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Bleach parody: Patreon Reward

Chapter 7 

Chapter 8 Split the Party

“We need to split the party!” Sajin suggested.

“What?!” Uryu, Sado, and Toshiro say in unison.

Typically splitting the party was a bad idea, as only by standing together can adventuring parties beat the toughest of odds. “Two of our members just got snatched, and you want us to split up further?” Uryu asked.

“There isn’t any other way, frankly there is too much at stake here. Ichigo’s corruption, Renji’s capture, how we were led to this place by Tosen, and we have the problem of what’ll happen if Ichigo reunites with the demon king, we’ll lose him forever.” Komamura was older and more experienced than the others. So he didn’t say this lightly. “There is four of us, we need to take on these challenges on all fronts. Time isn’t on our side, and I fear Renji may have been compromised so rescuing him isn’t gonna be easy.”

Everyone was shaken up with what just happened, confusion and frustration was making the situation worse. Freaking out or waiting for an answer would waste time they didn’t have. “We need to move, I have a plan.”

Uryu and Toshiro would return to the Capital, to warn Kisuke and confront Tosen. Sado and him would work to cut Ichigo off. “We’ll even make contact with other adventurers to bolster our forces to try and stop them.” They weren’t fully equipped to handle this. “We made a mistake, but it’s not too late to fix it!”

“Then let’s give us some more time.” His staff glowed. “Home so cold, make the coldest winter feel like summer, bare your fangs as ice that not even the sun can melt, let the chill freeze the winds, Ice Dragon Den!”He cast the spell, adding an incantation for more power. The cave entrance was frozen solid creating a thick wall of ice.“Let’s move.”


The party was split racing against the clock. Sado and Komamura went to a nearby town for help. Uryu and Toshiro rushed to the capital, with Hitsugaya’s flight spell helping them make good time. His staff became a frozen dragon, that soared through the air.

Uryu was deep in thought, he had a lot of faith and trust in the church. To doubt one of the Arch Priests

It was hard for him. He was trying to process the information, looking for an answer that could explain this. Toshiro could hear him muttering behind him as they went.

They landed. “Maybe Tosen isn’t Tosen, maybe he was switched with a shapeshifter, and we got tricked.” While that option wasn’t impossible, it wasn’t really relevant.

“Listen, why don’t you go inform Kisuke Urahara of what happened. I’ll check in with the church.”

Uryu was confused. “Why?” He was the holy archer here.

Toshiro aimed his staff at him. “Because your priorities are misplaced. Your friend has been corrupted and you are focused on figuring out how this happened, instead of dealing with it.” Uryu looked away. “As it stands it doesn’t matter how this happened, we should take this as the worst case scenario and proceed with caution. Wanting to believe this Tosen is innocent, will give him chances to betray you more or get away.”

” Hitsugaya wasn’t hearing it.

“Even if he is a traitor, that’s all the more reason you need conviction. Just because he’s rotten doesn’t mean the end, if you have doubts let me handle this.” He was right.

Uryu clutched the cross. ‘Please oh Lord, watch over Ichigo, give him the strength to resist the darkness.’ In the end he agreed to go speak with Kisuke.

The two parted ways and Toshiro went to the church.

Uryu already ran into trouble. “What do you mean General Urahara is unavailable?”

Jinta was a Druid. “I don’t know what to tell you?” He was a promising young warrior, hand picked by Kisuke himself.

“What about Tessai?” Jinta shook his head.

“He’s also absent.”

“Lady Yoruichi?” Another shake of the head.

“She’s also gone.” That didn’t seem right. Jinta didn’t know why they left, but they went off together for some reason.

‘I hope the others are having better luck.’


They were not.

“We need assistance, our captain and our barbarian got nabbed. One’s been corrupted by a dark treasure, and he captured the other!”

“Oh well...um
” The guild reception girl was tall and busty. Her name was Isane. “If you’d like to make a request you’ll need to pay for
” She was giving them the typical adventure guild procedure.


Sado banged his fist on the counter. “Please it’s an emergency!”

Isane jumped. “An emergency?!” Depending on the case, adventurers could cut through the red tape.

“We believe he’s been corrupted and made into one of the demon king’s generals.” Sajin said. The level of malevolent aura it was unlikely to be anything else.

Adventurers who overheard started laughing. Sado’s hand balled into a fist. This wasn’t a time for nonbelievers. They had seen it.

People could be captured and corrupted by all kinds of creatures. “Sir, we can’t grant an emergency request without proof, some kind of evidence. I’m sorry!”

“Please, if Ichigo gets out there is no telling what he might do!” Isane didn’t sense a lie from them, but protocol was protocol.


Ichigo and Renji had met the thick barrier of ice and frost. “This must be Toshiro’s work.”

“Let’s see how tough it is!” Renji said with a smirk. “Crimson Bandage!” He let out a whip of red energy, it struck the ice and danced along the surface.

His attack didn’t make a crack in it, but the ice was smoking. Ichigo patted Renji’s head, his claw running through red locks. “You did well, just shows how strong Toshiro is.” The corrupted warrior smirked. “But I’m stronger!”

He pointed his claw at the ice. Dark energy began to surge and charge at the point, growing and building as it formed a sphere. Abarai shivered at the impressive power. “Doom Blast!”


A massive hole was blown through the ice. ‘So hot!’ Renji shivered at the show of power.

The two stepped out. “You need to restore your vessel, there is plenty of energy out there you can feed on.”

Renji nodded and smirked. Ichigo’s energy was wonderful, making his body feel so alive in his new form, but he had to replenish his reserve. Good thing there was a town nearby


Toshiro went to the church, it was surprisingly empty. Tosen was at the alter, lighting candles. “I sense a great chill, are you an ice mage?”

“I am.” He kept a firm grip on his staff.

“What can I do for you?” He turned around and gave Hitsugaya a gentle smile.

“You can explain the map you gave to Ichigo and his friends.” Kaname’s smile fell.

“Was there something wrong with it?” His tone sounded genuine. “Were they able to find the holy relic?”

“Talon of the Ice Dragon!” In an instant the Arch Priest found himself encased in ice up to his shoulders.

“What is the meaning of this?!” Tosen struggled, but his strength wasn’t enough to break out of the ice.

“Your map led Ichigo to a cursed item, he pulled the sword and got corrupted!” The orb on his staff was glowing with Toshiro’s anger.

“I see
” The look of shock and confusion on his face fell and Tosen smirked. “Then it is done!”

A chill ran up Hitsugaya’s spine. “I have done it, one of the Demon King’s generals has been revived!”

Toshiro glared. “You bastard!” He waved his staff. “Ice Dragon Claw!” Shards of ice formed in the air and launched at Tosen.

The man heard them coming, a sinister green glow appeared around him, and sound waves rippled out. It shattered Toshiro’s attack and the ice holding him. ‘What spell was that? No incantation or command?’

Kaname brushed off some ice from his robes. “You are a man of the church, how can you deceive people like this. Because of you Ichigo...he

Tosen burst out laughing. “You know nothing, I serve a true master, one far superior than any of the false gods this world holds dear.”

“You are sick, but answer me this. Why Ichigo?”

Kaname shrugged. “I don’t know, he wasn’t chosen by me, he was chosen by the Demon King himself. I just happily followed his order.” Tosen drew a circle in the air, it had the same nasty green energy as before. “Now that my job is finished I can return to my lord’s side!”

“You aren’t going anywhere!” He held his staff firm.

“Oh but I will, over your corpse if I have to!” He unleashed a spell launching a deadly shriek at Toshiro.

“Ice Dragon Scales!” Hitsugaya spun his staff around creating a wall of ice. Tosen’s spell shattered the ice and blew the mage back.

“Impressive, the speed of which you cast your spells and the power they hold, truly thou art a prodigy, you managed to absorb most of the damage with your spell.” Toshiro coughed up some blood, his ears were still ringing from the hit. “Sadly that won’t save you!”

Kaname began drawing that sinister circle again, Toshiro tried to aim his staff at him, but his vision was blurring and his hands were shaking. ‘Damn it!’

Before Tosen could complete the spell, chains sprang out from the shadows and grabbed his wrists and ankles, pulling them taut. A woman clad in ninja gear appeared and held a dagger at his throat. “Move and you die!”

“This magic...Tessai...and if it isn’t the leader of the stealth troop Yoruichi...that means
” Kisuke entered the church, armed with a healing potion which he swiftly used on Toshiro. “Kisuke Urahara!”

“I’m disappointed in you Tosen, I had hoped my concerns about you weren’t founded, but it seems you really are a traitor.”

Tosen chuckled. “To be a traitor is to assume I was ever on your side at all.” He had a crazed look about him, even with the blindfold on. “This unjust world needs to be cleansed and the only one with the power to do it is the Demon King!”

Yoruichi had heard enough, and swiftly slit his throat. There was blood, but along with it was a toxic miasma, it spewed out like a swarm of flies. The ninja was forced away.

Tessai formed a barrier around the group. “Not to worry, my chains still hold him.”

“Mmm...but for how long?” A new voice was heard.

A pure white snake tail lashed out and with raw strength shattered the chains. Just in time as Tosen recovered, the wound in his throat healing. “Self Regeneration, so you are no longer human?”

“A small favor from my lord and master, but if it’s any consolation that hurt like hell!” A snake man slithered out from the shadows.

“You were careless Kaname, that’s not like you at all.”

“Gin...I didn’t need your help
” The snake man was Gin Ichimaru one of the last naga/lamia in the world.

Ichimaru shrugged. “My mistake.”

Tosen pointed at the group. “Your reckoning is coming, soon all of you will know the wrath of the Demon King!” He pulled a white clothe from his sleeve and it swirled around the two. It was some powerful teleportation magic. Tessai, Kisuke, Toshiro, and Yoruichi all attacked, by the techniques were deflected.

A church pillar was destroyed, windows were shattered, a wall was blown out, and the alter and candles were frozen.


“This is an emergency!” Someone stepped up siding with Sajin and Sado. The two turned to see a ninja. He revealed his face.

“Yushiro?!” Sado gasped. He knew this ninja, the younger brother of Yoruichi.

The ninja bowed. “Forgive me, I was tailing you guys, but I fell behind when I was attacked by a mage.” He searched his robes and pulled out an aura crystal. “See here!”

It glowed with red and black light, it was a sign of a higher class demon. The sinister mix of colors was clear proof.

“I’ll prepare the emergency quest!” Isane said.

“That’s it!” A familiar and annoying voice was heard. It was Omaeda again. “You are gonna give these losers an emergency pass, just because their loser friend got captured.” He was clearly irritable.

Sado looked ready to punch him but was stopped by Komamura. “My family pays good money to the adventurer guild, if you are gonna start believing losers crying about the Demon King’s return, I don’t think this guild is very rep

Before he had a chance to finish, some bandages grabbed him and hauled him out of the building. Shunsui spat out his sake in surprise. “By the gods!” Ukitake gasped.

People ran out and Omaeda was mummified, his energy being sucked away. Komamura and Sado followed the wrap with their eyes and saw their barbarian friend...though he was now a mummy!

To be continued...Small Town Rumble


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