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Hey guys, things haven't been going well for me as of late, my big plan from march to april was ruined by covid, and after 2 weeks of recovery my family made things worse by forcing spring cleaning on me. All of this hasn't been good for my mental health and i've even received complaints that my writing has felt off lately. I have been trying to work on things but after yesterday i tripped and fell and triggered my pain issues. 

With everything that has happened I don't know what to do anymore, cause I can't lift my double up limit again I'm nowhere near the state of mind to handle that. As it stands I don't know what to do, things are such a mess and covid royally screwed me, with my family being their usual unhelpful/harmful selves I'm pushed to the brink I hate having to do this but I'm gonna leave it to my patrons because without you guys things would be way worse. So with the advice of those around me whom I trust and need to listen to more I have 3 options. Each of these options have their pros and cons.

Pause - I'll pause patreon for the Month of May and open up April Requests as normal, but this means there will be NO REQUESTS for May. Doing this it means I'll have from now to till June 15th to clear the board and get things figured out and sorted and get a fresh start in my birthday month of June. 

Delay - I delay April requests for 2 weeks, Covid robbed me of that time that I needed for a stress free healthy deadline. This means patrons who stay and pay for May, will get two patreon requests in May and I'll have a lot cleared by then. 

Pass -  No requests for April, I reset and have the stress free schedule from now until may 15th to get what I initially planned to get done and not be overwhelmed by too many projects 

Please decide and whatever the results are I'll stick to them and work hard to get all the projects done


Warren Ward

Passing is the easier option, therefore, the better option


To be honest, even if you didn't bring this poll up, I was going skip this month to give you one less thing to worry about.

Dragonkingkj & Famousfox13

Same Gao i usually just give Paper a free card to do something for himself


Yes Gao I absolutely agree as well!


Pass. Take time for yourself. We can all wait.