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Lion King/Kingdom Hearts parody: Patreon Reward

Warriors of Pride Rock

The heartless invasion has caused Rafiki to unleash the magic of the land allowing the animals to evolve and gain powers from magic to ki they are fierce warriors. When Sora arrives he's surprised but seals the keyhole. With other worlds being threatened Simba and Kovu agree to help. Simba/Sora/Kovu/Harem

Chapter 1

Pride Rock was a peaceful place, where animals have lived in accordance to the great circle of life. They were not normal animals, a partial blessing from the land, they had the minds and hearts of people, they were able to communicate and form a society. With this knowledge the creatures were able to commune with nature and help the land prosper.

Scar tried to seize control of Pride Rock, having known of the power of the land. Though he had some inkling, he didn’t fully understand the truth of it. He stole the power of the land and caused great havoc and suffering. What he didn’t realize was he only scratched the surface of the power the land had to offer.

It was almost terrifying how much damage he did messing with what little he had. Even Mufasa didn’t know all the secrets of Pride Rock. Rafiki had spent his life studying and practicing, learning to not only harness but protect the power of Pride Rock.

When Simba regained Pride Rock Rafiki helped him to heal the damage that was done. It took some time, but they had no idea the damage Scar had truly done.

Because of the disturbance Pride Rock’s power was partially corrupted, and during the time it took to heal, their world became noticed by other forces. The darkness was seeking to take hold of the worlds.

Some places were tougher than others, areas deep with magical properties, ancient roots to lost magic, and natural defenses. The Darkness could invade worlds, slipping through the cracks and finding the keyholes.

By unlocking them they were able to invade and conquer worlds on mass. It was the task of the Keyblade masters to keep the holes sealed and the heartless contained. They battled back the Darkness at every turn, as warriors of the Light.

The heartless invade some even feed off the energy of the world and take the form best suited for dominating it. They take life and take the hearts of things, the hearts are collected by the Darkness either to forge natural Heartless or be used in a sinister ritual to forge bigger and stronger creatures.

Pride Rock had been able to hide from the sight of the Darkness, even avoid it’s reach. Because of what Scar did, the land became vulnerable and the Darkness took notice.

Simba was able to repair the damage and even unite the prides with the help of Kovu.

The prides had become divided as some of the lionesses had sided with Scar, and believed they should harness the power of Pride Rock instead of simply protecting it. Simba feared their greed would bring ruin to the land, so he exiled them.

He couldn’t risk it, the balance was already disturbed. Kovu was raised to hate Simba and his family, to honor Scar’s wishes or what Zira told him the wishes were. He was supposed to get close to Simba’s daughter, and to him to end his life as soon as he got a chance.

Simba opened his home to him, and shared secrets with him a  show of trust on his part. He told Kovu the truth about Scar and what he was planning. Rafiki had gone into hiding to keep the mystical secrets of Pride Rock when Scar took power.

“Scar ravaged the land, simply taking and taking, feeding a void he couldn’t fill.” In the end what killed him was his own jealousy and greed. He even betrayed the Hyenas in the end, making them turn on him.

Simba had showed him mercy, but Scar had spat in his face. Even after Simba showed him kindness, it was Scar’s treachery that led to his end. Kovu hadn’t heard that before.

Zira told him that Scar had claimed the land’s power by right, and that Simba was jealous of him. That he killed Scar to take the power for himself. That Simba was hording the power of Pride Rock all for himself, and when the other lions objected he banished them. All lies

In a few brief exchanges Simba showed him kindness, caring, fun, honor, tenderness, Hakuna Matata, even...love? Stuff Zira didn’t care to show him. As King of Pride Rock, Rafiki had begun teaching Simba how to harness the magic of the world. It was stuff the true king needed to help his people.

Simba showed it to Kovu. He brought the young lion to a tree that was dying, with a roar Simba was able to heal the tree and help it grow with new life. “Whoa!”

“It is the King’s job to keep the balance, to help bring life to the lands. Scar stole the life force from the land. I don’t know what he was doing with it, but he disturbed the order.” Simba explained that disturbing the balance has consequences, and those consequences had ripple effects. Some of those ripples they were still feeling today.

Zira set a trap to frame Kovu and try to kill Simba. His brother Nuka nearly died for their little scheme, to be clear he did die and Simba got away.

Kovu had helped him

She called Kovu a traitor and slashed him, leaving a scar on him. Using what Simba taught him he breathed life back into Nuka. “Everything you told me was a lie!”

“That’s not possible!” Nuka would survive he just needed rest.

“You’ve been tainted, Simba has poisoned your mind with magic, seize him!” Kovu had to flee, they didn’t have the strength to stop him.

Things didn’t go well for Kovu, Zira’s trick worked and Simba exiled him. It hurt Kovu as he had come to care about Simba in a way he didn’t fully understand. War broke out, but it was stopped.

Kovu and Kiara came to stop it, but Zira wasn’t having it and tried to kill Simba. Kovu took the hit, and that was the final straw. Her pride turned on her and chased her off.

Simba shared his life force with Kovu, healing his wounds.

Pride Rock was once divided but it had been united once again, and peace seemed so close at hand. Zira was still full of hatred, but there wasn’t anything she could do on her own.

She wasn’t alone for long

What Scar was doing with the power he was taking was feeding his spirit. Even in death his spirit remained, lingering like a phantom. The life he had drained from the land allowed him to “survive” after dying. He had been watching and Zira’s game was good, but they had another way.

Darkness served as the missing piece. Scar made a deal and he was given a new body. He gathered the heartless and formed a new pride...of monsters!

Scar affectionately named them Prideless. The heartless face was more primal and beastly like a feline, it had a mane of fire, the body of a lioness, massive claws, and his tail was like a chain mace, but the spiked ball was a flaming sphere with talons for spikes.


Pride Rock barely got to enjoy any peace or quiet as Scar and Zira unleashed their army. They attacked Rafiki’s tree to steal his secrets. Rafiki fought back, and while his mystical arts could dispatch the heartless, he couldn’t destroy them. “You are not from this world, I sense great evil in you!” He said before striking them with his staff.

In a last ditch effort he erected a barrier where evil could not cross. “A pathetic attempt, with your power you could shatter the barrier!” Zira sneered.

“No...I won’t expand such force on a simple sorcerer, I have other means.” He had made a deal with the darkness, so he went off to find the key hole! “Remain here and lead the Prideless devour all the beasts that would stand with Simba and his Pride and we shall build up our ranks.” They would feast and destroy the circle of life.

Leave nothing to the land and the hearts would build more heartless. Scar was planning to give this world to the Darkness, he would rule it, and everything the darkness touches would be his kingdom.


Rafiki sent out and SOS, and it was answered by Simba, Kovu, Timon, and Pumba. They arrived to see the Prideless attacking the barrier. Simba unleashed a power infused Roar, and caused the heartless to disperse.

They were able to enter the barrier, and were brought up into the tree. “Scar has returned!”


“How is that possible?” Rafiki shook his head.

“I fear a grave evil has cast a shadow on the Pride Lands, and if we do not stop it the circle of life will be broken.”

“What can we do about it?” Timon asked.

“We must harness the power of Pride Rock, to create warriors to combat this threat.”

Simba’s eyes widened. “But you told me tapping into the power could disturb the balance!”

Rafiki nodded. “Yes, but this dark power is already causing a disturbance, if nothing is done not only the balance but our very world will be destroyed.” He began preparing what he needed. “I cannot force you, this power will only channel if you accept it.”

“What will happen to us?” Pumba asked.

“You will evolve, your bodies will advance and be capable of harnessing more advanced magic and ki. You shall become fierce warriors of Pride Rock, capable of defending it from these invaders!”

Timon chuckled nervously. “But you can change us back right?” Rafiki hummed as he prepared the magic. “You can change us back right?”

“Asante sana squash banana!” Timon face pawed.


“It’s okay guys, I’ll do it.” Simba said. “I’m the king protecting Pride Rock is my job, so I shall take on the magic.”

Kovu looked at Simba. “But what about Nala and Kiara?”

“Nala will understand, we have an understanding, and Kiara is old enough to succeed me and lead the pride, with the man she desires.” He said with a smile. “If anything happens to me, she can lead the pride and the kingdom will be in good hands.” He trusted Rafiki to guide her.

‘What kind of understanding?’ Kovu couldn’t help but ponder.

Rafiki showed them some scrolls, there was images of leopards and some magic waves and then the leopards could stand on two legs. “This is the spell, know there isn’t a way to reverse this.”

“I understand, I’ll face this threat alone!”

“I don’t advise this, I’ve battled this threat, their numbers are many and they don’t seem to follow the circle of life as we do.”

Simba shook his head. “It’s fine, I’ll manage!”

“No!” Kovu gasped. “I...I’ll fight with you!”

“Kovu are you sure?” The lion nodded. He couldn’t let Simba fight alone.

“I’m with you Simba!” The two looked to Pumba. “A friend doesn’t let his friend fight alone!”

“Have you all gone mad!?” Timon gasped. He sighed. “Fine...I’m in too, someone has to look after you three big lugs.” He jumped up and ruffled Simba’s mane, making his friend chuckle.

Rafiki smiled. He drew the symbols on the ground and crafted an intricate magical circle. “We don’t have much time, so let us begin.”

“Wait!” Bop! “Oww!”

“No time, we begin!” Rafiki conjured the ancient powers, the tree began to glow, and from the leaves began to escape little balls of light, they danced and moved around like fireflies. He began to chant and the balls of light began to twinkle in a rainbow of colors.

The four were lifted up into the air. The lights began to flow into them and they began to change.

Simba and Kovu’s bodies shifted and changed, their legs became strong and the bones restructured so they could stand on them. They were tall, their bodies gaining a humanoid structure. In height Simba may have been around six foot, in the lower tier, Kovu was just a little shorter in the upper five foot spectrum, but still shorter than the king.

The animal muscles that made them the kings of beasts, shifted and were enhanced with other muscle tissue. Simba gained some firm pecs, with some perky nipples. Kovu’s chest was firm but not as large as Simba’s, he had a nice tight tummy while Simba was rocking some abs a full six pack.

Kovu got some nice assets, his booty grew full and plump. They both had some impressive nuts, and their cocks were hidden behind sheaths. Simba had muscles, thicker arms, while they both shared toned legs.

Pumba surprisingly was even taller then both of them. He was tall, jacked, with beefy pecs, and a strong keg of a belly. The warthog had a worker’s body, with bulging muscles that looked like he could rip a tree up with his bare hands. Timon gained a lot of height but he was still the shortest among them, he came up to just under their pectorals. He also had a taught tummy and his chest was pretty flat. He had a runners body, like he could dash and run at incredible speeds.

They were brought down, and the quartet were panting and trying to catch their breath.

“Whoa!” Rafiki was amazed.

Kovu looked at Simba. Ba-bump Ba-bump! His heart skipped a beat, before picking up the pace. ‘What is this feeling?’

To be continued...The barrier falls


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