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Pocket Monster Parody: Patreon Reward

Chapter 6 

Ash | New Trainer | 5 Inches | No Badges
Monsters: Mini Dit (Ditto), Pidgeotto, Charmander, Nidoran M, Metapod, Meowth
Key Items: Rainbow Feather

Monster Stats
Mini Dit (Ditto) Ability: Limber | Inches: Infinity
Moves: Transform

Charmander Ability: Blaze | Inches 4
Moves: Scratch, Ember, Smokescreen, Growl

Pidgeotto Ability: Keen Eye | Inches 6
Moves: Gust, Whirlwind, Quick Attack, Sand Attack

Nidoran M Ability Poison Point | Inches 3.5
Moves: Horn Attack, Poison Sting, Focus Energy, Double Kick

Metapod | Ability Shed Skin | Inches ?
Moves: String Shot, Tackle, Harden, Bug Bite

Meowth | Ability Technician | Inches 7
Moves: Scratch, Fury Swipes,

Shin Trace | New Trainer | ?
Monsters: Bulbasaur, Pidgey, Nidoran F

Gary Oak | Trainer | Size 10 Inches

James | Team Rocket Agent | Size 9 inches long

Misty | Self Proclaimed Water Pokemon Master

Chapter 7 Samurai’s Challenge Crossing Swords!

Ash was feeling pent up. With Misty following them they couldn’t have any special alone time. Meowth was let in on the special bond they shared, and while the Normal type knew the guy knew his way around some cock with how he handled James, he found it hard to believe he fooled around with monsters.

To make matters worse she kept complaining about the travel and was demanding breaks. Ash only agreed to them so his Pokemon, could rest, eat, and train. While they were training and getting stronger the girl would bust out a bikini and sun bathe.

Their training consisted of working out in their own ways, and battling against each other. Mini Dit transformed into Nidoran so they could clash safely. Charmander sparred with Meowth. Pidgeotto sparred with Metapod.

Ketchum was training right beside his mons, doing sit-ups, push ups, squats, going as far as to find a branch to do pull ups. Misty eyed him and rolled her eyes. ‘Does he think he’s cool or something he’s just a runt!’

Their battling kept most wild Pokemon away, which was a plus for Misty as she didn’t want any bug pokemon coming near her.

After the intense work out Ash had really worked up a sweat. They were near a river and decided to go for a dip. Ash stripped down and dove in, followed by Mini Dit, Pidgeotto, and Nidoran. Charmander, Metapod, and Meowth chilled on the bank enjoying the warm sunshine. ‘This isn’t so bad!’ Meowth thought.

Ketchum enjoyed the skinny dip, enjoying some splishy splashy fun time with his mons. He took a bit too long for Misty who came to see what was keeping him. “What’s taking so long you…” She froze when she saw Ash naked.

Ignoring his muscles, his chiseled physique, the toned arms and legs, the plump and firm gluts, the manly hair on his pits and crowning his crotch, her focus hit the tiny tool she was sporting and she began to laugh. “Oh you’ve got to be kidding, hahahaha this is too funny, that’s what you’re working with!”

Meowth felt bad as he had insulted Ash before as well.

Misty clutched her sides. “Oh my Arceus I knew you were a runt, but you are that pathetic!” She kept laughing. “That’s gotta be the smallest dick I’ve ever seen!” Having seen quite a few of her sister’s boyfriends she was confident in that statement.

“Go away!” Ash snapped.

“Huh?” Misty blinked, only to gulp as Ash’s Pokemon glared at her with a fury. Charmander, Nidoran, and Metapod looked ready to attack her. Mini Dit was ready to Transform and Pidgeotto readied themselves to blow the girl away.

“I said go away, we don’t owe you anything, and you’ve been nothing but rude. Go away, get lost, and don’t bother us again!”

Misty was the kind of person to be rude to someone and get chewed out for it, but instead of thinking I shouldn’t be rude or I should really think before I act, instead she feels she’s not in the wrong and the person getting mad at her is the problem. Her face got red. “You ungrateful jerk, here you have a Water Pokemon Master traveling with you, willing to give you the wealth of her experience, better than a newbie like you deserves!” She exclaimed. “You wanna be that way fine, take that baby dick of yours and shove it up your ass, bet that’s all a little prick like you can get!”

“Leave!” Ash snarled.

“Get lost toots!” Meowth added.

Misty huffed. “Fine, I don’t need you anyway!” She was sure they were almost through Viridian Forest.

With her gone Ash sank into the water to cool his head. When he finally came back up Meowth was waiting for him. “Sorry for umm, you know insulting ya before. It was wrong and I...I should know better…” He was often looked down on for being weak, and yes he was a bit of a size queen, but that wasn’t a pass to act like he did.

Ash smiled and pets Meowth. “It’s okay, all is forgiven!”

“Char Char!” Charmander called.

“Ohh yeah, she’s gone so you guys can show me that special training.” Meowth translated and added his own two cents.

Ash’s smile increased and his body warmed up. “You guys have been working hard, so let’s do it!” The mons cheered.

Pidgeotto got to go first, as a reward for his new evolution. His new six inch cock came out of his sheath, Pidgeotto was a bit shy, fearing being bigger than Ash now would have earned more rage. It did not. “It’s okay Pidgeotto, I told you I love you guys, nothing is gonna change that, evolving or not, even if you get bigger than me, size doesn’t matter okay?”

He nodded and moved his wings, Ash got to work, sucking his bigger cock. Meowth watched impressed, it seems only cock jerks and rude people like Misty bothered Ash in such a way. He remembered his time in a Persian run gang of Meowth, he was bigger and stronger and he took what he wanted. ‘I wonder if he had to deal with big lugs like that.’

Meowth felt guilty, he had forgotten where he came from, Team Rocket had made him cocky and arrogant.

Evolving had certainly improved Pidgeotto’s stamina, Ash worked his shaft and fingered his hole and Pidgeotto lasted longer than before. It was wonderful he got to enjoy his master’s mouth and tongue work, and enjoy the fingers playing inside his channel.

Meowth was impressed with the technique, Ash’s movements were all about drawing out the pleasure of his partner. When Pidgeotto finally came Ash milked him, sucking him through his release and massaging his sweet spot. His orgasm was six mighty shots and Ash milked him six more!

Pidgeotto went lax, basking in the pleasure of his release. He cooed and brushed his ruffled feathers. Ash let him rest in his monster ball, for a quicker recovery.

Charmander was next and he got on all fours, waving his ass in the air, his tail curled in a come hither way. “You sure Charmander?” Ash asked.

The fire type nodded. “Charmander char char char!”

Meowth blushed. “Umm he says yes please, fuck me big daddy!”

Ketchum couldn’t help but chuckle. He spread Charmander’s cheeks and gave him a deep anal kiss. “Char!” The fire started drooled as Ash prepped him well, the kiss getting wet and deep. He wanted to experience his master’s cock before evolving.

Ash was even prepared with lube, he got some oil warmed up and mounted his Kanto starter. His cock slid inside.

While Ash couldn’t understand pokemon speak, all he could hear was his Charmander’s moans, but Meowth could. The things Charmander was saying made the cat blush, they were so spicy. He had to fan himself to calm down.

Ketchum was moaning as well. Charmander was so hot and tight, it felt so good to be inside him. He reached around and played with his dripping cock. “Char~!”

Thanks to the training Charmander had built up some stamina, but that ceased to matter once Ash started moving. Short and stout his girth helped create a glorious friction. “Ohh yeah ohh yeah ohh ohh ohh ohh!”

“Man man man man mander~!” His prostate was getting pummeled. The flame on his tail flexed and shifted, giving off an intense warmth.

‘Oh wow!’ Meowth pawed himself to the show. ‘They are really going at it!’


Misty was stomping through the forest, doing her best to avoid any bug type pokemon.


Charmander’s orgasm hit like an eruption and he shot his load across the ground. His clenching heat helped pull Ash over the edge, his heavy balls were pumped into Charmander. The fire type shivering as each spurt flooded him.

Meowth expected him to be limp when he pulled out but he was still hard. Nidoran was next and he also wanted to be mounted.

This time Ash let Nidoran suck him off while fingering his hole. “Nido~!” He took Ash’s rod down, enjoying the trainer’s cock. The digits worked and fucked his tight little hole. One finger became two, and Ash really turned up his insides.

The two came together, Ash cumming down his throat and Nidoran shooting across the ground. ‘He’s still hard!’ Meowth could hardly believe it. The spurt count had dropped from before. ‘Even being pent up this is crazy!’

Ketchum mounted Nidoran, he added more lube to his cock and began to fuck the poison type. “Nido! Ran ran ran ran ran!” His body shook and trembled in delight.

The thrusts were long and strong, letting Nidoran feel every inch. ‘This is hot!’ Meowth couldn’t help but purr, feeling his hole tingle.

His endurance was impressive, Ash’s steady fucking had Nidoran cumming hard, blowing his load across the ground once more. Ketchum kept fucking his hole, the clenching heat increasing the friction.

Ash’s orgasm came a bit later and he filled up Nidoran up with his cum. “Raaaan~!”

Meowth wondered how Metapod and him could do anything. Ash had him covered, jerking off and giving the Metapod a bukkake. The mon blushed and wiggled in glee. “Meta meta pod!”

Ash’s cock finally went soft, and what does he do? He starts sucking Charmander’s cock. “Wow!”


Misty finally reached the end of Viridian Forest, before she could leave. “Hold it maiden!” She froze.

A young man was sitting on a rock, he was tall wearing a samurai helmet, he was dressed more like a bug catcher with a tank top and shorts, with sandals on his feet. On his back he was wielding a sword and a net. “Be you a trainer from Pallet Town?” He asked.

‘Wow what a hunk!’ Misty had hearts in her eyes. The guy was tall and chiseled, and judging by the bulge in his shorts he was hung. “I’m actually from Cerulean City.”

“Hmm, I was told a trainer from Pallet Town would be coming by this way!” He had battled against Gary and Shin before, and found their battles to be exhilarating.

Watch out Misty got an idea. “I know a trainer from Pallet Town, I was traveling with him until he was a big jerk and made me cry!” She sniffled.

“Such a scoundrel made a woman cry, I shall smite him at once!” He kissed her hand, missing the cat like smirk she sported.


Ash had sucked off both Charmander and Nidoran, he even used Mini Dit as a dildo to fuck his ass. “Ohh yes ohh yes!” Mini Dit even licking his sweet spot when he got close, it made his toes curl.

The stimulus to his sweet spot allowed his engines to recharge and he was hard again. ‘Such recovery this guy is really something else!’ Stamina, Endurance, and Recovery, Ash was hitting the trifecta in the bedroom.

He fucked Mini Dit into his ass until the mon came. Meowth was shocked Ash would bottom, but it seemed there was more to Ketchum than he realized. Meowth’s balls were itching, he was eager to cum as well.

Just when he thought he’d best take care of it himself. “How about it Meowth you want in?”

“Sure...why not!” They took to a 69 position Ash sucking Meowth’s cock and the feline doing the same to his.

His stamina wasn’t as good as the others and Ash was VERY good. Before long Meowth was cumming and made a mess of Ketchum’s face. “Ooops sorry…” He blushed feeling embarrassed.

“Do you wanna stop?” Meowth shook his head and they were back at it.

Ash sucked his cock and fingered his hole, he was so gentle and tender, churning up the Normal type’s insides. He couldn’t help but purr, sending pleasing vibrations through Ash’s rod.

Meowth didn’t last much longer, with the double stimulus he was cumming again, only this time Ash was ready and drank his release down. His head was spinning from the two strong orgasms. “Do you wanna rest?”

He gazed down at the still hard cock. “No way, kitty wants his milk!” Meowth sucked Ash with gusto earning moans of pleasure from the boy.

His efforts bore fruit, Ketchum’s penis twitching and releasing his seed. The cat-like monster held his seed in his mouth, despite being the last mon involved Ash still had plenty of seed to give, five thick spurts. The flavor was explosive making Meowth swoon.

Meowth’s spent cock twitched in a dry orgasm and he fainted. “So...yummy…”

Mini Dit and Ash continued on, enjoying some intense bonding. The bonds with Ash’s pokemon increased, and for Meowth something changed inside him.


After a short rest and wash up, Ash was dressed and the mons were rested and recovered. Nidoran helped locate a pokemon, a Weedle!

Ash battled it with Pidgeotto doing super effective damage. He threw a ball and it sucked the mon up.


“Alright!” When he picked up the ball it shrank down and became locked. His Pokedex pinged.

Dexter:You have reached your carry limit, you may choose a pokemon to be sent to Professor Oak.

“Don’t worry Weedle, Professor Oak will take good care of you.” Ash pushed a button and Weedle’s ball vanished in a flash of light.

“You there!” Ash and his mons turned. “You must be the vile novice, who made the fair maiden cry. Have at you!”

He attacked Ash with the sword. Mini Dit transformed fast, turning into a sword for Ash to block. “What the heck?!” Ash glared at Samurai. “Who are you!?”

“I am Samurai the Elite Bug Catcher. I challenge you!” He backed off and revealed a monster ball. “I have faced the other trainers from Pallet Town and they were skilled opponents. You appear to be but a novice!”

“What makes you say that weirdo?” Meowth asked.

“Gah that pokemon just spoke!” Samurai raised his sword.

“Yes, my Meowth can talk, why are you calling me a novice?”

“Heh, I heard about you, a loser who doesn’t even know the basics, you even let your monsters wonder around with you no care of sense at all!” He went into a long monologue about how the monster balls keep Pokemon safe and help them recover their energy. To have them walking around like this they could run off, get attacked by trainers mistaking them for wild pokemon or wild pokemon, they could be stolen, etc etc…

The guy was so long winded the mention of a maiden completely was lost to Ash.

“My Pokemon are just fine, they like hanging out with me and when they need to they rest in their balls.”

“Yeah, we got a special bond!” Meowth said happily, before blushing.

“You are not a true trainer, face me so I may crush you!”

“I’ll face you just to shut you up.”

“When I battled the other trainers I fought them 3 v 3, but since you’ve incurred my wrath I’ll beat you with my full force!” He readied his monster ball. “Have at you!”

To be continued...Hard Off


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