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Fairy Tail parody: Tier 1

Saucy Fire Demon

Without Igneel's protection Natsu was hunted as a Fire Demon. He's protected by Master Bob and taken in to Blue Pegasus. He comes to be quite popular in and outside of the guild. Natsu/Loke/Harem

Chapter 1

Natsu is a fire demon, he was placed with the Fire Dragon Igneel for his protection and training, learning the ways of fire magic. When Igneel vanished, he was left on his own.

He tried to find Igneel and was attacked and called a monster. Things got so bad, an angry mob tried to hunt him down. Natsu could have fought back, but didn’t want to be seen as the monster they were calling him. “Now that’s not very nice!”

A strange person appeared. The mob began to sweat. “It’s Master Bob!”

Bob crossed their arms. “What do you think you are doing, ganging up on a child!”

One of the mob pointed a sword at Natsu. “That’s no child, look at him he’s a demon!” The pinkette had red and black horns, his hands and feet were crimson red with black nails.

“The only demons I see is the fear in your own hearts!” Bob snapped. “Look at yourselves, shame on you!”

The mob shared looks between them. They knew Bob was a powerful wizard, and was the guild master of Blue Pegasus. “Just...get out of our way, we need to kill the demon before he destroys us all!”

Bob dusted their hands off. “Very well, if you want him you’ll have to go through me!” This suddenly got a whole lot more dangerous.

Some with magic weapons had the balls to charge. “Sparkle Wink!” Bob winked, their magic activating and blasting the fools away. With a single wink magic sparkles shot out and blasted them.

“Oh crap!” They began to run.

“Big bullies, not so tough now, here is a parting gift. Kiss Off!” Bob blew them a kiss and blew them up.

Natsu’s eyes sparkled. “Wow!”

Bob turned to him. “Are you okay sweetie, those meanies didn’t hurt you did they?” Natsu shook his head no. “That’s good!” Bob ruffled his hair, mindful of the horns.

Natsu’s stomach growled. “Oh you poor dear, you must be hungry.”

He clutched his stomach. “Do you have any fire?”

Bob chuckled. “That can be arranged.” Natsu was brought to the Wizard Guild Blue Pegasus, it was run like a Host Club, catering to all genders. The atmosphere was wild, but Natsu felt this was a very fun place.

He stayed at this guild, learning magic and training as a wizard. Natsu learned to hide his demon traits with magic, Bob said he didn’t have to, but it made things easier. Dragneel didn’t want to be a burden on anyone, and lot of wizards in Blue Pegasus had body altering magics.

Glamour was a big thing. Natsu was a natural looker, even with his demon traits. The demon was able to pick up glamour spells easily enough. As a fire demon he was able to pick up different fire spells quick, he was able to eat fire. His demon seed dominating it and making it his own.

Natsu also worked as a server in the club, to pick up extra cash between quests. Because of his strength he also worked as a bouncer, when guests got too...intense! He could manifest his demon traits, and it was seen as simple Take Over magic.

Once he came of age, he was able to start learning host techniques. Natsu’s good looks helped draw in customers, his years of training helped him build up muscle, so he had a rocking body. He used the techniques he absorbed over the years.

People came in all sorts, with love and desires in all sorts of flavors.

The demon had a saucy charm that captured people’s hearts, he was able to ignite sparks of desire and fan them into full on flames. He stopped being a server, but remained as a bodyguard and bouncer.


A group of men were hounding a female wizard. Karen was quite popular with men, she was beautiful, but said beauty was surface level. She had a handful of boyfriends and was always looking for more. The guild often had to deal with her messy break ups.

No one in the guild believed Karen loved any of them, the only person she loved was herself. She used men; for money, for sex, for rewards, even for fun. Karen once toyed with a man, because he was dating someone else, she seduced him away from his girlfriend and swiftly broke up with him. She was sadistic and cruel, and that was too guests/dates.

Some men liked sadism, being masochists themselves. Karen got bored of them quickly, believing it wasn’t as fun if they liked it. She liked bullying men, not seeing how toxic she was being.

She was a celestial spirit wizard, and she treated her spirits worse than she treated her boyfriends. She saw them as tools without minds or feelings, which was just 100% wrong, but Karen didn’t care about facts just her own opinion.

The men hounding her were all men she flirted with and brought back to the guild to raise her customer quota. Only to “forget” she had a quest to do, and couldn’t spend any time with them, even though they paid. “I’m so busy, Aries you deal with them!”

She opened the Gate of the Ram, one of the 12 Golden Keys. Aries appeared and immediately got uncomfortable. “Master...I’m not meant to entertain men!”

Karen didn’t care. “Just do as I say!” The guys surrounded Aries, finding her quite cute. This annoyed Karen, as despite summoning her to get these guys off her, she couldn’t stand other women (and men) being more popular than her.

Aries began to panic. “Hey guys!” Natsu stepped in. “Aries is a sweet girl, but why don’t you hang with me!”

Dragneel was dressed in a black suit with a red tie, and a white scarf. He smiled at them warmly, causing a few of the guys to blush and their hearts to skip a beat. “Buzz off, we are here for beautiful girls not some pink haired pretty boy!”

Natsu nodded. “I totally get it, but lets have a drink as friends, on me!” He was so warm and polite, it was hard to say no. With a push from the dudes who got ignited by Natsu, the band of men went to his booth.

Karen didn’t like Natsu, despite him just bailing her out. He’s only been a host for a year, and his numbers were higher than hers. “You shouldn’t interfere you little upstart. Even if you are a little popular, I’m still a senior member of this guild. Show me some respect!”

Natsu turned to her, his warm features becoming serious and hard. “I’ll start showing you some respect, when you start treating your spirits with respect.” Aries blushed.

She twitched in annoyance. “What was that, how dare you try to tell me how to treat my tools?!” Karen went for her whip, but Natsu’s magic flared.

Flames surged around him, reminding Karen of just how powerful he was. Despite being younger and newer, Dragneel had far surpassed her, in both strength and magic power. He could go even toe to toe with her strongest spirit Leo. “Spirits aren’t tools, they have hearts and minds, they are alive and should be treated with respect!”

It was clear Aries didn’t want to be dragged into Karen’s mess, so Natsu stepped in for her sake, not the wizard’s sake. He didn’t say anything about how she treated her “boy toys” that sadly was her business and if men chose to want to be with Karen despite her actions he couldn’t force them. At best he could help pick up the pieces after she broke their hearts.

Karen balled her hand up in anger, she hated having a man talk back to her. She couldn’t do anything about it, morally speaking she was in the wrong, logically speaking Natsu was right, even if Karen refused to accept his views, and magically speaking Natsu was stronger than her and she knew it. Technically she could attack Natsu, but it would end badly for her.

Natsu left her, leaving Aries watching him with her eyes sparkling. You could tell by the look in her eyes, she wished for a master as cool and kind as him. It only fueled Karen’s anger.

As promised Natsu entertained the guys who fancied him, while sharing a drink with the guys who didn’t. He listened to them talk and lent them a friendly ear. Once he learned enough about them he played match maker. Dragneel had some of his customers called over and hooked them up.

His match making didn’t even lose him customers, sometimes the couples would come back and request him. It was just nice spending time with Natsu.

The guys who fancied him, got some special care that kept them coming back for more. They were like moths to the flame.


Aries was gushing over Natsu. “You should have seen him, he stood up to Karen.” She giggled like a school girl. “He was so brave and cool.”

Leo hearing this, made him wish they could find a master like Natsu. He was just worried about what would come next, they were bound to Karen and unless their contracts were broken they were stuck with their sadistic master.

To be continued...Karen’s Mistake


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