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Pocket Monster Parody: Patreon Reward

Chapter 11 

Chapter 12 Special Combat!

Ash and Toren were enjoying their date, the light show was quite beautiful. They got to see different monster constellations that have been recorded. Then as an added bonus, they did light shows, it was a colorful version of “who’s that pokemon?”.

The greenette could feel his emotions rise, their date had been wonderful, even with Team Rocket’s interruption. The Star Show was just the icing on the cake. On his left Jam and Jelly were cuddling and being romantic.

They were alone, the atmosphere was perfect, the raven haired male made Toren feel so relaxed and comfortable. ‘I can do this, I can do this!’ He went with the flow of his instincts and desires and kissed Ash.

Ketchum was surprised, but responding back. He kissed back and their kiss deepened. Tongues met and meshed together. “Mmm hmm mmm~!” They got comfortable, even when the show ended they enjoyed each other.

Toren melted, his heart pounding in his chest.


Brock had followed them to the museum, it took awhile for him to make sure his siblings were taken care of. It wasn’t spying, he was just curious, he couldn’t get the two out of his head. Takeshi had missed the Team Rocket but saw them go into the Star Show. He learned about what happened from a museum employee.  He had to wait as the two enjoyed the star show. ‘Where are they?’ The show should have ended thirty minutes ago.

He went to check out what was going on and Brock froze at what he saw. ‘Holy!’

Toren was in Ash’s lap, the two were making out heavily. Looks like the greenette wanted to get comfortable, Ash had his hands on his booty and was supporting him as they kissed. Toren had his arms around Ash’s neck.

He was panting and shuddering, his skin flushed with desire. Ash was kissing Toren breathless, his hands groping and squeezing his butt. Toren bucked and their bulges rubbed against each other. ‘They are definitely more than friends…’

Brock gulped. He couldn’t look away from the sexy make out session. All his understanding of “breeding” was being challenged as he had an eye opening view. It shattered his preconceived notions of just male x female relationships. The two were in their own little world, Brock could feel the chemistry between them. There were fireworks!!!

He’s seen things in magazines and videos, but those were actors. Actor chemistry sometimes was hit or miss, but this was intimacy on a deeper and emotional level.

As he watched Brock felt his heart race and his blood rush south. It took him a bit to realize what was happening, and when he realized he was hard he panicked. ‘Shit, shit, shit, why am I excited!?’ He squirmed, his cock was hard, pushing at the confines of his boxers and pants.

His panic caused him to flee, he left the museum and ran home. His siblings were in bed already, but despite this he couldn’t bring himself to take care of himself. The last thing he wanted was his siblings to hear him moan or groan and come investigate. ‘I couldn’t live with myself if they caught me doing...that…’ He blushed.

So it was another night of sexual frustration for Brock. He needed to get some sleep, he had a special challenge tomorrow. ‘I can’t lose, I have to win!’ He shook his head, trying to shake all the lingering thoughts of what he saw away. ‘I have to…’

Sleep didn’t come easy for Brock. Surprisingly, Ash was also finding it hard to sleep. Toren was resting with his pokemon, while Ketchum was outside gazing up at the stars. Pikachu, Poliwag, Spearow, and Ponyta were with him, the latter keeping him warm on the cool night. Something had been bothering him. There was something...off...about Brock’s aura…

From reading his aura Ash could tell the trainer was strong, experienced despite his youth, and had been matured through trials in and out of the gym. “There’s just something about him…”

“Having second thoughts about your special challenge?” Ash nearly jumped out of his skin, as the voice of an older man caught him off guard. The mysterious man was named Flint, and he was sitting on a rock polishing a rock.

Ash was a bit unnerved by the stranger. “Oh no, I’m actually pretty excited about the match. It’s the gym leader, he seems to have a lot on his shoulders.” He could see it in his aura, like a large amount of physical, mental, and emotional pressure was weighing on his very soul.

The man nodded. “It’s true, Pewter City expects a lot of Brock, as he’s the gym’s successor.”

“What do you mean?”

“You don’t know a lot about gyms in Kanto do you?” Ash shook his head. He knew they were owned and operated by the Pokemon Leagues of each region, trainers could challenge them to get a gym badge needed to enter the league tournament, and as a bonus you got a Technique Machine which could help increase move options. “Towns and Cities rely on gyms, having a gym in your hometown is a big honor. This means trainers from all over come and visit and it helps the area flourish. So losing a gym can be a heavy blow.”

“Why would Brock lose the gym?

“He’s been on a losing streak lately, having lost to the trainers from Pallet Town, a Water trainer, that’s four losses in a row. If a gym leader loses six matches in a row their gym can be shut down. Even losing three matches can cause the gym to be investigated and inspected.”

“What?!” Ash gasped.

The man told Ash that Brock had a big family, and it was thanks to the Gym’s funding he’s been managing to support them. “And losing a special match is two strikes against the gym.”

Ketchum had no idea. “Brock’s been doing his best, but he’s been struggling for awhile now.” He’s only been a gym leader for less than a year. “He has a family to care for and has been running the gym on his own.”

Arceus: The previous gym leader was able to focus on the gym, his focus was on the gym and keeping the gym strong. Brock is juggling both the gym and his home, so his focus is being split between both fronts. He’s so stretched thin, emotionally he’s a wreck.

“Kanto has less than 30 active gyms, and the league is really strict, gym leaders can’t even take time off unless they have a proxy serve as acting gym leader, which most won’t take the risk.” The man said. “The previous gym leader who put Brock in charge believed he was ready to handle the responsibility.”

Arceus: Moron! The previous gym leader was Brock’s father, the order of events were as followed. Husband and Wife shared everything, she ran the house and took care of the kids, he took care of the gym and provided for the family. As Brock got older he wanted to help out around the house as to share some of the burden of the house hold. Lola took advantage of this and decided to go traveling, she was a skilled trainer in her own right so she made good money as she went, leaving her son to handle the home duties. As time continued Flint started feeling a rut, in more ways than one, not having his wife around made things hard, so Brock, again trying to be helpful, and ease some of his father’s burdens started helping out in the gym. This led Flint to trying and capture that spark of youth he had, and left Brock as his proxy and acting gym leader. They both took advantage of their son’s kindness, he gave them an inch and they took miles.

Ketchum read the man’s aura. “What about Brock’s mom?”

“She ran off to do some traveling of her own. She’s been gone for three years now. She left Brock to handle the household looking after his nine siblings.”

Ash listened to the man. “Hmm, did Brock want to become gym leader?”

The man tensed. “What? Of course he did!” He sweats. “Why would you even ask that?”

Ash shrugged. “It just seems weird, if Brock was running the household and that’s already probably tough, to get saddled with being gym leader as well must be even harder.” Ash knew his mom worked hard as a single mom just raising one kid.

“R-Right…” Guilt began to eat at the man. He hadn’t thought  of that. Arceus: Clearly…

“When you think about it, if being gym leader wasn’t Brock’s dream he’s actually missing out on his youth. He had to put his dreams on hold, because of someone else. It seems like the gym leader is kinda selfish, running off when things were already tough on Brock, leaving him with no support or safety net at all.” Ash’s words were like arrows of aura piercing through the man’s chest. “He’s actually a real cad, he had his adventures, got to enjoy his youth, traveling and raising his skills enough to be a gym leader, met a woman, had kids, started a family, and was living a pretty decent life, but threw it all away chasing a dream despite the responsibilities he had.”

Arceus: Gonna need some Aromatherapy after that one.

Ash wasn’t condoning what his mother did was much better, but the gym leader leaving Brock holding the keys to the gym when they were already in a tight spot. Judging by the flares of the man’s aura, he had a put the pieces together. “Well, I better get to bed, got to get rested up for my big match!”

The man began to panic. “Wait...you are still gonna face Brock in the special match. If you win he’ll lose the gym and his family will be put in dire straights.”

Ash paused and gave him a firm look. “I believe things will work out so long as people do what is right.” He bid the man goodnight and turned in.

His aura had flared and shook Flint to the core.


Today was the day. Brock had a bit of a rough wake up, call it a divine premonition as he had a really intense wet dream about Ash. He woke up panting, his boxers soaked with a lot of fresh cum. ‘Goopy…’ The garment clung to his morning erection and crotch. It was a tad embarrassing.

He was able to get cleaned up and freshened up, getting breakfast set for his siblings. “We’ll be rooting for you big bro!” Forrest said. The siblings cheered in agreement.

Brock ruffled Forrest’s hair. “Thanks, I’ll do my best!” His siblings were believing in him. ‘I have to win, do it for them!’ Forrest noticed his brother’s hand tightening into a fist.

The gym was packed, the seats in the stands were full. Toren got seats for him and Ash’s Pidgeotto and Butterfree. They weren’t in the match but that didn’t mean he couldn’t learn.

Brock had his two pokemon and went to a panel in the wall that had six pokemon. “Since this is a special match I’ll be using these two as well!”

Ash nodded. “Understood!” His party was with him.

‘Is he really using Pikachu, Ponyta, and Spearow for our match?’ Brock didn’t know if Ash was bold or arrogant. He mentally flashed to the make out session and the scale tilted towards bold. ‘Focus, let’s do this!’

Brock added the balls to his belt and readied his first pokemon. “Geodude let’s go!” He called out the Rock and Ground type.

“Poliwag, I choose you!” The Water Type came out. Brock’s family was nervous, as the type advantage was in Ash’s favor.

“Geodude, use Defense Curl!”

“Poliwag use Hypnosis!” His belly glowed, and Geodude fell asleep. Ash felt Poliwag’s aura shift, he had a feeling this was gonna happen, Hypnosis was mastered! They could celebrate later. “Alright Poliwag, now use Belly Drum!” He used the mastered Belly Drum, the mastered power let him cut his health by only a quarter instead of half to maximize his ATK.

“Geodude wake up!” Brock called, but the monster was fast asleep.

“Use Pound!” Poliwag charged in and slapped with Geodude with his tail.

Whoosh! Wham!

Brock was stunned, his monster was unable to battle. He had fainted. It had been a critical hit full power pound. Toren cheered, and Ash’s mons celebrated. “Return!” He called back the monster. “Let’s go!”

The next mon that was called out was Graveler. “Who who’s that Pokemon?”

Dexter: Graveler the Rock Pokemon, and the evolved form of Geodude.  Often seen rolling down mountain trails, it sees obstacles as just things to roll straight over, not avoid. Graveler grows by feeding on rocks, this pokemon will climb a mountain from base to summit, crunchingly feasting on rocks all the while. Upon reaching the top and if it’s full it’ll roll back down to the bottom.

Ash could tell this one was a lot stronger than Geodude, and it’s been well cared for. “This one is gonna be tough!”

Brock called for Bide. “Poliwag use Pound!” He hit Graveler hard but the monster was more bulky. “Use Water Gun!”

“Dodge it Graveler!” The boulder-like monster rolled, dodging the stream of water. He hit the arena’s stones and bounced off them like a pinball. It came barreling at Poliwag.

“Poliwag, use Pound to deflect it!” He hit the rock type away, to avoid being slammed by the hefty monster. More energy began to build around Graveler.

“Unleash it!” Boom! Poliwag was hit by the energy blast. Bide took the hits from Poliwag to build up power and unleash it at double strength. Normally a pokemon was stuck idle, but Graveler’s round body and large size made him pull off something incredible.

Ash had to bring Poliwag back. “You were great Poliwag, have a good rest. You used our own power against us, sweet move!” Ash praised his monster and Brock’s skill.

Onlookers were cheering, it was clear Graveler had home town support. With Poliwag defeated the tide of the match seemed to be in Brock’s favor. Ash’s remaining Pokemon were not super effective against Rock/Ground type.

Even Toren was a bit worried, the only one not worried was Ash. “Ponyta, it’s time, you’ve been training hard I feel you are close to awakening. Let’s show him what you are made of!” Ponyta nuzzled him and went out to the field. “Use Ember!”

Flames hit Graveler but it wasn’t very effective. “Graveler, use Rollout!” It rolled, surging towards Ponyta.

“Dodge it!” Ponyta was fast and jumped out of the way. It hit one of the arena stones and smashed it, showing the contrast between his idle rolling and the force of the move. “Use Ember!” Again flames pelted Graveler, but it wasn’t very effective.

“Graveler use Rollout!”

“Ponyta use Flame Charge!” The two clashed but size and power was on Graveler’s side. He did get a speed boost from the attack though.

Graveler surged forth running at boosted power and strength. Ponyta clashed with Flame Charge and he took even more damage and got thrown back. “Grav!” Ponyta smirked. Striking the fire type with Flame Body with a physical move, Graveler was left with a burn.

“Oh no Graveler!” Burn sapped his strength and put this match on a ticking clock.

Ponyta stood up. “Let’s go Ponyta Flame Charge!” He stomped his hooves and zoom, he hit Graveler hard, the Rollout continued, but Ponyta was able to dodge it with his increased speed.

The fire horse was so fast, he was able to run circles around Graveler pelting him and slamming him with fire attacks, all while the burn sucked away his stamina with each failed attack. There wasn’t anything Brock could do, Graveler was built for bulk and power, his power was crippled and Ponyta was too fast to hit.

“Graveler is unable to battle Ponyta wins the match.”

“You were awesome Graveler!”

“You rocked Graveler!” The crowd cheered.

Ash felt Ponyta’s aura flare, it means they either learned a new move or mastered one.

Brock recalled Graveler. “Next Rhyhorn come on out!” The living tank of a pokemon came out with a powerful cry.

“Ponyta come back and rest.” He had taken quite a bit of damage and burned a lot of energy. The energy he could recover. “Who’s that Pokemon?”

Dexter: Rhyhorn the Spikes Pokemon, a Rock and Ground Type. It’s covered in tough armor, giving it’s physical attacks incredible destructive power. It is known for it’s physical power, which enhance it’s offensive and defensive skills in battle. When threatened it charges and it won’t stop charging until it falls asleep.

“So cool!” Ash gushed, he wanted a Rhyhorn now, he hoped he could find one someday. “Pikachu you are up!”

They knew this gym wasn’t the best match for Pikachu. Rock types could be hit by electric type moves, but all the ones Brock was using were part Ground type, so they were immune. He was still Ash’s starter, and this was their first gym battle.

Pikachu would fight!

Brock wasn’t sure if this was a joke but Pikachu proved more troublesome than he expected.

The Electric Mouse slammed and hit Rhyhorn with Quick Attacks, over and over, chipping away at his health. “Use Horn Attack!” He struck and hit Pikachu away. “Now use Stone Edge!”

Rhyhorn conjured and gathered stones around him before launching them at Pikachu. “Double Team!” He called for the mastered move, which allowed Pikachu to dodge out of the way and avoid the hit.

“Pika!” Pikachu had clones all around the room.

“Use Rock Polish!” Rhyhorn glowed, increasing his speed by two stages. He charged with Horn Attack moving at great speed and smashing through the clones. It was a testament to how strong Rhyhorn was popping the clones as if they were nothing. The mastered move made the clones a touch more solid, like a weaker substitute.

Brock noticed that something was up with some of the moves Ash’s mons used, Toren’s mon’s were also using suped up moves as well. ‘How are they doing this?’ Not that he thought they were cheating.

The clones helped slow Rhyhorn down enough for Pikachu to dodge. “Bulldoze!” Rhyhorn charged with earth energy and managed to hit Pikachu hard and knocked him out. Pikachu wasn’t back down, he kept using Quick Attack to chip away.

His aura surged and Pikachu pushed past his limits and learned Extreme Speed! He hit Rhyhorn hard but got knocked out by Stone Edge. “You did great buddy!” Ash picked him up and brought him back over.

It was down to Ponyta and Spearow.

While it seemed quick, the match was quite intense and lasted quite a bit. Despite it seemingly one sided, the crowd was on the edge of their seats. Pikachu chipped away at Rhyhorn’s health and made him burn his energy. Ponyta had time to recover.

He came out. Ash checked his Pokedex and Ponyta did indeed learn a new move. ‘Sweet! This will be interesting!’

Thanks to Rock Polish Rhyhorn was able to keep up with Ponyta, it was a sight to see, the rhinoceros-like monster keeping up with the horse-like monster. The two raced around the arena. “Give it up Ash Rhyhorn’s not giving up until he hits.” The crowd was eating the match up.

“Or until he falls asleep!” Ash smirked. “Ponyta use Hypnosis!”

“Ponyta can use Hypnosis?” Brock couldn’t believe it. They could, long ago, and thanks to Ash awakening his potential he was able to learn it again.

Ponyta’s mane began to shift and turn, the flames dancing round and round in an enticing way. Rhyhorn gazed at the dancing flames and fell into a trance, falling asleep. He collapsed.

“Flame Charge let’s go!” The fire type began to pelt Rhyhorn, hitting him faster and faster, Ash saw his aura flare once more. Ponyta mastered Flame Charge!

Rhyhorn work up, but now Ponyta was too fast to stop. “Rhyhorn is unable to battle Ponyta is the winner!” The monster was returned.

Brock’s hand tightened on the last monster ball he had. His Onix, his first pokemon, it was the monster his dad gave him on his 10th birthday, it felt so long ago. ‘Come on buddy, we have to win this!’ He thought of his siblings.

Ash could feel his aura surge, his emotions were swirling. “Onix Go!” He called out the giant stone snake.

Ketchum called back Ponyta. “Spearow, this is your time to shine!” It was a surprise for Ash to send a flying type against a rock type, but the crowd couldn’t wait to see what this trainer did next.

Believe it or not Ash did have a plan here, while Spearow’s moves weren’t very effective, he was immune to Ground type moves like Dig. “Spearow use Feather Dance!” the move was stronger than normal being mastered, it greatly dropped Onix’s power.

“Onix use Slam!” He tried to hit Spearow hard, and while he connected his drop in ATK power was effective. Spearow was knocked back but came back swiftly.

“Now Spearow use Leer!” Onix’s aura shifted his defense dropping.

“Use Rock Throw!” Brock called. It flicked it’s tail sending a rock at Spearow. Despite the super effective move, his loss of power caused Spearow to survive.

He used Leer once more dropping his Defense further. Brock grit his teeth. This was bad. “Rock Throw again!”

“Dodge it!” Ash called and Spearow moved fast, dodging the rock and flying towards Onix. “Use Peck!” The mastered move was unleashed, and while it lacked power or effectiveness, Spearow was moving fast hitting Onix again. His loss of defense made the attacks deal quite a bit more damage than normal.

“Use Bind!”

“Counter it with Fury Attack!” Onix coiled around Spearow, but despite the damage, the tough bird fought back and began to peck the heck out of Onix. The point blank hit was a full blast.

Onix fell, despite doing his best to hold on. Spearow let out a cheer in his victory. The battle was over...Ash was the victor...

“Oooo!” Onix got back up, and Spearow looked ready to fight.

“Hold on Spearow.” Ash said.

“Yes, the fight is over.” Onix wasn’t conscious, he had stood up but he was out. “Thank you Onix, you battle well!” He returned his partner. ‘It’s over...I lost…’

Despite his loss the crowd cheered. It was an astounding match, Brock’s monsters and the gym’s monsters both did well. Ash had so many surprises, the way his monsters used their moves was impressive.

Brock went over to Ash to present him with the badge. “Thanks for the amazing gym battle, it was a blast!” Ash said with a smile.

He nodded. “Indeed it was. I’ve never seen moves used in that way before. How did you do that?”

“Maybe we can discuss it, over dinner?”

Brock blushed. ‘Is he asking me out?’

“I um...I oh right the badge and here, TM Rock Polish as a reward for winning the special challenge.” He handed over the TM but before he could hand the badge over.

“Hold it!” The two turned to see the bearded man, who revealed himself.

“Dad!?” Brock gasped.

“I’m sorry, but you can’t have the Boulder Badge.” Flint approached.

“Dad, he beat me, I lost fair and square.” The crowd was equally confused, no one understood what was happening.

“As of today, my son is no longer gym leader, I finished the paperwork this morning, I’ve officially returned to my roll as gym leader. His record has been sealed.”

Ash closed his eyes in realization. “I see…”

“As it stands you don’t have the pokemon to meet the special challenge of four v four do you?” He shook his head.

Brock looked between Ash and his father. “No I don’t, so it looks like I can’t battle today.”

“Because of this mess I’ll allow you to challenge my gym again, but you’ll need 7 badges before I’ll accept your challenge.”

The crowd and Brock were about to protest. “That’s fine. This was a great experience even if it wasn’t with the official gym leader.” Ash smiled at Brock. “Thank you for the wonderful time.”

“You may keep the TM.” Flint said.

‘What just happened?’ Because Flint took ownership of the gym once more, the loss record was reset. Brock’s loss today and his previous losses were sealed, meaning the gym would stay open, Flint would run the gym again, and Brock was free.

Ash left with his mons to get them treated. “Sorry guys, I know how hard you worked to get that badge, and you’ll be properly rewarded for your hard work. We can wait on the Boulder Badge, next time we face Flint we’ll be even stronger.” It was for a good cause and the monsters accepted this. Even if there was no badge they still won their first gym match so it was time to party.

To be continued

Ash Ketchum Badges 0 Pokemon 6/6  On Hand: Pikachu, Pidgeotto, Poliwag, Spearow, Ponyta, Butterfree Oak’s Lab: Weedle Ring Plates: Electric/Barbed, Water/Tentacle, Flying/Drill, Fire/Knot, Grass/Multi Vine Tentacle, Bug/Sounding-Beads Abilities: Aura Items: Rainbow Feather, Pokedex,


Pikachu: Ability Static | Size: 5 Inches | Moves: Nuzzle*, Quick Attack, Double Team*, Thunder Shock*

Pidgeotto: Ability Keen Eye | Size 10 Inches | Moves Tackle, Sand Attack*, Gust*, Quick Attack

Poliwag: Ability Water Absorb | Size 5 Inches | Moves Water Gun*, Belly Drum*, Pound, Hypnosis

Spearow: Ability Sniper | Size 4 | Moves Peck*, Feather Dance*, Leer, Fury Attack

Ponyta: Ability: Flame Body | Size 8 | Moves Tackle, Ember, Flame Charge,

Butterfree: Ability Compound Eyes | 4 Inches | Gust, String Shot*, Bug Bite, Confusion  Mastered Moves: Harden*


Toren Badges 1 Pokemon 6/6 On Hand: Roots (Bulbasaur), Bloom (Oddish), Ivy (Bellsprout), Jam (Nidoran M), Jelly (Nidoran F), Rumble (Paras) Oak’s Lab: Hermes (Pidgeotto)  Items: Moon Stone x 2, Journal, Pokedex


Roots (Bulbasaur) Ability ? | Size ? | Moves: Sleep Powder, Vine Whip*, Leech Seed, Razor Leaf

Bloom (Oddish): Mega Drain, Poison Powder, Acid, Sweet Scent Mastered Moves: Growth*

Ivy (Bellsprout): Vine Whip, Stun Spore, Wrap, Synthesis, Mastered Moves: Growth*

Jam (Nidoran M): Ability: Poison Point | Moves: Horn Attack, Poison Sting*, Fury Attack, Double Kick

Jelly (Nidoran F): Ability Poison Point | Moves: Scratch, Poison Sting*, Fury Swipes,

Rumble (Paras) : Ability: Dry Skin Moves: Absorb, Stun Spore, Poison Powder, and Venoshock


Cross Badges 1 Pokemon 3/6 - ? On Hand: Charmander, Doduo, Spearow, ???

Gary Badges 1 Pokemon 5/6 - ? On Hand: Squirtle, Rattata, Pidgey, Spearow, Magikarp, ???

Mist Badges 1 Pokemon ?/6


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