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Kingdom Hearts/Star Vs parody: Patreon Reward

Heartless Reform School

The Darkness was upping their game, killing heroes didn’t seem to lead to any victories. Destroy one hero and two more seem to pop up in their place. The Heartless raid St. Olga’s and steal their tech creating a new Gummi Ship. The School travels from world to world, capturing heroes and princes and brainwashes them, teaching them the ways of Darkness. Corruption Brainwashing

Chapter 1

In this world magic was a powerful force. Those with magic made the rules, and those without magic had to live with said rules. Magic was an odd force, different from the natural abilities of monsters and even the curse power of demons. Many royal families hold magical artifacts allowing them to use magic, but not many are able to dip into natural magic.

St. Olga’s Reform School for Wayward Royals, they offered special suites to make Princes and Princesses from across dimensions that had “lost their way” and made them good boys and girls. It sounded nice and was used by royals who were at their wits end. They had access to dimensional scissor tech, so they were able to hunt the wayward souls no matter where they go.

It was a standing institution with a deep history...

Keeping the youths in line to prepare them for their royal destinies. It always seemed once one ascended the throne they forgot what St. O’s did to them, or else they’d never have send their kids to them.

St. O’s was now broken down, once a terror for royal teens to be sent here and having your soul sucked out, your personality drained, and spirit broken. Their hearts were kept locked up tight so they could be pure, obedient, and “good”.

The academy had terrorized the youths for a long time but was broken down. Seen as an Evil and crushed by Sun Butterfly and Marco Diaz. The royal teens had turned it into a club house of sorts, but eventually their families came and collected them, leaving the place in ruins.

A place of evil left abandoned to dust and rot away.

The perfect place for the Darkness to settle in.

This universe’s core was known as Mewni, from this core connected to many other worlds and domains. A cluster of dimensions seemingly so small and insignificant, with no cores of their own. The complex web of magic connecting them made it difficult for the Darkness to invade on mass.

It needed an anchor, a place of great evil to draw the Darkness home.

St. Olga’s was the perfect vessel...or at least it soon would be…


Beyond Mewni’s vast network of other dimensions there was a great vast space with worlds of all sorts. Many of these worlds having a core, or even multiple cores causing them to be highly valued in the game.

The battle of Light and Darkness, battling of the fate of so many worlds. The keyholes open allowing the armies of darkness to freely claim the worlds and all the hearts within. Darkness gathered those with dark hearts to lead their armies. Both with the natural and artificially created Heartless!

While the light employed those who had pure hearts, big dreams, and the desire to be heroes. Those strong enough were capable of manifesting the keyblades. The only weapon capable of purifying the heartless and sealing the keyholes.

The Darkness seemed to be fighting a losing battle, kill one hero and there was always two more to rise up. No matter how many worlds they conquer those pesky Keyblade Masters seemed to show up and undo all the hard work. Maybe it was time for a new approach…


A portal opened up over St. Olga’s, a dark energy churning  above the grand Victorian style castle. ‘A dash of this...a pinch of that…’ The darkness pulled the magic from the air twisting it for their purposes.

Four towers were revitalized and made into engines, a diamond, spade, clover, and heart crystal appeared at the top of the towers. They were designed to absorb the magic in the air and use it as fuel. The towers were crafted with offense and defensive capabilities. ‘A hint of that...a smidge of this...’

Darkness poured through the castle, repairing damages and vandalism, restoring it to its elegant form but with a touch more gothic design. The bedrooms, the dining hall, the kitchen, the showers, the dungeon, and the “re-education” room. ‘This will be something they can’t resist!’

Using the robots as vessels, the darkness crafted unique Heartless. Their suits were pitch black, their masks were now a more striking red, with the heartless crest on the forehead. They weren’t alone as some small Cerberus-like heartless filled the roll of the hunting and guard dogs.

St. Olga itself was rebuilt and became transformed. She had been designed as a den mother and nurse maid, programmed to “take care” of the “guests”but for the Darkness’s purposes they needed something a bit more mad. His hair was red and he had a lanky figure, he was given a mad hatter-like attire. On his top hat he bore the Heartless crest. So born was Mad Mod, the perfect educator. He was given a cane with a magic stone in it and a pair of dimensional scissors.

The darkness had taken over several futuristic worlds with advanced technology, using that it fixed up the tech St. O’s used, the staff and the gear was advanced with what they had to offer. Science and magic combined to create a terrifying force.

Destroying heroes only for new ones to rise was becoming a pointless struggle. Darkness had a new plan...they would instead turn the heroes into loyal servants. Twist the mind and body, the heart and soul will follow.

St. O’s was lifted into the air, becoming a castle-type gummi ship. A magical fortress that would serve the Darkness’s needs. Mad Mod chuckled with a robotic tone. “The Heartless Reform School is now open, now we just need students.”


Sun Butterfly was at the video store. “Movie night, movie night, need something for movie night!” He had come to Mewni’s version of Earth some time ago and became friends with a boy named Marco Diaz. Together they had battled together against the forces of evil that came after his wand.

The magic wand of the Butterfly royal family, it was a powerful magical tool. Inside it was all the spells each royal had crafted over the years, but in order to properly use them the user needed to study the magic book.

Sun’s magic ability was so great they had learned to dip down and even tap into his butterfly form. Since coming to Earth, he’s learned a lot of things and even reconnected with his ex Tom. After a lot of things happening, they decided to start over from scratch. Tom, Marco, and him have been hanging out and going on adventures together. Its been a blast.

“Some kung fu movies for Marco, a couple of action flicks for me, mmm a comedy, a musical, and a romance for Tom.” He had a stack of movies in his arms. “With this we can go all night, we could turn movie knight into a sleep over.” He loved spending time with Tom and Marco so much.

“Oh, this one, they’ll both love this!” Sun reached out to grab the movie only for his hand to be grabbed. “Huh?” He turned his head and his heart sank in his chest. “You...you are...one of the robots from St. O’s!”

Sun had a deep rooted fear of St. Olga’s. It haunted his nightmares, even after the school was shut down. Fear that’s lasted for years doesn’t go away over night. Even now he had nightmares of the St. O’s robots coming and dragging him away. Much like right now…

“Ahhh!” Without hesitation Sun blasted him with magic. Down he went, but much to Sun’s shock it faded into the darkness and more popped up. “What the?”

Sun conjured a rainbow sword and slashed them up. The heartless infused robots were sliced and diced, returning to the darkness only for more to appear. “What are these guys?” Panic set in. “Gotta call Marco!”

Before he could even open his magical compact and call for help the device was grabbed by more of the robots. Sun doubled his blades, and began to hack and slash, tearing through them and while a valiant effort they didn’t stay down. Worse yet, more were showing up. “Prism Sword Slash!” He conjured blades of different colors, each one with a magic affinity, launching them out he ran the robots through, causing some to catch fire, others to explode, others to be electrocuted, others to be ripped apart by wind, others to be flooded with water, others frozen in ice, and lastly melted by poison.

Taking out the bots only served to see how powerful they were. “Okay, you’ve had some upgrades lets see if you can handle this.” He turned his cap around and transformed into his butterfly form. With six arms Sun began to fire magic out blasting the bots.

Just because he was keeping up with the respawn doesn’t mean he was winning, blasting these guys took a lot of magic. He charged six rainbow swords and began to dance through the air for more sword wielding action.

Sun was doing his absolute best, casting every single spell he’s created. It still wasn’t enough, they began to swarm him, so he tried to fly away.

Grab! “No!” His leg was grasped tight and he was pulled down into the mob of heartless. “LET ME GO!” He unleashed a magic burst that cleared the room. “Haa haa haa haa…” He slumps down, feeling drained. “Gotta...get out...of here…”

With the last of his strength he tried to conjure a portal. “Now now ducky, don’t go portalling off.” A red beam came and struck the portal, closing it.

“What?!” Sun turned and saw the robotic mad hatter. “Who are you?”

“Mad Mod, the new headmaster and educator for St. O’s.”

“St. Olga’s is gone!” Sun snapped.

“Yes, it was, but now it’s under new management. You’ve been selected to join our program. Do say yes!”

“No!” Mad Mod shrugged.

“See there you go, being so willful and disobedient. We’ll fix that right up!” His cane began to glow red.

“Not happening!” Sun blasted him with six streams of magic, but the cane’s red light seemed to counter it.

“You can’t beat me ducky.” A beam struggle occurred, Butterfly was giving it his all but Mod’s rod wasn’t giving up. “You couldn’t beat me even at your best, but now you’re weak, alone, tired…” With each word Mod’s energy pushed Sun’s back. “...and all mine!”

The last of his energy burned through Sun’s and zapped him. He got knocked out and returned to human form. Sun was taken. “Let’s go boys we have a new student let’s give him a proper welcome.”

A record begins to play as Butterfly was passed around by the bots, each one stripping off his clothing, his shoes, his socks, his jacket, his pants, his shirt. Sun had an athletic body, both from his wild antics as a prince of Mewni, but his adventures on Earth kept him pretty fit.

His boxers were yanked off exposing his assets, a plump booty, heavy balls he got from his father’s side of the family and a 10 inch rod he got from his mother’s side of the family. He had a soft bush of manly hair, and some light grass on his pits. Lastly his cap was taken off.

The bots carried him and washed him, he got washed, dried, and powdered. Said powder was enchanted. “Nnnnhhh!” Sun squirmed, his nipples hardened and his cock stirred to life.

Before he could awaken he was brought to the re-education room and saddled in a chair. His wrists and ankles locked tight with magic sealing cuffs. “No no no no no...this can’t be happening.”

“Oh but it is ducky, but don’t worry you won’t be scared for long.” A visor was put over Sun’s face. On instinct he closed his eyes, but Mad Mod was prepared.

Two machines came down and latched onto his nipples, they began to suck on his perky buds. “Gah ahhhh!” Sun grit his teeth and keeping his eyes firmly closed. ‘I won’t give in I can’t…’

A clear tube soon encased his cock, like reverse glass work it seemed to perfectly form around his cock. Then the suction came. “You...can’t...beat...me…” His eyes fluttered and one eye caught the sight of pretty colors. It drifted open to get a better look. ‘So pretty...no...focus...you can’t…’

Another clear tube enveloped his sac, and like before perfectly molded around his orbs. A strong suction began making Sun moan. His nipples, cock, and balls, were being stimulated making it harder and harder to focus.

The Mewni male’s body was feeling hot and sensitive, an effect of the powder that was used on him. “I won’t lose...ohhh!” His nipples received a zap and that caused his eye to open and gazed into the swirl of colors.

“That’s the ticket ducky, no need to resist, just relax and absorb your lessons.” The swirl of rainbow colors before Sun’s eyes was just a filter drawing Sun into the darkness hidden behind it. Soon his lessons began, images flashing over the screen under the rainbow filter.

‘So pretty...no...yes...pretty...can’t...lose...relax...feels good...NO...have to...stay...clear...empty...enjoy...so nice…’ Sun’s last guards were crumbling and all attempts to collect himself were withering. A final nail in his coffin came as a mask came down and was placed over his mouth.

“Just relax ducky, breath in and out.” The gas he breathed in weakened the foundation of his mind, causing the other stimulation to easily break it.

Sun was pulled down, sinking into the vast void of darkness. His mind was being pulled out, the broken chunks being sucked away to be scanned and analyzed to see what would be useful as an agent of the darkness. He was being broken but it felt so good he didn’t care.

It wasn’t long till he came, the semen flooding the tube, before the machine slurped it away. They would drain his balls, making them as empty as his head soon would be. “This isn’t so bad is it ducky, just let the machine do it’s work, and you’ll love this so much you’ll want all your little friends to join up.”

To be continued 


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