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Bleach parody: Patreon Reward

Chapter 9

Chapter 10 Friend of Clay

Renji escaped, his speed seemed insane, his movement seemed doubled if not tripled as if he was under benefits from time magic. One thing was clear was he had run off with the two adventurers he had captured. Komamura had run after him, but the gap between them was just too vast.

“Sajin Komamura sir!” Suddenly a ninja appeared.

“You…” He recalled the shuriken thrown that had saved Sado before. “You helped Sado, Yushiro-kun?”

The ninja nodded. “Yes with my ninja tricks, however I lost him in the fray.” There was a lot going on in the battle.

Yushiro had wanted to rescue Sado from his bindings, but he couldn’t get close without drawing attention to himself. There was a lot of magic and mojo being thrown around and it would be easy to get blasted by a stray shot. “I have shadow clones searching the city, collecting any survivors from the battle.”

They made their way back into town, there was an air of tragedy about. “It’s real...the demon king is coming…”

Renji had actually killed a few adventurers in the scuffle. Priests and shamans were having to perform emergency spells  to keep them from reviving as undead. “How is this possible, he was so strong he’s not one of the demon king’s generals!?”

Sajin knew many of these people were not believers in the return, but were now faced with the reality. War was coming, and they weren’t prepared for it. Ichigo was more gung ho, wanting to stop the demon king’s revival, preventing the war that was to come. His good intentions were ruined by something...or someone else.

“Sajin sir?” Komamura moved over to where he last saw Sado. He touched the ground and use his beast man senses to look for clues. “We’ll need to head back to the capital and report what has happened.”

The tank of a man moved further away from the ninja. “Sir?”

“Just a moment…” He took a deep breath, catching a scent. “Oh no!”

“What is it?” The ninja rushed over.

“Renji said something in the fight, that he was essentially putting on a show for Ichigo.” He hadn’t sensed the orangette, so he thought Abarai was just talking crazy. “He wasn’t wrong, Ichigo was here, and he has Sado…”

His nose picked up the faint trace of blood and he looked up to see an eye made of blood on the wall. ‘He’s still watching?!’ Sajin blasted the wall destroying the eye.


Sado’s head was spinning, Renji had bested him and in the course of the battle he ended up falling. He braced himself for the impact, only to be caught. “Hey there!” His eyes widened.

‘Ichigo?!’ The demonized form of his best friend smiled down at him.

“Let us go, Renji is having fun!” He drew some blood and painted an eye on the wall. “Now I won’t miss a thing!”

Ichigo carried him off.


The orangette blinked. “Sajin discovered my eye, and knows I’ve made off with you.”

“Haa haa haa haa!” Sado was panting. His skin was flushed and sweaty, his body giving off the heat of lust.

He had been stripped off his clothing and the bandages. The monstrous claws and super human strength making quick work of every stitch. Ichigo praised his form admiring his brawler physique. The praise caught Sado off guard.

Sado has carried a torch for Ichigo for some time. He had put his strong will to keep those feelings on the down low. Love in the party could often lead to trouble. That didn’t stop him from hoping that one day when the threat was over they could be together. It was a fantasy he rarely touched, outside of morning rituals. He had wanted to have Ichigo’s back no matter what, and a part of him felt as if he had failed. ‘This is because of me...I couldn’t protect him...’

His arms were bound above his head being held by Ichigo’s tail. Sado tried to struggle, only for a creature to appear to immobilize him. ‘A golem!?’

A golem was holding Sado’s legs in place. A mouth was encircled around his penis, the golem was sucking him relentlessly. “Ahhh ahhhh ahh ahhh ahhh ahh!” He hardened inside the golem’s mouth. It didn’t need to breath so it could perfectly consume and work his shaft.

“Ichigo...ohhh ohh ohh!”

“Feels good yeah?” He ran his fingers through Sado’s hair, putting it back so he could look him in both eyes.

Sado shivered and bucked. “Impressive isn’t it, what a little blood does for these guys.” Ichigo had turned the golem with some of his blood. Maybe it was why they absorbed fighters, to try and evolve, but blood freely given was different, plus Ichigo’s hybrid power was on another level.

Tentacles worked the brawler’s ass, clay hands spreading his cheeks apart. At first the clay worked like a tongue, working his entrance open before slipping inside. It twisted and twirled, wiggling inside Sado, earning more moans.

The golem made a molding of Sado’s penis, a solid 8 incher, and it was used to till his soil, training his ass and opening him up for cock. The faux dick rocked and stirred inside him, thrusting back and forth. “Ohhh~!” Sado spilled his seed, and the golem channeled it through his body, corrupting it with monster energy before dumping it back inside Sado.

Sado was trying to focus but the constant suction and anal fucking was making him lose his mind.

“Ichigo please don’t do this…” He managed to get out between moans.

His words fell on deaf ears. Ichigo let his golem work, driving Sado mad with pleasure as he watched Renji fight. He kept caressing Sado’s hair, tenderly massaging his scalp. Outside of the tail it was the only touch Ichigo was giving him.

Sado’s pleas and protests were ignored, with the corrupted swordsman. Soon the words were reduced to moans and gasps.

The golem double teamed him, sucking his shaft nonstop, while thrusting the mold of his dick inside him slowly. Maddeningly slow...Sado felt every inch as it plundered his rear, churning up his insides. The corrupted seed sloshing inside him.

At the base of his rim a knot was formed, working to help keep the seed inside him. The corrupted essence was helping change the brawler from the inside out.

“I let Renji go on ahead as I prepared this for you.” He ran his claw through Sado’s hair, the warrior shivering at the touch. In his free hand was a golem Ichigo had twisted up and made into a candle.

“Ichigo please!” Sado had a hungry look in his eye.

“Looks like Renji finished his job, I’ll have to reward him for his good work.” Suddenly Ichigo’s focus was fully on him.

Sado was blushing, his body was twitching, his nipples were hard, his muscles were flexing. “Nnnhhh!” Another orgasm, Sado had lost count by this point. His insides felt so wet and messy. He was being milked, his balls getting drained by the minute. Even after his orgasm, the golem seemed to pull spurts from him, and by the time it finally ended he was being sent back over the edge.

He could feel his hole clenching and squeezing the thrusting rod, feeling every inch of his own dick. “You look like you want something.” His hand dropped to caress Sado’s cheek. “Tell me what you want.”

Sado gulped and licked his lips, his mouth felt so dry. He couldn’t help but lean into Ichigo’s touch. “You...I want you...please Ichigo!” The hybrid smirked.

“You’ve always been a good friend to me Sado. I’m so happy to bring you into the fold.” He showed off his massive erection.

‘Ohh fuck!’ It was even bigger up close, casting a shadow over his face. There was some pre-cum forming at the tip, Sado eyed it hungrily, like a man lost in the sand lands.

Ichigo offered his cock to him and Sado didn’t hesitate, lapping at his length, collecting his essence and drinking it down. The stuff mixed in his belly creating a new concoction, the mix of his corrupted seed and Ichigo’s demon fluid seemed to accelerate the change happening inside Sado.

Sado began to develop a mana system, new nerve endings began to weave through his anal canal, making his anal pleasure surge more. His muscles became stimulated, taking the brawler’s natural physique and enhancing it further. The man’s penis no longer needed to rely on blood to get hard, it could draw on his ki and mana. His cock entered a permanently erect state.

As the change occurred Sado was high on pleasure. The changes that would have felt like growing pains were melted in waves of pleasure. His focus was on Ichigo’s cock licking and sucking.

Sado’s mouth wasn’t very large and his throat could only handle so much. His best efforts left him gagging and choking on Ichigo’s monstrous rod. He just breathed through his nose and kept working. The manly musk bewildered his brain.

With his best efforts he managed to get 8 inches down his throat but no more. He moaned and whined in desperation.

‘Good he’s ready.’ Ichigo let the golem candle, the flame a striking red color. It began to melt and the clay wax began to drip onto Sado’s back. He moaned and shuddered, but his steady focus kept him on Ichigo’s cock, sucking and working to get his seed.

With Ichigo’s golem candle it was essentially magic wax. It dripped onto Sado’s back, hot and sending waves of energy through his skin. It dripped and dropped, a magic rune being crafted. The shape was that of a heart with wings and a coiling snake encircling it. A ribbon curled in the opposite direction.

As the mark settled in the more power flowed through Sado’s skin. Without realizing it Sado began to use his newfound power. He was being changed into a demon golem, a being of clay and earth, but one perfectly mixed with blood and flesh and bone!

Sado could shift his form, stretching and shifting his body to take the massive demon dick. ‘More...more...more...more!’ He broke double digits, swallowing around more of the cock. “Mmmm~!”

“That’s it...that’s good Sado!” Ichigo moaned.

The praise sent Sado over the edge, cumming again.

He worked the shaft all the way down to the root, having the full length in his mouth and throat had sparks going off in his brain. He was dizzy and horny from the musk and heat of his rod. Another orgasm shot through him.

Ichigo cupped the back of his head. “Here it comes!” He unleashed his seed and Sado had hearts in his eyes as the thick demon milk filled his belly. This was the final catalyst he needed for his transformation.

Sado sank into the golem holding his legs. When this was over it would serve as a living armor for him.

To be continued...Golem Love


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