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Pocket Monster parody: Patreon Reward

Chapter 14 

AN: fixed a couple of issues from last chapter and updated the stats. 

Chapter 15 Mt. Moon!

Brock agreed to help with special training.

Geodude and Kakuna were having a Defense Buff off, the Rock Type using Defense Curl against Kakuna’s Harden.

The grass types were having a powder off, Roots and Ivy were swapping Sleep Powder for Stun Spore, the moves had no effect but they didn’t need to hit for this training. Bloom and Rumble were going at it with Rumble alternating his Poison Powder and Stun Spore.

Jam and Jelly were...cuddling...it was cute so Toren left them alone to do their thing.

Brock’s Onix was training against Pidgeotto and Butterfree, he was using Dig which couldn’t hit the two Flying types. When he was underground the two would use Whirlwind and Gust, and when he came up they went at him with Quick Attack and Bug Bite.

Ponyta was practicing with their Hypnosis, which put Pikachu and Poliwag to sleep. This training didn’t last long as they ran out of awakening medicine. The training was enough to help Ponyta learn Agility which replaced Tackle.

They wrapped up training before having a picnic. This helped them all refresh and recover.

As they continued towards Mt. Moon Ash checked the Pokedex. They had learned about Mt. Moon’s history at the museum but Ash was curious about what kind of Pokemon you can find there.

Dexter: Geodude and Zubat are Common, Paras and Sandshrew are Uncommon, Onix and Clefairy are Rare, while Clefable and Graveler are Ultra Rare. Be warned swarms of Zubat are known to happen!

Toren’s eyes sparkled. He’d love to catch a Clefairy.

“Would you wanna catch a Geodude Ash, or maybe an Onix?” Brock asked.

“Well I do wanna catch a Rock type, I should try for one!” He said happily.

Brock felt this was a prime chance. If Ash and him had the same pokemon and they fell in love, then it was likely the two of them could fall in love too. There was an old tale that said something to that effect. Often when the pokemon of two trainers hook up, the trainers often follow. ‘This is perfect!’

Toren eyed him. ‘Is he okay?’

They reached the entrance to Mt. Moon and found trouble. A man was being attacked by a swarm of Zubat. “What are they doing outside of the cave in the daylight?”

Ash checked the Pokedex.

Dexter: Zubat, the Bat Pokemon, a Poison/Flying type. They have supersonic powers, using them to identify and approach targets, in battle uses them to confuse opponents. Zubat live in caves and sometimes leave caves at night to hunt for prey. They hate to fly outside in the daylight.

“Pikachu, help that guy out get them with Thunder Shock*!” Using the mastered move Pikachu was able to strike the swarm all at once.

Pissed a few of the swarm attacked the trio, while some fled.

Brock took the chance and threw a ball at it and caught one. Rumble came out of his ball to fight, and blasted it with Stun Spore. Toren threw a ball and managed to catch one. He called it Sonar and it got sent back to Professor Oak.

Ash didn’t notice as he went to help the guy up. “Are you okay Mister?”

“Never call me Mister!” He got up. “I am Seymour, Seymour the Scientist!”

Toren returned his Paras and came over with Brock.

Seymour was doing research for Pewter Museum here, but something was wrong. Indeed it was, someone had strung up powerful lights all through the cave. It was bothering the pokemon who preferred the dark, the heat from the lights bothered the Paras and Sandshrew. Many of the Pokemon had retreated to lower levels.

“We can fix that right Pikachu?”

“Pika!” He chewed on a few wires and nibbled through them. Breaking the circuit caused the lights to go out, like a bad bulb in a roll of twinkle lights. Toren and Brock acted fast, treating the pokemon that had been bothered by the lights.

“Nice job Pikachu!” They used flashlights to continue traveling and Toren spotted a Clefairy. “A Clefairy?”

Ash pulled out his Pokedex.

Dexter: Clefairy the Fairy Pokemon, a Normal Type. This impish pokemon is friendly and peaceful. It is most known for living in Mt. Moon and the first pokemon documented to evolve with the Moon Stone. They are adored for their cute looks and playfulness.

“Believe it or not Clefairy isn’t a normal type.” Seymour explained.

“It isn’t?” Ash asked.

“Nope its part of my research. I believe Clefairy has a unique typing.”

“Ohh!” Toren gushed. “Just like Magnemite, for years it was thought to be just an Electric Type, but recent advancements in science discovered that it was a Steel Type as well!”

“Wow science is so amazing!”

“Yes!” Seymour exclaimed. “I believe Clefairy is also a unique typing and has simply been mistaken for a Normal type.”

“What type is it Seymour?” Brock asked.

“That’s just the thing I don’t know.” The Clefairy was digging around looking for something.

Ash reached out his hand. He let his aura flow, it connected to Clefairy. Through the divine ring on his cock he was able to sense Clefairy’s true typing. “Fairy
” The word left Ash’s mouth.

“What was that?” Seymour asked.

It felt as if he had divinely searched the word, having red it off of one of Arceus’s tablets. “That’s what it feels like a Fairy Type!” Seymour began taking notes.

He began to shake and question Ash, but the boy didn’t really have an answer to give. “God told me.” Would be an odd response and for a scientist like Seymour he wouldn’t have believed it.

“A fairy type...a fairy type of course...that’s it...it all makes sense now...how do I prove it!”

In order for a type to be officially recognized studies need to be done, one needed to record what it was strong against, weak against, and potentially neutral to. Ash kinda cut through the science of it thanks to Arceus’s blessing and his own aura. He had the answers but it would cheapen it if he started telling.

“A fairy type, I wanna catch it!” Toren exclaimed, but Seymour stopped him.

“Hold on, please do not catch any Clefairy today.”

“What? Why?” Toren was rightfully confused.

“You see tonight is the full moon and the Clefairy are preparing a special ritual tonight. It is a sacred day when they prey to the moon stone!” Seymour explained.

Toren couldn’t help but pout, he really wanted to catch a Clefairy.

Said Pokemon had found what it was searching for, a Moon Stone! “Hold it right there!”

‘I know that voice!’ Ash thought.

“Meowth!” Toren gasped.

Team Rocket’s Meowth was here, which meant the other pieces of the trio weren’t far behind. He cornered the Clefairy and tried to take the Moon Stone from it. “Clef!” Clefairy shielded the moon stone.

“I’ll be taking it whether you like it or not!” He flexed his claws.

“A talking Meowth!” Brock and Seymour gasped.

“No you don’t Meowth! Roots help Clefairy!” He called out Roots, and the Ivysaur got in Meowth’s way.

“Don’t mess with me I’ll turn you into a salad!”

“Saur!” Roots growled.

“Use Razor Leaf!” Roots did, unleashing thick sharp leaves and Meowth got knocked back.

“Meowth what are you doing?” Jessie and James showed up.

“We sent you to fix the lights.” James said. They were carrying pick axes.

“So you are the ones who are causing the trouble around here!” Ash exclaimed.

“You may have stopped us from stealing from the museum, but we found we can come right to the source!” Jessie said.

“We’ll be taking the moon stone and any rare pokemon we find for the glory of Team Rocket!”

“We’ll stop you!” Ash exclaimed.

“Try it, we’ll be taking that moon stone and that Clefairy to!” Clefairy hid behind Roots.

“Toren, protect Seymour and Clefairy, we’ll deal with Team Rocket!” Ash called out Butterfree while Brock called out Zubat. “You caught a Zubat!”

“Yeah I managed to get one outside.”

“I also caught one...but it was sent back to Professor Oak.” Toren admitted blushing.

“Aww man I should have caught one
” He sulked.

Jessie and James called out their Ekans and Koffing.

“Use Smog!” James called. Koffing emitted a poisonous cloud.

“Butterfree use Gust to blow the smoke back!”

“Zubat help out with Whirlwind!” The two combined were able to blow back the smoke right at Team Rocket.

Ekans burst through the smoke and bit Butterfree. “Butterfree fight back and use Bug Bite!” He did which did some nice damage.

“Zubat use Supersonic!” The bat monster unleashed a sonic wave which hit Koffing causing it to become confused.

James called for another attack, but Koffing slammed itself into a wall in it’s confusion.

With Team Rocket distracted Toren and Seymour moved out, bringing Clefairy with them.

“Butterfree use Bug Bite one more time!” His aura flared and Ash could sense he had mastered the move. “Show em your true power buddy!”

Butterfree conjured some fangs of bug energy and unleashed them on Ekans forcing it to release him. “Zubat use Wing Attack!” The bat mon swooped in and hit the confused Koffing.

“Nice now Butterfree use Confusion!” He unleashed Psychic waves on Ekans and caused the snake monster to take damage and become confused. The two confused Pokemon began to fight each other.

“Ekans and Koffing are completely confused!” Brock said with a chuckle.

“Let’s finish this up!”

The two finished this up with a combo of Gust and Whirlwind. They took damage and got blown away, the two poison types slamming into Team Rocket and were blown through the tunnel.

“It’s time Team Rocket blasted off!” James cried out.

“You may have won this round but we’ll be back!” Jessie cried out.

“We did it!” Ash exclaimed.

“Excellent team work!” The two high fived.

“Yeah, we made a really good team!” Brock blushed.

“You think so!” Ash nodded.

“Wait a second...where is Meowth!?” The little rat had slipped away in the middle of the fight going after Clefairy.

Brock picked up their dropped pick axes. A souvenir for the trouble they caused.


Meowth did follow after them but he was no match for Roots, he slapped him with a Leech Seed, before slapping him with some Vine Whip and sending him blasting off too. “Don’t worry Clefairy, we’ll keep you safe.”

Ash and Brock reunited with them, they decided to rest after what had happened. With the lights busted things could go back to normal in the caves. Brock got to show off some of his breeder skills he made special blended Pokemon food. “That’s really amazing Brock!”

He blushed. “Well Ash, if you like I’d be happy to make special blends of Pokemon food for your Pokemon.” Toren eyed him. “I mean all of our Pokemon, type food will be easy, but give me time I’ll be able to make species food that the individual will absolutely love!”

‘I’m talking too much!’ He sweats.

“Thanks Brock, that’s be cool!”

“Yes it would be nice.” Toren said.

Seymour and Toren got to discuss research. He believed Moon Stones appeared in Mt. Moon because of a massive Moon Stone that came to earth years ago. Energy that radiated off the moon stone causes ore in the mountain to become moon stones.

It reminded Ash of something Arceus showed him about the different color ore deposits. They could be mined, but given time the energy of the land caused the ore to return.

Clefairy led them to a hidden cave. It had gotten late, and the moon was high in the sky. They found a massive sparkling stone, Ash could feel it in the air, this was also a moon stone and one even bigger than at the Museum. Clefairy were bringing small moon stones to it and placing them in a circle around it.

“This must be the holy site of the Clefairy!” Sure enough a bunch of them came out and began to dance in honor of the Moon Stone. At least that’s how Seymour saw it.

Ash saw it another way, they were using the Moon Stone as a shrine to connect with Arceus, thanking him for this stone that helped them evolve. It brought tears to Ash’s eyes.

Sadly the good time didn’t last as Team Rocket showed up to cause trouble. “We’ll be taking the Moon Stone and the Clefairy!”

“No you won’t!” The other Clefairy retreated in fear. The sight of the two poison Pokemon made them extra nervous.

Seymour began to take notes. “Maybe Fairy types are weak to poison types!”

“You want another rumble bring it on!” Brock called out Onix, and Toren’s Paras popped out of his ball.

“Par Par!” he bounced up and down aggressively.

“Rumble, he wasn’t calling for you, but since you are itching to fight let’s do this!”

Ash asked Roots and Pikachu to guard the Clefairy, they would protect the Moon Stone! He called out Pidgeotto!

Things started to take a bad turn when Koffing used Poison Gas to poison Onix and Pidgeotto. Ekans used Acid on Rumble which was super effective. It only got worse as Koffing followed up with Sludge. “No Rumble, return!”

Toren had to call him back. “One down, two to go!”

“We aren’t letting you take the Clefairy or the Moon Stone!” Ash tried to call for an attack, but Meowth threw a rock at Pidgeotto and knocked him down. “No Pidgeotto!”

“Ekans use Dig!”

“Koffing use Sludge!”

“Onix!” Brock called and the rock snake shielded Ash, taking a lot of damage. “Thanks buddy!” He returned the mon, while Ash was cradling his injured Pidgeotto.

“That’s two down!” Pidgeotto was pissed but the poison was sapping his energy.

Ash was angry. “Why are you doing this? This night is special for the Clefairy how can you be so cruel!”

“Ugh you are such a brat, Ekans Koffing get rid of him!”

“I won’t let you...I won’t let you!” Ash stood up and summoned his aura, creating a barrier between them. The poison types clashed against the barrier.

“That’s some trick!” James exclaimed.

“We won’t let it beat us!” The poison types were ordered to wail on the barrier, Ash did his best to hold it up.

“Let’s see if you can hold up to MEowth!” Meowth joined the fray attacking Ash’s barrier. This was bad.

Toren looked to the Clefairy. “Please Clefairy help us!”

“It’s no use, the Clefairy are just too scared.” Seymour said.

The greenette looked at the one they had helped before. “Please, this is your sacred place, it’s your responsibility to protect it. Please...please help us
” Clefairy was touched by Toren’s words.

He rounded the others up.

Ash’s aura barrier fell and he collapsed to his knees. “All out of energy too bad!”

“So much for your little magic trick.”

“Pidgeo!” Pidgeotto got in front of Ash, wings out to protect him.

“Pidgeotto wait you’re hurt!” Pidgeotto shook his head, he wasn’t backing down even if he was a wing down.

“Clefairy!” Suddenly the Clefairy came springing out, bouncing over the others and standing between them and Team Rocket.

“What is this?”

“Clef Clefairy!” the lead one called and together they began to perform Metronome. “Clefairy...Clefairy...Clefairy!”

They swayed their fingers this way and that way, this way and that way. Energy building up into their finger tips. “This is a special move used by the Clefairy known as the Metronome anything can happen!” Seymour explained.

Team Rocket underestimated the Fairy type, as several metronomes went off at once unleashing absolute chaos. They were hit by at least one of every move type, some attacking combining in a glorious explosion of power.

“Team Rocket is blasting off again!” The trio were sent flying.

“Clef Clefairy!” Some other Clefairy came over. They used Life Dew and Heal Pulse to heal up the injured Pokemon. “Thanks Clefairy!” Ash said with Pidgeotto’s wing being as good as new.

“Thank you so much, you were amazing!” Toren thanked them. The Clefairy they helped blushed and bowed to Toren.

Their ceremony began anew with the Clefairy dancing and hopping around. It was a pretty sight, gaining a surprise as some of them evolved into Clefable.

Pikachu and Clefairy talked and with the help of Ash translated. “The Clefairy said we can join them.” He called out his Pokemon and to every human’s shock stripped off his clothes. “Come on guys!”

Toren and Brock blushed. ‘Do we have to strip?’ Was the shared thought between them.

Ash was quite beautiful, dancing naked letting everything hang out. He moved to the beat of the Clefairy and was able to hold his own with them. “Don’t be shy!” Ash’s mons were already dancing in their own way. Kakuna even managed to pull off some skills using String Shot, rolling himself up and down like a silk dancer.

“My word!” Seymour gasped. “Well...when in Paldea!” He took off his clothes and began dancing with the Clefable.

Toren stripped, but quickly put his lab coat on, he didn’t want to be fully exposed. That was enough and the Clefairy invited him to dance.

Brock slapped his cheeks. “Let’s do this!” He took off his clothes getting naked and dancing like a fool. Their Pokemon were called out and joined in the dancing.

They were taking part in a pokemon ceremony a wonderful and fun ritual, unknowingly strengthening the bonds between humans and pokemon this day.

To be continued...Ore Hunting

Ash, Toren, and Brock, continue the path of Mt. Moon. Team Rocket is back and they are apparently after some fossils. Seymour’s friend is in the lower floors doing ore and fossil research and fears he might need help. Clefairy follows and helps protect Toren and the greenette gets a new friend.

Ash Ketchum Badges 0 Pokemon 6/6
On Hand: Pikachu, Pidgeotto, Poliwag, Kakuna, Ponyta, Butterfree
Oak’s Lab: Fearow, Ekans, Sandshrew
Ring Plates: Electric/Barbed, Water/Tentacle, Flying/Drill, Fire/Knot, Grass/Multi Vine Tentacle, Bug/Sounding-Beads
Abilities: Aura
Items: Rainbow Feather, Pokedex, Moon Stone, Monster Balls x 8, Premier Ball x 1
TM: Rock Polish


Pikachu: Ability Static | Size: 5 Inches | Moves: Nuzzle*, Extreme Speed, Double Team*, Thunder Shock*

Pidgeotto: Ability Keen Eye | Size 10 Inches | Moves Whirlwind, Sand Attack*, Gust*, Quick Attack

Poliwag: Ability Water Absorb | Size 5 Inches | Moves Water Gun*, Belly Drum*, Pound, Hypnosis*

Fearow: Ability Sniper | Size 8 | Moves Peck*, Feather Dance*, Leer, Fury Attack

Ponyta: Ability: Flame Body | Size 8 | Moves Tackle, Ember, Flame Charge*, Hypnosis

Butterfree: Ability Compound Eyes | 4 Inches | Gust, String Shot*, Bug Bite, Confusion
Mastered Moves: Harden*

Kakuna: Ability ? | ? Inches | Poison Sting*, Harden,

Ekans : ?

Sandshrew : ?


Toren Badges 1 Pokemon 6/6
On Hand: Roots (Ivysaur), Bloom (Oddish), Ivy (Bellsprout), Jam (Nidoran M), Jelly (Nidoran F), Rumble (Paras)
Oak’s Lab: Hermes (Pidgeotto)
Items: Moon Stone x 2, Journal, Pokedex Monster Balls x 10 Premier Ball X 1

Brock: Badges 0 Pokemon 2/6
Mons: Geodude, Onix,
Items: Camping Set,


Roots (Ivysaur) Ability ? | Size ? | Moves: Sleep Powder, Vine Whip*, Leech Seed, Razor Leaf

Bloom (Oddish): Mega Drain, Poison Powder, Acid, Sweet Scent
Mastered Moves: Growth*

Ivy (Bellsprout): Vine Whip, Stun Spore, Wrap, Synthesis,
Mastered Moves: Growth*

Jam (Nidoran M): Ability: Poison Point | Moves: Horn Attack, Poison Sting*, Fury Attack, Double Kick

Jelly (Nidoran F): Ability Poison Point | Moves: Scratch, Poison Sting*, Fury Swipes,

Rumble (Paras) : Ability: Dry Skin Moves: Absorb, Stun Spore, Poison Powder, and Venoshock


Geodude : Ability Sturdy | Moves: Defense Curl, Rock Throw, Rollout, Tackle

Onix: Ability Rock Head | Moves Bind, Dig, Rock Throw,


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