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A friend tackled this project bringing the backburners into a spread sheet format, it should be easier to read, easier to update and add new ideas. The series are tagged at the bottom you can scroll over to the individual sheets for the series you wanna look over. The Series list is down at the bottom where some can choose or add their names to the series they wanna see the backburners for. 

The series list will be updated so you guys will know what series I'll have in fic rotations for. 

If you see a fic idea your curious about and maybe wanna see in the future you can add your name to it in the shown area that way both you guys will have a list of fics that you can keep track of, and I'll be able to get a read on stuff to work on either as side projects going forward once everything is settled. 

This is a test as I'm hoping this will be easy to read, easy to view, and easy to manage. So test it out, if you run into issues comment down below and I'll see what I can do about it. 

As a reminder even if a summary doesn't list a specific kink doesn't mean if its requested it can't be added or done for that fic. I'm a pretty easy going person and as long as it doesn't interfere with the narrative then its fine. If it does then it can be discussed as a tier 6



Schedule Things to do,Type



Do we add our names to the "Requested By" area as a comment?


Love this idea! What does Free Card Rotation stand for though?


i believe its the wild card thing i offer, when someone doesn't want to request something specific and they let me update something random