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Teen Titans/Young Justice parody| Patreon Reward

Chapter 1 

Chapter 2 Slut Beast Training


That was his master’s name…

A creature of chaos that he had unleashed.

Some may call him a demon or monster, but Kurama was more than that, a force of nature, a being that has existed and couldn’t be destroyed. He was a Lord of Chaos!

Kurama had been sealed and trapped in cyberspace, or at least the domain that cyberspace tapped into. Humans...such wonderful creatures...so helpful...

Beast Boy had broken the seal and freed this terror.

He had lost much of his power because of the seal, but that could be replenished easily enough. Now that he was free he was eager to begin his mischief again. He had found his “hero” his champion.

Beast Boy aka Garfield Logan...a boy so weak to hypnosis a single glance of a hypno screen would make him fall into a deep trance emptying his brain of everything. His frustrations and embarrassment was because of one simple fact that he refused to accept...he liked to be hypnotized. He wanted to surrender and be dominated, mind, body, and soul…

Now he would be…

While under Kurama’s control no other hypnosis would effect him. Sight, sound, touch, taste, smell, and even the mystical arts could not touch him now. Kurama had Beast Boy bewitched down to his very soul, becoming his true master.

In order for Kurama to regain his powers he would need more  under his sway to replenish his lost strength. If being sealed had taught Kurama anything it was patience. He didn’t need to rush, he would regain his powers and gain the standing he once had. For now, he needed to train his hero to become a proper champion for him.

It had been a few days since he had been freed and he was busying himself with training his new servant to serve him properly.

Wake up slut!” Beast Boy had been sleeping but instantly his eyes opened and he was awake.

“I am awake sir!” He was sleeping butt naked. Garfield saluted his cock standing at attention. The green boy no longer desired to wear clothes, but did so when commanded. Being naked felt so freeing he loved it. ‘Don’t need clothes...I am a beast...I am a good boy...I wear what master asks of me...’

What is your name?”

“Beast Slut sir, I am your hero, your servant.” He got on his hands and knees and bowed to his phone. ‘I am a slut...a good boy...I am master’s servant...must serve master...must be a good slut…’

Very good, begin your morning regimen!’

Ignoring his erection Garfield got to work, he did push ups like a man possessed. After every 100 reps, he flexed his muscles, his meta muscles. His ability to turn into animals was quite powerful, and like any horny young man he had done...THAT!

Such experimentation was amusing to Kurama, Beast Boy had claimed in the past he was the entire animal kingdom in one hot little package. Kurama was willing to see how much of that was true.

Garfield had a nice cock, a sizable piece that could make men jealous. It was his pride and joy, now it no longer belonged to him. From the top of his head to the tips of his toes he belonged to Kurama, happily. Using his powers he changed his size, every 100 reps he changed it.

Working his muscles and his meta ones, if he failed to hold the new size before the next 100 reps, Kurama added another set to his training. Sooner or later he’d be able to freely control the size and shape of his penis. Like in the animal kingdom it would be the lure that would draw in all manner of prey to him. As a man his rod was a tool for his master, a decoration for himself. ‘Train...cock...train...cock..., make better, harder, better, stronger...all for master!’

He was working up a nice sweat, using his powers like this put a strain on him in a way Beast Boy hadn’t realized was possible. It made the simplest of exercises more intense and taxing but that didn’t stop Logan from following his master’s orders. This all worked his focus, if he failed to do a proper push up or keep his penis a set size he’d have to do them again. ‘Keep going...work out...train hard...be good boy...work...train...harder...harder...harder…’

Even as he was feeling the burn of exercise Beast Slut kept at it, finding pleasure in it. His shifting penis twitching and leaking, dripping but remaining untouched. The hornier he became the harder he worked out, and the more he worked out the more aroused he got, a vicious cycle.

Because of a few slips here and there Beast Slut had done 2000 push ups. He was panting, not from exhaustion but like a bitch in heat. His butt cheeks clenched, and his ass wiggled.

Next set!’

“Yes sir!” He rolled over onto his back and put his hands behind his head. With his pits exposed his manly musk flowed freely. Beast Slut breathed deeply, letting the scent of a man flood his senses. A goofy grin spread over his face. His sensitive nose could breath in and breath deep, appreciating the subtle layers of his own musk. His cock twitched.

‘Breath musk...serve musk...strong...manly...good…’ He drooled.

As he got high on his own scent, any fatigue he was feeling melted away and he began the next part of his training. This one he was better at, sit ups. Garfield had an insane core, having the muscles of animals he could be quite flexible. He could sit up and bend reaching his cock.

With each rep he gave a lick to his weeping rod. His tongue lapped up his own essence and let the flavor tickle his tongue.  “Mmm~!” His sit ups were insane, but thanks to his abilities they were a walk in the park. He kept a steady rhythm breathing through his nose and exhaling out his mouth.

He worked his core, while training his body to respond to scent and taste stimulus. ‘Taste cock...love cock...serve cock...crave cock…’

Beast Slut did a 1000 reps and finished his set. He eyed his cock hungrily. “Please master may I have a reward?” His tongue stretched out and his mouth opened wide.

Not yet, finish your routine slut!’

“Yes sir!” He stood up and began to do jumping jacks. “I’m a good boy, I’m a good slut, I love cock, I wanna suck dick, I wanna be bred, dick is the only meat I need!” He went through the motions reciting his mantra. His hard cock bounced up and down in the air, his heavy balls swinging and being clapped by the beast’s thighs.

There was no need to worry about anyone overhearing him, because of his snoring they made sure his room was sound proof. He finished his jumping jacks and moved on to pelvic thrusts, he made his penis jump and slap his firm abs over and over again.

Is your ass feeling empty slut?’

“Yes sir! So empty...I wanna fill it!” His tight little donut throbbed for attention.

Come here.’ Garfield obeyed coming over to his phone and saw there were special options. He clicked the first one and a small portal opened up and a dildo came out.

“Oh master this is so cool!” The rod was pitch black, with red runes at the base of it. Beast Slut was so cock hungry he began to lick the instantly beloved toy his master had given him. “Whoa!” As he licked it he felt strange sensations on his own penis.

Like a dog after a bone he licked the toy, getting it coated in his saliva. This toy was linked to his body, every lick the greenette felt on his own penis.

Use this as you perform your thrusts, but do not cum!’ The words were powerful, he might as well have been wearing six cock rings, orgasm wasn’t gonna happen.

“Yes...master!” He set the toy down and straddled it. Working his hips he sat on the toy, supporting himself with his legs. “Gaaaahhh!” As the toy filled his hungry hole, the incredible feeling of getting his cock squeezed was felt. “Tight...is this...ass...fuck so good!”

The toy matched his size and shape perfectly and Beast Slut took every inch, he literally fucked himself. The sensations of filling a tight firm rear was linked to his penis, so the joy of filling and being filled hit the green male at the same time. His whole body shook and twitched in pleasure. “Anal sex...is...awesome…”

Kurama chuckled. The boy had long forgotten any desire to fuck women, such embers Kurama had snuffed out. ‘Get moving slut!’

“Sir, yes sir!” Move he did, bouncing up and down on the toy that filled him so well and deep, rubbing a spot so good inside him it made his dick want to explode. He watched it flopping and bouncing, unable to release his seed.

Something in the back of his mind said he just needed a little push. If he touched himself he’d cum! ‘Good sluts don’t touch their dick...good boys earn their orgasms...I’m a good boy!’

His hands found his chest, playing with his nipples as he “worked out”. In one work out he trained his legs, core, glutes, nipples, hole and cock!

Garfield thought he was doing simple exercises but was slowly falling and becoming a true slut.

He put on a good show. “Cum Beast Slut!”

His eyes rolled up. “Yes master!” Logan’s orgasm hit and his cock erupted like a whale spout. All his pent up release came out at once, showing himself in seed. Beast Slut started licking himself like a cat lapping up and not wasting a single drop. He went as far as to lick the floor clean. ‘Kitty wants milk...bad to waste...be a good boy!’ He thought wiggling his pert buttocks.

Well done, now go shower and wash up!’ He saluted and went to do just that, not even putting on clothes for the treck to the communal showers.

As Beast Boy washed up, the other heroes came in. ‘Ohh fuck!’ He had peeked in the showers before, but just for “manly measuring/sizing up”. Now his eyes were open and he was seeing his comrades in a whole new light.

To be continued...A Beast’s Fantasy


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