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Pocket Monster parody: Tier 1/Bad Day Fic

Cruise Facility

Ash has become a Frontier Brain. There is time before his facility is complete so Ash prepares. He plans to help aid his facility with Pokemon power, so they can prepare and focus on other elements of the facility. Ketchum is able to travel with his facility and continue his journey to be a pokemon master. Ash/Trainer/Harem

Chapter 1

Ash Ketchum had defeated the Kanto Battle Frontier. Scott had observed his matches time and again, and believed Ash had the skills to become a Frontier Brain. “Me?! A Frontier Brain?” His cheeks heated up, feeling quite flattered at the offer.

“Oh yes, anyone who completes the battle frontier is eligible to become a brain and get their own facility. I observe each challenger and see if their skills are worthy.” Scott didn’t make this offer lightly. Ash truly impressed him with each battle he faced and each challenge he took on.

After each of his matches Scott spoke with the Frontier Brains and the decision was unanimous, even Brandon was for it. To become a Battle Frontier Brain one needed more than just Scott’s recommendation. Each Brain analyzes their opponent, and decides if they are a Silver Challenger or a Gold Challenger. If they are gold then they vote for them to becoming a Frontier Brain. Brandon typically was the hardest one to please and the hardest to beat.

Ash was quite the golden boy, impressing each of the brains in his own way. Scott was eager to expand the Battle Frontier, as it stood he had Brains in Kanto and Sinnoh, but he hoped to expand into Johto and Hoenn as well. Hopes to expanding the number of Brains and having some in each region was a challenge.

Scott believed he had the perfect symbol for Ash, the Adaptability Symbol. He explained the Symbol could be an alternative symbol for one of the standing brains.

“While I appreciate the offer, I’m not ready to be tied down. I still wanna travel and continue my journey to be a Pokemon Master.” Ash said.

Scott smirked. “That’s fine, we can work with that.” Brandon’s facility was capable of traveling between regions. He could work something out making the facility mobile.

As he explained this to Ash, it got the wheels turning in his head. He could picture the facility he wanted, he could even adjust the costs/budget by applying Pokemon power! There was plenty of time to prepare as his facility was being built.

With traveling on the table Ash was a bit more willing to accept the job as a Frontier Brain. He’d be able to travel with his pokemon, catch new pokemon and expand his roster, even make the rules at his facility. Scott got another idea for Ash’s symbol, Wallace offers a special ribbon in contests, said Ribbon qualified for Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, and Sinnoh contests. That sounded perfect for Ash’s Adaptability Symbol, it’d lay the ground work for Battle Frontiers in Johto and Hoenn as well.

After a bit of back and forth Ash accepted the position of Battle Frontier Brain. After working on the design of his battle facility a bit, they finalized the plans. “It’ll take some time to build, but we should have it ready for you soon.”

“Thanks Scott, while its being prepared I’m gonna take care of some business.”

Sad to say he would be parting with his friends for a bit. May was going off to Johto to compete in that Coordinator Circuit. Max was going home, he wanted to start preparing for when he got to become a trainer. Brock was heading home to Pewter City to check on the gym and his family.

Partings could be sad, but it wasn’t the end. Ash remembered all too well.

Ketchum checked on Pidgeot, since they had parted it’s been protecting the Pidgey and Pidgeotto. He’s been training them and teaching them how to defend themselves. Now the flock had grown and was strong enough to survive and protect their territory without him.

Pidgeot was a proud papa, but was happy to reunite with Ash. He had been missing his master for some time. They reunited and both were feeling fantastic.

With Pidgeot’s help Ash was able to fly to do what needed to be done. He had a lot things in mind to help his new facility out.

A quick trip to Johto Ash found the Houndour pack. They remembered him and welcomed him warmly. “Hey guys, I’m a new frontier brain and my facility could use some security and having extra fire types on hand will be helpful.” He offered them a home, food, and employment.

The leader wanted a bit more than that, but the pack talked it over and they agreed. Ash got out some monster balls and caught the pack. The leader was given the name Alpha, and the others were named by the order of the catch, Beta, Gamma, Delta, Epsilon, and Zeta.

Alpha joined Ash’s roster, while the others would serve as security and facility support. He thought about visiting Larvitar but the little guy was still young and deserved more time with his mother.

Ash thought about many Pokemon he’s met. ‘I want to be a Pokemon Master, but I don’t even have mons of certain types yet.’ With his facility he’d have to prepare for all kinds of challenges.

Ketchum flew to Hoenn to pick up an old friend. A Spoink who was often losing his pearl. Ash regretted not catching him, so he decided to visit the last place they met. The little guy was still around, and no surprise he had lost his pearl again.

Aipom helped find it and Ash offered Spoink a home. Spoink agreed and Ash got his first Psychic type.

It was back to Kanto, and really flying on Pidgeot was just the best. There was a surprise stop at Gringey City. The place had cleaned up quite a bit since they last been there. He went looking for Magnemite, he wasn’t just an Electric Type but also a Steel type. It may not have been in love with Pikachu anymore, but it still helped them out.

Ash’s appreciation for Magnemite had grown when he was in the Orange Islands and had to herd a bunch of them. He found the one from before and convinced it to join him. His first Steel Type and his second Electric Type.

It was time for another stop at Anthony’s Gym to see how Primeape’s training was going. The man didn’t seem to eager to give Primeape up. “I know how about a battle, if I win you let me keep training Primeape!”

“Alright, I’ll use Snorlax!” Anthony smirked thinking he had an advantage, a normal type against a fighting type, it was clear who would win. “Primeape, show me the results of your training, don’t hold back!”

‘I can beat this kid and enter his pokemon in the upcoming Grand Prix!’ Or so he thought.

Snorlax was a tank taking hits from Mach Punch and Karate Chop, and when he got into a pinch a well placed rest helped him recover. Primeape tried Fire Punch but Snorlax’s thick fat took the hit well. A well timed Body Slam left the fighting type with Paralysis, making him vulnerable to a well aimed Hyper Beam.

Primeape was down, but it was still a fantastic battle. “Primeape, you’ve gotten so strong. I’m glad to have you back on my Frontier Brain Team!”

“You...you...you...became a frontier brain...like Greta?” She had been a P1 Grand Prix Master before becoming a brain. Hearing Ash had defeated her shook him to his core. ‘What have I been doing…’

Primeape returned to Ash, joining his Kanto Roster.

Ash’s facility had different challenges, each battle was six on six. A challenger could choose Kanto, Johto, or Hoenn to face Ash’s regional team, said teams had back ups and mons that could rotate in. There was also wild challenges with teams built around certain Pokemon.

He returned home and spoke with Samuel Oak about it. “So you’ll be taking your Pokemon aboard with you?”

“Yes, I worked it out with Scott, my facility will have the support of Pokemon Power!” With the shift in budget, Scott was able to prepare special training equipment, Pokemon can use it to get a work out and increase their stats, while also charging up the ship’s generators. Given how much his Tauros love to run, he didn’t expect a lack of energy issue.

The generators would run most of the facility easily enough, and if they needed a jolt they had Electric Mon power.

As for the ship’s flight ability that would run on Fire Power, Ash had not shortage of fire types that could assist with that.

The ship’s water would be provided by his Water Pokemon.

Ash had his facility broken down by design. The top deck had the captain’s area, along with guest floor, trainers could relax, swim, soak up the sun on the main deck. The second floor had rooms for challengers, guests, along with the kitchen and dining area. There was also the bathing room which Ash outfitted like a bathhouse with hot springs.

The middle floor was the maintenance and storage floor.

On the fourth floor was the pleasure deck which offered special things Ash didn’t go into. Then on the last floor was the Pokemon Lounge, Training and Battle Floor, where the training gear for Pokemon could be found as well as the battle system.

Scott was even able to spring for special trade machines, so not only could Ash offer trade events, but they could self trade so monsters who could only evolve through trading could evolve without leaving their trainer.

Samuel was amazed Ash really thought of everything, he was so proud with how far he’s gotten. “I do need to hire staff, and I’d like someone who knows my Pokemon and can help look after them.”

Oak chuckled. “I’d love to join you, but I’m busy with my research and my poetry.”

“You’d have been perfect Professor, I understand though. How about Tracey?”

Oak stroked his chin. “Well he’s certainly learned a lot from me, and he’s been a great help. He’d do a good job for sure, but I can’t make the choice for him. If you can convince him, he’s all yours!”

Ash smiled. I’m sure I can convince him to join up with me!”


“Ash ohh Ash fuck fuck fuck me!” Tracey was bare ass naked pressed against a wall. His hard three incher twitching and throbbing as he was fucked by an equally naked Ash.

“It’s been so long since we fucked, you are so tight!” He thrust his long 11 incher into him, again and again. His hands gripped Tracey’s hips firmly, his strong pelvis colliding with his pert rear again and again. His cheeks bounced and jiggled from the impact.

‘Ohh fuck, he’s fucking me so good!’ Tracey was trembling. He had already cum once and he was close to another orgasm.  Ketchum’s sex game has improved since the Orange Islands. Oh those were the days, traveling from island to island, sneaking off to fool around.

Sketchit was a serious size queen and seeing Ash’s impressive rod had him swooning. When they first fucked Ketchum was a virgin, but it seems he’s gained a lot more experience. He had durability, endurance, and dominance. ‘Ohhh he’s fucking me so good!’

“Our balls are touching, this feels so hot!” His nuts came swinging, clapping against Tracey’s sending a burst of pleasure through his groin.

‘Damn he’s hitting with words….they are super effective…’ Tracey’s blush grew going from ear to ear.

He lost it, having a dry orgasm. His rod twitched as his body shuddered in orgasmic tremors. The greenette was feeling almost a little jealous of the guys Ash has been with while he’s been away.

Even as his hole clenched Ketchum’s penis just kept coming, thrusting and creating more heat. ‘Damn, damn, damn, damn!’ Ash was being very convincing.

He’s been missing Ash since he’s been gone, his ass just hadn’t felt the same since. It’s been almost three years since they traveled together, that was a long time.

“So what do you say Tracey, you wanna come with me?” Each word was punctuated with a jab to his sweet spot.

“I...I...I…” His insides felt like they were melting. “I’m cumming!” He came hard, his seed erupting and squirting on the ground.

Ash followed suit and came deep inside Tracey. Each spurt sent shivers up his spine. ‘So much potency…’ Before Ash shot about 2-4 spurts now he was more than double that.

His cock fell from his hole, leaving him gaping and cum stuffed. Tracey’s legs gave out and he sunk to the floor. “You make it hard to refuse Ash.” He chuckled. “So I won’t...I’m in…”

Ketchum smiled. “Sweet, I got you a little gift just in case you said yes.” He gave him a small box.

“For me!?” Tracey opened the box and he gasped at what he saw. “A...A cock cage?!” His heart skipped a beat.

To be continued



Always love me a hung Ash