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Aladdin/Hercules/Kingdom Hearts parody: Patreon Reward

Chapter 2 

Chapter 3 Naked Hero!

Hercules was getting drilled. Phil was doing his best to explain things to the demi god. He was finding it difficult to get through his thick skull. Hercules was a sweet boy, both innocent and naive, which means he could be easily swindled or taken advantage of.

The hero in training needed to learn not everything was what it seemed. Hercules was super strong yes and durable, but he wasn’t a god yet. Rookies who rush into trouble can make a situation worse, or get into more trouble. “Use your head, you gotta learn to use your head!” He poked the young man’s head.

“I got it Phil, I got it!” He did not have it.

‘Kid still thinks he’s untouchable, well gotta let him make his own mistakes I guess.’ Because he was being so naive Phil didn’t let him hold their money.

Zeus had given them a tip that they needed to go to Agrabah but that was still quite a treck, and keeping a low profile made it even longer. Phil made sure to get them supplies as they traveled from town to town.

“Are we close to Agrabah yet?” Hercules asked.

“We are, but we need to get supplies. You stay here, don’t touch nothing, don’t talk to anybody, understand?” Phil rode Pegasus off to get what they needed.

Hercules sighed. He remembered similar words from his dad when he was younger. So he was used to it. ‘I’m not a child anymore.’

The demi god was standing around and looking around. So far this trip had been uneventful outside of Phil’s lessons. ‘I don’t see what’s so dangerous about this place.’ Sure it could be hotter than the Underworld during the day, and colder than the ice titan’s breath at night. ‘Maybe Phil is just messing with me, this place doesn’t seem so bad.’


Hercules turned and saw a kid collapsed on the ground. “Oh my Zeus!” He rushed over and lifted the kid. “Hey are you okay?” The boy groaned.

“Oh my son, my son!” A woman rushed over. She was a beautiful woman, dressed in rags.

“What’s wrong with him?”

“It is the hunger, we haven’t eaten in days, I work but can barely make enough to feed us both. Even I’m feeling weak…” She brought a hand to her forehead and looked like she fainted.

Hercules caught her. “Please sir...I’m so weak...take my son and get him food and water...please...please…”

“I don’t have any money, and we used our supplies getting here.” Phil planned things perfectly, he rationed the food and water expertly, having enough to get them there without waste or spoilage. “What can I do?”

“Take us to shop. I’ll sell something to make money.” He did, effortlessly carrying both mother and son. Hercules didn’t see it but the boy cracked open an eye to look at his “mother” she gave him a look and he went back to playing dead.

They went to a back alley shop. “Please sir, I need money, what can I sell my son is so hungry and he needs water.”

“I have water but for customers only.” He looked the three over. “I’ll buy your clothes, a few coppers.”

“You are gonna buy her clothes?!”

The woman sobbed. “This is all I have, but for my son I’ll do it!” She looked like she was about to disrobe when Hercules stopped her.

“Wait, I can’t let you do that.” He looked to the merchant. “What about my clothes?”

“Hmm,” the merchant eyes his clothing. Truth of it was his attire would fetch a pretty coin, a few gold, the material alone was quite fine. “I’ll give you silvers for all of it.”

“All…” Hercules blushed.

“Yes all, then woman and boy can also drink.” Taking a deep breath Hercules began to strip, taking off everything he had, even his headband. He took the clothes, the woman and child got some water from him and he paid them the silver. Hercules believed that Phil who had their money could buy him some clothes.

“Oh thank you mister, now we’ll be able to eat!”

Hercules stood naked, hands shielding his crotch. He certainly had the body of a demi god, especially a child of Zeus. The woman and even the merchant were starring at him. “Hehe, I’m glad, you two take care of yourselves.”

He went back to where he was supposed to, walking bare ass naked. ‘Oh man…’ He was so frazzled, he didn’t notice the knowing smirks of passersby.

‘Travelers such easy marks.’ The woman gave the merchant back the silver.

“Good work, Abis Mal will be pleased.”


Of all the things Phil was expecting for when he came back with supplies, he wouldn’t have checked his star pupil standing butt naked in the middle of the street. “What the Hades happened!?”

Herc had one hand hiding his crotch, while the other rubbed his arm sheepishly. “Well…” He told the story and Phil couldn’t help but laugh. “Why are you laughing?”

“You got conned kid, tricked, snookered, they ran a game on you.”

“What? No!” Herc shook his head. “There is no way, I helped a mother and her starving kid, I did good!”

“Oh really?” Phil crossed his arms. Even Pegasus wasn’t so sure. “Let’s go see this merchant, and if he’s still there, I’ll buy you your clothes back.”

“Fine let’s go!” As Hercules led them back to the back alley “shop” that he previously visited. The locals could be heard whistling and cat calling him as he passed. It made so when the spotter saw him coming and whistled nothing was amiss.

By the time Hercules brought Phil and Pegasus to where the shop was it was packed up and gone. “But it was right here, I swear.”

“Kid I believe you, so believe me, you got swindled. You got taken by some thieves and lost the clothes off your back!” Phil felt this was a teachable moment. All it cost him was his ego/dignity.

“Okay fine, I got scammed, can you buy me some new clothes?” People were still staring.

Phil bout him a new headband but nothing else. “What the Hades Phil!”

“Look kid, consider this an extra lesson.” Herc put the headband on.

“I can’t walk around naked like this!”

Phil shrugged. “Sure you can, not like you got anything to be ashamed of.”


“Yes your butt is hanging out, too bad. What happens if your clothes get taken again, or destroyed, what if a monster or demon attacks you in the bath you think you are gonna get time to put a toga on?”

“No…” Hercules hung his head.

“You ain’t getting sympathy from me kid, I’m a Satyr I’m always naked. Own it, a shy hero is a weakness you don’t need.” It didn’t really register to Hercules, not something he thought about.

Pegasus tried to help, using his wing to shield his crotch as they walked. “Hero rule number 69: Modesty is respectable shame is not, one’s state of dress shouldn’t hold you back from doing the work of a hero.”

He slapped Herc’s ass. “So get a move on, let’s move!”

Hercules just couldn’t believe that woman and that kid were thieves. “They may not have been, big time groups love to bring in locals to help sell their scams, makes it easier to trick tourists. Some people fall on hard times and do what they have ta to survive. Remember kid, not all monsters are big and nasty.”

“I’ve dealt with invaders and bandits before, its usually pretty clear.”

“That’s what I’m trying to teach you, use your head, don’t judge a book by it’s cover. Listen kid, most thieves don’t just declare they are thieves, if they do they are either idiots or got some mojo backing them up.” Phil was doing his best to explain it to Hercules, but the hero in training was feeling flustered and irritable since he was tricked. “You gotta be careful, there are people who do just like to steal, they enjoy taking things from others, it gives them pleasure. Not every situation is the same, so you gotta…”

“Use my head I got it!” Phil rubbed his temples. Being a hero was more than just punching out monsters and saving the day. He had to be careful, many heroes in the past have been tricked and deceived and wound up dead.

Hercules was only half listening, his state of undress was bothering him. He had so many eyes on him, people eye balling his most intimate areas. It was striking a fire inside him. His emotions were running high, he was trying to process everything.

The Demi god’s “divine rod” was swaying as he walked, the long meat hung down to his knees. He was a shower, full 11 inches of pure fuck meat. As people stared at him, the manhood could be seen twitching and throbbing at the attention.

“I’m serious, not all things can be won by punching and hitting.”

“Uh huh, but…” Phil fought the urge to face palm. “If we find the hideout of those thieves, we can do good by taking them out right?”

“Fine, leave the sleuthing to me rookie.” The Satyr had ways of getting information.


Abis Mal was not a criminal mastermind, he was actually Jafar’s right hand man, and handled his illegal dealings while Jafar played the part of the royal adviser. While he could be seen as clueless and immature, he was known for his cruelty and callousness. Failure often meant torture or death, and if you owed a debt to him he’d work you to the bone.

Despite his childishness, he did have an eye for magic items, it was him who found the first half of the golden scarab that led to the Cave of Wonders. He doesn’t care for his henchmen, even less for the people he’s got under his “employ”. His schemes seem solid, but usually they fall apart because of Mal’s temper or attitude.

With Jafar gone, he’s had to take control of the illegal dealings, even getting his own right hand man Haroud. The man became the brains behind the organization, and it was his leadership that kept the band together. That and fear, while the henchmen didn’t respect Abis Mal, they did fear him on some level.

His latest magical trinket was a ring that turned flesh to stone. Abis Mal lacked combat skills, but he didn’t care so long as he had his magical trinkets.

Phil, Hercules, and Pegasus managed to track down Abis Mal’s gang to their base, but Aladdin had already beaten them to it. “Okay kid, here’s the plan!”

“Come on Phil, I got this!” Hercules said. Phil eyed up the naked demi god.

“You sure about that?” He said with his arms crossed.

Hercules crouched down. “Come on Phil give me another chance, that’s the bad guy’s hide out. I go in beat up some thieves and return the money to the people.”

“And if they got hostages or are forcing people?” Herc thought for a moment.

“Then I’ll help set them free. Please one more chance?” Phil facepalmed. He had a bad feeling he was gonna regret this.

“Okay!” He groaned.

Hercules and Pegasus high fived and headbutted in celebration. “Oh Hera give him sense!”


Herc stormed the base, unaware that Abis Mal was already dealt with.

Aladdin had used his street rat skills to track down the ring. Abis Mal tried to turn Aladdin to stone but ended up turning one of his men instead. Seeing what the ring did, Aladdin used a spell of his own. “Heavy Metal!”His body turned to metal and thus became immune to the ring’s curse.

He slapped around the thieves for a bit as he had Abu and Carpet clean them out.

Haroud had slipped away and bumped into Hercules. “Don’t hurt me!” He cowered. It was an act.

“Hey, it’s okay I won’t hurt you!” Hercules stood proudly. “I’m a hero...in training…”

Haroud looked up. ‘A naked hero?’ He sized Hercules up rather quickly. ‘This boy is green, I can use him.’ He prepared himself for the great acting he was about to put on. “I thought you were with the thieves, I’m trying to escape, but if they catch me I’ll be killed.”

The true threat of Abis Mal’s crew was this man, Haroud Hazi Bin, the puppet master pulling the strings. Jafar didn’t trust him and kept him at a distance for a reason. He was an excelent manipulator which is why he planned to use Abis Mal until he didn’t need him anymore.

“It’s okay, I can help you!”

“What can you do, you are naked, no armor, no weapons, nothing?” He sobbed.

Hercules crushed a rock with his bare hands. “I’m actually super strong, my whole body is a weapon.” He flexed.

“You don’t understand the bandit leader is a sorcerer, even if you have super strength you’ll be no match for his magic.” He put his hands on Hercules. “Run save yourself, before it’s too late.”

‘Abis Mal is a sorcerer? I guess that makes sense, that must be how he forces people to steal, dark magic!’ He was buying this hook line and sinker. “Where is he, I’ll bring him down!”

Haroud smirked.

The timing couldn’t be worse as Aladdin, Rajah, Abu, and Carpet were cleaning out the bandits. “You see, he makes us steal to feed his greed. The horrors, the tragedies I’ve witnessed.” He cried.

“I’ll stop him!” The four arms didn’t really phase him, given the gods, titans, and demi humans he knew it wasn’t a stretch. Hercules jumped into the fray and attacked Aladdin without warning.


The four armed man went flying and slammed into a wall. ‘Whoa what hit me…’ He blinked. ‘Who is this guy and why is he naked!?’

“I’m taking you down!” Hercules said, cracking his knuckles.

‘Is he muscle for the thieves?’ He pulled himself free from the hole Hercules put him in. His right hand wiped some blood from his chin. ‘That actually hurt, been awhile since that happened.’ Aladdin cracked his knuckles. “Alright big man, let’s see what you got.”

The two went at each other, and their fists clashed!


To be continued...Clash and Friends

Hercules feels the Giant’s Bracelet, and feels he has to crush Aladdin and take back the charm. Haroud’s plan is working but Abis Mal can’t keep his mouth shut. Hercules has to apologize, and Rajah helps the two connect.


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