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October Requests will open tomorrow, for those not aware, my plan was to pause October and use the month to recover and get back on track and have things be ready for november. I don't know what happened but it didn't pause. I was having server issues and lag issues with patreon and it was just before their changes, so maybe something got lost or didn't go through. Be that as it may despite what happened some financial issues came up this month which I was able to handle with the October payment. So things worked out, even if not according to plan. I just have to handle the work load. I allowed double ups last month because i thought I'd have the whole month of october to work on things, since that isn't the case for this month

I even cancelled the alphabet challenge because of the issues, I had planned to frame the month around it and it was going well at the start before things fell apart. Other issues sprang up, but i'm handling them they just making things difficult.

My health issues have not been the best since my family's project, I've seen one doctor who told me to go back on my stronger pain meds which is a double edged sword its hard to function on them.
I have a chiro appointment tomorrow, and a visit to a pain doctor/specialist i think on the 26th or 27th. With a family doctor visit come november. I'm doing my best to hang in there. I appreciate everyone's support couldn't do this without you guys.

I won't be doing kinktober or tentacleween requests this month, I do plan to finish the ones on the back log before this halloween.   


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