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Pocket Monster parody: Patreon Reward

Chapter 1 

Chapter 2

Brock was having a bit of a crisis. Ash was frolicking with his pokemon and he was still very much naked. It seems he was enjoying his new form very much so, getting in touch with his primal roots. His massive 20 incher had receded into Ash’s sheath, not all of it, just half, so 10 inches was hanging out and flopping around. The boy’s massive balls were swaying and getting jostled around as Ash played with his mons. His swaying tail kept drawing attention to his bountiful booty.

The crisis was he was being confronted with a lot. Brock has been a flirt, he flirts with every pretty girl he sees. When it comes to his emotions and feelings of desire, he may “fall” for every girl he sees often hungry, if not starved for love. He had traveled with Ash for a long time and the two had grown close.

They had eaten together, bathed together, slept under the stars together, and trained together. A bond formed between them, but Brock thought he was just looking at Ash like a little brother.

After he left the group to stay with Professor Ivy, he found himself missing Ash in a deep way. More than he missed his parents, more than he missed his siblings, and he started to have thoughts that one wouldn’t typically have for a sibling. Ash wasn’t his sibling though, he was a young man who he had decided to travel with, someone who inspired him to chase his dreams, someone who made him happy and lifted his spirits when he was down.

Things got very complicated with Ivy, to the point he didn’t want to think about it again, just the mere mention of her name sent him spiraling into despair. When he left the Orange Islands he made his way back to Kanto and ended up staying at the Ketchum home. He wanted to see Ash again. By traveling with Ash through Johto he’s been able to move on from what Ivy did.

He hadn’t told Ash how much he meant to him, or how the guy had snuck into his dreams and made him feel things. Brock yearned for it, to hold him in his arms, to kiss him, to do things with him that he once thought only possible between man and woman.

His dad’s old porn mags had given Brock a lot of what he knew about sex, he hadn’t thought about two guys doing it before. Then he had a dream about kissing Ash once. One of Ivy’s assistants had heard him wigging out about it, and she happened to be a yaoi fan girl, she gave him some magazines to do research and it was an eye opening experience.

Ash had no idea Brock was carrying this torch for him, and continued to act as normal around Brock, not realizing Brock spent extra time in the bath for some special alone time because of him. Or when Brock woke him up at night when he thought he was alone, taking care of his needs it wasn’t because of the random girl of the week it was because of him.

His new form had surprised Brock but he sure as hell didn’t hate it, Ash was still Ash, even if he was bigger and fluffier.

Misty got flustered and stomped off, saying she’d come back when Ash got some sense and put some clothes on. He ignored her, his clothes were in tatters, and his pajamas wouldn’t fit him.

Lily had apologized over and over for what happened, but Ash didn’t seem to mind his new form. The loss of his clothes was certainly something that could be fixed. Lily got to work on that, she could magic him up some special clothes to mask his appearance from the world at large. She just needed some Spinarak Silk, Ledyba Powder, Furret Fur, Mareep Wool, and a Houndour Hair.

The girls had left them alone, so now Brock was stuck watching his secret crush prance around naked. ‘Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!’ He squirmed.

Brock was trying not to stare. His loins were stirring, his fat 11 incher pushing hard at the fabric. When he thought no one was looking he adjusted himself in his pants. Even with boxers on his cock was making a lewd bulge. He hoped Ash wouldn’t notice. ‘This is bad…’

The longer he watched the hotter he was getting. This setting was different than enjoying a nice bath together, appreciating the manly form. Brock was watching Ash frolic and play in his birthday suit. Quit fitting as he had been reborn as a hybrid.

He could admit it, but the Pikachu features fit Ash. If anything they had made him sexier, gaining another layer of appeal. His hyper dick had certainly caught Brock off guard, and the sheer size Ash could produce was weirdly exciting. In most of his fantasies he had always seen himself as the top or dominant, but seeing that monster awakened something inside him.

Brock was wondering if he could take that monster. In one of the magazines he read from, it spoke of men having a size kink Size Queens were the most common, but big dicks, small dicks, average, and hyper sized many had a preference and many things could flip that switch. The idea of taking that massive piece inside him was oddly arousing. He wasn’t sure how it’d be possible, but he was willing to make it work. ‘Who am I fooling?’

He had tried to tell Ash about his feelings dozens of times, and either he chickened out or got interrupted. His biggest concern is Ash becoming sick of him and not wanting to travel with anymore. That may break him more than Ivy.  A part of him believed he’d be lucky if Ash just accepted him and wanted to just be friends. ‘If he accepted and returned my feelings then we could…’ He blushed and his thoughts drifted to more naughty places.

“Hey Brock!” Ash called, pulling the gym leader from his thoughts. “Come play with us!” He waved Brock over.

‘Come play with us…’

‘Come play with us…’

‘Come play with us!’

‘Come play with me!’ His thoughts repeated the words over and over, until they shifted into something that shot through his heart. ‘He wants me to play with him!’

Brock gulped. A part of him wanted to join the wild and friendly frolic, just throw off his clothes and join the naked fun Ash was having. Then he remembered he was currently sporting an erection and that may not be the best thing right now. “No...I think it’s best if I just sit back and watch.”

“Oh come on Brock...please!” Ash’s eyes sparkled, giving a warm and pleading look. Ketchum had become a dangerous force of cuteness.

‘Oh fuck!’ He had to mentally slap himself to not give in right then and there. ‘Quick think of something!’

“On second thought, maybe I should get lunch going.” He tried to excuse himself, but suddenly Ash was behind him. ‘So fast!’

“Lunch can wait, come on Brock come play with us!” He hugged Brock from behind. The man shivered and his heart began to race. “Brock?”

He was sweating bullets. “Hm?”


“You seem tense, and there’s...something different about your scent.”

Brock gulped. “Ash please…” Ketchum continued to sniff him, trying to process the aroma he was getting. Whatever it was he liked it, judging from the massive dick poking Brock’s back. ‘Ohhh fuck!’

Something in his scent was stirring Ash’s loins, exciting him, and what…

Ash’s new hybrid mind was processing things. Brock’s rigidness increased as a hand came down and landed on his crotch. “Brock...are you hard?”

‘I’m so dead!’ Ketchum squeezed his arousal. “Ash…” He softly moaned.

Ash stopped pawing at his length to wave at his Pokemon. “We’ll be right back guys!” Brock was hauled away, gaining some coverage with some bushes.


“You’re hard!” The hybrid purred. “You want to mate?”

Brock blushed, the hand was back on his confined cock. He was pawed and it made the man buck. “Y-yeah…” He confessed.

“Do you want to mate...with me?” Ash wondered.

Brock chewed on his bottom lip, feeling he’d shatter apart if he said anything, so he nodded his head yes.

Faster than a Quick Attack Brock found himself stripped naked and pinned to the ground. Ash was on top of him in the 69 position. The hybrid’s massive balls rested on Brock’s face, the sac nearly smothering him.

He was hit by a powerful and strong musk hit him and made his cock weep. A goofy grin appearing on his face. Ash’s massive cock was draped across his body, feeling his warm breath and resting along his abs and pecs. Ash was face to face with his penis. The musk was strong, a side effect of rubbing against the confines of his underwear for some time.

“So this is what arousal really smells like…” Ash muttered. The smell triggered his own arousal, and sparked the desire to mate. “You have a really nice cock Brock!” He said wiggling his hips and dragging his sac across the guy’s face.

Brock was in a daze, he wasn’t prepared for what came next. “OHHH~!” Ash sucked his dick down to the root, his nose nestling in his balls.

“Mmm~!” He moaned, sending pleasure through Brock’s penis.

“Ohh ahh ohh ahh ohh aaaahh!” Brock’s toes curled, his whole body shaking and trembling in pure delight. He was rather large, but Ash sucked him down without a hint of a gag reflex. Ketchum slurped and sucked him with gusto, happily wiggling on top of Brock.

The man panted and moaned, his warm breath tickling the base of his penis. Ash’s hybrid musk was making Brock high, the flood gates were opening.

Brock came hard, shooting his thick cream into Ash’s mouth, who happily drank it down. Ash went as far as to play with Brock’s nuts as he continued to suck and lick his length, as if coaxing more of the man milk out of him.

Despite the powerful orgasm Brock was still hard, potentially a side effect of the musk from the pika hybrid’s balls.

He was dazed, drooling from the mighty orgasm, if this was a dream he didn’t want to wake up. Ash shifted and settled with bringing his cock to Brock’s. His impressive length looked positively puny in comparison. ‘That’s hot!’

Ketchum smirked playfully at Brock. They were both hard, and Ash hadn’t cum yet. “Ready?” He just nodded dumbly, and so Ketchum began to move.

“Ohh!” Friction...glorious friction ran from his balls, along his cock, along his abs, and even his pecs.

The massive dick overwhelmed him and dominated him. He fisted the grass as his sensitive penis and heavy balls were pressed and dragged by the hyper dick.

Ash’s humping was swift and speedy, his heavy balls swinging and clapping against Brock’s rear. The smacks were felt through his channel, the impact making his insides throb and twitch. “Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!” His tail was wagging. “This feels amazing!”

It was an impressive frot. Friction heating up between them.

Brock lost it and came shooting his load between Ash’s cock and his abs. “Ohh!” Ash humped a bit longer, but his release came swiftly.

He came hard, the massive monster nuts unleased a torrent of seed. Brock got a heavy bukkake, the semen splashing his face and drenching his hair. His mouth opened and he swallowed a lot of the monster’s cum.

More semen kept coming Brock’s upper half getting drenched. “Oops sorry Brock!”

He wasn’t complaining, he had hearts in his eyes. Only one thing was currently bothering him, where had Ash learned this?

To be continued...Ash’s First Time?


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