrix give me something to fight big and nasty over there.”

“Give me Blitzwolfer!” Kai shouted.

Slap! Flash!

“Grrr let me tell you something Kai Green!” Ben changed into Rath. “I am not your pet, I am not your anything. Scout isn’t yours either, him and Rook Blonko are my betas you got that bitch!” He roared.

“So not only are you a filthy alien trash, you are a f…” Before Chadwick could finish that sentence Rath socked him and the fight resumed. Kai was too stunned to move.

“Cram it Joseph Chadwick self proclaimed Forever King, you are so ass backwards you turned yourself into a master for a power that rejects you, so shut your pie hole!” He slammed and knocked the gorilla king around.

Scout faced off with Morton, Wes was clashing with the Forever Ninja, and Rook was holding off two knights at once.  He was doing well fighting bare handed, showing off some Revonnahgander martial arts.

“Does the puppy think he can best me!” Morton taunted.

“This puppy has more than a few tricks up his sleeve!” Channeling the alpha rune’s power, he created a mana whip and clashed with the knight.

“So the little doggy knows witch craft, that’ll make killing you all the sweeter.” He blocked the mana whip with his energy mace.

“Try it!” He unleashed a howl of mana blasting Morton away and slamming him into the wall.

“Ugh!” He got knocked out.

Scout helped Rook battle the knights. “If only I had a weapon…” Blonko felt a pulse.

He went over to the sword in the stone and pulled it out. “No!”

Rook’s armor changed, the blue turning white, and the black turning gold. A gold crown appeared on his forehead.

“Go Rook!” Ben exclaimed happily. He reverted back to normal.

“A filthy alien is worthy of Excalibur...no I won’t allow it!” Chadwick activated a trap seeking to destroy the whole area.  “None of you will survive!”

“You jerk!” Ben cursed. His omnitrix was timed out.

“Before we die, I’ll have the honor of killing you Ben Tennyson!” Chadwick charged at Ben, but before he could strike him he was met by Excalibur.

“You want my alpha, you gotta go through me!”

“With pleasure, I’ll take your head and the sword will be mine!” The two clashed, Rook’s skills flowed through the sword.

“Not gonna happen!”

The Forever Ninja tried to sneak attack Rook, only for the swordsman to not only knock away his attack but slice the robot in two. “The sword Excalibur was crafted by man and sorcery, it is said to have been blessed by the gods. I will have its power!”

“Take it then!” Rook thrust the sword, and sent a powerful force, blasting Chadwick away.

The room was flooding fast. “We gotta go!” Scout called.

Ben wanted to save the forever knights but they refused to side with “alien scum”. Scout was done with this mission. Using the Alpha Rune he managed to teleport them out.

Rook gave up Excalibur, it needed to be tested and examined, so Wes offered to send it to Plumber HQ. “Are you sure Rook, that sword is pretty awesome.”

“Yes, it is not going anywhere. When the time comes I will be ready to use its full power. I still have more to learn.”

“Some hero!” Kai said, earning a glare from Rook. “If I was chosen by the sword I’d never give up that power.”

“Maybe that’s why it didn’t choose you.” Scout pointed out.

Kai ignored that. “Ben you didn’t mean what you said before did you? That was just the alien talking, right?”

“No, it was all me, sure Rath goes over the top, but my feelings are real. Kai, I love Rook and Scout, they are my betas and I’m their alpha. I...I don’t love you. So please stop sending me those weird gifts, it’s not gonna happen.” He walked past her and hugged his betas. Rook smiled happily while Scout’s tail wagged.

“Well, we are in London, how about we do some sight seeing before heading home.” Off they went.

Wes left to take Excalibur to a plumber base for examination.

Kai’s hand balled into a fist. ‘No this can’t be...it’s gotta be a mistake...he’s confused that’s it...he wasn’t like this before, it’s that Rook’s fault...if he wasn’t around Blitzwolfer and Scout would be all mine...he hasn’t mated them yet I still have a chance.’ She wasn’t letting this go. This girl was not only troubled she was trouble with a capital T.

To be continued


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