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Pocket Monster parody | Tier 1/Phone Fic/Bad Day Fic

AN: Yard work kinda wrecked me yesterday so managed to work this out on my phone

Battle Club Advanced

Ash caught a Tepig at the Battle Club. These clubs offer trainers a chance to battle, train, and hone your skills. Ash uses it to get ready for battles in Unova. This changes his paths and connections.

Chapter 1

Ash had come to Unova with his partner Pikachu. In Unova trainers could carry up to 9 pokemon at a time, and even offered things called Triple Battles. Ash had Pikachu, Oshowatt, and now Tepig. He wanted to battle with these guys at his next gym match, but he needed to see what they could do.

Luckily he was at the battle club, where Don George offered trainers a chance to battle. Ash registered, and a lot of trainers saw he had a Pikachu. They were rare in Unova so Ash was getting a lot of requests.

Pikachu got to battle Servine, Snivy, Dewott, Deerling, Pignite, Patrat, and Pidoves. He needed to get Pikachu back into fighting shape. It was working.

He had Oshowatt battle a couple of other Oshowotts, Patrats, Tepigs, Pidove, Lillipup, and Pignites. Oshowatt needed training and development being his first Unova Pokemon.

As for Tepig he had him battle some Snivy, Servine, Lillipups, Deerling, Patrat, and Purrloin. He even battled some other Tepigs. Ash learned a lot about his new Pokemon and they learned some new moves. He definitely wanted to use Tepig at the next gym.

Ash's Tepig had the ability Thick Fat, which made him strong against Fire and Ice type moves. Tepig had Tackle, Smog, and Ember, and he learned Flame Charge. Ash trained right along side him, strengthening his Ember, building his speed, and learning his new move.

His Oshawott had the ability Shell Armor, normally this just defended against crit hits, but his Oshawott could block attacks with his scalchop. He worked on building Oshawott's confidence, speed and power. Don George even gave him a weighted shell for Oshawott to train with. Like Tepig he trained right beside him.

He knew Water Gun, Razor Shell, Fury Cutter, and Don George helped him learn Icy Wind. Ash worked with them, even serving as an attack target, which earned a lot of respect. With trainers coming around to practice these new moves on.

"Ash we can't hang around here forever!" Iris snapped.

"We can, we are training." His pokemon agreed.

"Well I want to head to the next town, so we got to leave!" She huffed. Ash shook his head.

"Don George gave me a map, and you aren't the nicest tour guide." He said. "What kind of tour guide insults the tourist?"

"Don't get mad at me, you're such a kid!" Iris huffed.

"That's it, bye!" Ash said and walked off to battle another trainer. Iris wanted to battle Ash, but didn't want to lose so she left in a huff. Don George and his assistants were a lot tougher than local trainers, only Pikachu could handle them. "Watch this guys!" He had Tepig and Oshawott watch the battle.

Don George had a Throh and Ash used Pikachu. Their bond was strong, Ash and Pikachu battled together with such intensity. He showed them the Spin Dodge he learned in Sinnoh, and the Counter Shield. Then to top off he showed them attack combinations, this was the most advanced training, and would come when they picked up more moves. Even Don George was impressed, unique battle moves and styles could be interesting to see and experience.

Pikachu beat Throh, and Don George gave Ash a battle club rank card. He was at the Bronze rank. "You can raise your rank by battling my brothers at the other Battle Clubs." Bronze was the lowest rank, but not a lot of new trainers even had it.

The ranks went from Bronze, Silver, Gold, Ruby, Sapphire, Pearl, and Diamond Class. Each class offered special rewards, even discounts at the Pokemon Marketplace. Now Ash could earn points when he battles trainers, and he could trade those points for monster balls, accessories, and more. In order to raise his rank he’d have to battle 10 trainers of equal rank, before battling a Don George at a club.

Tepig learned the Spin Dodge, and Oshawott learned the Counter Shield. Their skills were honed, battling Don George's assistants and other trainers. Ash felt they were ready for their first Gym Badge.


With Don George's map Ash made it to Striaton City. He was all set to go to the gym, he just had to find it. "Such a kid!" Ash tensed with a growl.

Iris sprung down from a tree. "What do you want?"

"Just seeing if you'd make it without me. Seems you are already lost without me." She shrugged and Axew chimed in agreeing with her. Ash and Pikachu shared a look. These two were annoying.

"An Axew!" The duo turned to see a green haired male approaching them. "A unique sight around here, the two of you are fresh and new just forming a bond." Iris gasped in shock, as he hit the nail on the head.

"So wait, you are a new trainer, and you were calling me a kid?" Ash pointed a finger at her.

"Shut up!" She snapped.Truth hurts sometimes.

"Oh a Pikachu!" The male examined Ash and Pikachu. "It's so rare to see one here in Unova." He began to evaluate them. "This Pikachu has been raised well, it has had many battles and is full of experience. Like a roast cooked perfectly with time. I can see the passion and power in his eyes, seasoned with trust and respect for his trainer. You two have been through a lot."

Ash chuckled. "Yeah Pikachu has been my buddy for years. We've been through a lot together." Pikachu agreed and nuzzled Ash. Their bond radiated warmth. "How could you tell?"

"My name is Cilan and I'm a Pokemon Connoisseur." The green haired male said, and performed an elegant bow.

Ash was a bit confused. “You’re such a little kid!” Iris said, annoying him.

“It’s actually not a profession well known outside of Unova.” Pokemon Connoisseurs use their knowledge and experience to gauge the bond between people and pokemon. They can give tips on how to help trainers get closer to their pokemon, and even help trainers find pokemon that’d suit their style and personality.

Ketchum was curious and wanted to get his other pokemon evaluated. “Aren’t you forgetting something?” Iris pointed out.

“Oh right, the gym!”

“Ah, so you are a gym challenger. I know where the Striaton Gym is!” Cilan leads the way, taking Ash and Iris to a grand looking building.

Ketchum charges in. “Let’s battle!”

“Pika pika!” Pikachu agreed.

What was before him was a bit confusing. Instead of a typical gym Ash was seeing a restaurant, there were women dining at a few tables. There were two waiters, a young man with red hair, and a young man with blue hair. “Hold on a minute…this is a gym?”

Suddenly Ash is approached by the red haired and blue haired waiter. “Hello there!” The red head said.

“Welcome friends!” The blue haired male said.

“Make yourself at home!” Cilan said and gave Ash a nudge.

He was brought to the table and was bombarded. “What would you like to order?”

“Can I start you off with a drink, I recommend the soda pop!”

“We have a fantastic lunch menu, I recommend the spicy wings, the heat is explosive.”

“A small appetizer would be nice, we have fresh salads.”

The guys seemed more interested in feeding Ash than battling. Ketchum didn’t know what this was about, but felt his frustrations build until he snapped. “I just want to have a Striaton City Gym battle!”

“A gym battle!?” The girls in the room began to swoon and gush. Their reaction left the trainer from Kanto even more confused. Just as he was about to leave, Cilan and the two waiters took center stage.

It appears the Striaton Gym offered dinner and a show, the show being Gym Battles. This gym had triple leaders, and the three of them were brothers. Chili was the young man with red hair, and Cress was the waiter with blue hair. Each of them had their own sets of fan girls, all swooning over to see them battle.

The back wall opened up revealing a gym stage. The tables shifted to offer front row seats to the battle.

Their rules were simple, Ash got to pick which gym leader he’d face. Chili stepped up and showed off his pokemon. “Pansear heats on!” He called out a fire monkey pokemon.

“Panpour make a splash.” Cress called out his water monkey pokemon.

Cilan whipped out his monster ball. “Come on out, my partner!” He brought out Pansage, a grass monkey Pokemon.

Ketchum dexed the monkeys and learned about each one, he’d be up against either a fire type, water type, or a grass type. “So Ash, would you like to choose me as your opponent?”

Chili pushed forward. “Have a battle with me!”

Cress looked aloof. “I must admit, I wouldn’t mind being your opponent.”

Ash smiled. “Well the truth is, I wanna battle all three of you!” His declaration surprised the brothers. No one had ever asked for such a thing before. His reason for doing so was because this was his first gym battle in Unova and he wanted to battle as many different pokemon as he possibly could. “Please say yes!”

Well the rules were the rules, Ash picked the gym leader(s) he wished to face, now if he wanted his gym badge he’d have to face all three and win!

To be continued…Triple Battle Triple Threat

Ash takes on brothers in intense one on one matches, Ketchum’s style and tactics win over each of the gym leaders and makes them want to travel. Because Unova has the most gyms in every region gym leaders can temporarily close their gyms to go on training journeys and the like.


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