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Bleach parody: Patreon Reward

Chapter 8 

Chapter 9 Belly of the Beast

Ichigo was doing his job patrolling Karakura Town. He hunted hollows and helped souls move over to the other side. It was pretty easy, even with the seal on him he was able to cut down and track down hollows with ease.

His biggest hurdle was dealing with ghosts, some of them were a real pain. While a Soul Reaper had the ability to Konso, it was problematic when a soul resisted. Negative emotions could push a soul to become a hollow.

One such spirit was Sora Inoue. He had died “recently” and while not in danger of becoming a hollow just yet, if another hollow found him and fed on him he may end up becoming one. “You need to pass on!”

“I can’t...my sister she…” Orihima Inoue he had been her whole word. Their parents were...not in the picture...for good reason. Sora had been raising and taking care of his little sister all this time. His life insurance was keeping her stable as she went to school. She’d be able to live off it for some time. “She needs me...I have to watch over her...please…”

Ichigo sighed. He had siblings, so the big brother in him resonated with Sora. “Listen...I get you want to protect her, but the longer you are in this world the more dangerous it is for you.” He pointed at Sora’s chest where his soul chain resided. “If you don’t pass on you can become a hollow, and even if you wait there’s a chance another hollow will come and devour you and if you aren’t consumed completely you’ll end up as another hollow.”

“Please I beg you!” He bowed his head.

Ichigo sweatdropped. ‘Damn it, I’m not good with these types.’

He’s like a guard dog wishing to protect his master, the mere thought of being apart pains him so.’ Shiro said. Ichigo ruffled his hair in frustration.

“Ugh fine!” He ruffled through his robes. “Take this!”

Sora got a strange whistle and what appeared to be a squeak toy. “What is this?”

“Some stuff I made while in the academy. If you get cornered by hollows blow that whistle, it’ll fend them off for a second and alert me to the fact you are in trouble. The toy will help me find you no matter where you are, my zanpakuto will be able to fetch you.” He glared at Sora. “Now listen, I’ll be patrolling the area for awhile, but when my time is over you will be coming back with me to Soul Society, even if I have to drag you kicking and screaming got it!”

Sora nodded his head vigorously.

He was gonna need that stuff…

A few days later a hollow pack leader named Grand Fisher sent his soldiers to nab some souls. Sora was caught and dragged into the domain of hollows. “Feast upon him!”

If a soul was dragged into Hueco Mundo and eaten, it was almost guaranteed they’d become a hollow after, even if only a fragment of the soul remained. It was a horrible discovery learned by the worst monster to have learned it. He used to just kill and devour souls, but as he expanded his pack he found he could have an army under his wing as well.

Sora saw the monsters and panicked. The whistle was grabbed and… “AEIOUOIEAEIOUOIEA!” A powerful and painful noise came from the whistle, sending waves of energy out.

The hollows cried out in pain clutching their heads in agony. The noise even had Grand Fisher’s fur standing on end. “What the hell is this?”

It’s noise traveled between worlds, enough for Shiro to hear. “Master, the spirit, he’s blown the whistle!”

“Go fetch Shiro!” He released his zanpakuto sending the wolf spirit out. Shiro ripped a whole into space, like a dog digging a hole in the flower garden.

The whistle’s effects didn’t last long, and the hollows regained their senses. They descended upon Sora, but before they could take a bite Shiro burst in and nabbed him. “The hell?!” Grand Fisher cursed as Sora got spirited away. “So there is a Soul Reaper in Karakura Town...good I could use a good meal…”

Shiro brought Sora back safe and sound. “Understand now, you should let me send you to the other side.”

“Damn it...I want to protect her, but I can’t do anything…” If he was stronger he could stay and watch over her. Ichigo rubbed his temples.

Grand Fisher sent one of his pets out to cause trouble, and it went after Orihime and one of her friends. “Orihime!” Sora cried out in horror.

“Damn it, I was worried about this!” Sora’s lingering had drawn attention of hollows and what he was focused on. He didn’t mean to but he put her in danger.

Tatsuki got knocked around and her shoulder dislocated. Orihime got it worse as her soul was pulled out of her body.

Sora tried to save her only to be smacked away. “Moron!” Ichigo snapped.

“My sister...save her…” He cried.

“Yeah that’s my job!” The hollow didn’t know what hit him as he was double teamed by Ichigo and Shiro. He saved the girl as Shiro tore off the hollow’s arm.

Ichigo cut him down and purified him. ‘He beat that monster so easily…’ Sora thought.

“Big brother?” Orihime was a soul now so she could see him.

“Orihime!” The two reunited, in not the most conventional of ways.

It was a beautiful moment Orihime and Sora had a heart to heart. Death tended to leave a lot of regrets, especially things left unsaid. Orihime apologized as the last time they spoke hadn’t been the nicest. Sora was able to say goodbye and wish her well, throwing in some last big brother quips for good measure. “I’m not a baby anymore!” Orihime pouted.

“I know, but I’m your big brother, I’ll always worry.”

Ichigo was able to put her back in her body and heal Tatsuki, but it took a long time. He learned basic healing kido, but he wasn’t super advanced at it or anything. Shiro had some healing tricks but it was more for wounds then repairing bones. “Man I wish I someone from Squad 4 with me this is harder than it looks.”

As Ichigo healed Sora was deep in thought. “Could those monsters come after her again?”

“Hm?” Sora eyed him seriously. “It’s possible...Hollows tend to be drawn to spirits and souls with strong spiritual pressure.”

“Damn…” Spirits who linger around the living tend to draw hollows to them. It’s part of why Soul Reapers do their job. Ghosts that linger make trouble for the living.

Ichigo eyed him. Sora had that look in his eye, he wanted to protect his sister.

“Fine you wanna get strong huh?” Sora looked up at him. “Get in my zanpakuto’s stomach!”

“Ehh…” The soul blinked in confusion.

Ichigo’s zanpakuto was indeed impressive, living zanpakuto were so rare their abilities were not well documented. “Ever here of the story little red riding hood and the big bad wolf?”

“The one where the wolf eats the grandma and girl!?” Sora gasped, looking terrified.

“Something like that.” He pointed at Shiro with his thumb. “This guy can gobble you up and put you in a special pocket dimension for awhile. Inside his stomach you can train to become a soul reaper like me.”

“What?!” Sora gasped.

“It’s the only way you can get strong, if I send you to soul society, you’d have worse odds in becoming a soul reaper.”

“If I do this, I can protect my sister from those monsters?” Ichigo nodded.

“So long as you survive that is.” Sora gulped.

Shiro chuckled and licked his chops. “You’ll be in good paws I assure you!” The talking wolf should have surprised him more but it didn’t.

“Fine, I’ll do it!”

Good...strip!” Sora blushed.

“W-W-W-What?!” He shielded his body. Not that he really knew how to remove his clothes being a ghost.

It’ll be easier for the both of us!” Shiro huffed and puffed and with one good blow. Sora’s spiritual clothing was blown away.

“It’s fine you’ll gain new ones once you tap into your shinigami powers.” Ichigo explained.

“But…” Sora blushed.

Quit complaining, don’t you understand this will put a strain on…”Ichigo silenced him.

“It’s fine, let’s do this!” Sora was gobbled up and placed into his zanpakuto’s stomach.


“I said it’s fine, just focus on his training for now.” Shiro had to return to his sealed state. While Sora was training Ichigo wouldn’t be able to release his zanpakuto.

Shiba went to a man named Urahara to get a gigai for himself.  He needed to help keep an eye on Orihime in the meantime, plus he can keep hidden from hollows while Sora trained. ‘A human high school can’t be too much trouble can it?’ He’d have to rely on his soul pager for a bit and his sword skills. ‘Testing this technique in the field might not be the best idea, but I’m a softy for pups.’


Sora was in a strange place, it was so different from the world of the living and Hueco Mundo. There seemed to be a palace and a white void reaching out forever. “Well now, looks like I have a pup to train.”

He knew this voice and looked around for the white beast that had been with Ichigo before. Instead he saw a man...a man that looked like Ichigo except he was pale, hair as white as snow, the shinigami robes were white, with the accessories being blue instead of red. What caught Sora off guard was his pitch black and gold eyes. “Shiro?”

Hahahaha indeed I am...welcome to our inner world...the belly of the beast!” Shiro wanted to hurry this up, with this technique the strain on Ichigo would only grow worse, his senses would be dulled and his available techniques were diminished. This was bad as Ichigo was walking into an area with someone who saw Soul Reapers as his enemy, a quincy!

To be continued... Shinigami vs Quincy


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