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Mobseka parody: Bad Day/Tier 1

Dungeon Route Red
Leon Fou Bartfort is a reincarnation, he played this otome game in his previous life, and when he died he ended up stuck in this world as a Mob character. He saved his video game knowledge and even used it to train up his body and obtain a lost item. Leon didn’t want to deal with the protagonist or the capture characters, he was fine living his life as a simple mob character but…during the dungeon event Greg’s route is triggered and it’s the hardest one, if he’s left alone he’ll die. Marie, who’s stolen the protagonist seat chooses to leave him. Leon can’t abandon him knowing he’ll die, this causes a route to open up between them.

Chapter 1 Dungeon Route

When Leon woke up one day he had memories from another world. In his previous life he had been tasked to playing this really tough Otome Game to 100% completion. His sister blackmailed him into it, but he burned his vacation days and even used pay to win options to beat it.

He had burned himself out on the game and when he went to get some food he fell down the stairs and died. Now he was Leon Fou Bartfort of the Bartfort family. The third son.

His new family consisted of Zola, his step mother from hell who had married his father and drained the families resources to further her own gains. His father Balcus had to support her financially while sometimes not even having enough food for their side of the family.

Leon’s mother was Luce, a kind and loving woman who Balcus truly loved and who loved him in kind. The oldest siblings were believed to be Zola’s children Merce was the eldest daughter and Rutart was the oldest son.

Their family only grew as Nicks was born, then Jenna, then Leon, then Finley, and lastly Colin.

Zola hated men, and treated even her own son coldly, but showed favor to Jenna and Finley, hoping they’d grow up marry well and increase the Bartfort family’s standing, or at least give Zola access to other powerful families. She seemed to hate Leon with a passion.

Thanks to his game knowledge, Leon began training himself from a young age, he recorded all the game knowledge he had. For a time he considered taking the protagonist role, but such thoughts faded over time. He just wanted to live his life and protect his family (not Zola).

He learned martial arts techniques and magic from his game knowledge of the Academy. Through the lessons in the game he learned he had Lightning Element Affinity, which wasn’t really special or anything, he also was able to grasp Body Enhancement Magic which fit his mob role. Leon practiced with different weapons and used everyday chores to strengthen his body. Farming gave him a lot to do so he worked hard, training and supporting his family in one go.

The reincarnation was happy to live his life as a mob, meet a nice girl at the academy and spend his days in peace, but Zola squashed that dream and forced his hand. She tried to force an arranged marriage on him, to a woman who’s had several husbands in the past...all of whom have died…

Hell no!

Leon went after an item that, in game, was a pay to win item. He had spent real money to get this item just to make it a little more balanced. Even with the pay to win items, the game was hard as hell. So he put his life on the line to collect this item, he nearly died by Luxion was his.

Using his skills and Luxion’s tech he cleared some dungeons and gained enough wealth to turn down Zola’s offer. He also discovered a nice little island for himself, Luxion’s main body was hidden underneath it and he worked on cultivating the island for himself. While his efforts in the dungeons were protected by Adventurer Rights, it also made him noticed by the kingdom, so his rank was increased.

This meant when he attended the academy he’d be dealing with women less like his mom and more like Zola. Even his own sisters were like this. Jenna continued to borrow money from him, until he cut her off, saying she had to repay her debt to him before she’d get anymore money.

She was trying to live the high life on someone else’s dime. It reminded Leon of his sister from his past life. She was always using people to get her way. Jenna could also be manipulative, she wanted a demi human servant, but the way she framed it, it was for the family.

Leon was dragged to an auction and Jenna picked out a feline Demi-human named Miauler. Leon did buy him, but not for Jenna. “If you want a servant, work hard, earn money, and pay for him yourself!” The feline was surprised to have a male master, but wasn’t complaining.

Miauler served as the family servant, assisting with the household and chores, when Leon wasn’t around. When they were on Leon’s island he acted as Leon’s private butler, fulfilling his tasks well and efficiently. Balcus, Luce, and Colin treated him well, and the feline favored them.

In terms of pecking order it was Leon, Balcus/Luce, Colin, Finley, Jenna, Zola and her children. He didn’t have an opinion on Nicks since he’d barely met the man, but hoped he was a decent man. As for Jenna he saw her as an idiot.

Leon treated him well, very well in fact. Miauler had to console his master when the letter came, announcing of Leon’s rank increase. This meant he’d enter a higher tier at the academy and would be dealing with women like Zola and Jenna. He was also made privy to Leon’s “familiar” Luxion. It was a sassy little robot. He’d be joining them when he went to the academy.

Bartfort went back and forth on it, but he felt it was best to have some moral support. He was gonna need it.

The academy was where the game’s protagonist met up with the five conquerable characters, and challenged the game’s antagonists. Leon had hoped to stay in the MOB lane, but quickly learned that wasn’t gonna be possible.

Olivia was supposed to be the protagonist, she was in the games. She was the holy saint to be, and would be needed to prevent the bad ending/war ending of the game. Something was definitely off.

Bartfort had stumbled upon the protagonist, the game’s main antagonist aka Angelica. Along with the conquerable characters Prince Julius Rapha Holfort, Brad Fou Field, Greg Fou Seberg, Jilk Fia Marmoria, and Chris Fia Arclight, just seeing these guys gave Leon mixed feelings, but he tried to let it go.

Here was the problem, Leon encountered very familiar events from the game, but instead of Olivia there was another girl. Marie...this girl gave Leon some bad vibes. She was also ripping lines straight from the games. Suspicious, Leon had Luxion investigate and sure enough Marie was a reincarnation.

The girl was stealing the role of the protagonist. At first Leon wasn’t gonna interfere as he had his own troubles he was dealing with. Thanks to his “Master” he had discovered the Art of Tea and was working on becoming a man of elegance. It was a thorny road, especially when the girls he invited treated his tea, snacks, and him as mere filler.

Miauler wasn’t exactly having the best time either. Many of the beast men here had female masters. A man having a beast man servant was so rare it was almost comical. The other servants tried to look down on him and mock him, which he had to take because if he started/finished a fight it’d be Leon who would pay for it.

Then he met Olivia, and he decided to repay his “debt” to her and tried to help her out. Miauler had an idea, simply put Olivia was a commoner and while gifted with magic she was still looked down on because of her status. ‘If the school idiots knew who she really was they’d be kissing the ground she walked on.’ On Miauler’s suggestion Leon bought and made a care package for Olivia to give to Angelica.

Leon thought it might be risky mixing the game’s protag and antag but it worked out pretty well. Angelica seemed to have no ill will towards Olivia, instead her anger was at Marie. Bartfort couldn’t help but see the irony, that Olivia the actual good hearted protagonist was accosted by Angelica who in the games believed her to be a liar and a trickster who was seducing the prince for less than honorable gains. So she was a pain in the ass for the player/him and interfering with all his romance routes.

Now that Marie was stealing her role, and was in fact just using the prince for his title, money, and influence. So Angelica went from Antagonist to hero in his eyes. ‘There was more depth to her than I thought.’

As Leon saw it, if Marie wanted the prince she could have him, she’d be Angelica’s problem not his. In order to prevent the war ending you needed just one of the romantic routes to be completed, so even if you didn’t run the harem route you could still beat the game. ‘As long as Marie doesn’t get too greedy an Oliva gets with one of those guys we can survive this.’

That’s what he thought initially anyway, but as Leon and Olivia hung out as friends, they started seeing Marie with the other guys as well. She was kissing Brad in the library, dining with Chris in the cafeteria, walking with Jilk to some lecture. She even got invited to Julius’s special tea event, which upset Angelica something fierce. It seems she was going for the harem ending which could spell doom for the kingdom.

Something Leon took note of was a lot of Greg’s events weren’t happening, which was good but he also remembered one other thing. The Dungeon Exam Event.

In this event the protagonist gets into the party with their potential love interests and when they get hurt in the dungeon she reveals her healing power to them for the first time. Depending on the number of romantic routes you complete determines the party, but going for the harem route poses other challenges.

The event serves as a kinda sorta tutorial to explain how dungeons work in the game. There is a catch, going the harem route causes an extra challenge event to happen. Whoever has the lowest affection level towards the main character will try to fetch a crystal for them. This crystal is a trap that warps the love interest into a dangerous part of the dungeon, you have to rush and save the target if you fail he dies and if you succeed you get a huge boost in affection.

Having had to play the game multiple times Leon knew the difficulty level of all of them Julius was the easiest, Chris was easy, Jilk’s was normal, Brad’s was hard, and Greg’s was VERY HARD! The worst part is if you have them all at equal affection, the event could still trigger but at random. It hard forced Leon to try and max out Greg’s affection early or risk him dying in this event.

So if Marie was going after Greg as well, but not boosting his affection level enough, it could be bad. This wasn’t a game anymore, this was real, and he’d be dead with no do overs.

Despite his issues with the prince and his entourage he didn’t want them to die.

So it came the day of the Dungeon Test Event. Marie was standing with all five of the capture targets. ‘Ohh shit…’

Olivia and him kicked ass in the event, Leon even getting to test out the sword Luxion crafted for him. Then the royal five showed up and showed off. Prince Julius got injured just like in the games and Marie used healing magic. Leon narrowed his eyes. ‘How did she accomplish that?’

Sure enough, the event ended, and good old Greg spotted a rather dazzling looking jewel. “Hey Marie, I found something for you!” He ran over.

“Greg no!” Leon shouted but it was too late. Greg touched the jewel and in a flash he was gone.

To be continued

Marie shows no caring about Greg’s disappearance, either meaning she’s more cold than pluto, or her knowledge of the game is lacking. With no choice Leon goes to save Greg activating the red route and changing both their fates.


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