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Pocket Monster parody: Patreon Reward

Ash Ketchum (Hybrid/Satyr)
Ability: Nature’s Aura – Can change the form of Deerling, unlocking different typings.
Moves: ????

Badges Unova: 0

Pokemon on Hand 2/9

Pikachu | Ability: Static | Moves: Thunderbolt, Quick Attack, Iron Tail, Parabolic Charge

Oshawott | Ability: ? | Moves: ??

Pokemon at Oak’s Lab: Bulbasaur, Kingler, Muk, Tauros x 30 Snorlax, Bayleef, Quilava, Totodile, Donphan, Swellow, Sceptile, Torkoal, Glalie, Staraptor, Infernape, Buizel, Gliscor
Pokemon In Training: Squirtle, Primeape, Charizard,

Chapter 1 

Chapter 2 Power of Nature

Ash was positively stunned by his new transformation. He was checking himself out in the reflection of the lake water. ‘Whoa, is this really me, or an illusion?’ Ketchum pinched his cheek. ‘Oww, okay it’s real, but how did this happen? What happened?’

The hybrid looked up to see the four seasons of Sawsbuck, they bowed their heads to him. He returned the bow in kind. This didn’t feel like a prank, but an honor.

Is master okay?”

I don’t know, this has never happened before.”

‘Who said that?’ Ash thought and looked around.

He looks okay, just fuzzier!”

I hope he’s alright, Ash? Are you alright partner?”

Ketchum blinked and turned towards his monsters. “Pikachu? Oshawott?”

They looked back at him. “Yes?”

“Wahh, I can hear you, I mean I can understand you!” He gasped.

The monsters blinked, they shared a look before their eyes sparkled. “Ash/Master!” They jumped into his arms.

A wave of giddiness washed over the hybrid and he embraced his mons. “You have received our blessing, and thus have become a hybrid of human and monster. This allows you to hear the hearts of us!” They could help him focus so he wasn’t hearing every voice at once. That could be loud and rude.

Here the forest was tranquil, Ash’s aura was mellowed out. “Thank you for helping me!” A new voice. Ketchum looked and saw the Summer Deerling he had helped before. “You were so nice, and I could feel your aura, so I guided you here to receive the blessing.”

Ash smiled. “Thank you!” This really was a blessing. He felt he could connect more with his pokemon. Little did he know just how much.

The Sawsbuck helped Ash hone his new skills. First thing was first controlling his new Nature’s Aura. By channeling it he could keep it close, so he could still hear Pokemon caught by him. Deerling served as a test. With a bit of focus, he could extend the aura out and hear his voice.

Dragon Masters used a similar technique to hear the voice of dragons.

The Sawsbuck invited them to stay until Ash learned to get a handle on his abilities. He agreed, and got in touch with his wild side by remaining as naked as Pokemon do. It was oddly freeing.

As a hybrid, he had access to Pokemon moves. Thanks to the change of his aura, and his experience in forming of Aura Sphere, Ketchum was able to harness the power of Energy Ball. Having super powers didn’t really shake Ash too much, when he was a kid he used to wish he could be a super hero.

Ketchum went with the flow, and worked to hone his abilities.

He got to train with his Pokemon. There was a whole field for training where Deerling and Sawsbuck would clash with each other to train and get stronger. They were allowed to use it, so they did. Firing Energy Balls and having Pikachu deflect them with Iron Tail. “Nice job Pikachu, let’s try one more!” He charged up another.

Okay!” Pikachu readied his Iron Tail.

Oshawott got a little jealous and charged in. “Oshawott wait!”

I got it!” He blocked the attack with his shell. To Ash’s and Pikachu’s shock, he was able to deflect it. Oshawott tapped his shell proudly.

“Wow Oshawott that’s amazing!” The water type blushed. He had Shell Armor, but he was able to use the ability in a unique way. It normally only blocked Critical Hits, but Oshawott could use it to block attacks.

Ash checked his Pokedex and learned what moves Oshawott could do. All it had was Water Gun and Tackle. ‘Oshawott is full of surprises, so we can work with this.’ There were other ways to block attacks.

He had Pikachu perform the Counter Shield with Thunderbolt. “You can do this to with Water Gun.”

Oshawott was willing to try. So they practiced. It was great special training and with some work Oshawott mastered counter shield.

Deerling watched, marveling at the creativity.

Ash spent a week in their domain, training his aura, training his pokemon. Oshawott even learned Razor Shell.

There was a bit of an incident when Ash tried learning a new move of his own. “Sweet Scent!” A pink aroma wafted off Ash’s body.

Ohhh~!” Pikachu shivered.

Wow!” Oshawott drooled.

“Guys?” The two were blushing.

They were aroused, their balls dropped and their cocks slipped from their sheaths. Pikachu was 6 inches long, and Oshawott was 4 inches long. Ash blushed at the sight of their hard ons. ‘Oh wow!’

The two pounced on him, Pikachu going for Ash’s crotch and Oshawott going for his ass. “Guys wait...ohhh~!” He shivered.

Pikachu started licking his sac and fondling his balls. Oshawott spread Ash’s cheeks and buried his face. The two breathed deeply, the tantalizing musk, filled their senses. Pleasure sparked and bloomed inside the monsters.

In seconds their dicks were leaking.

Their touches caused Ash’s loins to stir. “Mmmm~!” His sheath parted and his cock came out. “Ah~Ohhh!” The Satyr’s penis was in the double digits, reaching 11 inches hard, and his girth was at least four fingers thick.

So big!” Pikachu moaned.

They had a new target. “So manly!” Oshawott came around and Pikachu moved up. Two tongues worked his shaft.

The Satyr panted and moaned, his legs buckling as they moved up and down his length. Pikachu was on his right, Oshawott was on his left. The musk radiating off his dick was even more power, spiced with the rich scent of arousal.

Taste and Smell, two senses combined, adding fuel to the heat of passion. They licked Ash’s penis with more gusto, their hands coming into play and started stroking his shaft. Feeling Ash’s rod pulsing, the warmth of his body flowing out.

Ketchum watched them go wild on his cock, their own rods twitching and pulsing. His legs gave out and he fell back. “Ohh!” The tiny tail wagging.

Pikachu and Oshawott humped against his legs as they continued on his length. Ketchum’s fur tickled their rods, adding something extra to the friction.

Ash’s pleasure built higher and higher, his aura flaring from his arousal and near climax. “Nnnn~hhhnnn aaahhhh!” His hips bucking up.

Fingers curled gripping the grass beneath them tightly. His toes curled. Ash could feel his heart racing, a storm was raging inside him, feelings and hormones cooking inside him, twisting and surging into a single point.

Ketchum blushed from ear to ear, his eyes closed, and the release washed over him. “Ohhhh~!” His balls unleashed, his cock expanded as his seed gushed and launched out of his monstrous penis.

The two monsters moved up to drink his seed, catching some of it as it rained down upon them. Their own releases came and they shot their cum onto Ash’s length.

All three of them were left panting. “What was that?” Ketchum panted.

Your scent...it just...was...wow…” Pikachu panted.

Oshawott was in a daze, so he just nodded. Sweet Scent typically drew Pokemon’s attention, lowered evasiveness, and helped monsters relax. They relaxed alright. He was a hybrid so the effects were a bit different.

It was definitely an eye opening experience.

They got cleaned up. Yeah they got a bit wild, but it wasn’t necessarily a bad thing. “Maybe this can be a way I bond and connect with Pokemon.” He thought out loud.

I’m for it!” Oshawott declared, his tail wagging happily.

You know I’m with you partner!” Pikachu said and nuzzled him.

It was something they could experiment with going forward.

Deerling had seen their little love session, and he had been leaning towards a choice for awhile now, but now it was stomped in one direction. He wanted to go with Ash.

As Ketchum improved his skills, the time he could remaining in their domain grew short. So before they left Deerling challenged Ash to a battle. “I want to travel with you and get stronger!” Ash listened to his voice.

“Alright then, then let’s have a battle.” Ash grabbed his hat and one of his monster balls.

Pikachu and Deerling clashed.

The Season Pokemon had a strong Tackle, and was quick to turn around and land a Double Kick.

Pikachu used his new move Parabolic Charge, he hit back and was able to recover.

Deerling landed another Tackle, but the physical hit triggered Pikachu’s Static and the Grass type got paralyzed. Pikachu hit him hard with an Iron Tail. “Monster Ball go!”

The ball hit and sucked the monster up. Jiggle...Jiggle...Jiggle...Ping!

“I caught a Deerling!”

A new friend!” Pikachu cheered.

It was time for one final lesson. Ash’s ability had a unique effect on Deerling. Not only could it change Deerling’s form, but it unlocked a unique typing.

In his Spring form he was a Grass and Fairy Type, in his Winter form he was a Grass and Ice Type, in his Fall form he was a Grass and Fighting type, and in Summer he remained Grass and Normal.

He didn’t have a problem transforming but Deerling preferred to be in his Summer form. So Ash decided to call him Summer.

Summer (Deerling) Ability Serene Grace | Moves: Tackle, Double Kick

“I can’t believe it’s been a week.” Ash put his clothes on, he’d have to make some modifications. His hat hid his horns

With his new friend he made it back, the newly founded quartet passed through the mists together. “There you are!”

They turned and saw the purple haired girl. “Oh you waited for us all this time?”

She looked confused. “You were only gone what...seven minutes?” Her gaze fell on Axew. He nodded. “Yeah seven minutes.”

Ash looked to Deerling who whistled innocently. Their domain had many secrets, but there was a reason why all four seasons of Deerling and Sawsbuck could be found there.

“Did you catch the Deerling?”

“Sure did!” Summer nuzzled against him. “They are so awesome!”

Iris shrugged. “Getting so excited over a simple catch, what a kid!”

Summer glared at her. “Who is this woman?”

Pikachu shrugged. “No idea, we just kinda bumped into her.”

She’s insulting our master!”

“Now now…” Ash pets his mons.

Iris crossed her arms. “What’s with them?”

Axew overheard what they were saying but didn’t really get it.

“It’s nothing!” Ash laughed it off. He wanted to get to town to change his clothing some, something that breathed a bit more. “Well I’ll be going now, see ya!” He raced off with Summer keeping up, Pikachu and Oshawott on his shoulders.

They hoped to ditch Iris, but the girl was quite persistent. She took to the trees and gave chase.

To be continued


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