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Seven Deadly Sins parody: Patreon Reward

Chapter 4 

Chapter 5 Cursed! The Holy War’s End?

Stigma collapsed like a house of cards, Rou had betrayed those who had been kind to him and took him in. To get back what he lost he had betrayed the group trying to bring peace to the land. Innocent blood was on his hands and for what.

Ludociel didn’t care for mortals. Something he had realized too late. His actions had earned the wrath of the Fairy King. ‘He knew...he knew this would happen...I’m such a fool…’ For his sin Rou wished to be reborn, to make things right in the end.

These were his final thoughts as Gloxinia murdered him and fell to darkness.

At the same time Drole had been jumped by Zeldris, he wasn’t strong enough to defeat the demon and his giant’s pride refused to let him run. Zeldris had also been keeping an eye on Stigma, Ludociel’s plan shook the group allowing him to act and corner the giant’s king.

So to survive he surrendered to darkness.

Ludociel thought his plan was perfect unaware of the other side also plotting and scheming. While Stigma was keeping his efforts at bay they were also halting the demon army allowing them to make moves of their own.

A doll named Gowther, a powerful demon and one of the Ten Commandments. He had detected Nerobasta spying on him and allowed it. She believed Gowther was the key to “saving” Mael and freeing him from the clutches of Meliodas.

As soon as she learned of Gowther’s abilities she should have warned the archangels and had the doll killed, but her own pride had done her in. Ludociel had left her to guard the holy gate as he watched what he believed stood in his way. If Stigma fell he hoped Mael would see the light.

The irony was Ludociel was gonna lose his brother one way or another.

Where was Mael and Meliodas?


The Father of Darkness, the Mother of Light, these were the names given to the Demon King and the Supreme Deity. The two had been at war with each other for a long time, almost like squabbling children.

Their children’s efforts to end the war were more than troubling. They had hoped to force them to obey, but they had both lost their control cores.

Meliodas had figured it out, the 10 Commandments were a part of the demon king, and thus couldn’t be destroyed easily. All the commandments thought it was an honor to be chosen, but it was a curse. So long as they held the commandment they’d be forever under the demon king’s thumb. The longer they had it, the easier it was for him to take them over.

It was the same for the Grace, the holy power created by the Supreme Deity. Mael didn’t want to believe his mother would do that to him, but she did try. “Grace Take Over!”

“Commandment Take Over!”

Nothing happened. “I’ve already cast aside my Commandment.”

“Impossible it would have returned to me!?” The Demon King was shocked.

“I traded it to make a deal.” Meliodas said with a smirk.

“Mael what is the meaning of this, where is your Grace?!”

“I removed it mother, I’ll admit I was hesitant, but its a good thing I did. You tried to use it to control me!” The two lords were angered and punished their children for their “foolishness”!

Meliodas and Mael stood no chance against their parents, their powers were just far too great. Though their efforts weren’t to win it was to buy time.


Gowther manipulated Nerobasta and with the help of Melascula they corrupt the Divine Gate. “Great now we can flood this world with demons, our forces will overwhelm the divine….” Her eyes widened. “Wait what is this?”

She turned to look at Gowther before he knocked her out. The gate was used to free the true Gowther of Selfishness. Doll Gowther handed over Meliodas’s commandment. “So it is time then.”

Demon Gowther had been imprisoned by the demon king, this Gowther knew many things, many secrets, many powers and was deemed too dangerous. He knew the truth, and didn’t wish to be a sacrifice to grant the Demon King reign over the world. The commandment would be the power source to enact the plan. A fitting punishment as it would be the demon king’s own power that would be used to end the war.

The Coffin of Eternal Darkness, the pieces were made in secret by a giant craftsmen named Dubs. Each piece was forged with the help of Mael’s Grace. Light and dark magic combined with the four elements of magic, and the deep rooted power of the fairies.

Gowther used the commandment orb as the final piece, the key that would charge the magic. He cast the spell and unleashed its might upon the land.

The Goddess Clan was banished back into the divine realm, keeping them there. In kind the mass of demonic forces were forced back into the demon realm keeping them there. Since Meliodas’s commandment was used in the seal a powerful wave rippled out trapping those who bore the commandment behind a mighty seal trapped and removed from time. Their powers would be drained and they’d be kept trapped.

This would weaken the Demon King, and cripple the Supreme Deity’s influence.


Sensing the magic seal Meliodas and Mael chuckled. It was over, the great war was done. “You lose!”

The two gods were angered. “Go ahead, kill us, but we’ll still be together!” They held hands and waited for the final blow.

Their souls would meet in the Necropolis and be able to stay together forever. Sadly Mael’s last act a defiance gave the two an idea.

Before they were sealed away, they unleashed their god-like powers to curse their respective child.

Meliodas was cursed with Immortality. As nice as it sounded, he could still die, but his soul would be dragged to Purgatory where it’d be at the mercy of the Demon King.

Mael was cursed with Reincarnation. He would die in three days and instead of his soul passing on it would reincarnate. Should their paths cross and Mael remember Meliodas he would die again in three days, and the curse would make it so the demon would see it.

“Enjoy your punishment fools!” Was the shared words as the two gods were locked in their own domains.


The war was over, but there was a heavy cost. Despite the powerful magic used, some demons had slipped through the seal. Red Demons and a few Gray Demons, but one threat was a real problem. He called himself a commandment but he didn’t have one. Other demons mocked him calling him filler, a fake commandment. ‘Who’s laughing now!’ This fact helped him survive the seal. ‘You haven’t won...I’ll free them...it’s not over...it’s not over!’

Fraudrin had survived the seal. He had lost quite a bit of power but he’d recover and be back. ‘Damn you Meliodas, you will pay for this, you traitor!’ He was selfish and blind to the truth unaware of what was happening.

The Dark Coffin was divided into pieces and scattered through the world to prevent the seal from being broken. Fraudrin had time to recover his magic, grow stronger, and seek out the pieces.

Demon power even from the lowest of soldiers was tantalizing and terrible. Some humans became infatuated by that power and became loyal to the demon clan. Some humans remembered the power and might of the goddess clan and sought ways of bringing them back.

Rou’s betrayal caused Stigma to collapse and their rulers had disappeared. The giants retreated to their lands, and the fairies withdrew to their domain, the sins of what happened leaving a deep scar that would carry over.

Humans scattered to form new towns, new kingdoms, and settlements.

A new Fairy King was chosen Dahlia, he didn’t care about the rabble that escaped or the trouble they’d cause. He was a rather aloof man, focusing on his kingdom. The new king severed any and all ties souring the relationship between humans and fairies for the next 2000 years. Then he just up and vanished without a word, and a new Fairy King had to be born.


A woman known as Merlin was after something more. She had hoped that sealing the demon and goddess clan would be enough to free chaos. It was not…

Chaos could not rise so long as there was balance, either the Demon King or the Supreme Deity had to fall to break that balance. ‘What was the point of this war then?’ Merlin didn’t understand was this also to be a part of the balance?

There was so much she didn’t know. She thought maybe Meliodas and Mael had the answers, or at least crumbs to lead her to what she wanted to know. That wasn’t an option now as the two were dealing with the terrible curses they now had.

To be continued...Their First Three Days


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