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Ushio & Tora parody: Patreon Reward

Kinktober 2022 : Cockhugger 2

Facing One’s Demons

Tora has been teasing Ushio lately over his reliance on the demon’s powers. Not wanting to back down, Ushio plans to face the next enemy alone with just the Beast Spear. What happens when he faces an opponent that the Beast Spear has no effect against.


Ushio and Tora were coming home from a day of demon hunting/slaying. It would have been quiet except Tora was boasting about how powerful and awesome he was. The demon they had faced was a Water Demon, one Ushio had great troubles with. Without Tora Ushio would have been eaten for sure, or worse…

The Beast Spear had little effect on the Water Demon, it’s unique properties allowed Ushio to hurt the Water Demon, but wasn’t able to kill it. He had to strike the Water Demon’s core which was like finding a single drop of water in a lake.

Tora’s lightning abilities proved to be the key to victory. He not only rescued Ushio but beat the Water Demon by himself, so he was gloating. “Did you see that? I was so awesome!” Tora flexed his muscles.

“Yeah, yeah…” Ushio had already thanked Tora for the help, but the demon loved to gloat and tease him.

He poked Ushio’s cheek. “Admit it, without me you’d be totally screwed!” It wasn’t clear if he meant that figuratively, literally, or both...probably both. Water Demons did like to play with their food.

Ushio shrugged him off. “Lay off, it was just a bad match up for me is all. I can handle plenty of demons on my own!”

Tora smirked. “Come on, admit it, you need me. You are practically helpless without me, even with that spear.” It was true, even with the spear Ushio had to call upon Tora’s powers and strength quite often.

He didn’t want to admit it. Tora ruffled his hair. “Don’t worry I’ll protect you!” Ushio’s cheeks burned in a blush.

The raven haired male hated being babied or treated like a kid. He wanted to protect others not be protected, and even though he recognized Tora helped him out a lot, and thanked him for, when the demon was gloating like this he didn’t like to acknowledge it. Tora was a bad winner, the gloating and teasing made Ushio wanna take the stick of the beast spear and ram it up his ass.

Tora may have been hundreds of years old, but Ushio still hated being treated like this by him, so…

Wham! “Gah!” Tora screamed as he was hit with the beast spear. “What was that for!?”

Ushio glared at him. “I don’t need your help! I can fight demons on my own!”

Tora crossed his arms. “Trying to act tough, be a big man? I’ve seen you in the shower you got a lot of growing to do!” Ushio’s whole face went red.

“Peeping demon!” He tried to stab Tora with the spear, but he moved fast and out of the way.

The demon really should have stopped, but he was having too much fun. He loved getting these reactions out of Ushio. “Aww what’s the matter, afraid you and your little spear don’t measure up?” He flexed. “Don’t worry, I’ll always be here to protect you, Little Ushio!”

Wham! “Owwww!” Ushio hit him and Tora deserved that. “What did I do?”

“You suck Tora, I’m gonna prove I don’t always need your help, next case we get I’m handling it on my own!” The demon rubbed his aching head.

He growled. “Fine, if you wanna get yourself killed. When you get into trouble, don’t hesitate to call for me and I’ll swoop in and save you!” He smirked.

The demon could already see himself swooping in and making the save, scooping Ushio up and carrying him to safety. ‘Hehehe!’

Ushio trembled with anger. “Fuck you Tora!” He stomped off.

‘Wait was that an option?’ Tora had no idea.

The demon was bad at this, he had actually come to care for Ushio and see him as more than a meal. Not that he ever said it out loud, he just had fun teasing Ushio and admiring him. He was closer to Ushio than any man, woman, other, beast, or demon would ever get to be.


They had gained a reputation. Ushio’s father was a priest and dealt with demons and spirits. So with Ushio and Tora’s power and ability, any strange or abnormal sightings were brought to them to investigate. Normal apparitions were hard to see by normal eyes, but the stronger ones could be witnessed even by those without the gift.

Ushio took this job very seriously. So when a guy came in saying he found a weird egg in a cave. “It was weird, I thought it was a rock at first, but then it started moving.”

“What else did you see?”

The man looked pale. “It was so creepy, it opened up like a flower and I saw something inside.”

“And?” Ushio was on the edge of his seat.

“I ran away!” Ushio fell over. Not the bravest thing in the world but the dude survived. Chalk up a point for surviving a horror movie scenario. Not everyone would be so lucky.

Tora was laughing his ass off.

“I see, well thanks for telling me. I’ll check it out!”

“You believe me?” Ushio nodded. The man had told the police what he found but they hadn’t believed him.

He gave the guy a thumbs up. “I can see it in your eyes that you are telling the truth.” Ushio had seen it for himself, the eyes of those who had seen the supernatural. Even if you walk away alive, it changes you, you can’t go back to not knowing what’s out there.

Ushio took the job. “Just leave it to me, I’ll exterminate that monster if it’s a threat!” The man left.

Tora looked at Ushio. “So you want me to help you out?”

“Not a chance, I told you I’d fight the next one on my own!” He grabbed the spear and headed out.

“If you run into trouble you better call for me!” Ushio slammed the door behind him. ‘Hmm, a demon inside an egg? Never heard of that one, could it be new? What if it’s ancient? Well if it’s in an egg it’s probably not a threat, he should be fine.’ Tora sat down and enjoyed some TV and burgers.

He should have gone with Ushio, the thing he was about to face hadn’t been seen in this world in many MANY years. Something older, something far beyond anything of this world or others.


Ushio followed the directions the man gave him and entered the cave. “Weird, the beast spear isn’t responding to anything.” He followed the tunnel and spotted the egg. “Okay...I can do this!”

It didn’t look bloomed. Ushio gripped the spear tightly. “Let’s do this!” Nothing happened. “Come on!” He shook the spear but nothing was happening. ‘Oh come on, I had this!’

This trick should work, he should be able to draw out the power of the spear. Whenever a demon was near and he needed to fight, the spear would transform him and give him the power to fight. He got closer.

Suddenly the egg bloomed. Ushio held the spear defensively. ‘What is that?’ Whatever it was it moved inside the egg. He swore he saw a horror movie like this once.

The beast spear suddenly resonated. ‘Alright!’ He felt the power and the transformation take hole.

As he began to transform, a strange white mist began to spill out of the egg. In an instant, the beast spear deactivated and the transformation fell apart. “Huh, what’s with this thing?” Ushio shook the spear, unaware of what was happening.

The mist was changing the air in the cave. His clothing started to smoke, the fabric dissolving.

Ushio didn’t understand, the Beast Spear tried to flex against this enemy. It was a weapon made for slaying yokai/demons, but this thing was beyond that. This creature flexed back, and it overwhelmed the spear.

It had been sleeping, waiting for prey, the man from before was wise to run as this thing didn’t play games. It understood it’s purpose and would act on it without question. While it may have been small in size compared to some of the grander beasts and monsters the beast spear had cut down, to it the mighty weapon might as well have been a tooth pick.

The spear had challenged this creature and that was a mistake.

Ushio was so focused on the spear, shaking it and waving it around he didn’t know what was happening until it was too late. As seconds passed his clothing dissolved into nothingness.

Shoes, socks, pants, belt, shirt, and underwear, not a stich of clothing had survived this strange field. It wasn’t till Ushio felt a breeze between his knees did he realize. “EHH?!” He blushed. “I’m naked!”

Ushio tried to cover himself, but it was hard to do that and hold the spear. His soft 6 inch cock was fully exposed, his firm and hard body was on full display. Fighting demons helped hone his physique further. He had been naturally athletic, so much so, nearly every sports team tried to get him to join up. The fact he refused to join ANY team brought tears, actual tears.

The creature began to move, long finger like limbs reached out as the beast began to rise from the egg. Ushio in a moment of fight or flight, forgot about his nudity and focused on survival. He held the spear firmly with two hands, planning to fight if he had to.

Ushio was saying things, trying to talk to it. He’d met some yokai that were peaceful, if this was the case they could part ways without a fight. It was a bit late for that. The creature flexed and the beast spear fled.

It leapt right out of Ushio’s hands and embedded itself in the ceiling of the cave. “What the heck?!” The weapon of revenge had no power in the face of this beast.

Had Tora been there he could have pulled Ushio away and they could have escaped together. Alone...well…

The creature lunged out of the egg and at Ushio. By instinct moved to shield his face, using both arms to block. He didn’t know why but it felt right, but the creature was aiming lower.

“Gah!” Ushio blushed as it landed on his crotch, the long limbs reaching around and taking hold of his firm glutes. “What are you doing get off me!” He tried to pull it off, only to whimper.

Yanking on the creature caused it to squeeze and tighten it’s grip on his cheeks. He tugged and tugged, but the creature wasn’t budging and it felt like he was giving himself a wedgie. “I can...handle this…” He kept pulling, his muscles flexing as he tried to get it off him. ‘I don’t need Tora’s help, I can do this, I can handle this!’

“Ohh!” His legs buckled. Underneath the creature was appendages, and said appendages began to massage his penis and his balls. “What is this thing doing...ohhh~!” It had little suction cups that latched onto his length and massaged it.

Despite the terror and this situation he was made hard, his penis groped and massaged to full length. He was a shower, but he had some girth to him, his blood rushed south and his penis swelled he was still 6 inches but he had a thick piece!

Ushio squirmed unable to shake this monster free from his junk. All he could do was watch as it’s tail unfurled and revealed a phallic stinger. His foreskin was peeled back, exposing his sensitive tip. The stinger was aimed at his piss slit. “No wait...don’t do that…” Thrust! “Ahhh~!”

He was brought to his knees, his pipe getting penetrated, rocking him to his core. It had looked like such a small stinger, but it sounded him something fierce. “Oh Kami it’s fucking my cock!” Indeed it was, the stinger was thrust in and out of his penis.

Ushio was brought to his hands and knees. In and out, in and out, his piss slit was fucked and his pipe experienced friction. “Ohh ahh ohh ahh ahh ahh ahh ahh ahh!” He was shaking and trembling, the sensation rippled through his penis and swam through his whole body.

His hands clawed at the ground as he started to feel something moving more into his pipe, the stinger was growing, lengthening. The friction was spreading through his rod, fucking him deeper and deeper. Inch after inch was penetrated, and the tail kept fucking him.

It soon had all six inches of his cock stuffed. Ushio’s eyes rolled up, his cock twitched and throbbed, his orgasm was building up. ‘Not like this...not like this…’ He could feel it, his balls lurched but he wasn’t able to cum.

His pipe was plugged up tight, but as his orgasm was locked the creature unleashed his venom. Ushio’s eyes rolled up. “Oh ohhh~!”

The boy’s balls began to grow larger, they doubled, and then tripled in size. Tanuki demons would go “DAMN!” at the size of his nuts.

“Haa haa haa haa haa haa!” Ushio was panting and drooling, his whole body growing hot. His orgasm ended with no release and the creature began fucking his dick once more. It had the boy seeing stars as his sweet spot was struck from the other end.

He didn’t know it, too lost in the pleasure to focus, his cock began to grow and extend, the creature massaging his penis and continuing to lengthen his stinger every inch. Ushio started to hump the air, as the creature modified his penis, changing his fine dagger into a mighty spear.

It continued to modify his body.

His plump ass grew larger to support what was to come. Ushio’s channel was lined with all new nerve endings, making his entrance pliable as rubber. The nerves were meant to trigger pleasure, taking anal pleasure to a whole new level.

With every twitch of his entrance the pucker began to shift and be molded into something lewd. It bloomed forming a naughty donut. For the virgin young man it looked like he’d been taking big dicks every day for years.

The inner workings of his body began to shift and change, soon his ass began existed only for sex and mating. His now massive gonads were connected to a new appendage. A large phallic tail manifested and curled.

Ushio’s 12 incher was being fucked, and his new appendage was curling and aiming towards his empty hole. Thrust!

“Ohhh~!” He saw stars, hearts forming in his eyes, as he experienced anal pleasure on a whole other level. His first time was pure pleasure, the nerves in his rear lighting up like a christmas tree. Ushio had a dry orgasm.

The new cock tail sank deep. He felt his hole squeeze his phallic appendage which made his penis twitch in want. His abs bulged lewdly as he took the tail. “Ahh ahhh ohh!”

Ushio was panting like he was in heat, the tail began to move fucking his ass in pacing as the penis stinger fucked his cock. He humped the air, bucking and trembling as his prostate was hit from both ends. ‘It’s too much...I’m cumming!’

Grinning like a fool he came, shooting inside himself and his flood of semen bursting and forcing the stinger off. The creature flew off him, vanishing into the sea of white.

His orgasm lasted for several minutes, his cum erupting  and painting the cave floor in thick white milk. After the release Ushio collapsed into his own mess, becoming drenched in his own semen. The cock tail popped out of his ass and finished off the shower, covering his backside from head to toe in cum. ‘Tora…’


The demon woke up and saw it was close to midnight. ‘Shit...where’s Ushio?’ His ear perked as he heard the door slide open and footsteps draw near. ‘Oh he’s back, guess he was fine.’

He looked to the door and watched it slide open. “Tora…” Ushio’s “spear” was aimed at the demon.

Tora’s jaw dropped as he saw the massive cock. ‘When did he get so big?!’ His eyes moved lower to the family jewels and… “DAMN!” Then movement caught his eye, and behind Ushio was a swaying phallic appendage. ‘What the hell?!’

Ushio looked feral, as if he was using the beast spear. He went at Tora wildly. Tora jumped out of the way, but wasn’t expecting to be tail/dick slap. The demon landed on all fours, and Ushio was on him, hands on his hips, cock kissing his hole. “Oi! What are you doing?!”

“We are gonna fuck Tora!”

Tora’s jaw dropped. The big meat made his hole twitch. “Hey hey hey hold on I’m no one’s…” Thrust! The cock tail thrust into Tora’s mouth. Pre-cum flooded his mouth. ‘Ohhhhh~’

His eyes fluttered, he couldn’t stop himself from sucking his phallic appendage. Tora’s powerful nose was hit by the musk and smell of sex oozing from the pores. It was a one two punch, his big demon balls dropped and his massive penis slipped from his sheath. He was no slouch in the dick department his cock reaching 14 inches.

As he sucked Ushio’s cock tail, the raven haired young man thrust into the demon’s tight ass. Like him his hole was made for sex. Tora could only moan as his partner fucked him hard and fast.

Ushio’s balls came swinging and clapped against Tora’s furry nuts. The heavy clap~clap, sent a burst of pleasure through his groin.

Tora’s moans are muffled by the tail, it felt great for Ushio. He was feeling Tora’s ass around his cock, and his mouth over his cock tail.

The demon would have been pissed if he wasn’t so hot and horny. He hadn’t gotten this horny since...he couldn’t remember when. Pleasure was swirling up inside him like a storm. Ushio was fucking like a man possessed.

Even his cock tail started working Tora’s mouth, more pre-cum began to ooze out and Tora lapped it up. He couldn’t help himself he slurped and sucked, the stuff was so good. Common sense had been blown away by the winds of sex musk.

Ushio’s spear was drilling his ass so good, it was all so hot, and…

“TORA!” Ushio howled as he came, pumping the demon full of semen from both ends. The large demon couldn’t take it, he blew his load and made a mess of the floor.

To his surprise Ushio’s orgasm lasted longer than Tora’s those huge-making tanuki cry in jealousy- nuts could cum a lot.

Tora chugged so much. When the orgasm finally ended the cock and tail left him. “Hic...I think a drank too much cum…” He was blushing and he flopped on his back. His hard cock stood out from his sheath glistening lewdly.

Ushio wasted no time and crawled onto him. “Tora, Tora, Tora, Tora, Tora!” He grinned. “I want your cock!” Without another word, Ushio’s plump booty swallowed his mighty lightning rod, taking it all the way down.

“HOLY FUCK!” Tora arched off the ground, his balls clapping against Ushio’s cheeks.

“So full!” Ushio drooled. His hole tightened and squeezed, making Tora claw at the ground at the wonderful tightness. He’s had dreams of this, but demon dick and human asses didn’t end well, there was a lot to work with, and humans tended to be fragile.

His hands ran through Tora’s chest, feeling the soft fur and the hard muscles, such a sexy contrast. Ushio’s tail wagged playfully. “Come on Tora, fuck me as I fuck you!”

“Huh?” Thrust! The cock tail thrust into his ass, surprinsing him and making him buck again. “OHHH!”

“You want it!” He licked his lips. “Then your ass is mine!” He planted his big furry feet/paws on the ground and gave Ushio the ride of his life.


Ushio’s father returned to the shrine three days later, and the place was heavy in the smell of sex. There was cum everywhere, the two had fucked every room of the house, maybe in every inch of the house.

The house was a mess but the old storehouse was mostly clean. Taking Ushio’s cock tail didn’t leave Tora with nothing. The demon was laying eggs, big huge eggs, and ones familiar to Ushio.

His father rushed to yell at the two for what they did, but as soon as he opened the door one of the eggs hatched and jumped towards him.

This ancient creature was being brought into the new world, and it was all thanks to Ushio and Tora.

The end?!



Shaping up well 😄


Ohoho~h, even better than I'd hoped! They're a really good fit for this kind of primal fucking. And the egg-laying was a nice final touch.😁👍