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Naruto parody: Patreon Reward

Chapter 9 

Chapter 10 Snake Predator

While Kiba went off to relieve himself, Sasuke and Hinata remained and waited. Orochimaru had infiltrated Konoha as a member of the Grass Ninja group. He tried to infiltrate Team 7 posing as Kiba, but Sasuke saw through his trick. “It’s this guy…” Hinata got really nervous.

He gave her the creeps, even before the exam started. “You lot would want my heaven scroll yes?” He revealed the Heaven Scroll in his possession. “Seeing as you have an Earth Scroll!”

‘How does he know that, has he been following us?’ Sasuke sweats.

Orochimaru swallowed his scroll. “Let us begin...the battle for the scrolls!” He licked his lips.

Hinata and Sasuke were stunned. Even if they could beat this guy how would they get it from inside him.

The snake sage unleashed his murderous intent, in a flash the two rookie ninja experienced all the ways the man could/would kill them. This wasn’t a genjutsu it was pure blood lust, the horror his killing intent stirred in their minds. Fight, flight, do nothing, this man’s skill and desire to kill left every option leaving to death.

‘Is this genjutsu?’ Sasuke tossed his cookies and Hinata was brought to her knees. ‘No...this is just pure fear...his killing intent is forcing us to see visions of death…’ He wiped his chin. ‘Who is this guy?’

“I bet you are wondering what happened to your friend, I’m afraid he’s already dead.” Orochimaru was sure his snake could handle a rookie ninja.

Hinata started to cry. “Hinata…” The poor girl was trembling. Orochimaru smirked, chuckling as the girl looked about ready to pass out.

“Poor thing, like an injured bird...let me put you out of your misery!” He throws two kunai at the Hyuuga heir.

Sasuke managed to move, stabbing himself to shatter the fear. Pain was enough to break the sensation, he managed to move quick enough to grab Hinata and get away. ‘Very good, very good, little Uchiha, you are fun prey indeed.’ He performed some hand seals finding a patch of grass. “Go!”

A swarm of snakes came from the grass, slithering out and spreading out through the woods.

Hinata was panting. “Thanks...Sasuke-kun…”

“Don’t thank me yet, that crazy bastard is still on our trail.”

“But Kiba-kun...Kiba-kun is….” She began to sob.

“I doubt that mutt went down so easily, but he’s probably in just as much danger as we are.” She wiped her eyes. Until they saw his body they’d have hope.

Trouble found them quickly as small snakes surrounded them on all sides. “Damn!”

Hinata took some deep breaths. “We won’t fall here, we gotta find Kiba-kun and Akamaru-kun!” She took a fighting stance. “Byakugan!”

The snakes went after her and she unleashed the gentle fist. They lunged and striked at her only to be caught and dispatched by the chakra charged fists. “Wow!” Hinata was holding their attention, and she was keeping the slithery bastards away. She was holding them off.

Sasuke was impressed, but little did he know the swarm of snakes was just a distraction. A larger snake came at him, it lunged at him and nearly got it’s fangs in Sasuke’s arm. The Uchiha stabbed it with a barrage of kunai and shuriken.

It went down, but this thing was just transport. Orochimaru burst from the snake’s corpse, in the creepiest most sinister way possible. “You lot shouldn’t relax even for a moment. As prey you should be doing your best to survive and run away. Make this fun for me to catch you.” He was dripping in snake goo.

“An Uchiha, and a Hyuuga, my my, I must say my cup running over for choice.” Hinata had finished off the hundred snakes without getting bit. “You are more fun then I was expecting, so you have awakened your Byakugan that makes you worthy prey.” He had thought the snakes would kill her so he could focus solely on Sasuke, but it was a nice surprise. “Which one shall I devour first...eeny, meeny, miny, moe…” He sing songed in a dark tone. “You!” His eyes darted and in a flash he was slithering his way towards Sasuke.

Some kunai hit the tree stopping his charge. “Oi Sasuke, Hinata, I’m back!”

“Arf!” Akamaru barked.

“Kiba-kun!” Hinata cheered happily.

“Fool!” Sasuke snapped. “This one is on a whole other level, grab Hinata and run for it!”

“I think we’ve established I don’t take orders from you!” Kiba huffed.

The grass ninja’s eyes widened. “You defeated the large snake?” His eyes narrowed, not buying it, and from what he could sense the snake was still alive, but back in the serpent’s domain. ‘Someone undid my summoning...how is that possible?’

“Funny thing about predators...some get so focused on their prey, they don’t realize they’ve become prey themselves!” Naruto appeared and attacked Orochimaru kicking him away.

‘So he’s the one…’ Orochimaru’s smirk grew. “Naruto-kun…”

“Why is he with you?” Sasuke hissed.

“That’s not important, he’s gonna help us, so quite your whining and let’s beat this creep.” Sasuke glared, his sharingan activating.

‘My my, how interesting, so he does have it...good!’

“Fufufu, you think you can make me prey, young jinchuuriki?” Naruto’s eyes flash beastly.

“I’m saying you already are!”

‘With Kiba here and alive, our option is clear.’ Sasuke offered his scroll up. ‘These two can fight it out for all I care, once he has the scroll we won’t be a target for him anymore.’ If he only knew.

“Wow, I didn’t know the last of the Uchiha clan was such a coward.”

“Shut up, this doesn’t concern you. We are enemies, he wants our Earth Scroll. If it means the scroll or our lives he can have this blasted thing.”

“Is that how you’ll approach missions?” Naruto asked. “If that’s your mentality, how long before you give up your comrades to save your own neck.” He shook his head. “You should give up being a ninja.”


“He’s not wrong.” Orochimaru smirked. “You are quite smart, the only way to escape a predator is to give them a different meal.”

Sasuke threw him the scroll, but Akamaru snatched it from the air and Kiba punched the Uchiha. “Kiba!” Hinata gasped. “You scaredy cat!” The Inuzuka growled at him. “I don’t know how strong this guy is, but what guarantee is there that he’ll let us go if we give him the scroll.”

“Hahaha, well said Kiba!” Naruto praised. “You’re too freaked out to understand the situation.” The blonde flexed a claw. “He can take the scroll and kill you.”

“Well said Jinchuuriki. I don’t plan on letting any of you survive! I’ll be taking your scrolls and your lives.” Orochimaru summoned a massive snake. “Devour the blonde!”

“Big mistake, snake in the grass!” Red chakra washed over Naruto’s body.

He extended his claw and caught the snake. “Begone!” With a swift grip he dispelled the summoning.

‘What is that chakra?’ Sasuke’s eyes widened.

“Now things are getting interesting!” He stretched his tongue out and grabbed Kiba. “You seem rather fond of this one, he’s first!”

“You think I need Naruto’s protection...Akamaru!” The dog barked. “Let’s get this creep!” The two attacked. “Fang Over Fang!” They struck Orochimaru but he slithered away just enough to avoid taking too much damage.

‘Interesting, I shall curse all three of them.’ He froze… ‘Wait where is the jinchu…’


Naruto hit him hard, his chakra covered claw managing to rip some of Orochimaru’s fake face off. “Paper Dragon Art!” The ninja moved fast building a whole paper dragon. His red chakra washed over it giving it the look of a real dragon. “Burning Dragon Roar!”

Orochimaru was blasted by the flames and slammed into a tree. He had to halt the flames, he’d never live it down after warning Menma he burned down the forest. “Paper Tiger Art! Samurai Tiger Tail!”  He crafted a new creation a tiger, once again his red chakra gave the paper beast the look of a real tiger.

It charged at the man  and before Orochimaru could react it severed his arm, the one with the snake contract seal on it. “No more snakes!”

“Truly the power of the tailed beasts is impressive, but you can also wield it.” Orochimaru smirked. “But you are relics of the past, soon there will be new tailed beasts ones with even greater power!”

Naruto rolled his eyes. “What nonsense are you speaking?”

“It won’t matter, you won’t be alive to see it!” From his mouth he revealed a snake with a sword. “Let us see who will be the prey!”

The blonde looked positively feral as he created a sword of paper, his chakra making it red and black. The two clashed pushing back and forth in a fierce battle. ‘He mentioned the tailed beasts...does Naruto truly have one inside him, and is it possible to recreate their power?’ Sasuke thought wondering if with this power he could defeat Itachi.

Orochimaru regenerated his arm, a snake manifesting from the hole before it reformed into the limb. He began to weave hand signs. He used a wind release, but Naruto’s sword turned into a fan and he countered it. The snake man tried fire, creating a flaming snake. The blonde’s fan returned to being a sword and he sliced it, snuffing out the blaze. “Ha!” With a quick thrust, Orochimaru found himself cut in two. The paper sword shooting out and running him through, a surge of chakra followed and cut him in half.

Snakes sprang out and reconnected his body. “Did you think that would kill me?”

Naruto chuckled. “No...but it got me close to this.” He held up the Heaven’s scroll.

Orochimaru glared. “You sneaky fox!” Naruto bowed.

“I have the scroll now, but I’m not done with you. You see...while I was curious to fight you before...you bared your fangs at me, you laid your filthy coils on my pack.” Naruto’s red eyes shimmered. “It’s been awhile since someone has made me this angry, so I’ll enjoy this punishment.” From his hand yellow pieces of paper began to flutter out and scatter into the winds.

“What is this?”

“Never seen this before? Then allow me to give you a lesson. Secret Paper Art!”  In the yellow paper held spirits of lightning. “Yellow Paper Storm!” From the yellow parchment lightning burst out striking Orochimaru and running him through over and over. He couldn’t move only cry out in pain and anguish. “Now burst!”

He blasted the ninja away, sending him flying on a bolt of lightning. The sky crackled and a loud boom could be heard in all directions.

Menma blinked in surprise. “Brother used the secret arts?”

Naruto clapped his hands together, calming down and dispelling his chakra.


Orochimaru survived the blast, but he was gravely injured. The lightning paper was able to strike him at his very core, his muscles were numb and his body was singed. He managed to regenerate by shedding his skin. A smart ninja carried some extra lives when they entered battle. Orochimaru had a trick for sacrificing lives to save his own. “Damn that brat, he cost me twenty years of this body!” He had burned this body’s life span!” This wasn’t ideal as he’d just gained this body, and while he was looking for another, he was planning to fight the hokage. “Minato….your son is truly a pain, I bet the other is just as troublesome. Perhaps I can use them to my advantage.” He chuckled. “Oh Naruto, you made me your prey for a moment, but I’ll have the last laugh.”

He had allies, his two associates were alerted and would come rescue him soon. ‘I’ll recover, you won’t stop my plans boy. As the previous sage created the tailed beasts, I too shall create my own, but an army!’ He had seen such potential prey, potential vessels to create new bijuu with. ‘I know you boy...I know of you...with you here I have a chance to bring Sasuke deeper into my coils.’

To be continued...Menma vs Gaara


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