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Ben 10 parody: Patreon Reward

Omni Elixer
Ben tries Hokestar's elixir, it has a weird effect on Ben, making his testicles grow massive and his nipples produce milk. Like the screegit, he has to be milked daily. The special nectar from Ben’s tits are like ambrosia and his semen is thick and practically addictive. Male Lac, Big Balls, Hyper Macro

Chapter 1 Safe For Humans

Blarney T. Hokestar was a known conman, a flim-flam artist, but he saw himself more as an entrepreneur. The man loved to talk and was able to present himself (tries to) as a respectable business man. He was always chasing a quick buck, ending up in less than legal affairs that get him into trouble.

His biggest scam was his “Miracle Elixir”. He was always trying to get famous people or respectable people to promote his elixir so it could sell. Even his elixir wasn’t totally legal as he was using a Screegit for it’s milk. Screegits were rare and endangered creatures so Hokestar owning one was highly illegal. He wasn’t harming the Screegit or anything, the milking process was safe and actually felt nice for the little guy.

Hokestar wished Ben to promote his elixir. A good word from the hero of the universe, would surely have his concoction flying off the shelves. Ben wasn’t so sure about this.

He called his partner Rook about the whole thing, and while Hokestar wasn’t exactly dangerous, he should be cautious.

When Ben’s hero identity became public on Earth he became a celebrity hero. So he had a few people approach him to sponsor and advertise products. Outside of Mr. Smoothie signing and because of a fake video game scam that nearly got him killed, Ben tried to avoid such things. Julie tried to drag him into the Flame Keeper’s Circle cult, which Ben and Kevin both saw through at the time.

His parents told him that he could promote and advertise products if he wanted to, but they wanted him to be sure what he was promoting. If he didn’t use the product he wasn’t allowed to promote it, logically why would you promote something if you didn’t like it or use it yourself. The realistic answer was money, where stars used their position to sell products to people regardless if they actually liked it or not. “Don’t promote a product unless you either use that product or liked it.” Otherwise he’d be selling his good name, literally selling out.

Ben told Hokestar that he’d think about it. “I don’t normally promote products unless I use them myself.”

“Well my boy,” Hokestar gave him a bottle of elixir. “Try it, and once you see the benefits of it I’m sure you’ll jump at the chance!” He claimed it was all natural ingredients, no toxic chemicals or artificial enhancers.

Ben took the bottle. “Is this safe for humans to drink?”

“Oh of course!” Ben left and Blarney stroked his mustache. “Well probably…” No human has ever tried his elixir before.


Rook was still on monitor duty, but he said he’d join Ben after and they can look into Blarney’s operation to make sure it was legal. Ben eyed the potion. “Well nothing ventured, nothing gained I guess.”

He opened the bottle and gave it a whiff. It smelled weirdly sweet with a bit of an herb aroma. His mom was a health food nut, it smelled a lot like the stuff she blended in the mornings. Having had her cooking and drinks he had a bad feeling his stomach wasn’t about to be happy with him.

Pinching his nose he took a sip. The whole pinch nose trick was a habit he picked up. ‘Why does health stuff always gotta smell so...healthy?’ The stuff hit his tongue.

As for the taste it tasted like milk, flavored milk, but it had that familiar taste to it. It certainly tasted better than it smelled, no smoothie though. ‘Is this it?’ Was this so called elixir just milk with some herbs and spices? For aliens maybe this was some kind of “miracle potion” but…

Ben had been in Undertown, he saw a lot of the things aliens eat, stuff that was normal for them. What would be seen as “exotic” to put it nicely to him was seen as everyday cuisine. So would milk be seen as a rare beverage? The thing Ben should have questioned was where did Hokestar get the milk for his elixir.

The potion was full of all kinds of natural herbs, and depending on the species it could have some form of weird side effect, but nothing in this concoction could do what Blarney was promising. It was mostly toad oil, if people believe it makes them healthier, prettier, or stronger it may or may not happen.

He took a couple more shots of the potion, unaware of the effect on him. Screegit’s were a unique creature, given their rarity a study was done on them, to understand their biology. So it was known Screegit’s produce milk. As a protected creature there weren’t studies on what its milk could do.

Hokestar learned the creature produced milk, thought it’d be a perfect ingredient in his elixir, so procured one. Given the rarity of the liquid, he thought it must have some properties that would benefit someone. He had no idea the effect it’d have on a human like Ben. “Ohh…” Ben swooned, feeling heat surge through him. “Whoa this stuff has some kick to it.”

A blush formed on his cheeks as he took another swig. His heart began to race. Things were getting hot. Ben kicked off his shoes, swaying slightly as he got a little tipsy. “This stuff doesn’t have alcohol in it does it?” Ben wondered.

The Screegit milk used in the elixir had a very unique effect on humans triggering a latent evolution possibility inside them. The heat spreading through Ben’s body giving him a hot and bothered feel.

His shirt felt like it was clinging to him in a weird way. “Nnnnhhh!” He pulled it off. Ben’s skin was flushed as the elixir took hold of him, changing him from the inside out. Instead of growing pains, the potion had his body entering a euphoric state to make the change as pleasurable as possible.

Ben felt his blood rush south, his cock swelling with heat. “Oh damn...does this stuff work as an aphrodisiac or something?” According to grandpa Max, some shops around the world sold strange ingredients that could improve...things… “Is that with this stuff does?” Ben pondered.

With each passing second Ben felt his body grow hotter and hotter. Ben fumbled with his pants, managing to shimmy them off as he laid in his bed. The bottle slipped from his grasp and spilled all over his sheets.

Tennyson was now in his green and black briefs, his cock pushing at the fabric, over and over. “Oh man...I feel so hot…” A hand ran over his chest and down his stomach.

The crotch of his briefs was bulging lewdly. Ben liked briefs, they kept things tight and compact, despite the lack of room. When he wore boxers his cock kept peeking out through the leg, and his balls never felt supported. The tight fit was because Ben was packing a shower’s 10 incher, his meat was long and strong. His balls were about average.

There was a bit of a thrill, his cock was always rubbing against the confines of his underwear. His underwear was often drenched in his manly musk.

Ben lazily palmed himself, he was going through the motions right now.

His body was changing, the Screegit milk tapping into his body’s potential. It started with his chest, his once cute little nipples began to change. His chest grew plumper, the muscles in his pecs were being changed, the genetic make up tapping into something he had before evolving.

Ben had fine pecs, a solid build from sports and fighting aliens. His chest began to swell, forming beefy pecs. The beef seemed to swallow up his nipples, turning them into inverted buds. “Nnnhhh!” His free hand rubbed his chest, feeling the new softness and strange tenderness his pectorals now had.

The hand seemed lost unable to find his nipples at all. Inside his pecs his nipples also began to change, growing plumper and swollen. He squeezed his pectoral. “Ahh!” His fingers sank into the beef, feeling a strange mix of muscle and softness.

“Mmm ahh ahh ahh mmm!” Ben trembled and shuddered. His chest felt so good, every squeeze sent a surge of pleasure down to his crotch.

His groin started to change, the brunette’s balls growing larger and larger...and LARGER! The weight of his balls began to weight on the already packed crotch. Ben’s underwear began to ride his ass crack. His own cock and balls were giving him a wedgie.

Then his penis began to grow, not harden...grow! Five more inches, his impressive 10 incher turning into a monster 15 incher. His dick pushed hard at the crotch, the rubbing he was used to was upgraded into squeezing. The fabric stretched over his arousal lewdly. “Ahh ahh ahh ahh!” His underwear was getting tighter and tighter.

Ben was falling into a horny daze, and the damn suddenly just burst. “Ahh!” He arched off the bed and he came hard. His crotch became soaked, his garment darkened as his seed wet the fabric. ‘So much cum…’ Ben thought, his penis continued to spurt and spurt and spurt!

His balls weren’t just getting large for show, he was producing a large amount of cum, he was able to shoot ten shots minimum. The fact he hadn’t been “busy” in awhile meant he was saved up quite a bit. So this was release was double that. ‘So goopy…’ his underwear got even tighter on him, the cloth clinging to his groin like a second skin.

The orgasm had Ben’s body relaxing, his inverted nipples came out, sticking out lewdly. “What the heck, when did my nipples get so fat…” Without thinking he ended up squeezing his nips. “Ohhh~!” Ben saw stars and he began to drool.

Heat spread through his chest, while electricity surged to his rod. “What the…” Pinch! “Nnnnhhhhoooo!” His head rolled back and his back arched. Pleasure….pleasure from his nipples, the cute little buds had now become lewd erogenous zones.

Ben couldn’t stop himself, drunk on lust he started pinching and squeezing, letting the pleasure flow. His new enlarged dick pushed at the wet fibers, stretching them further and further. Ben might have heard the ripping of the fabric had he not been so high.

His hyper dick and massive balls, hit a one too punch and soon enough. RIIIIIIP! The underwear was ripped off him, some of it clinging to his cock like a used condom. “Ahhhh~!”

Ben moaned and shuddered, another orgasm happened, hands free. His impressive cum shot launched the cloth off him sending it flying and let his semen rain. This time something weird happened. Squirt! Milk shot from Ben’s nipples. “WHAAAAAAA?!”

“BEN!” Rook burst in. Ben’s mom had let him in, and when he heard Tennyson’s cry Blonko came running. He froze, his mind trying to process the sight before him. Ben looked positively erotic, flushed, sweaty, covered in a mix of semen and milk. His impressive rod was standing at attention, his balls hung from his sac like full ripe fruits, and the milk that leaked from his lewd tits was mouth watering.

After staring for too long, Ben snapped him out of his daze. “Rook...help me…” There was a lot he wanted to say, but that’s what came out.

“Yes sir!”

To be continued



Wonderfully lewd. 🤤👍