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Ben 10 parody: Patreon Reward

Chapter 9 

Chapter 10 Alpha Duties

Carl was in a bit of naive bliss. As far as he knew two young alien boys were moving into his home, staying in his son’s room for a time, nothing more, nothing less…

If he only knew, though maybe it was better if he didn’t.

He rolled the sleeping bags out, unaware they weren’t gonna be used, well used for their intended purpose of course. Each Beta used it as a form of personal nest, with Ben’s bed being the master nest. It was important for each mate to have their own space as well as a communal space.

They’d be sharing a room for a time. Ben would have to figure out a long term option. He was an only child, only having his cousins as a form of siblings but those were few and far between.

Carl had no idea what his son was planning, or the relationship the three boys were in. He just talked about his college days and the wonderful experiences he had with his two roommates. Sandra remembered it quite differently but let him keep his happy memories.

Sandra also sensed something was up with her son and his new friends. Her mom radar was pinging, but she could wait, she trusted her son and wanted him to be happy. He was definitely different, he had changed while he was away.

Ben had been given a list of alpha duties from Rad, some standard basics and some unique odds and ends from the duck aliens experience.

A clothe token, it is something all betas get during courting, something worn by the alpha that they can enjoy in private or for their alpha. Also after it’s cleaned its customary for the alpha to wear the object on their dates before giving it to them again. It was a special token that kept giving and giving.

It was also a calming thing for when betas were pregnant.

The two betas searched among Ben’s horde looking for their token. It was typically chosen by the beta, and approved by the alpha. Ben had to wait as the two searched, feeling a bit anxious about it. ‘What are they gonna pick?’

After some searching Rook came to him with his old jacket. “You want this?”

Blonko’s eyes sparkled. “Oh yes please!” He rubbed his cheek against it.

The garment was rich in Ben’s scent.

“This, I want this!” Scout brought him a pair of his old briefs. It was the last pair he wore before he switched to boxers, but he had kept them to wear in the spring and fall as bed wear.

‘I thought I through those out?’ He pondered, though the last time he wore them he had merely tossed them in his closet.

“Can I have it?” Scout dished out the puppy dog eyes.

“Sure, do you guys like them?” The two nodded. “Show me!”

They blushed, knowing what Ben wanted. The two got naked. Getting on their sleeping bags they started sniffing their tokens. “Mmm~!” The smell stirred their loins, the beta cocks stiffening and standing at attention.

Blushes bloomed on their cheeks. “Ahh ahh ahh ahh!” The two started panting. Ben saw their cocks twitch and already begin to leak.

Rook held the garment to his face, breathing deeply, while his free hand reached down and played with his rod. Scout had a more unique method, with his long snout he stretched Ben’s underwear over his muzzle, breathing in deeply, he had two hands to play with himself, one hand working his cock the other fingering his hole.

Ben’s loins stirred at the show. He lazily palmed himself watching them enjoy his musk. “Oh ohh ohhhh~!” Scout came first followed by Rook, their seed splashed their bags, marking the areas with their own scent.

“Very good!” He praised. “Now asses up!” They grabbed a pillow and buried their faces in, raising their asses up high.

Ben collected their semen and used it as lube to finger their holes. “Ahh!”

“Ben!” One digit worked in and out, curling and stroking their insides. Rook was tight so he needed a bit but Scout’s anal toying earned him two fingers.

“Ohh!” Two digits worked the loboan’s ass, twisting and thrusting.

He fingered them both, preparing their asses for their eventual mating. Ben only stopped to collect more of their semen, using their own essence to wet their channels.

Rook soon got two fingers, while Scout was up to three. He churned up their insides, thrusting, twisting, and curling. Blonko was trembling, shivers racing up his spine, he bit his pillow to muffle his moans.

Scout’s tail was wagging, his tongue hanging out the side of his mouth. His fur ruffled and puffed up as pleasure spread through him.

Ben gave the two a prostate massage, their holes clenching around the thrusting digits. “Mmmm~!” Their eyes fluttered as Tennyson made them cum, making more of a mess on their sleeping bags.

“Very good!” The alpha praised.

“Nnnnhhhh!” The two shuddered. Ben got his cock out and jerked off, using his nut to scent mark the two.

His father didn’t notice the increase of musk coming from Ben’s room just figuring it was three boys sharing a room, it happened.

They shared a shower together, Ben using the excuse it helped save on water. There was a special ritual between alphas and betas, the betas would wash the alpha in the morning. It was skin ship. Since Ben had two betas he’d choose a beta to wash while the other beta watched.

The ritual ended with a blow job/rim job combo. Rook was very hands on sucking what he could of Ben’s cock while working the rest and fondling his balls. When he had Ben’s dick Scout had his ass, using his long tongue to tongue fuck the brunette’s ass. “Ohhh!” It was an interesting feeling, but not a bad one, pleasure raced up his spine.

Scout was very licky, he licked Ben’s cheeks, his crack, swirled his tongue around the hole, before tonguing him deep curling and rolling inside him. Rook enjoyed Ben’s penis in his mouth, purring in delight sending intense vibrations through his rod. The kitty earned his milk.

When Scout had his dick that day he was all mouth, taking Ben’s cock down to the root using his muzzle and throat to suck him. His nose was buried in the thick nest of pubes. He breathed in Ben’s musk and loved how the hair tickled his muzzle.

Blonko when he got his turn at Ben’s ass firmly planted himself between those cheeks. His tongue was shorter than Scout’s but by the Alien X’s it was just as talented. The tongue twisted and darted and Rook made out with his hole.

Scout reversed face fucked himself on Ben’s cock, slurping him down with such gusto. He even let that sinful tongue of his slip out and lap at Ben’s balls. Blonko was still very good with his hands, cupping and groping Ben’s butt cheeks giving them a deep tissue massage as he lapped at his ass. The noises he made as he kissed his rear were really lewd.

Whoever got the cum in their belly, Ben jerked off and gave the other a bukkake. Any mess they made was safely washed away.

They took quite a bit in the shower, but the dad was none the wiser.

Ben looked over Rad’s list of other Alpha duties, it was important for the alpha to train their beta in preparation before their first heat/mating. Toys and other rituals were listed. ‘Will have to wait till I get my allowance before I can get any of this stuff.’

It was the alpha’s duty to learn and understand his betas unique quirks and figure out how they all fit. It was also important that the two betas bonded. ‘Helps they were friends in the academy so they already have a connection, they just need to bond intimately.’

He had them frot together, it was quite the show. Ben wanted to see them kiss but it seems they were far off from that. At best they’d cling together until they shoot. He also had them jerk each other off, for more bonding.

Until mating Ben wasn’t allowed to jerk off without purpose, it was an alpha’s duty to save his seed for his betas. If he wanted to get off he’d have to ask Rook or Scout to get him off, or cum on them or in them. Jerking off and wasting seed was seen as an insult to the beta who was unmated.

It could be troubling as the closer they got to mating day the sexier the two seemed to get. Once they were mated their heat cycles would start properly. Rad said the two may synchronize, if that happened Ben would need to be prepared. Handling two betas during a shared heat was A LOT, even for experienced alphas.

Things were going great for the trio. Today Scout was making breakfast, and thankfully his cooking was more to Ben’s tastes, with meat, eggs, and lots of other proteins. “Smells great Scout!” Ben praised, making the loboan’s tail wag.

“I’ll set the table!” Rook said, and began to move about.

Suddenly Ben’s phone rang. “No way!”

“Ben?” He answered the phone.

“Kai hey…” Rook nearly dropped the plate he was holding. “It’s been awhile.”

Scout looked from Ben to Rook and back again, confusion etched on his features. “Who’s Kai?”

Rook nearly growled. “Trouble.”

To be continued...


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