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Inuyasha parody: Patreon Reward

Chapter 11 

Chapter 12 Big Bad Lies

Ayame was Kouga’s girlfriend, she was his stalker. The female wolf demon love Kouga very much, she was obsessed with him. Ayame knew about his escapades, but she saw it that he was just sowing his wild oats, and that he’d always come back to her.

She belied no matter who Kouga dated or fucked, he’d always come back to her once he got bored. She knew Kagome was his latest target, and while she was playing hard to get, she’d eventually fall for Kouga’s charms. It was annoying, having to wait. The longer Kagome held out, the longer Kouga would be chasing her, and the longer it’d take him to come back to her.

When Kouga started acting odd, she began to notice. There was something up with him and she was gonna find out why. The fastest way was to talk to Ginta and Hakkaku. “Has Kouga gotten in bed with Kagome yet or what?” She cornered the two.

“Ayame, you know we aren’t supposed to talk to you about Kouga’s girls.” Ginta said.

Hakkaku nodded. They knew what Ayame was about. She’s always trying to stir up trouble and drama.

“Bah, Kouga’s been acting strange lately!” While she wasn’t wrong because of her past behavior they didn’t believe her. She was very nutty. “You two know something don’t you?”

The two shrugged. They knew he hadn’t gotten with Kagome, that’s not something the wolf would have kept secret. As far as they knew he hadn’t gotten with any girls. The recent news of the glory hole, and who gave them the tip, it was possible Kouga was getting his cock polished enough to be calm and relaxed.

He’s been hitting the gym more, and he’s been getting thicker with muscles. They just figured he was showing off. Even if he was acting weird because of a dry spell, he seemed to be coming out of it. “I’m telling you there’s something off with him.”

They shook their heads. She grabbed them. “If you think Kouga is acting weird you better come and tell me!” She had already tried to talk to Kouga, and he lied or dodged her questions.

The wolf girl stomped off. “Do you think he’s been acting strange?” Ginta asked. He’s had some suspicions of his own.

Hakkaku shook his head. “Nah, Kouga may have been suffering from a dry spell, but he seems fine.”

As if on command, Kouga came in, humming to himself. He was looking quite pleased. “See, he’s fine.”

Kouga has been busy, word has spread of the hole in the wall. So he was getting more customers. Potentially even more than Inuyasha. His glory hole was even being visited by totally “straight” guys. No one knew who was behind the hole, so they rationalized it as they needed it.

Inuasha was enjoying cock from gay guys, bi guys, and the curious. ‘If this keeps up I’ll beat that dog, and maybe then master will claim me.’ His cock throbbed at the thought.

Kouga was getting the “straight” guys like Miroku, Kohaku, and Shippo. He drained their balls and sent them on their way.

The dog boy had increased his production. Kouga had “caught” him sucking dudes off in the bathroom, the library, the gym. He didn’t know why he kept catching him in the act, or why he stayed and watched, but it only seemed to fuel his competitive nature.

Their little competition was doing wonders for guys at school, having their balls drained helped them be chill and relax, not trying so hard to get dates.

-x-Lunch Time-x-

Kouga was starring. Kagome and Inuyasha were talking and the wolf demon’s focus was on them. Given their rivalry it didn’t seem odd to Ginta and Hakkaku.

Ayame found it odd. ‘Normally Kouga would go over and confront Inuyasha for being near her.’

He wasn’t thinking about Kagome, he was focused on the hanyo. ‘Don’t think just feel.’ His eyes roamed Inuyasha’s form. He’s seen him naked enough times to full picture the hanyo standing naked in the lunch room. ‘Don’t think just obey!’

Kouga couldn’t make a move, only watch from afar. He was being a good boy. Kagome was able to have friends and he wasn’t to interfere. Inuyasha was being friendly with Kagome.

‘Stupid sexy mutt, look at him and his stupid handsome face, and his stupid cute ears, and his stupid pretty hair.’ His loins stirred and throbbed.

“Kouga!” He blinked, turning away briefly to look at Ayame. “Why are you spacing out?”

The wolf demon huffed. “I’m not spacing out!” A lie.

Ayame looked at the two. “I don’t know what you see in her.”

Kouga chuckled. “Are you blind? Can’t you see how pretty she(he) is? She’s(He’s) so strong and athletic! She’s(He’s) so sexy!” His mouth spoke as if he was talking about Kagome, but in his mind the words were aimed at Inuyasha. It triggered a new layer in his trance.

He scarfed down his food. “I gotta run!” Run he did, zipping away from the girl.

“Where is he going?” Ayame asked, looking at Ginta and Hakkaku.

The two shared a look, having a feeling he was going to the glory hole to get his dick sucked. They were half right, he was going to the hole, but he was gonna be doing the sucking. He enjoyed some dick while the two wolves lied about what he was doing.

Ayame wasn’t buying it, she had a feeling Kouga should be bursting by now, since he hadn’t bedded Kagome.

Kouga enjoyed some dick, yearning for his master. ‘Inuyasha might be pretty, but I’m sexier, I’ll show master how good I can be!’ He was eager to hit the gym and burn off his arousal. ‘Bigger...thicker...must be good...must obey...must get swole for master!’

Ayame cut him off. “Say Kouga, how about a date?”

Kouga shook his head. “Can’t I’m busy!”

She crossed her arms. “Doing what?” He wanted to hit the gym.

“Hanging with Ginta, later!” He zipped off.

Ayame confronted the wolf later, who realized Kouga was lying and covered for him.

She tried again the next day. “Come on Kouga, I bet you’ve been pent up chasing that woman. I’ll help you get off!”

The idea of sleeping with Ayame made him bristle. ‘I’d rather suck some dick and train for master!’ The idea of sleeping with any woman brought up such thoughts. ‘Love cock...cock is good...master’s cock is best...serve cock...earn your cum...train for master’s cock...drink cum...crave cock...suck cock...chug cum…’

Why would he want to sleep with women? He felt he was close, so close to earning his master’s cock.

Kouga continued to “lie”, he was indeed busy, but he wasn’t telling Ayame what he was doing. It wasn’t any of her business.

His schedule was full, doing his morning routine, working the glory hole before school and at lunch, hitting the gym during free period and after school, plus streaking through the halls that was very important!

Ayame’s efforts to get into Kouga’s pants aside. Ginta and Hakkaku were covering for him to the best of their ability. It was a little odd…

They asked Kouga to hit a club with them, enjoy some girls, but he declined. He was making excuses, ones that didn’t get far with them since they knew him for so long. “You still don’t think something is up with him?” Ayame asked them.

The two shared a look, a bit of concern in their eyes. “I think something is going on, and that dog hanyo is involved somehow.”

“Inuyasha?” They said in unison.

She nodded. “I’ve seen them together, and Kouga isn’t fighting with him like he normally is.”


Kouga was in his own little world, unaware of the plots going on around him. He was focused on sucking more dick than Inuyasha. ‘Their has to be a way.’

Don’t think just feel!’

His thoughts were plagued, they were running track in gym today and Kouga was holding a brisk pace, his erection bulging the front of his shorts. Inuyasha was running ahead of him, those short gym shorts hugging his rear. They were showing off his assets and his legs. The wolf demon knew that Inuyasha’s movements were accompanied by a toy stuffed up his ass.

Kouga could have ran past Inuyasha, to keep the hanyo in his dust, but he was enjoying the view. ‘Don’t think just feel!’ Ginta and Hakkaku were running behind Kouga and found his actions strange. They whispered to each other, Inuyasha’s ear flicked as he caught their conversation.

‘Fuck he has a nice ass, I’d love to mount him and make him scream my name. Hump him into submission, fuck that’d be hot!’ His mental shifts were reaching deeper and deeper, the sexual thoughts towards his rival weren’t giving him pause.

Class ended and Inuyasha hit the showers fast, to get ready for the fun. Kouga kept running a bit more, with his boys following him.

They came to the showers and Inuyasha was enjoying some dick. Bankotsu was getting sucked off and Jakotsu was enjoying a hand job. Inuyasha was resting on his feet, legs spread wide for balance, his hard cock was standing at attention.

Kouga’s eyes were focused on Inuyasha’s leaking erection. ‘There right there…’ He licked his lips. ‘Don’t think just obey.’

There was a cock that’d give him an edge, if he sucked the hanyo’s dick it’d be one more than he could. (He doesn’t know that Inuyasha can suck his own dick)

Ginta and Hakakku started showering, unaware of Kouga’s hungry focus. They weren’t aware of him until he got on his hands and knees and crawled over to the hanyo. “Hot damn!” Jakotsu moaned.

Kouga was going down on Inuyasha, slurping and licking his hard dick. “Damn Kouga I didn’t know you had it in you!” Bankotsu moaned.

Inuyasha didn’t lose focus continuing to suck Bankotsu’s penis and working Jakotsu’s shaft. His hole tightened around the dildo in his ass. Kouga teased his length, before gulping him down.

“Kouga?!” His boys gasped at the sight. Kouga...was sucking Inuyasha’s cock...They rubbed their eyes unable to believe what they were seeing.

It was happening, as Inuyasha played with other guys Kouga was going to town on him. It was an erotic show. Kouga...the player of players was sucking another man’s cock. He was going down to the root burying his nose in Inuyasha’s thick bush.

The show was very striking, no one saw it coming, it broke through mental barriers and guys appreciated it for the raw sexiness that it was. Even Ginta and Hakkaku couldn’t help but get hard at the sight.

Inuyasha shot them a glance. ‘It’s time for Phase 3…’

To be continued


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