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Fairy Tail parody: Patreon Reward

Chapter 1 

Chapter 2 Romeo’s Feelings, Natsu’s Back!

Twilight Ogre was a guild but they acted more like bandits. Quick to give loans out but charged serious interest. They then harassed the guilds that owed them money. For some reason Fairy Tail was a big target of harassment.

The collectors who came took great pleasure in wrecking the guild, hitting on the women, and beating on the men. Because of the debt Macao had to hold his tongue. Paying back these guys was getting harder and harder, and the interest just kept piling up. To say nothing of the cost of repairs they had to make after the goons came to collect.

It was getting so bad Macao was currently late on his payment. This seemed to give a free pass for the guild to beat the hell out of Macao. Romeo was tired of this, even if he wasn’t there to see it every time, he often came home to the after math and knew what had happened.

On this day he was back from a co-op mission with Alzack and Bisca, and saw the Twilight Ogre losers making a mess of their guild again, and attacking his father/guild master. “What the hell do you think you are doing?!” Romeo snapped, his hands igniting in purple flames.

“Romeo stop!” Macao coughed. “Don’t fight!”


“You heard the loser, don’t fight little man, you wouldn’t want this crummy guild to collapse would you?” Twilight Ogre practically owned Fairy Tail at this point, and if push came to shove Macao could end up in a debtors prison working off the entire debt until the day he died.

It’s be bad for the other Fairy Tail members to. Romeo had no choice but to back down. This seemed to be a battle that couldn’t be won with violence.

Romeo couldn’t stand it. He hated the way things were, with no way to get out of this hole. A debt was a debt sure, but the way Twilight Ogre treated them and vandalized their guild that felt like another matter entirely.

Macao was able to smooth things over, but it didn’t last and the goons returned. They weren’t the only ones to return!

“Natsu!” The Tenrou group returned and beat Twilight Ogre’s ass. Things were a bit hectic from there.

While it had been 7 years for everyone else, the events of the Exam, Grimoire Heart’s attack, and the fight with Acnologia, all happened yesterday for them. They were injured, low on magic power, and simply a wreck having faced a near death experience, a couple of times!

The group needed to recover so they did, plus they needed to deal with the fact they were just thrown seven years into the future. The world had changed, magic had changed, even people had changed.

As for Twilight Ogre…

Makarov, Erza, and Mirajane paid them a visit. A debt was indeed a debt, but Makarov was here to collect on another debt. “The tears of my children, the suffering they had to bare while I was gone, the horrors and pain they had to experience at the hands of your guild...that debt….has been building up for some time.”

“And we shall collect with interest.” Mirajane said with a smile.

Frankly Twilight Ogre had taken advantage of Fairy Tail, getting off on having a once powerful guild under their boot. They crossed the line more than once, even the amount of interest they were charging was obscene not a single other “client” had so much interest on their account. Without the power houses in the guild, Twilight Ogre used the power of money to keep the guild in check.

When the guild master started talking about adding his guild’s medical bills to the debt Makarov was quick to shut that down. Banaboster had brought suffering to Fairy Tail, keeping them in a spiraling pool of misery and despair. Getting away with it because of a lack of strength.

Twilight Ogre had become Fiore’s number one guild, they had the reputation and prestige that Fairy Tail and Phantom Lord once held. Such things didn’t matter to Makarov.

This little visit wasn’t to end the debt with violence, but it served as a warning to STOP FUCKING WITH FAIRY TAIL. After the renegotiation of the terms, along with putting several members of Twilight Ogre in the hospital, and traumatizing others. Fairy Tail would repay the debt they owed with proper interest involved.

The inflated debt due to the interest rates, was shaved off. Banaboster was actually gambling with that, had Macao known legal dos and donts of contracts he could have gone to the Magic Counsel over this inflated interest years ago. Legally it wasn’t allowed, even if Macao signed it, the law wouldn’t have allowed it and wasn’t gonna enforce it.

In the end Fairy Tail still owed Twilight Ogre money, but that debt would be repaid in time.


Having Natsu back was a dream come true for Romeo. It was also a bit of an issue. His dream guy was back and around him. It lit a fire in his loins. Every time he saw Natsu the embers of love seemed to ignite into a roaring flame, his heart raced and his blood rushed south.

This was his chance to tell Natsu how he felt...or at the very least form a team with him. He’d gone on missions with other guild members, learning from them as best he could. His dad wouldn’t let him go on missions alone.

If he could form a team with Natsu that would be…

Romeo couldn’t finish the thought without some of his most 18+ dreams springing to mind. It was almost torture, having Natsu so close and yet feel so far away. “Say Romeo!” Natsu called to him. “I hear you have fire magic now, can I see it?”

A torch of an idea came to Romeo’s mind. “Sure, but let’s go somewhere where I can let loose.” Natsu shrugged. He ruffled Romeo’s hair, and the poor boy nearly melted at the touch.

Wanting more already…

He wanted to show off for Natsu, earn his praise and so much more.

Romeo took Natsu to a clearing where he could show off his stuff. Red Flare and Purple Flare were easy. “So you mastered your dad’s magic huh? Very nice, I couldn’t get it.” This was only half true, Dragneel didn’t fully understand his potential as a dragon slayer.

The pyromancer had his red flames take the form of beasts. “Very cool!” Dragneel praised, sending a happy shiver through Romeo.

“Take a look at this one Natsu…” He readied his resolve, and conjured the Indigo Flame.

“Ohh what is this?” He thought the ice fire would be next.

“Look at it closely, it’s really cool!” Conbolt held out the flame of Illusion, making the fire dance in his hand.

Natsu gazed into the flame, falling into a trance. “It’s so pretty…” Romeo could almost hear a ping as the dragon slayer fell under his control. He’s tested this flame on numerous opponents, he was able to put them in a deep sleep with this flame. Trapping them in an illusion/dream.

Through his testing he learned he can suggest things to those he’s tranced out. ‘Forgive me Natsu-ni, but I need to say this!’

“I’m in love with you!” He declared. Having the words leave him was such a huge weight off his chest. “I love you, I love you, I love you so much!”

Romeo hugged the dragon slayer. “I missed you so much, I’ve been wanting to see you again!” He basked in his warmth. “Now you are back, and I have all these feelings burning inside me...Natsu...can you help me?”

“Yes…” Dragneel spoke. He was still tranced out.

Conbolt pulled back and smiled. “Natsu, pretend to be Gray and take off your clothes.” The command sank in and the dragon slayer obeyed. He removed his scarf and set it aside neatly.

His vest came off allowing Romeo to fully gaze at the pinkette’s pecs and abs. He kicked off his sandals, before dropping his pants. ‘No underwear…’ Romeo blushed.

He now saw why Natsu wore such baggy pants. ‘So big!’ His cock had to be at least 12 inches long and he wasn’t even hard. Natsu’s family jewels were huge, they’d make a tanuki jealous. ‘Oh wow!’

Romeo walked around him, admiring his full naked physique. ‘Strong arms and legs!’ He felt up the limbs marveling at his muscles. ‘Firm pecs!’ He groped Natsu’s chest, his fingers sinking into the muscle over and over. ‘Hot abs!’ His hand roamed over his stomach, brushing the dips of muscle. ‘Wow wow wow!’

Natsu was very manly, he had a thick nest of manly hair crowning his crotch. He also had hair on his pits. The carpets matched the drapes, showing Natsu was a natural pinkette.

Conbolt ran his fingers through his pubes. ‘God, he’s so hot!’

His hands roamed up Dragneel’s back, feeling the muscles. Up and down, up and down, the hands coming down to rest on his firm/toned butt cheeks. “Wow!” He groped his ass.

Cheeks were spread and Romeo gazed at his back door, the tight little cave that was untouched given the color. It was a tantalizing view, he wanted his little dragon to claim this cave as his own.

He dipped lower to fondle the orbs. ‘Natsu is so manly, he’s so big here!’ A squeeze drew a moan from the dragon slayer. ‘He’s moaning for me!’ He handled his sac like precious cargo, caressing the jewels inside.

Natsu shuddered and panted, his skin heating up from arousal. His manhood flooded with heat and stirred to life reaching up to 14 inches! “Wow!” Romeo’s jaw dropped.

He was a lot bigger than the toy he experimented with. ‘So cool!’ He wiggled in anticipation. The size didn’t scare him, he’d take that dick inside him one way or another.

This was a golden opportunity to fulfill one of his fantasies. Using his Purple Flare he grabbed Natsu’s wrists and held his arms above his head exposing his pits. Romeo blushed.

Dragneel’s manly musk was strong, with his pits exposed the scent wafted on the breeze. “Ohhh!”

Romeo got undressed, his hard 9 incher snapping up as soon as he lowered his boxers. He hugged Natsu again, getting some skin on skin contact. ‘So warm!’ He felt he could just melt against Natsu like a marshmallow.

His cock and balls were pressed against Dragneel’s warm body, the heat he gave off massaging his intimate areas. “Mmm~!” He straddled Natsu’s leg, and buried his face in the pit. ‘Oh fuck the hell yes!’

The manly hair tickled his nose, the musk flooding his senses. Romeo’s eyes fluttered and he humped against Natsu’s leg. “Natsu...ohh fuck...fuck fuck….fuck ohhh!” He clung to Natsu, feeling his back and groping his pecs.

Dragneel remained still, letting the young fire wizard sniff his pits, grinding on his form. Romeo breathed deeply, letting the musk fuel his libido, pushing him closer and closer to the edge until. “Ahhh Natsu!”

He came, shooting his seed all over Natsu’s pecs, abs, and crotch! His orgasm rode out, the release lingering as he enjoyed the scent of his partner.

To be continued...How To Train A Fire Dragon


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