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Dragon ball parody: Patreon Reward

Kakarot Returns
Vegeta had searched for Kakarot/Goku but was unable to find him. Goku had remained in space finding his current state to be too dangerous for Earth. He trained on Yardrat learning spirit control and advancing his techniques. He’s gone for over a year, reflecting on his life. When he returns he makes a move on Vegeta and Bulma.

Chapter 1

Kakarot a saiyan sent to Earth had been given the name Goku. He had lived ignorant of who he was and where he came from. Raised by a hermit in the mountains he was a skilled fighter but lacked knowledge of the world. He made friends and enemies, growing stronger and wiser, learning from those he met. His adventures had helped save the world time and time again.

He honored a promise a married a girl named Chichi and had a son named Gohan. Though their relationship was not normal, he loved his son very much. As the years passed it was clear Chichi didn’t understand him, she had some form of idea in her head of the perfect life, the perfect husband, the perfect family. When Goku didn’t meet this idea, there were problems.

Goku often thought this was just one of those things he didn’t understand. Then the saiyans appeared and he learned of what he was. He died fighting Raditz, and received training in other world.

Vegeta and Nappa were coming so the Z Warriors trained to face them, Piccolo training Gohan in the hopes the hybrid would be the ace in the hole. Goku trained with King Kai, learning the Kaioken and Spirit Bomb techniques.

The Z Warriors tried their best to defeat the saiyans, but the gap in power was far too great. Yamcha, Tien, Chiaotzu, and even Piccolo fell to their might.

He returned to the world of the living with the Dragon Balls and faced the saiyans. Kakarot defeated Nappa but the larger saiyan was killed by Vegeta.

The third class warrior clashed with the Prince of Saiyans, it was an uphill battle, but Vegeta was caught off guard by Kakarot’s strength and ability. This wasn’t the one sided battle he was expecting, and though he wouldn’t admit it now the Prince actually enjoyed himself fighting Kakarot.

Despite his best efforts he couldn’t defeat Vegeta alone. Krillin wished to kill the prince, but Goku let him go. The bald man didn’t understand why, but it was the saiyan warrior’s choice. This choice would shape the future of things to come.

Vegeta’s pride was shaken, he had been defeated, but surviving would mean new strength.

Goku was badly injured, but his “wife” only seemed to care about Gohan. Even after Gohan, Bulma, and Krillin journeyed into space to find Namek and seek their Dragon Balls, Chichi showed little sign of caring for her husband. The only time she visited was when Ox King brought her.


Bulma was having some conflicting thoughts. She had been dating Yamcha for awhile now, and the two had their ups and downs. She couldn’t help but think about Goku, feeling she had missed out on a good thing. It was one of her secret fantasies of Goku visiting her and well… “making Gohan”.

A part of her always regretted letting Chichi make her move on him. Something didn’t sit right with the whole situation. After Goku had agreed to honor his promise to her, she clung to him until she turned down Yamcha.

That was weird. Yamcha had told her how he had met Chichi and knocked her out when she attacked him. When he checked on her to see if she was okay, she went nuts and tried to kill him again so he made up the whole story about loving her. It was a big red flag in Bulma’s mind, the fact she had remembered this and kept it in her back pocket. She could see a scenario where had Goku rejected her, she’d have set her sights on Yamcha.

Bulma would have talked to Goku about it, except there was the whole Piccolo situation going on so bigger problems. Then after Piccolo was defeated Goku was off with Chichi, she didn’t see him for a long time after that day. It still bothered her, but she hoped Goku would be happy.

She didn’t even get time to talk to Goku before Raditz showed up. Then he died and it shook her to her core, shook her up more than it seemed to effect Chichi. Even when he came back there was just nothing there.

Absence certainly made the heart grow fonder. Bulma’s feelings for the man didn’t fade, only seemed to simmer in waiting. Burning bright in her dreams and fantasies.


Once the Senzu Beans were ready Goku healed and he went off into space to help. Vegeta also ventured to Namek. Freeza was after the dragon balls, and if he gained immortality first the horrors he would unleash would be endless.

With his increase in strength Vegeta took on the Cold Empire’s top officers. Zarbon defeated him but thanks to a hidden dragon ball Vegeta was kept alive and allowed to recover. This would prove a problem for Freeza’s forces, forcing him to call in the Ginyu force. Krillin and Gohan had their potential unlocked by the Elder Guru.

Despite the increase in strength, Gohan, Krillin, and Vegeta were no match for the Ginyu Force, only managing to beat Guldo. Recoome nearly killed them when Goku arrived and revived them with the Senzu Beans.

He had been training under 100 times gravity, increasing his power by leaps and bounds. He easily beat Recoome and knocked out Burter, Vegeta wasn’t so kind. The two soldiers were killed. Jeice escaped to call in the Captain.

Sadly Kakarot let his guard down and got his body stolen by Ginyu, this was reversed and the captain was put into a body of a frog. Vegeta finished off Jeice.

Needing to be healed Goku was placed in a healing tank under the careful watch of Vegeta. Krillin and Gohan used the namekian dragon balls to revive Piccolo. A unique choice he was brought to Namek to help fight Freeza.

This wasn’t the best plan.

The ice demon had the power to transform and his naturally gifted power level exceeded them by a huge margin. Even with Dende serving as a healer, by Freeza’s third firm he was mopping the floor with everyone, Piccolo and Vegeta included. To plunge them into despair he went into his fourth form and was about to kill Vegeta when Goku awoke from his much needing healing.

Fresh with a zenkai boost Goku clashed with the tyrant, but it seemed he still lacked the power to defeat him. Vegeta was killed stirring Goku’s rage. Even with a grand Spirit Bomb it wasn’t enough to bring down this monster, and Krillin was killed.

Something inside Goku snapped and in a flash of golden light he transformed into a Super Saiyan. His power shook the planet, the air crackled under his might. He had Gohan take Piccolo to the ship and ordered him to find Bulma to get off this planet.

While he clashed with Freeza he devised a plan to undo the hell the monster had caused. Since Kami revived with Piccolo so to did Earth’s dragon balls. Using them, the namekians Freeza and his men killed were revived so to were the namekian dragon balls. Using the last wish, the namekians, Gohan, Vegeta, and Bulma were taken off world and brought to Earth.

This left Goku able to clash with Freeza and the tyrant was put in his place out matched and overwhelmed. The super saiyan even showed mercy to him, which was met with anger and an energy disk. Freeza would eventually be cut down by his own wrath and technique. He was given one final chance which was wasted when he tried to attack Goku’s back.

Kakarot finished him or so he thought.

The planet was going to explode and Goku just barely managed to escape.


On Earth Elder Guru passed on his power to another Namekian Elder allowing the balls to remain. Using the balls they were able to revive Krillin, Yamcha, Tien, and Chiaotzu. Believing Goku was dead, they tried to wish him back only for the dragon to reveal he was alive.

So the next idea was to simply wish him home. Porunga tried but was unable to do so. “Son Goku says he cannot return now.” The dragon explained.

As it stood Goku’s state and new power was dangerous and unstable. He needed to get control of his new power to be safe on Earth. There was even more to it than that, he needed to reflect on things, try to understand who he was.

Vegeta stole a ship and tried to find Kakarot, in his haste he hadn’t bothered to ask the dragon where the fool was, but Vegeta was a bit over eager when it came to Kakarot. Despite how much he searched he wasn’t able to find the super saiyan. He ended up having to return to Earth, having just enough fuel to return.

Bulma took pity on him, she had actually wanted to go search for Goku herself. One might say she was impressed with the prince’s gusto. Not only did she give the saiyan a place to stay but a way to train. “I wouldn’t worry, Goku strangely has a way of being there when you need him.”

Vegeta blushed. “I do not need him.”

“Of course you don’t, you just want him.” His whole face went red.

“You don’t know what you are talking about woman!” He huffed.

Bulma fought off a frown with a smirk. She did know, she understood want, she recognized the same look in Vegeta’s eyes that plagued her in the morning when she dreamed of Goku.

Kakarot would return, stronger than ever. On Yardrat he had practiced and trained in Spirit Control, tapping into the next level of ki control. In a year he managed to learn the basics and one of the advanced techniques.

To be continued...Missing Him

Bulma shows Vegeta ways of dealing with want, sharing one of her favorite toys and helping the prince deal with some stress.


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