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Pocket Monster parody: Patreon Reward

Chapter 2 

Ash Ketchum (Hybrid/Satyr)
Ability: Nature’s Aura – Can change the form of Deerling, unlocking different typings.
Moves: Energy Ball, Sweet Scent

Badges Unova: 0

Pokemon on Hand 3/9

Pikachu | Ability: Static | Size 6 inches | Moves: Thunderbolt, Quick Attack, Iron Tail, Parabolic Charge

Oshawott | Ability: Shell Armor | Size 4 Inches |  Moves: Water Gun (Counter Shield), Razor Shell,

Summer (Deerling) Ability Serene Grace | Moves: Tackle, Double Kick

Pokemon at Oak’s Lab: Bulbasaur, Kingler, Muk, Tauros x 30 Snorlax, Bayleef, Quilava, Totodile, Donphan, Swellow, Sceptile, Torkoal, Glalie, Staraptor, Infernape, Buizel, Gliscor
Pokemon In Training: Squirtle, Primeape, Charizard,

Chapter 3

Iris was persistent following after them. “What’s with her!?” They stopped to catch their breath.

“There you are!” Iris sprang up on them. “Why are you trying to leave me behind!?”

“Why are you following us?” Ash didn’t really care for her attitude, but also he was hiding his new features. He wanted to get to a Pokemon Center and alert Professor Oak and Juniper what happened.

“I’m not following you!” She huffed. “We just happen to be going the same way!” Iris crossed her arms childishly.

Ash and his mons sweatdropped. “Is this girl serious...she’s as bad as Misty…” He muttered. Pikachu nodded and agreed, though Summer and Oshawott lacked context.

I’ll explain later!” Pikachu told them.

“Ugh focus!” She snapped.

Ash blinked. “Hey Iris...where’s your Axew?” With his new senses he could tell the Pokemon was missing.

“What are you talking about he’s right…” She checked her hair but her pokemon was gone. “Where did he go?” Ash couldn’t turn away so agreed to help her find him.

Summer knew the area like the back of his hoof.

The little guy had scampered off and currently was chilling in a Sand Bath. “Axew…” Iris groaned.

“Well he looks happy.” Oshawott wasted no time and got in the sand baths to.

This area seemed to be a popular spot where both people and Pokemon used these warm sands to relax on their travels. A boy named Dan said his family owned the land, and had opened up the place as a kind of resort spot.

There was a problem though, as a bunch of Sandiles had recently started attacking guests and chasing off the Pokemon from the area. “If things keep going like this my parents are gonna call in help to deal with the Sandile problem.”

Ash shook his head. “No something isn’t right here.” He recalled a time when some Diglett caused trouble for a dam builder, and how an Absol was blamed for trouble when it was trying to protect humans. “There might be something going on, that you don’t know.”

“Huh?” Dan was confused. Sure enough a Sandile wearing shades appeared and he attacked the group.

“Sandile stop, what’s going on!?” Ash asked.

This area is dangerous yo, if you don’t get out of here, I’m gonna make ya get it!” The Satyr had opened up his aura to hear Sandile’s voice.

“What’s dangerous about it, tell me!” Iris eyed him like he’s crazy.

“Pokemon can’t talk...you’re such a kid…”

Wait you can understand me?” He sniffed the air.“You don’t smell quite human.”

Pikachu stepped in. “It’s a long story, but he’s willing to listen.”

Fine...the geysers are boiling and rumbling man, soon they gonna pop pop pop, and scald yal something fierce.” Sandile explained.

Ketchum touched the ground. ‘I can feel the earth trembling.’

With Ash speaking up for Sandile, they were able to get the people and pokemon to evacuate before the geysers burst and created pools. It was actually a stunning thing, now the area was not only safe but Dan’s family now could offer hot springs options along with their fantastic sand baths. Some of their area was wrecked but nature provided. “Oh man, if the Sandile hadn’t helped, things would have been bad.” Dan mentioned.

If this happened when they were fully booked, a lot of people and pokemon would have been hurt. His parents were gonna have to do some geo checks, to make sure things were safe going forward, but things were gonna go well for them.

The nice little moment didn’t last long as Team Rocket attacked. “Team Rocket!” Ash gasped. They used some advance tech to capture the Sandile, the local Pokemon, and even Iris’s Axew.

“Who are they?” Iris asked.

“They are a criminal group from Kanto who steal Pokemon!”

Meowth eyed Ash. “Something is up with you kid, did you get a hair cut or something?”

“Focus Meowth!” Jessie scolded.

“Give me back my Axew!” Iris shouted.

“Not happening, it’s the thief code, we don’t give back what we stole.” Jessie told her.

“We got quite a good haul, we’ll be bringing these Unova Pokemon to the boss!” James said. They didn’t get the Sandile with shades, or Ash’s Pokemon.

Sandile used Stone Edge to blast the cage they had. “That’s not enough to stop us!” Meowth hissed. They had received more advance tech from Giovanni.

“We are the new and improved Team Rocket!” James and Jessie busted out some capture guns. Their onslaught caused Dan and Iris to be captured.

“You aren’t the only one who’s improved!” Ash felt his aura flow, and he fought back kicking away and palm striking the capture rings. “Pikachu use Iron Tail, Oshawott use Razor Shell, Summer use Double Kick!”

On it!” The trio of monsters attack showing off some impressive power. Even Sandile was impressed.

I’ll help, let’s break this cage!” Sandile joined the onslaught with a powerful Bite. The attacks helped break the cage and free the Pokemon. They were rightfully pissed.

A barrage of attacks came but they used a shield to block them. Pikachu came in and hit them with a Parabolic Charge, zapping them and draining their energy.

“Ugh, we won’t forget this twerp!” Using jet packs the trio escaped, blasting off and sailing off into the distance.

Iris got her Pokemon back. Sandile was impressed with Pikachu’s strength and was intrigued by Ash. So when the group left, Sandile followed.

They were back on the road to Striaton City, but were actually in Accumula Town. He goes to the Pokemon Center to get his mons checked up and get registered for the Pokemon League.

He calls Professor Oak and tells him what happened. Samuel is surprised but believes him, the fact Ash now has horns helped prove his case. “I’ll contact Professor Juniper and see what she has to say about this.”

Itching to battle and train his Pokemon for the gym, along with taking his mind off things, he asked Nurse Joy how fast it’d be to get to Striation City. “It’s not far, but if you are looking to do some training how about the Battle Club.”

It was a unique facility started in Unova, run by the Don George family.

He arrived quickly with his Pokemon and saw a bunch of Pokemon Battles going on. It got Ash excited. “So many different trainers and pokemon battling!”

“So you like Pokemon Battles do ya?” Ash turned and saw a mountain of a man. This was Don George. He welcomed Ash and gave him a Battle Pager. This could be used at any Battle Club, once registered it could be used to contact a trainer for a match, and be used to collect battle points.

With Battle Points Ash could buy new monster balls and TM’s even.

Before Ash could get a battle going, an alarm went off. Team Rocket was planning to steal from the battle club, but they had some bad luck as another Pokemon was around and tripped the alarms.

That monster was caught on cameras. Ash wished to help and tried to locate the mysterious pokemon. Don George thought it might be an Umbreon. It wasn’t.

“That’s a Tepig!” Ash explained, having met one at Juniper’s lab. The little guy had a rope around his snout, so he hadn’t eaten, he was skinny from a lack of food and was covered in dirt.

The satyr was able to calm Tepig down and get the rope off his muzzle. He was given food, water, and with the help of Oshawott a bath. “See Tepig it’s all good!”

Food!” Was all he was saying, the little guy was so hungry he ate like a pig. Ketchum kept a close watch so he wouldn’t choke.

Iris stumbled upon them. “Aww he’s cute!”

“He had this around his snout.” He showed her the rope.

“How awful!” After getting food and cleaned up he passed out.

Don George explained that a trainer had left Tepig here. He had apparently lost many matches and decided to just leave Tepig behind tied to a post, with no food or water.“When I tried to help him he freaked out and ran away from me. I didn’t know he was still around.”

Tepig came to. “You are looking better Tepig!”

Thank you...sorry for attacking you before.”

Ash chuckled. “It’s okay, you were scared and there was no harm done!”

You can understand me...so cool!” His tail wagged. The two began to chat, Ash telling him how great of a Pokemon he was, and was sure with the right training he’d be even greater.

Don George looked confused. Iris sighed and shrugged. “There he goes “talking” to Pokemon again, what a kid!” She didn’t believe Ash was really talking to Pokemon. It wasn’t ignorance but a touch more arrogance, she didn’t believe “this kid” could hear the voice of pokemon like dragon masters could do with dragons. She knew some kids liked to believe they could understand pokemon.

Team Rocket came back to steal from the Battle Club again. Don George and his team were more troublesome than the rockets were expecting. Even with their new tech, without their Pokemon they were at a disadvantage.

Summer gave Meowth a Double Kick, while Pikachu, Oshawott, and Tepig blasted them with lightning, water, and fire. No jet packs this time, they got blasted off by the combo. “And don’t come back!” Iris shouted after them.

‘Doesn’t she have a pokemon?’ He thought, wondering why she hadn’t helped. As a thank you Don George gave Ash a couple of Great Balls.

Ash...Ash…”Tepig came over and nudged him. “Can you take me with you!”

“Aww cutie, bet you want to come with me huh?” Iris said and poked his face, and started pinching his cheeks.

No!” He blew embers into her face, before going over to Ash, his tail wagging happily. “Please take me with you...I’ll do my best, I’ll work hard, and I’ll be great!”

Don George laughed. “I think Tepig has found a new trainer in Ash!”

“Tepig, I think you’re a great Pokemon, let’s work and train together okay?” He offered a monster ball and Tepig headbutted it getting sucked in.

“Ugh whatever, he wasn’t that cute anyway.” She began to gush about dragon types.

‘She really is like Misty…’

Ash scanned his new pokemon to learn what he was working with.

Dexter: Tepig | Ability Thick Fat | Ember, Odor Sleuth, Defense Curl

With Team Rocket gone and Tepig healthy it was time to do some training and battling. Since Ash had a Pikachu it had a lot of Unova trainers interested in battling him. So to keep things fair and moving Ash asked for double battles alternating Pikachu’s partner so he could train with his new mons.

Whoever sat out got to sit on the sidelines and watch. Oshawott had learned the Counter Shield, but there was more to learn. Since Tepig was speedy, Ash had Pikachu show the Spin Dodge.

The little pig mon picked it up well. With the battles helping him grow stronger and stronger. He learned the move Flame Charge, which was great for busting out the heat and raising his speed.

Summer also got stronger, learning Leech Seed.

Oshawott worked hard but hadn’t learned any new moves. That is until Don George offered to help, he used a Technique Machine aka a TM to help teach Oshawott a brand new move. He opened a box and a mystical powder came out and doused Oshawott unlocking the move for him. He gained Icy Wind!

When they weren’t battling Ash was training right beside his pokemon to increase their stats and abilities. He had worked up quite the sweat. “If you like you can use our showers.”

“Oh...thanks…” Ash was a bit nervous. His clothes were hiding his Satyr like traits, which is why he didn’t go into the hot spring despite really wanting to. ‘A shower couldn’t hurt right…’

He got his Pokemon some food.

Ash got naked and hit the showers, thankfully it was late so he had the place to himself. ‘Safe!’ He wasn’t ashamed of his new body or anything, he rather liked it, he just didn’t want people freaking out.

Ketchum had seen a horror movie Curse of the Mightyena, where a guy got bit by the dark type and was changed into a dashing werewolf like being. People thought he was a monster and tried to kill him. It was really messed up. He had trusted Professor Oak, but he was all alone in a strange region, if something were to happen...

Ash slapped himself. ‘I can’t fret, I’m not alone I have my Pokemon with me. I just gotta focus on my goal, and keep working with my Pokemon.’ He started washing himself.

A shower felt so good, as he cleaned himself he couldn’t help but start humming to himself a sweet little melody. Before long he started to whistle.

Don George had come to check on Ash, walking in without a thought. A thick cloud of steam obscured his vision. “Ash?” He called out.

Green notes of music wafted through the air, and before the man knew it he grew drowsy and fell asleep. Ash got out and found the man asleep. “Ohh crap!” Looks like he learned a new move to, Grass Whistle. It saved his bacon this time.

To be continued...Battle Formation!


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