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Total Drama parody: Tier 1/Bad Day Fic

Cursed Idol

Chris told the teens not to take anything from Boney Island or be cursed. The island is said to be the most cursed/haunted island in the world. He wasn’t wrong as all manner of curses and things reside on this island looking for a way to escape. Taking something from the island is said to bring bad luck, but should something choose someone to leave well….

Chapter 1

Total Drama Island was an up and coming reality show bringing teens to an island to compete for a small fortune and cheesy tabloid fame. Twenty two teens were competing, having to enjoy each other’s company, the weekly challenges, and camp life.

So far the competition had claimed Ezekiel, who’s rude comments got him booted from the competition despite him tackling the challenge of the episode. Eva was eliminated next, the lack of sleep and her anger issues made her an easy target. Noah was next, his lack of desire to help in the dodge ball challenge made him a target for elimination when his team lost.

Heather was shady reading Gwen’s diary in the “talent” competition. They lost the game, but she manipulated the votes to get Justin eliminated. Katie was next to be eliminated as her and Sadie cost their team the win by getting lost in the woods. Tyler was next to be eliminated, he couldn’t conqueror his fear, and Duncan wasn’t gonna vote Courtney off, despite her proving to be more and more of a liability than an asset.

As it stood the teams were the Screaming Gophers and the Killer Bass.

Team Gopher still had, Beth, Izzy, Lindsay, Owen, Trent, Leshawna, Heather, Gwen, and Cody.

Team Bass had Bridgette, Courtney, DJ, Duncan, Geoff, Harold, and Sadie.

Today’s challenge was a trip to Boney Island, and it was a reward challenge so the tension was low this week. The teams were pairing up and setting off. Boney Island was known as the most cursed island in the world, there were all sorts of rumors about the island, strange beasts, cursed objects, unholy rituals happened on the island.

It is said taking anything from the island will leave you cursed, as if the gods would punish anyone who’d unleash the horrors of this island onto the world. It could also be the idols and totems on the island wish to remain and taking them causes them to unleash their cursed powers on those who dare to take them.

If a curse had a will of their own, maybe some would want to leave if they found the right vessel.


Cody thought himself to be a real ladies men, when he first showed up on the island, he was strutting his stuff, winking at the girls, finger pointing, trying what he believed was cool. It was clear he was trying too hard. Spitting lines he thinks would get him a girl, even if they came off cheesy or sleazy.

The whole reason he came on the show was to potentially get popular and get girls to like him. One of his biggest life goals was to get a girl and get laid. His attention fell on Gwen, and he began following her like a lost puppy or as Gwen saw it acting like an annoying little brother.

Gwen had a crush on Trent, Cody saw it, and everyone heard about it when Heather read her diary on stage. Heather was trying to keep Gwen and Trent apart, so her alliance would be unstoppable. She had Beth and Lindsay sucker Trent into a team up with them, leaving Gwen on her own.

With no other choice she partnered with Cody. He kept flirting with her and came off a bit creepy at times which earned him a swift kick in the kiwis. Gwen got so fed up with his shenanigans she ditched him on the island. “Gwen...Gwen….come on I’m sorry...I didn’t mean...well I did mean...but I didn’t mean to offend you!” Cody kept calling out to her, but Gwen was gone.

He kept searching, getting spooked by noises in the deep woods. It didn’t help that Chris said people had disappeared on this island before, so it was best to stay in pairs or groups. Now he was all alone…

That fear crept up the back of his neck, increasing with each noise and rustle. “Heh heh, Gwen...please...I’m sorry...I promise I’ll never hit on a girl again…” He was getting all turned around.

Not watching where he was going he tripped over a rock. “Wah!” He fell over and looked back. “What did I?” The rock was in fact a strange idol made of stone. It had weird markings and very large eyes. “Wow this is cool!” He examined the idol and it looked to be a statue of a man.

Cody picked it up. “You shall be my vessel!”

“Huh?” He looked around. “Hello?” No one was around.

You shall be my vessel!” A chill ran up his spine.

“Anyone there?” He raised the idol above his head, ready to use it as a weapon.

You shall be my vessel!”Cody tensed.

He was trembling as he brought the idol down and looked at it. The eyes began to glow red. “What is...this...thing…” He couldn’t look away, a haunting red light beaming from the idol, it grew brighter and brighter. “Ohhh!”

His eyes glazed over and he fell into a trance. “I want to be your vessel!” He said happily. A voice began to whisper things into Cody’s ear, causing him to repeat it to understand.

Cody held the idol as if cherishing it, and gazed into it’s eyes almost lovingly. “I serve and obey, I will do as you say...I serve and obey, I will do as you say…” His heart began to race, with heat spreading through his form.

As he repeated the words the deeper they were rooted into his mind. The roots reached into his mind finding what it needed to grow strong.

The red light washed over his mind, twisting it to suit the needs. It nurtured the roots and helped the hold grow. Cody began to change though he wasn’t aware of it.“Ohhhh!” Seconds felt like minutes, minutes felt like hours, as time seemed to slow down for the brunette.

He couldn’t resist the light and he didn’t want to. “I serve and obey, I will do as you say, I serve and obey, I will do as you say…” Cody started to strip off his clothes, the clothes were an offering of sorts and he put them on the ground before sitting the idol on it.

Cody’s massive 9 inch dick became exposed. He was an impressive size, which could explain the confidence he had, though lacked the charm to back it up. His mind was being bathed and nurtured by the idol, it being stimulated in ways that would make Cody super.

With his mind all but optimized the idol focused on his body.

The idol bathed his body in red light. “Ohh!” It felt good.

His nipples hardened into perfect pink peeks. His dick began to rise, the foreskin peeling back to expose the head. “Ohh yeah!” He put his hands behind his head and spread his legs wide, letting the red light touch every nook and cranny of him.

It was as if he was in some form of photoshoot, with the red light being the camera flashes. He humped the air making his dick bounce and slap his belly, before gyrating his hips making his cock spin. Cody was putting on a show for the idol. “I serve and obey, I will do as you say!” He moaned it like a mantra.

His body began to evolve, taking in the light like he was a solar battery. His cells were stimulated and his body enhanced. The whole experience being rather pleasurable.

Cody played with his nipples and caused his cock to leak. He turned around and flexed, showing his backside to the idol. “Ohh yes!” Bending over he spread his cheeks exposing his tight hole.

This continued until Cody was sitting on the ground, gazing into the idol’s eyes as he beat his meat. “I serve and obey, I will do as you say…” He worked his cock faster and faster, using his pre-cum as lube.

His most lewd thoughts were filtered through the red light and changed. Just when he thought he would cum, his release was held off. “Ahh ahh ahh ahh ahh ahh ahh ahh ahh ahh!” He worked his cock faster, so much so his balls were jostling about.

Cody’s mind dug deeper, trying to find the spank material that’d get him off for sure, every little desire was dug up and filtered in red, being changed. “Yes...sexy yes...I want g...guys...I want guys...I want my dick sucked...I want a guy to suck my dick, I wanna pound...ass...I wanna fuck some stud’s ass and make him moan...I like...pecs...firm beefy pecs...and toned hips…” He squeezed his cock harder and began to drool.

The brunette fell into the depths, sinking into a never ending well of red. His balls were itching like crazy, the need to cum making his head grow fuzzier. He could now hear the voice of the idol clearer, what it wanted, what it demanded. “My idol...let me cum…I shall be your vessel!”

The choice might have been an illusion, he had belonged to the idol since the moment he touched it. The eyes were the window to the soul, so the idol had access to it from the start.

Red light became concentrated forming jolts of energy that penetrated Cody’s eyes. “Ohhhhh Whooooooo~!” He came hard showering the idol in his seed.

It was cleaned off and now the figure had changed, looking a lot like Cody now with big eyes. “I am your vessel, I’ll make them serve and obey, through me your curse will spread. I am your vessel, I’ll make them serve and obey, I’ll make them mine and they’ll be yours. I am your vessel, I’ll make them serve and obey, you’ll make them mine and we shall forever be yours!”


“Cody? Cody?” Gwen was looking for Cody, feeling bad for ditching him. When she found him he was standing in the middle of a clearing fully dressed. “Cody...you okay?”

“Sure!” He turned around and smiled at her. “I’m fine!”

Gwen apologized for the whole ditching him thing. “It’s fine, I was a jerk to you, I deserved it. Tell you what, to show there are no hard feelings, how about I talk to Trent for you?”

“You’d do that?”

“Sure would, we need to have a man to man talk. You’ll see it’ll be great.” Gwen thanked him, missing the flash of red in Cody’s eyes as he turned to walk away.

To be continued


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