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Pocket Monster parody: Tier 1/Birthday special

Chapter 2 

Ash’s Pokemon 4/6
Mons on hand Abra, Goldeen, Kangaskhan, Pikachu
Badges 0

Abra – Magic Guard: The Pokémon only takes damage from attacks. If a Pokémon with Magic Guard is paralyzed, it cannot be prevented from using a move due to paralysis, although its Speed is still reduced. A Pokémon with Magic Guard cannot be poisoned by Toxic Spikes.
Moves: Teleport, Confusion

Goldeen – Lightning Rod: The Pokémon draws in all Electric-type moves. Instead of being hit by Electric-type moves, it boosts its Sp. Atk.
Moves: Water Gun, Peck, Horn Attack, Supersonic

Kangaskhan – Scrappy: The Pokémon can hit Ghost-type Pokémon with Normal- and Fighting-type moves. It is also unaffected by Intimidate.
Moves: Pound, Growl, Fake Out, Stomp

Pikachu – Static: The Pokémon is charged with static electricity, so contact with it may cause paralysis.
Moves: Nuzzle, Nasty Plot, Thundershock, Quick Attack

Chapter 3

Ash brought his Pokemon to Viridian City to get a check up. It was a surprise seeing Ketchum walking around with an Abra on his shoulder and Kangaskhan with a Pikachu in his pouch. Given how rare Kangaskhan is an officer Jenny thought Ash had stolen it, but the mon was registered to Ash. “Everything checks out!”

Jenny checked Ash’s pokedex which had both his ID, Trainer Class, and his Monster Registry. “But do be careful, there’s been reports of Pokemon Thieves in the area.” Ketchum nodded, having faced two/three of them not too long ago.

At the center Ash was able to register for the Pokemon League, he was given a badge case and a cash card. “When you battle trainers registered for the League, you’ll receive funds based on the battle and their skill level which you can use at Pokemon Marts in Kanto.”

To enter the league Ash would need at least 8 badges, there were currently 25 gyms operating in Kanto currently, with official badges that allowed one to enter the league tournament. Fake or False Gyms popped up from time to time, but it took a full inspection and a lot of work for a gym to be made official.

“If you are needing extra cash or looking to test your trainer skills there’s the Request Board.” Joy pointed out the board. There was one at every Pokemon Center. Locals could put up requests for trainers to take on, the reward and difficulty varied, and some requests asked for trainer skills or trainer classes for example.

Trainer with Two Badges Needed to Investigate the Wild Area!

Catch Request: Trainer Wanted to Catch Three Rattata!

Trainer Class Swimmer/Diver Wanted to investigate!

There were also wanted posters, some were for Pokemon thieves, however in some cities and towns certain Pokemon can cause enough trouble that they get a bounty on their heads. For example if a Pikachu was running around chewing on wires and causing power outages, it’d land itself a bounty. So a trainer would take the job get the reward and a new pokemon. It was a win-win!

While the mons got their check ups Ash took a look at the request board. There was quite a few requests to catch local Pokemon from youngsters who’d like their first Pokemon to be a Pidgey, Rattata, Nidoran, or a Mankey, there were even a few requests looking for Bug Types or a Pikachu from Viridian Forest. There were some Badge Locked requests to find rare pokemon or exploring the Wild Area. There was even a few battle requests, sadly for trainers with badges. “Aww man!” None of them were standing out for Ash.

With the request board a bust Ash decided to call home and check in with his Mom and Professor Oak. Delia was happy for the call and was impressed he made it to Viridian City so quickly. It was a nice chat, with his mom wishing him luck on his journey.

Oak’s call was a bit more in depth. “Oh Hello Ash, I see you are calling from Viridian City!”

“Sure am Professor!” Ash smiled.

“How’s your Pokemon catching going?” He confessed he made a bet with Gary over if Ash would catch a pokemon by then.

“You’d win that bet Professor!” He told him about his Goldeen, Pikachu, and Kangaskhan. The last mon kinda being a red flag.

“Ash, you didn’t go into the wild area did you?”

Ketchum rubbed the back of his head sheepishly. “Hehehe...well…”

Oak sighed and rubbed his temples. “That was very dangerous.”

Ash tried to defend his actions by saying it was the waves that told him where to go. While this was true and it all worked out Samuel wasn’t very pleased, out of concern. Using some quick thinking Ash decided to change the subject. “Look at this Professor, a mysterious golden Pokemon dropped it.”

He showed Samuel the Rainbow Feather. “My word!” The good professor forgot about Ash’s recklessness and focused on the strange little feather. “It couldn’t be…”

“It couldn’t be what Professor?”

Oak got a strange look on his face. “I’ll have to do more research, good luck on your adventure Ash, and do try to stay out of the Wild Areas!”

Ash promised, but Oak had a feeling if a Pokemon or Trainer was in trouble he’d charge in no matter what. That’s just who he was. The call ended, and Ash turned to some local trainers for information gathering.

He heard that the local gym was closed for construction, and that the nearest gym was in Pewter City. ‘Hmm, I can get there through Viridian Forest, but I could do some training on Route 22 maybe find another Pokemon.’ He heard Viridian Forest was full of mostly Bug Types but you could find Flying types and Pikachu there.

“Ash…” Nurse Joy came out, with Ash’s monster in tow. “Your Pokemon are fighting fit!” Only Goldeen was in a monster ball.

“Thanks Nurse Joy!” Abra quickly teleported onto Ash’s shoulder. “Hehe~!”

Ash used his allowance to buy some Pokemon food and some monster balls, replacing the three he used on Goldeen, Pikachu, and Kangaskhan. ‘Now let’s see where we go.’ He led the team to the crossroads.

Ketchum picked up a stick. ‘Lucky spell, lucky spell, tell me what do you see!’ He called on the spirits of fate to guide him. The stick was tossed spinning in the air before landing and pointing towards Route 22. “Alright, let’s do some training and find us a new friend!” The monsters cheered and they headed off.


From what Ash heard Route 22 had some both familiar and unique pokemon, Rattata and Spearow were common here, with Nidoran and Mankey being uncommon, and Ponyta and Doduo being rare. There were also prime fishing spots where one can find commonly Poliwag, Magikarp, and Goldeen, with Poliwhirl and Gyarados being Uncommon, and with Psyduck and Slowpoke being Rare.

It seemed like a blast. Ash had Abra, Pikachu, and Kangaskhan battle any Rattata and Spearow they found. He did try to catch them but they ran away after the battle. “Today just isn’t our day, I was sure the waves of fate had guided us here for a reason.”

He thought they’d have better luck fishing so decided to head over to one of the fishing spots but before they made it. “Nido!” a male Nidoran crossed their paths. Ash’s eyes sparkled. “Let’s see who’s that Pokemon!”

Dexter: Nidoran Male, the Poison Pin Pokemon. Males stiffens its ears to sense danger. The larger its horns is, the more powerful its venom. It extends its toxic spikes when angry. It charges then stabs with the horn to inject poison. Even the slightest sound does not escape this Pokemon’s notice.

Ketchum was feeling good vibes about this. “Let’s catch this guy!” He was gonna send Abra but Pikachu wanted to fight.

Nidoran charged in with a Horn Attack, but Pikachu dodged it and hit back with a Nuzzle. This did some damage and left Nidoran paralyzed. The purple monster didn’t take too kindly to that and hit Pikachu with a Horn Attack. Pikachu was annoyed, possibly still having some beef with poison types. He charged in and hit him with a Quick Attack, the feeling of payback was short lived as Nidoran’s ability triggered, causing Pikachu to become poisoned.

The Electric Mouse got a pass as Nidoran’s paralysis condition made it so he couldn’t move so Pikachu zapped him with a Thundershock! “Monster Ball Go!” Ash threw the ball and it hit Nidoran sucking him up.

Jiggle...Jiggle...Jiggle...Ping! With that Ash had his fifth Pokemon. With Pikachu injured and poisoned, and his new friend injured and paralyzed Ash decided to rush back to the Pokemon Center for treatment. No fishing today.

As luck/fate would have it this was a good call as Team Rocket was back and had their sights set on the trainer. Nidoran and Pikachu were recovering when the Team Rocket Trio suddenly attacked.

Their plan was to steal all the Pokemon at the Center and any trainer’s pokemon that happened to be there. A girl with orange hair was there having her Pokemon treated. “Who are you guys?” She demanded.

“We are team rocket, and if you don’t wanna experience serious pain you’ll hand over all your Pokemon!” Jessie said, looking confident.

“Hold it Team Rocket!” Ash snapped. The trio paled.

“It’s the freak!” Ketchum twitched in annoyance.

Ketchum whipped out some talismans. “Seems you didn’t learn your lesson last time!”

“This time we’ll be the ones dishing out bad luck for you!” Jessie called out Ekans while James called out Koffing.

“Abra let’s go, Goldeen I choose you!” Abra teleported out and Goldeen popped out, bouncing and flopping around on the ground. It caught the bad guys off guard, before they started laughing.

“You idiot, you can’t use a fish pokemon on land.” The girl snapped.

Ash ignored them. “I call upon the spirits, Sky, Land, and Sea, by your power blessed be, bless it be!” He slapped a talisman on the ground and the whole room filled with a strange field.

To everyone’s shock Goldeen began to rise into the air, swimming through as if they were under water. “Let’s go you two!” The field didn’t seem to have any negative effects, it just allowed Goldeen to battle.

“Ekans get that Abra use Wrap!” The snake wrapped up Abra, doing some initial damage, but as it tried to squeeze Abra, it gave off a magical aura.

“Koffing use Poison Gas on Abra!” Ekans was a poison type, so even if he breathed in the toxic smoke he was immune. This little combo helped make sure the targeted pokemon wasn’t moving and would be poisoned.

Abra was indeed poisoned but he wasn’t taking any damage from it. “Abra use Confusion and Goldeen use Water Gun!”

His eyes glowed and Koffing was grabbed, spun round and round in circles before being slammed into the ground. It was super effective. Koffing had barely recovered before he was blasted by Water Gun.

“Come on Ekans squeeze that Abra tighter!” It was no use, thanks to Magic Guard neither the poison or the constricting damage could hurt him.

“Koffing use Smokescreen!”

“Goldeen use Supersonic!” Goldeen whistled sending out sound waves that hit the poison type, making him confused. Instead of doing the attack he slammed himself into the wall.

“Ekans don’t let that Abra go, but use Acid!” Ekans turned their head towards Goldeen.

“Abra use Teleport!” The psychic type vanished out of Ekans’s coils. “Goldeen use Horn Attack!” Ekans was caught off guard by the sudden vanishing and the fish swam in for a strong hit.

“Meowth do something!” Jessie hissed.

The normal type flexed his claws. “Alright this fish is mine!” He swiped at Goldeen, but because of Goldeen’s mobility they gracefully danced out of the way.

“Use Water Gun, Abra use Confusion!” Goldeen blasted Meowth with water, and Abra used Confusion on Ekans, picking the snake up and slamming him into the scratch cat.

Koffing kept hurting itself in confusion so James returned it. “This is bad Jessie!”

“Ugh...Ekans use Acid!” The snake burned a hole in the wall, granting them an escape route. Ash tried to give chase, but Goldeen couldn’t swim in the air, beyond the confines of the room. The trio got away in their air balloon but at least the pokemon were safe. “That damn punk we’ll get him next time!”

James wasn’t so sure they should mess with him. “Don’t buckle now, that twerp has some rare and powerful Pokemon. The boss will give us a big promotion if we manage to take them!” Meowth said.

“But can we defeat that channeler?” James was starting to believe.

“We can, we just need some new pokemon!” Bug Pokemon were strong against Psychic types, so they decided to go to Viridian Forest to get a bug type to best Ash.

To be continued



Birthday special?


It was my birthday and it was a bad day, so wrote something to both bounce back and cheer myself up


Happy belated birthday, Paper!!!


it is what it is, asked my family to let me relax and focus on writing for my birthday, they said okay just do one thing for me and i'll leave you alone. So after moving a table upstairs I thought i'd be left alone then i get told no gotta drive my family to a thing, which driving causes my injury pain to spike. It wouldn't be so bad if the whole week wasn't rough and i specifically asked them if they could give me today, i didn't want to spend my birthday in a ton of pain and i did. the whole day was shot.