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Fairy Tail parody: Patreon Reward

Flame Tamer
Romeo has grown up, learning fire magic to live up to his big bro’s name. When the Tenrou Team returns he’s happy and hoping to prove his strength to Natsu. His rainbow flame is unique and has benefited from the magical advancements made in seven years. Feels surge into a roaring flame as Natsu becomes addicted to his fires and together they build a harem. Hypnosis Bondage Size Difference Romeo/Natsu/Harem

Chapter 1

Romeo had a crush on Natsu, he was always happy to see his “big bro”. When he came around to visit the guild it wasn’t to see his dad Macao, it was to see Natsu. These feelings were just small embers at first.

He always thought Natsu was so strong and cool, he wanted to be just like him. His dream was to learn magic and form a combo with the Dragon Slayer. Romeo was the son of a fire wizard, so it wasn’t that big of a stretch that he’d be one to.

The eve of the Tenrou Island S-Class Exam Romeo had tapped into his magic and produced his father’s Purple Flare. It was a handy little flame, purple flames were physical flames that didn’t burn, they could touch things, pick things up, even be used as ropes. Unlike regular fire or even most magic fires it couldn’t be extinguished by water or wind.

He came to the guild to show Natsu, but he had already left for the S-Class Trail. “Aww, man Natsu isn’t here…”

Macao came over. “Come on son, didn’t you come here to see your old man?”

Romeo blinked. “Oh sure dad.” The man wept.

“He used to think I was so cool!” While true, Macao as a wizard was quite skilled, not only Purple Flare, but he was adept at transformation magic as well. In Romeo’s eyes his dad was cool, but Natsu was just cooler. It was fine the two could bond over fire magic.


The events of Tenrou Island happened...it was a devastating blow to everyone. Romeo took it hard. They wanted to find their friends, but the island was gone as was their friends. Things took a downhill turn for Fairy Tail.

Search efforts cost the guild plenty, they called in favors from Blue Pegasus, Lamia Scale, and others. The council was also a major thorn, putting pressure on Fairy Tail when they were most vulnerable. Macao stepped up as guild master but while he did his best the guild suffered.

They had lost their strongest wizards in a single night. Guilds that didn’t have the balls to mess with Fairy Tail now took shots at them at every turn. Jobs were sniped out from under them, which was in bad taste already. Macao was thrown into a position he wasn’t ready for. Running a guild wasn’t as easy as people thought, it took a lot of money, paperwork, and filing...so much filing.

Macao loaned money to try and keep the guild hall, but that just put the guild into debt. Twilight Ogre was a wizard guild, of pretty low reputation at a time, most saw them as loan sharks, more than a wizard guild.

Fairy Tail’s reputation was in a downward spiral, and at the same time as other guilds were being founded and gaining more power and reputation. Twilight Ogre was one of these guilds, and Macao took loans from them, but was overcharged interest like crazy. In just five years they had lost the guild and were forced to rent a small shack.

A guild’s reputation was a powerful thing, it determined a lot of the jobs they were allowed to take on. So as Fairy Tail fell, the number of jobs and quality of jobs diminished. So a lot of guild members began to leave. Wizards needed to make money, and if the jobs dry up they go elsewhere.

Fairy Tail tried to enter the Grand Magic games, but since the events were random, it was a joke. They lost and were humiliated by other guilds. Other guilds became more prominent, powerful, and wealthy while Fairy Tail became a joke.

Logic be damned, to Romeo it felt like a betrayal. Since the day Tenrou vanished things have been hard. Natsu and the others were gone, which took a heavy blow already. He wasn’t even allowed to join the search efforts. ‘Stay put and work on your magic!’

He did, but only because he couldn’t do anything else. Romeo learned basic fire magic, the red flare. His was quite unique as it seemed to draw in his father’s transformation magic. Romeo could transform his flames into animals; birds, snakes, lions, tigers, and bears oh my! ‘I can’t wait to show Natsu...oh…’

Romeo had hope, every morning he’d go to the docks and wait, hoping to see a sign of their return. Hoping that Natsu and the others would come back. He’d practice his fire magic while waiting.

After three years a Fire Magic School opened up, run by Totomaru, Phantom Lord’s Fire Wizard of the element four. Natsu wasn’t a topic to bring up around him, but he was a skilled pyromancer. He saw potential in Romeo and agreed to teach him the ways of Fire magic.

Totomaru recognized Romeo’s Red Flare as an advanced fire magic style called Beast Flame. It was something seen in Maker Wizards. “You have the skills to be a superb fire tamer!”

Romeo wanted to get stronger, he wanted to help! His drive pushed him to take fire magic very seriously. Totomaru was a skilled pyromancer but he was also young and childish when he developed his Rainbow Flames, two of his fires were foul smelling odor flames. Imagine his shock when he learned that wasn’t something you could change. He could make the odor of the flames more powerful but that’s it...kinda stabbed himself in the foot on that one.

So learning from his mistake he did try to have his students not repeat his. Orange Flare had different evolution trees. Romeo wanted something closer to dragon fire, so he could be like Natsu, but that was easier said then done. Pouring through his studies Romeo learned of the Phoenix Fire, a healing flame. A gentle fire that heals and promotes regeneration, that burns away pain and sickness.

Such a difficult flame to learn, let alone master, but Romeo was determined. While not a master of the flame, he did learn it. Fairy Tail had a new healer.

The key to Rainbow Fire was Balance, he had Purple Flare then learned Red Flare/Beast Flame. So when he learned Phoenix Flame/Orange Flare, he had to study on the other end of the spectrum. Indigo Flare, a fire most wizards ignored as it wasn’t a flame that could burn, it was an intangible flame and it was known as the Flame of Illusions.

A lot of fire wizards ignored it as part of the spectrum and just focused on learning blue flare instead. Those not adept with illusions couldn’t really harness this flame well, those that did learn it used it as a smoke screen or as a counter to illusions.

Romeo wasn’t one of those types of wizard. Transformation magic wasn’t a far cry from illusion magic. His Indigo Flare was quite powerful, he often put his fellow classmates in a trance when he used it. He took a tip from uncle Wakaba and even used his Indigo flame to make clones of himself, a handy trick for combat.

Yellow Flare was his hardest to learn. Totomaru said this was normal, that no matter the talent of the wizard one flame out of the spectrum was always the hardest for them. Since he was stuck on Yellow he focused his efforts on Blue for a bit. Ice Fire was a lot easier, the chilling flames so cold they burn, and instead of catching fire they freeze the moisture in the air creating ice.

Now he was stuck, he had to learn Yellow Flare next to keep his flames balanced. To make matters worse, as Romeo struggled with his flame, the guild was falling apart. With the state of the guild Romeo didn’t just want to make a joke flame, he wanted his fire to mean something.

Yellow Flare was typically seen as the Aroma Flame, as it burned it gave off an odor like a scented candle. Totomaru had made his a foul odor for combat/juvenile reasons. That was then, as the years had passed advancements in magic occurred, wizards pushed the boundaries of spells and found new avenues of evolution.

As Twilight Ogre continued to hound and torment his guild Romeo felt powerless to do anything about it. He poured his frustrations into training and his magic. Romeo worked out, training his vessel which helped his magic. He wished to be stronger, he wished he could just kick those creeps from Ogre’s asses.

The frustration was building higher and higher, and his yellow flare manifested. For him it wasn’t an attacking flame, it was an enhancing flare. When he used Yellow Flare his body surged; strength, endurance, speed it all increased. It literally put a fire in his belly that enhanced him and allowed him to fight more. As a small side effect it did increase his manly musk.

His last flame was the Green Flare also known as the Corrosive Flame. It was a flame that burned away non living things, so walls, clothes, armor, weapons, magic weapons were a bit more difficult to burn but it worked if given enough time. Romeo learned it and his Rainbow Flare was complete.

Totomaru still had more to teach, as more flare magic was discovered. Pink Flare was another non tangible flame, when exposed to it, it made people horny; hot, happy, and high!

Romeo didn’t think he needed such a flame but…


As the years have passed Romeo’s feelings for Natsu had only grown stronger. His absence truly did make the heart grow fonder. The tiny embers of feelings Romeo had, only grew brighter and hotter as the boy matured and became a young man.

Those stronger embers drifted up into his mind slowly but surely finding places to start sparks.

It started as simple dreams. Romeo had a similar dream often. He’d be waiting at the docks and Natsu and the Tenrou teams came back. The fire wizard would run towards Natsu, and before they met he’d wake up. It was painful, but as he got older the dreams started to take a turn.

Now when Natsu showed up, they’d run at each other, Dragneel would catch him in his arms and the two would share a kiss. Romeo woke up with a start, touching his lips, as his cheeks burned red. ‘I wanna kiss Natsu?’ His manhood trembled.

A small spark could become a roaring flame. Romeo was a bit confused by his dream and thus sought answers. As it turned out, he liked guys. Something he confirmed when he saw Totomaru in the bath. The man could be an ass, but he was hot, tall, chiseled, and a toned booty.

It was a bit confusing but Romeo knew where to turn. Master Bob of Blue Pegasus. They’ve always been kind. Bob gave him plenty of research material, to stroke the fires of his imagination. Their research material was very informative, giving Romeo and very in depth look at the ins and outs of sex. There were even lessons on using magic during sex.

He also had his dad’s libido, something that got him into trouble because he was an idiot. Romeo wasn’t so stupid, but he had to admit he had a nice cock. Totomaru had a decent piece at 5 inches, while Romeo was rocking 9 inches!

Romeo started having really wild sex dreams, taking place of the walk in scenario. He had dreams where he walked in on Natsu having sex with Gray, Elfman, Gajeel, even Totomaru. What surprised him was that there was no jealousy in his heart. It turned him on, he stayed and watched Natsu do his thing.

It was exciting, and it filled Romeo with the urge of joining in. In his heart he felt Natsu and him were the perfect combo, so why not share lovers as well!

The dreams always ended before the big climax leaving Romeo very hot and bothered. Something he noticed is that his dreams of Natsu topping never involved him. When he had dreams of them together, there was a lot of tender loving, kissing, touching, frotting, sucking on Natsu’s nipples that was a fun one, his dreams just went through the foreplay and never got to them having sex. Those were his wet dreams though, being intimate with Natsu always got him waking up to messy sheets.

It was hard for him to picture for some reason, it had been seven years and he’s grown so much. Plus with Natsu missing it hurt, maybe his heart and mind were purposely blocking that fantasy as to not shatter over the fact Dragneel may have been gone forever.

‘Natsu...please come back…’ He stared out at the sea, waiting and hoping for his first crush and his love to come back to him. In the meantime, he’d do his best to protect the guild so Natsu had a home to come back to.

To be continued...Romeo’s Feelings Natsu’s Back!



Really good dive into the evolution of Romeo's feelings, from childish crush to full blown flame (pun unintended) 👍