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Pocket Monster parody: Bad Day/Tier 1

Chapter 3 

Chapter 4 Training and Play

Ash sends his extra pokemon to Professor Oak, he had the team he was ready to train. Samuel was ecstatic to study some new pokemon.

There was time before the Play about Mew, so Ash decided to get some training in. He took his party to a training area and had Mr. Mime set up, he used Barrier to create see through walls. “Alright, Weedle I want you to practice your Poison Sting, attack the barrier!”

“Weed!” The Bug/Poison type obeyed attacking the invisible wall over and over. Every hit gave him a bit of experience, and on the fifth hit the barrier faded and Mr. Mime made a new one.

Ash then set Krabby up at a Barrier. He used his Pokedex to scan his little guy to learn his moves.

Krabby – Ability: Hyper Cutter Moves: Water Gun, Vice Grip, Harden, Leer

Ketchum had him use Leer on the Barrier to weaken it and then attack it with Vice Grip. It took a few tried but he destroyed the barrier and Mr. Mime put up a new one and the process started all over.

Next up was Ponyta, he used Tail Whip to weaken the barrier’s defense and then slammed it with Tackle or blasted it with Ember. Ponyta was also able to destroy the Barriers, gaining an extra boost of experience.

Ash had his fire types train side by side, so he called out Charizard. “Alright Charizard, I got Mr. Mime to set up some targets for you to hit, we are gonna work on our moves.” He recalled Duplica was well versed in Pokemon moves, so Ash used his Pokedex to check on what moves Charizard can learn. “I think these two will be great for you.”

So Charizard had to split his training, attacking the barriers with his claws and attacking the wall with Flamethrower. The two fire types training side by side seemed to make them work even harder. Ponyta learned Flame Charge to keep up, a move that boosted his speed with each use.

While Charizard couldn’t match the speed, he hit the barriers harder, managing to break a few. His efforts helped him learn Dragon Claw!

Squirtle had the moves Water Gun, Bubblebeam, Withdraw, and Rapid Spin. So Ash had him working on his Water Gun, training it up to learn the move Hydro Pump.

Bulbasaur had a solid move set of Vine Whip, Razor Leaf, Sleep Powder, and Solar Beam. So for him Ash was just trying to increase the power and versatility of his moves, so had him pelting the barriers with Vine Whip and Razor Leaf.

Pikachu also had a solid move set, Quick Attack, Agility, Thunderbolt and Thunder. So he had him use Agility and Quick Attack together, it had Pikachu moving so fast it looked like there were doubles of him. Before they knew it Pikachu had learned Double Team!

Last but not least was Pidgeotto, he had the big bird monster attacking the barrier with Quick Attack and Wing Attack.

Even Ash was going at a barrier, punching it in a boxing way. He was trying to keep in sync with his pokemon. Everyone was working hard, Weedle learned Bug Bite, and Krabby learned Protect.

Despite their best efforts the clock caught up with them and they had to stop training and get ready to go to a play. “Oh man…” Ash groaned. He felt they were in a really nice groove.

A trainer came over to them. “Not a bad idea, but you are lacking a bit of coverage.” He was walking with a Pidgeot and a Venasaur.

Ash’s Pidgeotto and Bulbasaur stood at Ash’s side. The trainer had dark blue hair, an orange jacket with a red undershirt that had a high collar. His pants matched his jacket. “What do you mean?”

Corey introduced himself as Corey Sorao, and he was entering the Pokemon League as well. This meant they were rivals. “Easy, we’ll be rivals once the League opens up, until then we are just fellow trainers.” He pets his Pidgeot. “You have a pokemon that can double your training output and it’d serve you well in battle.”

It was Pidgeotto. “Let’s have a battle and I’ll show you what I mean.” It was Pidgeotto versus Pidgeot. “Use Tailwind!”

Pidgeot conjured a wind that seemed to make him ruffle with energy. Their battle commenced and thanks to Tailwind Pidgeot’s speed was doubled. Even though they had similar moves, Pidgeot was able to hit faster and harder. This was beyond the evolution curve, Tailwind’s effect lasted awhile.

Pidgeotto tried to close the gap with Quick Attack but Pidgeot was so fast it was able to dodge the attack.

Corey ended the match after the four clashes, when Tailwind petered out. “This move can be a life saver, and it works for all your mons even if you switch out. If you have your Pidgeotto learn Tailwind, you can increase the productivity of your training even if you are on a short amount of time.”

Ash smiled. “That sounds awesome, what do you say Pidgeotto wanna learn that move?”

“Eotto!” He cheered.

“Thanks Corey!”

“Not a problem, I hope you train up hard and fast. I’ll be looking forward to facing you in the League!”

He had seen Ash’s team and was confident in his ability to win, one could say he was helping Ash out of pity or even charity. A lot of Ash’s pokemon weren’t evolved so he saw Ash as a rookie, not a threat at all. He wanted a challenge.


Ash got his mons some berries to eat and they went to the Play area. Other trainers had their pokemon out so it was all good. It was time for the ceremonial play about Mew.

Long Ago…

Our world was created and through the divine power of creation nature was formed. As order was created and natural laws were formed, great beings appeared who embodied different aspects of life. Among the great beings was Mew.

Mew was more innocent and thus was blessed with the power of creation. They had a curious and playful nature, but the other greater beings didn’t have time to play with Mew.

So the legendary pokemon was often left alone, exploring the vast world that was created. They played games to entertain themselves, and one day one of their games caused a new creature to exist in this world.

Mew was so happy, they weren’t alone anymore. They used their gift to create pokemon from the world around them drawing upon the different elements and primal forces. Sometimes Mew would just dream of new friends and those friends would appear the next day.

Truly their psychic power was unrivaled. Mew would even Transform and take the form of the creations. After doing a sacred dance and playing with the creations, life found a way and pokemon began to fill the world.

Ash looked at Brock. “What kind of dance are they talking about Brock?” He whispered.

Brock blushed. “I’ll...explain later.”

Mew blessed each of his creations with family and friends. All of Kanto’s pokemon were crafted by Mew’s miracle.

They loved to play games, and helped guide the monsters to tapping into their own special powers and abilities. Mew would clash with them for fun, but thus inspired Pokemon to evolve and grow stronger to be more of a challenge for their ancestor.

As Pokemon grew and evolved, some even managed to injure Mew. It was quite dangerous for battles to go too far, and Mew made it known that battles/games were not to the death but for fun and growth. It is said some of the wounds Mew had been inflicted with caused remnants of the pokemon to be found in the world.

This would be both a wonderful and terrifying thing, as even a single piece of Mew would hold within it the power of ancestral creation.

While Mew’s power was great, working the miracles he did drained his power and when he over exerted himself he could fall ill. Mew would fall into a deep slumber, even in rest Mew’s gift to the world continued and new pokemon began to appear in other lands.

His final gift to Kanto was creating the three legendary birds, Moltres, Zapdos, and Articuno. To soar through the skies and protect and watch over Kanto. He passed on his legendary power allowing the three to be a part of the Legendary Cycle.

‘I wonder if Mew created that golden pokemon we saw!’ Ash thought.


Some scientists had discovered a Mew Fossil. Attempts to recreate Mew in the past failed, creating Ditto a unique pokemon that could also transform and even breed with any pokemon.

Using the Mew Fossil, some scientists managed to harness the power of primordial creation and while they didn’t create a clone of Mew they created Mewtwo.

Thanks to Mewtwo’s psychic powers he was able to learn and listen and even understand from the humans around him. When he took his first breath, he found himself in a world unknown to him. The scientists were too busy patting themselves on the back for their success.

They didn’t see Mewtwo as a living being. One of the Scientists even spoke on starting their next project Mewthree! They didn’t care that he was alive or had questions. Mewtwo unleashed his wrath on the lab that bore him, going as far as to destroy the Mew fossil that helped create him.

He had all the power of Mew, but without the divine understanding of his place in the world. Such a heavy burden for one monster to take, he had questions and wanted answers…

In a way he felt the same loneliness that Mew felt, wanting a connection, but while he gained Mew’s vast psychic powers he didn’t inherit the primordial power of creation.

It wasn’t long after that he fell into the hands of Giovanni, and that went…


It was said Mew traveled the world, far beyond the borders of Kanto, but chose this island to gather the pokemon of Kanto together for a celebration every year. “So we honor Mew with this festival!” The play continued showing dancers and people dressed as different pokemon. All recreating tales and legends of Mew.

Not a bad first day...Ash was excited for tomorrow…

‘This festival is gonna be a blast!’ He thought happily. Little did he know, before the festival would be coming to a close Ash would possibly make the biggest sacrifice of his life.

To be continued


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