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Naruto parody: Patreon Reward

Chapter 8 

Chapter 9 Forest Fun

For the Akatsuki raised ninja this Forest of Death may as well been a vacation spot. The Akatsuki had them trained in harsh conditions, survival training was etched into them from their youth. It happened that Akatsuki could be gone for months at a time, rarely checking in even. Their missions took them into harsh areas where rations were few and even drawing from the land was difficult. “We can take our time with this one!” Menma chuckled. Five days was nothing.

“A forest of danger, enemies on all sides, reminds me of the good old days!” Naruto laughed.

Juugo at first shared their merriment but felt a chilling gaze. Among the applicants there was someone with...the aura of a predator...one who was hunting...sizing up his prey...it made him a tad anxious. He prefered to be the one doing the hunting!

‘Everyone here is our enemy?’ Sasuke thought. His hand balled into a fist feeling excitement. He couldn’t help it. Everyone would be fighting for the same goal, and killing was allowed. ‘We are putting our lives on the line!’ He closed his eyes.

The point of this exercise was to work with your team, take the other scroll you need, and make it to the finish line. Team 7 had received an Earth Scroll, this made everyone with Heaven Scroll their target. Those with the Earth Scrolls might not be seen as an enemy to those that also have Earth Scrolls but this whole exam was a competition, they could be knocked just to dwindle the applicants down. ‘I need to rely on my team...but…’ His gaze fell on Kiba and Akamaru.

Kiba had his eyes on the strangers from another land. Even Akamaru was starring at Juugo and wagging his tail. The mystery trio from a village no one had heard much of, even among the smallest villages known. They were the enemy and yet…

Sasuke marched over and grabbed Kiba. “What are you doing Inuzuka?”


“Sasuke? Kiba?” Hinata was surprised at the sudden confrontation.

“What is your game?” Kiba blinked in confusion.

“The hell is wrong with you, back off!” The Inuzuka tried to push the Uchiha away and Akamaru growled at him.

“I’m not blind dog boy, I know something is going on with you and that blonde loser.” He had looked at Kiba during the written test, and he noticed things.

Kiba blushed and looked to Naruto before back to Sasuke. “There’s nothing going on between me and Naruto!” He lied. It wasn’t a lie of shame or anything, Naruto had told him to.

“You should tell your face, because you are blushing.” This made his blush grow more.

“Even if there was something going on, it wouldn’t be any of your business.” He forced Sasuke’s hand off him.

“Like hell it isn’t, I deserve to know if my teammate is compromised.” Sasuke glared.

“Are you kidding me?” Kiba growled.

“Sasuke...Kiba...please don’t fight…” Hinata stuttered.

“This mangy mutt has been fraternizing with the enemy, how can we trust him?” He pointed an accusing finger at Kiba.

He slapped his hand away. “You can trust me, I’m a member of team 7 and a ninja of Konoha. The hell are you getting at!?”

“We are going into a test where our lives will be put on the line, I need to know you are focused and on our side!” Sasuke grabbed the front of his jacket again. “I don’t know what’s going on between you and that freak, but I know he’s a ninja, he’s strong, and he’s skilled. He could be using you to get information, manipulating you to get a leg up in the exam or worse…”

Wham! Kiba shoved Sasuke awake, knocking him on his rear.

There was a deep anger in his eyes. “Stop talking like that, you don’t even know him. He helped me in the written test, he didn’t have to but he did. If he’s manipulating me why would he help me?” There was more to it than that, Naruto had found a way into his heart, opening up thoughts and feelings he never knew was there. Sasuke’s words threatened to poison that well with doubt and suspicions.

Sasuke got up and got into an altercation with Kiba, the two grappling with each other. “Because moron, the further you get in the exam, the more he can use you.”

“You are fucking paranoid!”

“I’m practical, fool!” Sasuke hissed. “Everyone here is after the same thing, and I intend to pass this exam and become a Chunin.” The two were pushing and shoving each other. “I’m willing to take on everyone here, but I won’t be able to focus if I have to worry about you. If you are too stupid to realize you are being manipulated I’m not gonna have you drag me down!”

Akamaru had heard enough and was about to jump in and protect his partner. Before Kiba could talk back a kunai flew past both of their heads. Suddenly Anko was on them, kunai aimed at their throats. “That’s enough boys, break it up!”

They parted, each shooting the other a glare. “I don’t know what has gotten into you two but if you need time to figure it out, I’ll gladly fail you now and you two idiots can have all the time in the world to sort out your issues.”

Sasuke twitched at being called an idiot but he didn’t want to fail, so he nodded. The Uchiha shot a glare at Kiba, a sign saying he was watching the dog ninja user.

Kiba agreed, but mildly insulted as it was Sasuke who started all this. ‘No...Naruto isn’t using me I know it…’ If the blonde had merely wanted to use him he’d have fucked him in the bath. Instead he said he wished to get to know the dog ninja user. Kiba had even asked for it. He didn’t want to believe the universe was so cruel was to send him a master manipulator who’d stir up his feelings only to use him and toss him away. ‘Naruto is strong...I know it...he doesn’t need my help to pass this exam...he isn’t using me…’

He felt he had a good sense of the blonde’s character, while mischievous and playful, someone who liked games he was the type to care for his toys, not one to just throw them away. Akamaru whimpered and nudged him. “I’m okay buddy.”

This exam was a lot of things, a test of a ninja’s skills, deception and information gathering was a part of a ninja’s arsenal. It could be hard for ninja to trust in each other, especially in a romantic sense. Seduction was also a tool of the ninja, not a common one, but it did happen. Kiba didn’t want to believe he was being tricked which in some cases could be dangerous.

Sasuke saw him as an idiot, as for Hinata.

The girl came over and held Kiba’s hand. “I don’t think Naruto is a bad person.”

Anko was suddenly jumped by a Grass ninja with a long tongue. He claimed to be returning her kunai, but his actions seemed more threatening. She warned him not to do that again if he valued his life.

The teams went to their gates and entered the Forest of Death...the exam had begun.

It wasn’t long before some ninja fell to nature’s traps. Their screams rang out.

“Already? Wow that’s pretty pathetic.” Menma said. They had an Earth Scroll. “So we need one of those Heaven Scrolls.”

“What’s the plan?” Juugo asked.

“It’s just the first day, let’s spread out and check out the competition.” Naruto suggested.

“We can have fun?” Menma asked, bouncing excitedly.

“Not too much fun.” Naruto eyed his little brother. “Avoid setting the forest on fire.”

Menma saluted. “Will do!” He said, before weaving hand signs. “Lightning Wolf!” He conjured a massive wolf and climbed onto it’s back. “Lightning Chariot!” Menma was off, shooting off through the wicked forest on the back of the elemental beast. “Woohoo!”

Naruto couldn’t help but chuckle. He just hoped he really didn’t set the place ablaze. That would draw too much attention their way.

“Juugo...go play…” The orange haired man didn’t move. “What’s wrong?”

Juugo fidgeted not wanting to leave Naruto’s side. “I felt eyes...I sense danger from someone here…” He was worried and wished to be close in case the predator came for them.

“I see,” He patted his shoulder. “It’ll be fine, go play and have fun, we’ll meet back up later tonight.” Naruto was telling him to play, not to hunt, this wording was very important.

Juugo nodded and went off, getting a lay of the land and connecting with nature.

Naruto stretched. “Time to play myself.” He went off in an opposite direction from his brother and mate. He wasn’t worried, they each had their way of knowing where the other was and what their condition was. This was a chance for them to show off and test their skills against other ninja their age, so they were excited.

He wanted to check on Kiba, he didn’t hear what happened but he saw them rough housing. That little show also brought the attention of other teams. Sensing weakness a hunter would strike.

At the same time the Grass ninja had caught Naruto’s attention.


Kiba and Akamaru went to use the bathroom, and while they were away they got attacked by a giant snake. Paper chains grabbed the two and pulled them out of danger. “Naruto!”

“Yo!” He winked at the dog ninja.

“Thanks for the save!”

“Thanks for the show!” The akatsuki nin, playfully grasped Kiba’s exposed penis, playing with it and making the dog boy pant.

Instantly Naruto could see this snake wasn’t natural to the area it was a summon. ‘So it is him!’

The massive snake lunged at them. That was a mistake.

“Confetti Blizzard Jutsu!” He opened his hand and scattered small pieces of paper, they seemed to multiply infinitely becoming a storm of white and it sucked up the snake and diced him to pieces.

Another snake attacked them from behind, but paper chains lashed out, knocking the snake away and tying it up. “Speak who holds your contract!” Naruto commanded. He placed a paper on his head so he could understand him.

The snake hissed a bit. “I’m aware of the rules of summon contracts, I’m pretty sure who summoned you here. You can’t reveal those who have signed the serpent scroll, but you can reveal the name of the person who summoned you in the moment.” The snake sighed.

Of all the people who have signed the serpent scroll the one who had summoned him was the worst of the worst. He cared not for the summons and would use them as meat shields. “Orochimaru!” The snake spoke before Naruto poked the paper and forcibly undid the summon. The giant snake vanished in a puff of smoke.

“This complicates things.” Naruto knew Orochimaru, he had been a member of Akatsuki to steal their secrets. The man wished to know and obtain all jutsu, even by the means of taking bodies to extend his life and take bloodline abilities. He had run off and ended up on their wanted list. ‘I should inform Hidan of this...but what’s the snake doing here?’ It was unaware of what Orochimaru had learned, and information was power.

“My team is in trouble!”

“Let’s go!” Naruto went with Kiba. Testing his skills against Orochimaru may have been fun.

To be continued


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