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Pocket Monster parody: Patreon Reward

Chapter 8 

Chapter 9 Rush Out of Viridian Forest!

Tracey wasn’t happy as Samurai followed them back to their base camp, and even partook of their food. “Why are you with us?”

Samurai said nothing, but continued stuffing his face. He had a smug look on his face that screamed. ‘As if I would pass up the chance to have a meal prepared by this fair creature.’ It annoyed Tracey to no end.

“Now, now, sharing food is a good thing.” Ash had brought out dishes for all the Pokemon except Metapod and Kakuna. Tracey’s mons were happily eating with Paras, getting used to their new friend finally. The difference was night and day.

Before Ash could start eating his own food a loud cry was heard. “What was that?”

Suddenly Team Rocket came running towards them. “Team Rocket?” The trio stopped, running in place.

“You need to prepare for trouble!” Jessie said.

“But not from us this time!” James said.

“Yeah, a swarm of Beedrill is heading this way!” Meowth said.

Samurai was taken aback by the talking Meowth, but the news helped sober him up. “A Beedrill Swarm! You fools a swarm of Beedrill is very deadly!”

“Bee!!!” A loud cry and a ton of buzzing sent shivers up their spines.

There was a slight chill as you heard them coming before you saw them, and at a distance you saw their striking red eyes coming towards you from the darkness. The swarm charged, making the humans cry out and terror and even the monsters tense up in fear.

Ash jumped over team rocket. “Wall of Fire!” He conjured flames, and with the stomp of his hooves erected a wall of fire. It diverted the swarm but didn’t dispel it. “Alright line up we gotta fend them…” As Ash turned his head he saw Team Rocket sitting at their camp site scarfing down their food. “Hey!”

“Oh sorry, all that running worked up an appetite!” James said and took more bites of food. A Beedrill swooped at him making him cry out in terror.

“Help out, or we are in trouble!” Tracey snapped.

James and Jessie looked at him. “Why are you naked?”

The greenette blushed. “Just shut up and help!!” Tracey scrambled to try and gather their things so they could run, while the Pokemon squared up and did their best to fend off the swarm. The problem was that swarms varied in level, and for bug type swarms are usually more vast then regular ones.

For the Beedrill swarm the main fleet was ranged from level 15-20, tough enough to even take hits from Super Effective moves. The soldiers of the swarm were around 21-29, they were hanging back and looking for openings to strike. The leaders and there were three, were levels 31 33 and 35. They were hanging in the far back giving orders.

Ash and his Pokemon were pulling most of the work here. Tracey’s Pokemon didn’t have the best type match up here. Jessie and James did help which helped fend off the swarm. The leaders watched.

Ketchum’s formation was solid, with Charmander and Pikachu doing long range attacks from the ground. Pidgeotto was doing long range attacks from the air. Spearow and Scyther were handling the close range attacks. Metapod and Kakuna were handling the defense, like little towers who attacked when the enemy got close.

Tracey’s team was putting in work, Paras was dishing out Stun Spore, Bulbasaur was shooting out Leech Seeds, and Venonat was dealing out Supersonic. The trio were weakening the swarm. Rattata attacking the dropped Pokemon with Quick Attack and Bites, Pinsir attacking with Vice Grip.

Thanks to the wall of fire, giving off heat it covered one side. The Beedrill couldn’t risk getting too close to it or get burned.

Even with their numbers dwindling the swarm seemed endless. The stronger Beedrill were sniping Tracey’s Pokemon, sweeping in with Poison Sting, Pin Missile, or Twin Needle. Then one of the leaders would sneak in and strike with Poison Jab!

Tracey recalled his pokemon so they wouldn’t be overtaken by poison. He had gotten their stuff packed up, and they were ready to go. “Solar Flare!” Ash cast, unleashing a blinding light. “Let’s go!”

Team Rocket ran off with their pokemon. Tracey got on Ash’s back along with Pikachu, Charmander, each of them holding Metapod and Kakuna. Ash tried to run, but extra weight caught him off guard. Samurai was on his back, his armor was weighing him down.

Scyther, Pidgeotto, and Spearow were keeping up.

While it was Team Rocket that angered the Beedrill, their focus changed upon seeing Ash, for some reason. The three leaders charged at them. “They are coming!” Samurai called out.

Ash was a strong centaur, but Samurai’s armor was slowing him down. He was slowed enough for the leaders to charge in. Charmander and Pikachu were hit by Toxic and became badly poisoned. They swooped in and snatched Metapod and Kakuna. “No Metapod, Kakuna!”

Pidgeotto and Spearow flew after them, only to be blocked by the swarm. Scyther clashed with the strongest leader, but some soldiers charged in and both got him with Poison Sting. He dropped to his knees, allowing the leader to withdraw. The ones holding Kakuna and Metapod hit the flying types with Toxic making them poisoned.

The swarm got away with Ash’s monsters. He needed to treat his Pokemon and Samurai offered his home. Samu had medicine in his home to cure poison, so he got to work on treating Ketchum’s Sketchit’s pokemon. “I need to get my Pokemon back.” He planned to leave his pokemon here for treatment and go get his monsters back.

“Ash, you can’t go alone!” Tracey begged.

“I’ll be fine, but I have to get my monsters back.” The poisoned mons tried to move, but were too weak to go with him.

“This is not normal behavior for Beedrill, if they took your monsters then they had a reason. That reason must be as bait to lure you into a trap.”

Ash shook his head. “It doesn’t matter, they are my friends and I’m gonna save them.”

Tracey stood up. “I’ll go with you!”

Ketchum kissed him. Samurai blushed and nearly buzzed with jealousy. “I need you here, make sure our pokemon recover!”

“Scy!” Scyther stood up. He wasn’t gonna let Ash go alone, even if he was injured.

“Fine, we can go!”

As Ash walked to where he saw the swarm fly off, with Scyther at his side. We turn back the clock to the age of Pokemopolis.


The area that was later known as Viridian Forest, in the ancient days it was known as the Forest of Death, and it was a vast jungle of horrors. Entering this jungle was only for the brave or the foolish, as most never made it out alive, a small few managed to escape to tell the tale but died from poison.

At the center of this massive jungle was a giant tree and nest of a kaiju Beedrill. This beast ruled over the bug pokemon in the forest. It made the surrounding area a living hell, as the Beedrill would swarm take crops and cattle to feed the king bee. The bug pokemon in the forest were under the thumb of the Beedrill. The bug types were driven mad by a mix of hunger and the kaiju’s powder.

The kaiju’s abilities could make the nicest pokemon and turn them into a violent monster. This was one of the great powers of destruction.

It’s reign came to an end, one day when a mighty flame came to the Forest of Death. Kaiju Rapidash mounted an attack on the kaiju, his flames washed through the jungle, destroying it, but allowing the innocent bug types to escape. He marched through the jungle and caused the kaiju Beedrill to rise and challenge him.

The monster’s spores, powders, and poisons were no match for Rapidash’s flames. The jungle was reduced to ashes as the two clashed. When it looked like the balance of the battle was shifting in the flame kaiju’s favor, the insect tried to retreat. This allowed an opening.

Mystic arts were used and the Kaiju Beedrill was sealed in an artifact and buried beneath the earth in the remains of its great nest. The massive jungle was gone, the land scorched by the fierce combat.

While all seemed loss, another Kaiju appeared, a Kaiju Butterfree, it soared across the sky raining down spores that healed the land. The forest would be reborn again, it’d just take time. In the meantime a balance was found in the bug kingdom.

The surviving Beedrill didn’t forget what happened, didn’t forget the power and might they once possessed. A lingering madness from the kaiju. They didn’t question how wrong they were or the strain and suffering of others. It didn’t matter, they bore a grudge against the one who defeated their kaiju master and swore to get revenge. The tale was carried on the Beedrill of Kanto’s generations.

Long after the kaiju were sealed and slept, even as the forest returned and they made new homes and lived good lives they continued to pass on the seed of hatred.


So it was, upon seeing Ash who was blessed by Rapidash the Beedrill sought to take their revenge upon the kaiju’s champion.

Ketchum didn’t know this and simply entered the trap. It was a good trap, Weedle had been called to spin string shots to cut off escapes, connecting the trees to each other. This not only stopped Ash from using his fire powers or risk setting fire to the whole forest, but also blocked off his options to run.

The Weedle didn’t know why they were doing this, as the story was passed on only to Beedrill. Trainers who caught Weedle and Kakuna spared them from getting the seed of revenge passed onto them. They just obeyed their parents unaware of anything.

“I’m here!” Ash marched forward. “Give me back my friends!”

Kakuna and Metapod wiggled in delight, they knew Ash would come for them. Beedrill knew it to, the leaders let out a buzz. “Today we strike down our enemy’s champion, snuff out the fire!”

Ash understood what they were saying. “I don’t know why you are so angry, but I ask that you stop this and return my friends. If you feel I’ve done something wrong I’ll take whatever punishment you have, but give me back my friends.”

Very well!” A loud buzz was heard and the swarm attacked.

“Scyther, stand back.” Ash knew his friend was hurt, and while he didn’t know what was happening or what this was about, he didn’t care so long as it got their friends back.

The swarm charged at Ash attacking him with Poison Sting, Bug Bite, Twin Needle, Poison Jab, and Fury Attack.

Ketchum stood there and took it, his hybrid body was more durable than a human. He took hit after hit and he didn’t buckle or yield. Kakuna and Metapod cried, their trainer was suffering because of them.

The Beedrill became exhausted and had to stop attacking him. Scyther was furious, but didn’t act. “Are we done here, I want my friends back!”

Their leader buzzed. “Again!”

Ash took a deep breath, and waited for the attacks to come. He could have fought back, Scyther and him could have gone down in a blaze of glory. Fighting wasn’t the answer here, so he believed. As Beedrill went to make a second volley of attacks the rainbow feather began to glow.

The light from the Rainbow Feather gave off a tremendous warmth. Ho-Oh didn’t have as much influence in Kanto then Johto, for one reason or another, but the divine power radiating off the feather gave pause. The heat caused the string shot web to dissolve. Some of Ash’s wounds healed and Scyther regained some of his strength.

This was a turning point, the Beedrill swarm was exhausted, their trap was melted, they should have just allowed Ash to take his mons and go. Rage was a tricky thing, it blinded one to common sense and logic. The leader called for. “Get them!”


Kakuna and Metapod began to evolve! Beedrill and Butterfree appeared. Invigorated by the Rainbow Feather’s energy they fought back against the swarm. Beedrill’s speed was boosted and he went nuts on the other Beedrill.

Butterfree took to the air and doused them with Sleep Powder. Some that got passed them were met by Scyther. The tides had turned and the three leaders were furious. “It’s over, we are done here!”

Yes you are done here...we banish you from this forest.” Ash turned to look at the leaders. “We will remember your faces and the faces of those who side with you. If you lot ever set foot in our forest again, you will suffer greatly!”

They had until sunset to get out, or they’d face their full might. The leaders were strong, but didn’t want to risk losing. Even if their levels were higher, Ash’s power was a wild card they couldn’t predict and the light from the feather was another unknown. The light of the feather did more than just revitalize the pokemon it gave a drop of wisdom to the Weedle and Kakuna in the area, so even when the seed of revenge was attempting to be planted their soils would be richer and wiser. Giving them a chance to break the cycle of hatred.

Ash rushed back to Samurai’s home and told them what happened. It was a wild story and coming from anyone but the magical flaming centaur boy it might not be believed. “Sorry about this Samurai.” He was essentially losing his home.

Tracey was in a panic seeing Ash so beat up and rushed to patch him up.

“It is time for me to wonder, I’ve grown too complacent here anyway. My skills must improve or my blade will be dulled.” He left his armor behind but kept his helmet.

There wasn’t time for long goodbyes, but to save some time Ash gave Samurai a lift, much to Tracey’s annoyance. They reached the edge of Viridian Forest just as the sun had set. “Bye Viridian Forest, good luck!” He hoped he had made the right decision.

Ash and Tracey were heading to Pewter City, but Samurai was heading elsewhere. “I hope to see you again!” Rai declared and left.

‘Good riddance!’ Tracey thought. If they did meet up again Tracey swore to beat that guy.

While they avoided the return of the swarm their departure did not go unnoticed. High up in the trees was a ghostly pokemon. It was here searching for a specific relic, but found something much more interesting.

This Marshadow belonged to a trainer with dark intentions, who was seeking to awaken the powers of destruction. Ash would one day return to Viridian Forest but when it faced it’s darkest day as it’s champion!

To be continued Rumble At Pewter Gym



VERY nice set-up and foreshadowing. Inherited rivalries and hatreds are a mess and a half, but they certainly make travel interesting.