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Yugioh Gx parody: Tier 1/Phone Fic

AN: started this while running errands yesterday please enjoy

Tanuki Jaden
Jaden is a tanuki from another dimension. He’s from a dimension of monsters, but as it turned out he’s only half monster. His father was human and had used a shadow charm to come to their world. He has one half of the charm and his father has the other half. Even only half the charm Jaden is able to work some magic and eventually come to the human world, one of them anyway. He takes on a human disguise and becomes a duelist, believing it would be the fastest way to find his father, plus he can have some fun and build a harem while he’s at it.

Chapter 1

In the universe there were all kinds of dimensions, some existed as fragments of time, others were core universes, that had other universes splinter off from it or be connected to it. Parallel Dimensions and Shadow Dimensions became a subject of study.

Some time ago a man used a Shadow Charm to find his way into a world of monsters. He learned much from this world and left behind a piece of himself. The man faced a strong Tanuki woman who defeated him in a game and the two had a bit of fun. She became with child and the man left behind half of his shadow charm.

He couldn’t stay in the monster world forever, but he believed he’d see his son again in the future. With this charm he felt it would happen.

Sure enough, Judai Yuuki was born a half tanuki. His mother taught him all the tanuki tricks, helping him hone his unique style of magic. Once he was old enough and strong enough she gave him the shadow charm. While it was only half as powerful in it’s divided form, Judai was able to combine it with his own magic to get it to work.

She had told Judai about the human world, what she knew and what his father had told her. They had found connections to other dimensions through a game called Duel Monsters. It was a popular game and even a way of life for some. With enough time and preparation it was time for Judai to leave the nest.

He opened a portal to the human world. “See ya Ma, wish me luck!”

“Good luck sweetie, I love you!”

“I love you too!” The two shared a warm embrace. Sadly he couldn’t take her with, she was a pure blooded monster, so it would take more power than he had to bring her across the shadows.

He came to the human world and got to work. He started asking people for information, but they thought he was some kind of freak. First thing was first he needed a full human form. Using his magic he looked fully human, hiding his fur, ears, tail, and such, though one thing he couldn’t hide was his massive tanuki nuts.

It was still hard to get information, so he had more magic to work. He created a whole identity for himself, Jaden Yuki in this world’s language. A few more tanuki tricks helped him get some start up cash and a place to live. “Finding dad might be harder than I thought.”

A commercial for Duel Academy Island gave him an idea. He wasn’t in a rush to find his father, he’s waited this long what’s a few more years. If he becomes a duelist he can live a decent life and be able to search for his dad with more ease. He went out and built a deck that fit his style, beast and beast warriors were his thing.

He signed up for the exam, which he did struggle with. Mostly it was history, he’s only been in this world for less than a year, so things like Duelist Kingdom, Battle City, Kaiba Corp Grand Prix, it was all nonsense to him. He winged the written test as best he could but managed to pass the exam. Next he had to face a duel exam.

Jaden had stayed up all night preparing his deck and extra deck, he was so excited it was hard to sleep, so he slept in the next day. He raced to the exam site and just barely made it in time.

Doctor Crowler didn’t want to test him, opting to fail him outright for being late. That didn’t go over well with Sheppard. Crowler had a bad habit of expelling students who didn’t meet his expectations. He tried to fail a bunch of students the year before because of the archtypes they used. ‘Fine I’ll deal with the tardy party myself.’

Instead of using an Exam Deck, Crowler used his personal deck to face Jaden.


Crowler/Jaden: 4000

Jaden as the examinee got to go first. He draws. “I’ll set one monster face down and set one card on the field and call it a turn!” In his hand he had Big Koala, Monster Reborn, and Draining Shield. “Get your game on teach!”

Crowler draws. “Oh yes how cute, don’t tell me what to do!” He muttered the last part under his breath.

The “good” doctor activated Confiscation, he paid a 1000 life points to look at Jaden’s hand. “Ah yes I remember these from when I was a naive rookie.” He destroyed Monster Reborn.

Crowler: 3000

Big Koala needed 2 monsters to summon so was essentially a brick as it was, and with his deck’s ace Draining Shield was useless. He set two cards, before activating Heavy Storm.

The spell whipped through the field destroying every spell and trap it touched. Jaden managed to activate his trap before it was destroyed. Crowler’s cards got destroyed. “Oops looks like you destroyed your own cards there teach.”

“Yes, and that’s my plan!” The traps that were destroyed allowed Crowler to summon two tokens, which he sacrificed to summon Ancient Gear Golem.

Ancient Gear Golem ATK 3000

It was clear Crowler was using his personal deck, such powerful and rare cards wouldn’t be in an exam deck. “Attack Ancient Gear Golem, Mechanized Melee!” He attacked Jaden’s face down and there was a loud boom.

Jaden: 2800

When the smoke cleared it was revealed that Des Koala was on the field. “Check your gear, your monster should have been destroyed!”

Jaden chuckled. “Sorry teach, I had activated this.” Beast Preserve.

When this card is activated until the end of the turn Beast Monsters you control cannot be destroyed by battle or card effect. On your next turn you must pay 500 life points and the effect is activated again. When this card leaves the field your opponent takes 1000 damage.

Since it was activated after Heavy Storm, the chain allowed the effect to trigger, so Des Koala was safe! “And since it left the field you take 1000 life points!” Same angry looking Koala’s wearing police uniforms appeared and began to wail on Crowler.

Crowler: 2000

That wasn’t all, since Des Koala was flipped face up it’s effect activated, causing Crowler to take 400 points of damage for each card in his hand, sure it was only 2 cards but still. Glowing leaves shot out and Crowler got hit with some more burn damage.

Crowler 1200

The man was shocked, he wasn’t expecting to take so much damage in this duel. He expected to trounce Jaden completely and send him home crying. Crowler wanted to make an example of him but he was playing better than the blonde had expected.

All the other applicants and duelists watched on with interest and shock. It was Jaden’s turn.

“I draw!” He activated Graceful Charity, which got him three cards Des Kangeroo, Polymerization, and Horn of the Phantom Beast. He discarded his two trap cards.

Crowler was sweating at first. ‘It’s fine, all he has is Big Koala in his hand and a useless trap card in his hand, he can’t possibly have anything to get over my Golem!’

Jaden activated Polymerization. “I fuse Big Koala and Des Kangeroo to create Master of Oz!” The fusion monster was called out from his extra deck. The big bruiser had a whopping 4200 ATK points.

“Wait no...this can’t be!” Master of Oz charged forth and uppercut Ancient Gear Golem, sending him up into the air, before falling back on top of Crowler.

Crowler: 0

“Gotcha!” Jaden cheered. “I win!”

With that victory Jaden had earned his entry into Duel Academy, but in that same victory he’d also gained the attention of Obelisk Blue.

Crowler was more than a pompous jerk, a classicism snob, and an arrogant prick, he was also the Dorm Advisor to the Obelisk Blue Dorm. His loss was like a slap in the face to the most elite dorm in duel academy.

“Wow he beat him!” Alexis Rhodes said.

“Anyone can get lucky once.” Zane Truesdale said and walked away. “We’ll see if he has any skills at Duel Academy.”

“No way...Crowler lost…” Chazz Princeton was in shock. He had “earned” his place in Obelisk Blue, seeing himself an elite among the freshman. The Chazz had come to scope out the other new arrivals to see if anyone was worthy. ‘That lucky punk, look at him gloat, watch out loser that luck won’t get you far in Duel Academy. Skill and power rule!’ He was shaking, trembling with rage.

Chazz was already plotting revenge against the brunette.

To be continued...Punishment Game
Chazz challenges Jaden to a duel, playing with an bet/ante rule. The tanuki has no interest in Chazz’s cards, but agrees so long as Chazz agrees to a punishment game if he loses. Get ready Chazz, you are about to experience what it’s like being t-bagged by a tanuki!



Ground-setting, but already seeing signs of a fun Tanuki time. 😁 The Beast / Beast-Warrior deck is a good fit, but it'll need to depart a bit more from Chumley's to be truly Jaden's in the future. 🤔