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Reborn parody: Patreon Reward

Chapter 5 

Chapter 6 Wash Away

Tsuna’s heart was fluttering, his cheeks were a lovely shade of red, he was blushing from ear to ear. As he walked through his home it felt like he was floating. His lips were still tingling from their kiss. “Tsuna sweetie, did you have a good night?”


“Was Yamamoto-kun nice?”


“What did you two do tonight?”

“Yeah…” She blinked and checked on her son. Tsuna was in a daze.

“Would you like some natto and ice cream for a snack?”

“Yeah…” Yep, he was gone. Tsuna was off in la la land, but he looked happy. He was feeling the love tonight, and despite the weirder than normal atmosphere he had a good time. Sawada hugged his plushy tightly.

‘I haven’t seen him so happy in a long time.’ She never knew why, but recalled him being such a happy child, but then…

He went upstairs. “Sweetie, I know you are feeling great, don’t forget to shower and get to bed, you do have school tomorrow.”

“Yeah…” Her sweat dropped. It had been a good date despite all the weirdness. Sawada was in such a good mood, he was riding the high for awhile. Something he didn’t notice was Reborn was absent from the home.

He flopped in bad, hugging his plushy, tossing and turning with delight.


Yamamoto was walking home, feeling as high as Tsuna was. He actually took a few wrong turns without thinking. His heart was racing, his libido was surging, he felt so alive!

“Ciaosu!” Reborn popped up from one of his many “secret passages” it was so random but Yamamoto seemed unphased.

“Sup little dude!”

“It seems you enjoyed your date with Tsuna?” Yamamoto sobered up a bit, as Reborn pointed at his crotch. His manhood had been stirred, and hadn’t gone back to bed.

Takeshi blushed. “I did, though he didn’t like that little stunt you pulled, not cool!”

Reborn smirked. “I’ll admit things didn’t go exactly as planned, but the boy needs to be pushed.” It was hard for Takeshi to see Reborn as an innocent child with what he’s learned. “You handled yourself well, gave Tsuna some good advice.”

Yamamoto frowned. “He told me things, about you, his flame, that he’s tied up in the mafia somehow.” His hand balled into a fist. “Is it so wrong for him to have a normal life?”

“Normal huh?” Reborn’s smile fell. “Did he tell you about the deal we have?” He had, that he had a year to process things with his flames unleashed. Tsuna had just a year to figure things out and figure out what he wanted for his future. It seemed harsh given the circumstances. “Sadly I can’t give him more time then that. The Ninth isn’t getting any younger, so my time to prepare Tsuna is short, however, I meant what I said if Tsuna finds a path his heart truly desires, I’ll support him.”

“But Tsuna is…” Takeshi wasn’t sure what to say.

“To tell you the truth, I have a sense I know what the boy wants, and he’ll be able to accomplish much as a mafia boss. It is something that’ll benefit you as well.”

Yamamoto blinked. “Me?” What could have Reborn been talking about.

Reborn nodded. “My tactics might seem harsh, but someone once decided what was normal for him, and made him suffer.”  He explained. “Normal is a word that is passed around so frequently, but its context changes.”

The Acrobaleno aimed a gun at Yamamoto, making the boy tense and take a step back. “I am an assassin, my normal is very different to another person. A typical normal morning for an athlete might be seen as hell for an average person.”

He put the gun away. “Tsuna was always meant to be an heir, the Vongola Family, and when his flames were sealed he was cut from the family for a “normal” life. Yet he was robbed and damaged by this choice, he suffered more than he needed to. His “normal” may be different then what he expects it to be.” Their date had benefit from mafia connections and favors.

Reborn sits down and gives Yamamoto a serious look. “Tell me something, would you have objected if Tsuna decided to make love to you on that beach?” Takeshi blushed.

He tried to form words, only to stutter, processing what the Acrobaleno said brought images to his minds. “Judging from the party in your pants you wouldn’t have minded at all.”

“That’s not…” He tried to cover himself, but Reborn had seen enough.

“Would you have objected had Tsuna invited you into his home, to spend the night even?” The blush on his cheeks grew. It wasn’t even something super naughty, just the thought of sleeping next to Tsuna sounded nice. It wasn’t exactly normal for a first date but...

“I’m not Tsuna’s enemy, I want him to be happy, that’s why I made that deal to begin with. As his tutor I do care for his happiness, but I still have to do my job, I need to show him what the Vongola can offer him, while also preparing him for the future.” Which required to push Tsuna, to get him to try new things and deal with situations, even if they were a little “weird”.

“I guess you did help me confess my feelings for Tsuna, so I’ll thank you for that.” It all worked out.

Not that he would admit it, but the phallic food was a bit much even for him. “It’ll take time to wash away everything Tsuna went through, getting him used to life unchained is important.”

What Reborn was saying made sense. He was actually balancing things pretty well, and Tsuna was happier. Reborn had his work cut out for him though. “We can’t change the past, but right now, his normal includes you. I’ll adjust my tactics, but Tsuna needs protecting.”

“Protecting from what? Who?!”

“Every Vongola leaders has guardians, those that embody the different flame types. These guardians protect the boss from threats both in house and out. You could be one of those guardians, stand by his side.” Reborn explained. “Like it or not, as it stands Tsuna is a member of the Vongola family, he is the heir, and the Vongola has enemies ones who would see Tsuna as a target. My presence here will keep some at bay, but that won’t mean assassins won’t be called in to do away with him.”

Takeshi felt his anger surge. Just like with Mochida, he wouldn’t stand someone trying to hurt Tsuna. “I won’t let that happen. Tell me what I need to do.”

“As Tsuna’s tutor I need to prepare him to be boss, as such I’ll need to make sure his potential guardians are prepared as well. I’ll start preparing you so you can be a proper guardian to Tsuna. I believe I’ve already identified your flames as those of the Rain!” Yamamoto didn’t get it but figured he’d figure it out eventually.

“I don’t know if Tsuna will be happy as a mob boss, will you get rid of me if I try to find him a better place in another field?”

Reborn shook his head. “Not at all. You two can get as close as you wish, I won’t interfere with that. If he becomes an athlete and it makes him happy, I made my promise. Do know that being in the mafia will help you as well, the world can be cruel.”

This reminded him. “Who was it that sealed his flames in the first place?”

The assassin made a face. “The one did the deed, did it upon the request of…” He shook his head. “No, perhaps its best for that to be left unsaid, that person as it stands holds a high ranking in the organization, it would only burden you.” It wouldn’t do Tsuna or Yamamoto any good to know just yet, they weren’t strong enough to make use of that info.

Yamamoto wasn’t blind or dumb, he remembered how others treated Tsuna, how he accepted it and never stood up for himself. The idea someone caused that deeply bothered him. Reborn was right, they couldn’t change the past, they had to live in the now and work towards the future. If he was being honest the whole mafia thing didn’t bother him, had it been some kind of game he’d have played with Sawada, he did just want Tsuna to be happy.

Given what Tsuna told him and what Reborn said, Yamamoto made his decision. “I’ll become his guardian, I know Tsuna will make the right choice going forward.”

Reborn was pleased and gave Takeshi a care package. Inside was a guide book on anal sex, beginner's guide to boys love, lube, a small assortment of sex toys. “This will help you going forward.” Yamamoto blushed. “You best get started, or Tsuna may break you Ciao~!”

Despite the heavy convo, Takeshi was still revved up so he went home to do some research. It was time to break his ass in like a good catcher’s mit.

Yamamoto had quite the night, not only did he have a fun date with Tsuna, a mind breaking kiss, he spent a few hours reading and playing with his ass. He had felt Tsuna’s arousal against him, so while he didn’t have the clearest picture in his mind he had a fairly good idea. The dildos Reborn had gifted him with consisted of a one three inch dildo, another three inches smaller than himself, one his size, and one three inches bigger.

He jerked off playing with his ass, using what Reborn had said as fantasy fuel. He managed to get up to two fingers in before he climaxed. They didn’t have to go all the way, but Yamamoto wanted to deepen their bonds, and nothing like skinship helped boaster manly bonds. The books Reborn gave him were quite in depth, not only explaining sexual things but explaining how to train and prepare for them.


Tsuna and Reborn had a bit of back and forth over what happened on the date. “Really Reborn, what was with that fair!?”

“I was just trying to get you into the mood.” Sawada blushed.

“Didn’t you tell me I could break someone with my size, why rush me into sex.” A wicked glint formed in the Acrobaleno’s eye.

“You didn’t have to go all the way, but you two could have done other things. He could have sucked your dick, you could have made out and frotted in the photo booth, and you could have jerked each other off on the beach.” With each idea, images formed in Tsuna’s head, making his cheeks redden and his loins stir.

“Yeah but...umm…” Reborn grinned.

“Already regretting it huh?” Tsuna did his best to glare. “Don’t worry, I’ll be more hands off next time. You just need to keep an open mind of the possibilities.” Sawada rolled his eyes.

“I’m going to school!”


The two love birds met in front of the school, their cheeks heating up. “Hi…”

“Hi!” They smiled and ended up walking together.

School was buzzing, after all Yamamoto had asked Tsuna out naked and the brunette had accepted in such a wild situation. So each of them were bombarded with questions which were brushed off, it wasn’t their business. Well except one…

“So are you two dating now?”

Yamamoto took Tsuna’s hand. “Yeah we are!” Tsuna’s whole face got red, but he nodded. The two kissed and left their audience stunned.

There wasn’t much to write home about but one little change did occur. Normally in gym class, Tsuna was the last one to the showers, partly because he was shy, and partly because the class tended to dump the clean up on him. Not today!

Tsuna and Yamamoto hit the showers, and well…

Takeshi was showering naked, water cascading down his athletic form. ‘Oh no!’ Tsuna squirmed. They weren’t alone, other boys having entered and started showing. Sawada’s focus was on Yamamoto, the stud was so hot, and being all wet seemed to amplify his sexy! ‘Crap crap crap!’ He hadn’t jerked off last night or this morning, so his libido was eager to switch on.

Tsuna tried to hold it down, but just trying to contain the beast between his legs drew more attention.

“WHOA!” Sawada tensed. “Sawada’s huge!”

Someone with no filter shouted, and now all attention was on Tsuna. His skin flushed red and his manhood sprang up in all it’s massive glory. “Dude…”



“Holy fuck!”

The guys were a mix of awe, respect, jealousy, and lust.

Yamamoto gazed at that impressive beast, feeling his insides heat up. ‘I’m definitely gonna need to practice with those toys.’ He saw Tsuna get flustered, and acted.

His hand took Tsuna’s, fingers lacing together. “Hey, it’s okay...I got you…”

Sawada blinked in confusion. “Huh...what do you mean?”

“Cashing in that rain check, you took care of me, now I’ll take care of you.” He got on his knees, kneeling before his future boss and lover. The pride of Vongola towered over him, casting a shadow.

Tsuna had given it his all in gym class today, working up a nice sweat which had his musk wafting. Yamamoto shivered and his cock hardened. “Are you going to…”

“Shh~!” He kissed his length, looking up at him in a way that was both cute and sexy. “Just focus on me, I got you!” His hand gave Tsuna’s a squeeze and Yamamoto began to pleasure him.

His lips and tongue danced along his shaft making the brunette moan. The peanut gallery were certainly surprised, but nothing they said truly registered between the two.

Takeshi moved up and down, kissing every inch, lapping at his length and even swiping his balls when he went low. Tsuna was big and the rain guardian didn’t have much experience sucking dick but he did his best.

He managed to suck 7 inches down and used his free hand to work what he couldn’t fit in his mouth. “Yamamoto-kun!” Tsuna moaned. This felt so different than his own hand, he could feel Takeshi’s gusto and delight as he worked.

Tsuna’s free hand came down and laced his fingers in Yamamoto’s hair, stroking him and praising him through touch. He doubled his efforts and worked Tsuna into a powerful release. “I’m cumming!” He howled, his dick swelled and he came hard.

Takeshi was able to swallow the first couple of spurts easily enough, able to savor the flavor before gulping it down. He hadn’t expected Tsuna’s release to be so powerful. The baseball player was pushed off his cock and given a milk shower.

The massive rod kept pulsing, spurt after spurt, splashing Yamamoto’s face and hair, the rest raining down and coating his form. He didn’t care, in fact it was the hottest thing ever in the moment, his hand dropped from Tsuna’s cock to his own, and he began jerking off as Tsuna marked him in seed. His release came soon after, vanishing into the sea of white that was Sawada’s release.

Both of them were left panting.

Tsuna recovered first pulling Yamamoto up so they could stand under the shower together, letting the spray wash away the mess. Tsuna kissed him, and the two made out under the spray. Feeling so refreshed and happy!

The two probably started a fan club with that little show, and would probably be the wet dreams of a few guys in class whether they admitted it or not. A few guys were even bold enough to fap to the erotic show before them.

To be continued...The Transfer Student



Wasn't expecting the public show, but it's nice that they're confident enough in one another's affection to ignore the rest of the world 😋👍