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Fairy Tail parody: Patreon Reward

Chapter 6 

Chapter 7 S-Class Trial

It was the year 783, Makarov was looking forward to this year’s S-Class Trial Exam. There were some promising young wizards who he believed to be ready for the exam.

Kage noticed that all week everyone was hustling and bustling. “What’s going on?”

Alzack explained it to him. “It’s S-Class Trail season, so everyone is working hard to try and get the master to select them for the exam.” Becoming an S-Class Wizard was a big deal.

The second floor of the guild was reserved for S-Class Wizards, and it was where the S-Class Quests and higher were found. It was a high honor, where the guild recognized your skills and abilities.

A lot of things were taken into consideration for being picked, number of quests completed, rank of quests completed, magic power, magic abilities, and growth. “It’s a really big deal!”

Kage looked around, then back to Alzack. “Why aren’t you hustling?”

The gunner blushed and rubbed the back of his head. “I’m not ready for the exam. I still have a long way to go. Plus…” The ones holding the trial this year were scary, Mirajane, Laxus, and Erza!

Laxus was waiting for Makarov to make the announcement. The blonde was quite intimidating in presence.

Makarov gathered the guild. “I have decided on the wizards participating in the S-Class Exam this year, Cana!” This wasn’t a surprise as she had been in the exam last year. “Gray!” The ice wizard blushed, he wasn’t expecting this.

Laxus wasn’t pleased. ‘He’s not strong enough yet!’


The pinkette jumped for joy. “Alright!”

Bang! Laxus banged his fist on a table. “Is this a joke?!” His body crackled with lightning. “I object!”

Everyone looked at Laxus. “This decision is made by the Guild Master, which isn’t you!” Makarov said. The blonde glared at his grandfather.

Cana and Gray were one thing, but Laxus found Natsu to be too weak to enter. “We can’t allow just anyone to be S-Class, the title will be seen as a joke.”

Makarov nodded. “While this is true, I am recognizing the growth and accomplishments that Natsu and Gray have achieved. They have grown stronger, and the selection process just gives one the opportunity to be S-Class, the trial will decide if they are ready or not.” He had a point, Cana has entered the exam 3 times before and she hadn’t passed.

Laxus huffed. ‘Fine, don’t get too excited Natsu. I’m one of the examiners in this exam I’ll make sure you fail!’ The blonde was a big believer in power, his father drilled it into his head that power was everything.

Makarov made it clear there were other potential wizards, but they were gone on quests or were away. There was always next year.

The rules were simple, each applicant had to find a partner and would take the exam together, with only the applicant viable for S-Class of course. Being mates Kage and Alzack thought Natsu and Gray would enter together, but since they were both applicants that wasn’t allowed.

Alzack and Kage shared a look, both wishing to help Natsu get to S-Class. Gray had his partner covered. Loke and him made a deal from the year prior, that they’d enter the S-Class exam together. The playboy said he’d help the ice wizard out and get him to S-Class one day.

Cana asked Bisca to partner up, so she was covered.

Natsu just needed a partner. His two pack members were playing a game of rock, paper, scissors to see who’d be his partner.

“Oh yeah!” Kage cheered. He won with scissors.

Natsu patted Alzack’s shoulder. “It’s okay, if you keep growing next year maybe you’ll be up for an S-Class wizard!” His heart fluttered.

‘Don’t plan on passing this year Natsu…’ Laxus thought.


To get to the site of the exam they had to go by boat. Mira, Erza, and Laxus were already on the island, waiting for them.

“Hooooot…” Gray was sitting butt ass naked, sweating from the heat. There wasn’t a cloud in the sky, so the summer heat was just beating down on them. His legs were spread wide, sweat rolling over his muscles. “I’m melting...”

Loke was wearing speedos, showing off his sexy figure and his green guild mark on his back. “This heat is no joke!” Loke chuckled.

Kage was wearing swim trunks and sandals, he was using his magic. “Shadow Cradle!”

Natsu was supported by the shadow magic, able to avoid the motion sickness of being on a boat. “Thanks Kage!” He was sunbathing butt naked, unless you count his scarf, but he was relaxing in the sunshine. The heat didn’t bother him, as much as the motion sickness would have.

Cana and Bisca were in bathing suits to try and counter the heat.

Makarov appears and explains the exam, the teams must make it to the island and there were five paths to take. Erza, Mirajane, and Laxus were at the end of three of those paths, one path was the lucky path making it through the first trial without a battle, the other path was an unlucky path meaning an instant failure from the exam. It sounded harsh but it was because of the number of applicants this year.

The next phase of the exam would be explained to those that passed the first phase. Cana was feeling determined, as the years before, she didn’t make it past the first phase of the exam. Makarov fired off a magic blast signaling the beginning of the exam.

Kage created a Shadow Gondola and used it to sail towards the island. Natsu gave him a pack of his stuff before diving into the water and skinny dipped towards the island.

“Ice Make Boat!” Gray crafted a boat of ice, and the team of Loke and Fullbuster began to row.

The girls went for a swim and worked towards the island.

Natsu and Kageyama made it to the island. The dragon slayer got dressed as Kage scouted the area with his shadow magic. “Which way should we go?”

He pointed at one path and said. “That path leads to a dead end, it must be the instant fail path.” Natsu didn’t care about the easy path either. He wanted to fight, be it Laxus, Erza, or Mira, he didn’t care.

Laxus sensed Natsu arrive on the island. ‘Come here!’ He let his magic flare, causing a storm to form over his path.

Dragneel spotted it. “That one!” Kage had a bad feeling about this. They entered the cave, and Kage had to stop Natsu. As soon as they picked their route a barrier formed behind them, making it so no one else could enter, and the only way out was through Laxus.


Laxus smirked. “The fool actually ran right for me, too bad he won’t make it to me.” As examiners they could adjust the exam area as they wish. So Laxus put in lacrima as traps all through his path.

The blonde could see it, Natsu charging in blindly, tripping all his magical and even some non magical traps. He made sure not to use any fire ones, those wouldn’t work on him. That wouldn’t matter he had enough lightning lacrima to roast him.

‘Better luck next year Natsu.’ He began to laugh. “Huh?”

Suddenly Natsu and Kage came into his area. “We made it!” They looked totally fine.

Laxus blinked, staring in disbelief. “How did you get passed my traps?!”

Natsu chuckled and gestured to Kage. He had used his Dispel Magic, to deactivate the lacrima, then used his Shadow Pull to grab and remove the traps sucking them into the shadows. Laxus was annoyed. “You should have let those traps take you out it’d have been easier for you!”

His magic power flared, lightning crackling over his body. He fired lightning at them. “Guard Shadow!” Kage’s shadow spread out and formed a dome around them. It took Laxus’s attack, and the shadows shifted causing the lightning to wash over the dome.

It kept going and hit the wall causing some damage. ‘Jeez...this guy is a monster!’ If his shield had tried to fully block that attack it’d have shattered. That lightning would have ripped him a new one.

“Let’s do this!” Natsu cracked his knuckles. “Fire Dragon Wing Attack!”

Kage dropped the dome. “Shadow Knuckle!”

The two attacked Laxus but he was able to bat their attacks away with lightning. “Chain Lightning!” He pointed at Natsu and launched a bolt at him.

Dragneel managed to dodge and it struck the wall and ricochet. “Look out!” Kage used Shadow Pull to grab Natsu and move him out of the way. The bolt kept bouncing, forcing the two to dodge.

Laxus enjoyed the show laughing at how funny the two looked. “This is why you aren’t ready for S-Class, this is pathetic!”

Natsu poured of bunch of magic into his fist and punched the bolt. Flames and lightning clashed, with the force of his fist winning out. “We’ll see about that!”

Laxus removed his jacket. “Fine, I’ll show you the hard way!” He turned into lightning and flew at Natsu.

Dragneel kicked off his sandles, flames surged around his feet, and he used them to propel him. The Flame Booster helped him avoid Laxus’s attack. Dreyar followed through and took a swing at Kage.

He sank into his shadow and avoided the attack. “Don’t look away from me Laxus!” Natsu launched a kick at him, which the blonde dodged.

“Fine, you’re partner is so weak I’ll give you my full attention, before I squash him!”

Natsu smirked. “You’ve got a bad attitude Laxus, I’m gonna teach you a lesson!”

Dreyar couldn’t help but laugh. “Teach me a lesson, I’d like to see you try!”

The fire dragon slayer took a deep breath. “Orange Flare!” He conjured the Orange Flames. He launched two fire balls at him.

Laxus used his fists to bat away the attacks. “What was that, those flames barely even tickled.”

He gathered the flames again and sucked them up. “Fire Dragon Secret Art: Orange Flame Dragon Roar!” The flames mixed with his dragon slayer magic, he unleashed a roar of orange fire.

Dreyar raised his arms and blocked the roar attack. The orange fire washed over him. His body was licked all over growing hot by the flames. The roar ended and Laxus stood seemingly undamaged. “Hahaha, what was that?”

He looked himself over and even his clothes weren’t singed. “That flame is pathetic, it couldn’t even scratch me!” Natsu smirked. Laxus’s hands pulled off his shirt, showing off his abs and pecs.

Heat was working through his veins. Laxus flexed and his muscles popped and bounced. “See, not a scratch!” He laughed. His hands came up and began playing with his nipples. “Your flames didn’t even tickle!”

The blonde’s teasing made his heart race, spreading the heat through him. Soon it became clear Laxus wasn’t wearing underwear, as his dick began to bulge out the crotch. His nipples hardened from the teasing and Laxus began to pinch them. “Mmm!”

He kicked off his shoes. “Looks like you’ve gotten excited Laxus.” Natsu pointed out.

Laxus looked down and saw his bulge. ‘Why am I hard?’ Heat pulled into his groin. ‘Ugh, who cares…’ His hands dropped from his chest and he undid his pants.

The garment dropped and his cock sprang up, slap! It hit his abs with a lewd clap. Laxus was huge, 12 inches of pure raw fuck meat, and thick as a fist. Kage was shocked at his girth, sure Natsu was longer, but Laxus was thicker.

One hand returned to his nipple, while his left hand moved down to grip his “lightning rod”. He started working his shaft, pumping and pumping, while his right hand pinched his nipple. A jolt of pleasure went from his nipple down to his penis.

His cock felt hot, the friction making him only hotter.

Something about this seemed odd to Laxus. He had stripped naked and was now masturbating in front of Natsu. The pinkette’s gaze was on him, and it made him feel hotter. “Mmm yeah!” He squeezed his cock, his fingers not reaching all around.

From how he worked his length, he was no strange to the love from his own hand. ‘Why am I jerking off?’ The thought slipped in. ‘Why am I so horny?’ The massive meat was leaking pre-cum.

“Are you feeling it in your ass yet, Laxus?” Natsu’s voice cut through and burned away any other thoughts. Yes he did, he felt heat pulling into his ass, making his insides grow hot and tingly.

“Yeah…” The hand on his nipple dropped, and used the free lube that was leaking out of his penis. His digits got slicked up and he reached back and began to tease his hole.

Going by his body language he wasn’t used to playing with this area. Natsu guided him. Laxus had a strong will, but his body while muscled and thick, was weak in spirit.

His Orange Flame Roar, had taken over Laxus’s body. ‘What am I doing...I gotta…’

“On your knees!” Laxus obeyed, getting comfortable as he fingered himself. One finger, turned into two, and he scissored himself open.

He shouldn’t have underestimated him. Pleasure was making the magic of the orange flare spread through him, it was making it hard for him to focus, think, and process.

Three fingers worked his hole, twisting and thrusting, stirring up his insides. Natsu helped set a pace, balancing front and back. His cock was weeping, pre-cum being smeared over his shaft, allowing Laxus to work himself faster. His big nuts were bouncing from the pumping.

Laxus was overflowing. Kage fetched his jacket and laid it out in front of the blonde.

The digits curled and rubbed his sweet spot. Pleasure shot up his spine. ‘The fuck was that!’ His hole tightened around his fingers and his cock twitched, pre-cum oozing out and dribbling onto his jacket.

Natsu made him rub his sweet spot, driving him crazy. “Ohhhh~!” He came hard, thick spurts launching and marking his jacket. It had been awhile since he fucked or got off, so his load was heavy.

The effects of the roar wore off, and Laxus came back down from his pleasure high. “Natsu...the fuck did you do…” As he raised his head his eyes landed on a ball of orange fire.

With the previous orgasm and lust still thumping through his veins his mental defenses were weak. He gazed into the ball of orange fire, falling into a deep trance. “Let’s teach you a lesson!”

Kage watched as Natsu fingered him, giving him a crash course in anal delights. Laxus was humping the air as Natsu fingered him, his hands were on his nipples, toying with the perky buds. “Ahh ahh ahh ahh ahh ahh ahh~!” He was panting and drooling, as he had another anal orgasm, shooting more cum all over his favorite jacket. Kage played with his penis, enjoying the show, when he came he shot his load all over Laxus’s pecs.

The cum ran over his beefy tits, before running over his abs. His dick bounced and slapped his stomach, making wet slaps, and adding an extra burst of pleasure through his groin.

Four orgasms later Laxus dropped collapsing into a puddle of his own cum. He was down for the count. The door to the path opened up and it was deemed Natsu and Kage won.

Natsu gave them a heat bath and they carried on. “Wait what about you?” Kage eyed the massive bulge in Natsu’s pants.

Dragneel smirked. “Later, after we win this exam!”

To be continued...Shadow Mating


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