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Pocket Monster parody: Phone Fic/Tier 1

AN: Stuck doing spring cleaning but managed to do this in between rounds, please enjoy

Kanto League Advanced

Ash has gotten all 8 gym badges, and now has three months to prepare for the league. This means catching, training, and bonding with his pokemon.

Ash's Pokemon : Pikachu, Pidgeotto, Bulbasaur, Squirtle, Charizard, Krabby, Muk, Primeape, Hitmonchan, Mimey (Mr. Mime), Tauros x 30

Time until the league starts 2 months and 1 week

Chapter 2 

Chapter 3 Shell of a Good Time

Ash and his mons were having a rest day from training. Professor Oak was doing some research in his lab. “What are you researching, Professor?”

Samuel sighed. “Pokemon evolution, there is a new report about the evolution of Slowpoke.”

Ash pulled out his Pokedex. “Slowpoke huh?”

Dexter: Slowpoke the Dopey Pokemon. No one can tell what a Slowpoke is thinking, as it tends to be lost in thought. It is known to be a natural fisherman as it is seen fishing with its tail. It lazes vacantly near water. It’s considered slow due to its reaction time, it can take up to 5 seconds for it to feel pain when it’s under attack.

“That’s a pokemon I’ve not met before.” He looked to Oak’s computer screen, where it showed Slowpoke, its evolution Slowbro, and a mystery silhouette.

Oak pressed a few buttons. “You see Ash, normally Slowpoke evolves into Slowbro, a Shellder will bite down onto its tail and we get this.” The screen showed Shellder biting its tail, they glowed and Slowbro was walking about. “But thanks to a new report, it’s possible Slowpoke has another way to evolve.”

It was causing a stir in the Pokemon Research/Science community, there was some backlash as the report claimed should a Shellder bite onto a Slowpoke’s head it’ll evolve in a different way. Scientists in Kanto tested it, only for nothing to happen, so there was some heat going on.

Oak didn’t want to believe the report and results were faked. “It feels like we are missing something important.” To try and ease the minds of the science community, one of Oak’s colleagues declared he’d solve the mystery, and prove once and for all the truth. “Professor Westwood is working hard at his lab on Seafoam Island, but I haven’t heard from him in awhile.”

“I can go check on him, Professor.” He was kinda curious about this research himself. Learning about Pokemon was crucial in his journey to becoming a Pokemon Master.

As it happened his Mom, Misty, and Brock were also going to Seafoam Island. Delia had won the trip, so she was happy to go just for the fun of it. Brock was excited to go to enjoy the beach and the babes. Misty was excited to go… “There is a report of a whole bunch of Shellder appearing at Seafoam Island and I wanna catch one!”

Ash decided to catch one too. For a day at the beach Ash brought Pikachu, Krabby, Squirtle, Charizard, Pidgeotto, and Primeape. His Mr. Mime, he asked to look after the house, and for his other mons he left at Oak’s lab he said they could relax or train until he came back.


Delia went to try the cuisine the vendors had available. Brock didn’t waste any time, he stripped down to his blue speedos and hit the beach. Misty put on a red bikini, and put on her shorts so she could carry her monster balls with her. “I’m gonna catch a Shellder!” She ran off.

Ash got his mons set up at the beach, Krabby and Squirtle were enjoying the waves and water, Charizard was sun bathing, Primeape was building sand castles. Pidgeotto and Pikachu stayed with him. He also had an outfit change, Ketchum wore yellow swim trunks with little black and red thunderbolts on them, he kept his vest on so he’d still have access to his dex and balls. “I’ll be back in a bit, I’m just gonna check in with Professor Westwood first.”

He walked the beach to the lab.

Misty thought it would be easy to find and catch a Shellder, but she wasn’t having much luck. A lot of trainers had heard the news and were after the Water type too. The first wave had already been scooped up, now if one wanted to find a Shellder they’d have to go fishing, go diving, or do some clam digging. The outbreak did increase the chances of finding them. “It’s time for my secret weapon, the Mini Misty Lure!” She went fishing.

Among the trainers looking for Shellder were Jessie and James of Team Rocket. With one of their bases destroyed and his gym in need of repair, Giovanni was trying to destress with a vacation. He had given the trio of Jessie, James, and Meowth a simple task of catching Shellder but they also weren’t having any luck. They were doing the clam digging approach.

Meowth was supposed to be helping, but instead he was picking up stuff on the beach. He was finding all kinds of “junk” but by luck or by chance he managed to find a Water Stone.


Ash stumbled over a Shellder, waking the water type up from its nap. “Shell!” It wasn’t too happy being disturbed. Ash hadn’t seen it because the Shellder was a unique color. He was so shocked he wasn’t quick enough to apologize.

It attacked Ash with Water Gun. He fell back and landed on something hard. “Alright then, Pidgeotto I choose you!” He called out the Flying type. It hit Shellder* with a Wing Attack.

Shellder* used Withdraw to boost his defense. Pidgeotto used another Wing Attack, Shellder* took less damage, but his energy was dropping. He fired an Ice Shard, a priority move, but Ash called for Quick Attack. Pidgeotto was faster and hit Shellder* hard. “Monster Ball go!” Ash caught the little guy, and because he only had 2 mons on hand he was able to keep him. “Welcome to the team Shellder…oww…” He got up and found he had fallen on something. “What’s this rock?”

It looked like a little crown. Ash picked it up and hung onto it. He doubled back to get Shellder healed up. There was a tent set up with a Nurse Joy helping treat pokemon. Ash got his Shellder checked out and showed Joy the rock he found. “This is a King’s Rock, it’s a handy little item that when given to a pokemon it gives their moves some punch and causes a Pokemon to flinch.”

“So cool!” He was gonna hang onto this.

He bumped into Misty who was shocked to see he had Shellder, even one of a different color. “I can’t believe you caught one!”

Ash chuckled. “I kinda stumbled on it.”

Misty began to gush about Water Pokemon. “We should get him a Water Stone and they’ll evolve into a beautiful Cloyster!”

Nurse Joy stepped up. “I wouldn’t advise that, a lot of stone evolved Pokemon can’t learn their moves once they evolve, it’s better to train them up first.” Misty blushed.

Ash had an ah-ha moment. “Oh yeah, like with Lt. Surge, he said he evolved his Pikachu as soon as he got it, so he could learn more powerful moves.”

He noticed Misty looking fidgety. “Misty…did you do that with Starmie?”

She crossed her arms. “No! Kinda…sorta…maybe…yes…” She had gotten her first Staryu and she had been so excited she got a Water Stone to help make her Pokemon even stronger. Starmie did become part Psychic type so it could gain a lot of different moves, but couldn’t get a lot of its more unique moves it’d get as a Staryu. Her sisters loved to tease her over her rookie mistake.

Misty did get a new Staryu, and while her Starmie was “stronger” her Staryu frankly had better moves. “I’m gonna work with Shellder first, and when it’s ready to evolve then I’ll get a stone.” Pikachu approved of this choice.

With Shellder healed up Ash rushed out to go see Westwood. Nurse Joy said this unique coloring happened sometimes, so as long as he was healthy Ash was happy.

Misty huffed. ‘I’ll show him, I’m gonna catch a Shellder and raise it to be a super strong Cloyster!’ She went out and began fishing. Little did she know she was so focused on Shellder, she missed Togepi finding one in the sand.


Jessie and James had some luck on their clam digging, both finding a Shellder, James pulled one out and it clamped onto his noggin. “James quit screwing around.”

Arbok and Weezing were called out and battled the Shellder, the Rocket Agents managed to capture the duo of Shellder. “Now we have gifts for the boss.”

Meowth got an idea. “If the boss wants Shellder, then he’d be extra giddy for a Cloyster.”

Jessie crossed her arms. “Not a bad idea Meowth, but where are we gonna get a Water Stone?”

He pulled out the Water Stone he found. “Hahaha!”

James panicked. “Wait hold on Meowth!” The cat wasn’t listening, he was too focused on showing up Persian, his jealousy blinding him. He touched James’s monster ball with the stone.

Shellder popped out and evolved, becoming a Cloyster. “Cloy!” It pounced on James and clamped onto him.

Giovanni wasn’t pleased when being shown. “Idiots, I asked you for Shellder, evolving it now is a waste!” He allowed James to keep the pokemon, all it knew was Tackle, Water Gun, Withdraw, and Icicle Spear. It did have a rare ability in Overcoat. As he saw it, Meowth had ruined a potential Pokemon. Jessie’s was stronger, it knowing an Ice Beam, but it still wasn’t ready to evolve.

The red head gushed, believing her Shellder was special.

He was so frustrated with the trio he wanted them out of his sight. So he sent them to go and steal research from Westwood’s lab.


Ash met with Westwood and he was a pretty eccentric guy. He was working on research on Pokemon that may or may not exist, truly rare and legendary Pokemon. “It’s possible these powerful Pokemon existed long ago, and over time they lost their vast power as the times changed and adapted, becoming the Pokemon we see today.” Westwood explained. “In that token such adaptation may happen again allowing Pokemon to gain new legendary power.”

His research was put on hold as he worked to solve the debate over Slowpoke’s evolution. He had a Slowpoke and was studying it. “So do you believe Slowpoke has another evolution?”

Westwood smiled. “Indeed I do, I believe, I just think we are missing something.” If a Shellder bites it’s tail it’ll become a Slowbro, but if it bites his head it’ll become something called a Slowking! “Pokemon researchers can be sticklers and resistant to change. Even the discovery of the Steel and Dark type was greatly debated.”

Ash wanted to believe there were more mysteries out there to be discovered. He had a very open mind.

Team Rocket attacked, demanding his research and the pokemon he had. Westwood tried to protect Slowpoke, while Ash fought Team Rocket.

To his surprise they had new additions to the team. “Cloyster/Shellder get em!” Cloyster came out and clamped onto James.

Ash called out his own Shellder. “Shellder!”

“Well that’s a Shellder of a different color!” James said as he got Cloyster off him.

Meowth was ecstatic. “If we bring that little clam to the boss, he’ll surely forgive us!” Shellder blasted him with a Water Gun. “Hey!”

“I’m not gonna let you have your way!”

“We’ll deal with the twerp, you get the Professor!” Jessie ordered and Meowth followed. The cat chased Westwood all over.

The rockets called for a double Water Gun. Pikachu dodged the attack, but Shellder* took the hit.

Pikachu fought back with Thunderbolt, hitting Cloyster hard, pushing the monster back. “Are you okay?” James asked, showing a lot of care for his new pokemon.

Cloyster nodded. It fought back with a Tackle, and given it’s size it knocked Pikachu back.

Shellder* fought back with his own Water Gun. Jessie called for an Ice Beam, and Ash called for an Ice Shard. His move went first and Shellder got hit with the chunk of ice.

Westwood ran close to the battle field and he got tripped by Meowth. Slowpoke went flying and Westwood’s research notebook fell out of his pocket.

Slowpoke landed near the battlefield. “Professor Westwood, what moves does Slowpoke know?”

“I don’t know, we haven’t tried battling before, Slowpoke defend yourself!” Westwood ordered. Meowth grabbed his notebook.

“Sloooow!” Slowpoke yawned, releasing a large white bubble and it floated over to Cloyster, Pop! It became drowsy.

James didn’t know what that move did. “Use Tackle!” Cloyster charged, and ended up clamping onto Slowpoke’s tail.

Ash gasped. “What happens if Cloyster clamps onto it’s tail?!”

After a pause nothing happened. “Jessie get your Shellder to bite Slowpoke’s tail, then it’ll evolve and we can give a powerful Pokemon to the boss!” Meowth called.

“No, that’ll ruin my research!” Westwood cried out. Cloyster fell asleep and relaxed allowing Slowpoke to wonder away. James recalled Cloyster.

“I’ll handle this myself!” Jessie said. “Shellder use Ice Beam!”

Shellder fired the ice attack, freezing whatever it hit. Ash caught Shellder* and dove out of the way. His King’s Rock flew from his pocket and landed in the sand. Slowpoke picked it up and placed it on his head. “Go get em Shellder!” Jessie ordered a Tackle. She just told it not to bite it’s tail, as she didn’t want to lose her new pokemon. Meowth’s ideas weren’t very helpful as of late.

It jumped at Slowpoke and bit his head. “Slow!” Glow!

“Ehh what’s happening? I thought Slowpoke only evolved when Shellder bite the tail…” This was the light of evolution. Westwood was stunned, he had seen Slowpoke put on the King’s Rock, and now the bite of the Shellder.

“The missing catalyst!”

“Slowking!” Slowpoke evolved into Slowking! He was walking upright and had a majestic look about him.

The new Slowking was burst with intelligence and learned some new moves. Jessie tried to claim Slowking for herself, but he used Power Gem to destroy Shellder’s ball.

Jessie and James let out Arbok and Weezing, only to be met with Psychic. Slowking smacked them around with ease and knocked them out. Meowth tried to attack, only to get hit with a painful Headbutt and got knocked out.

Ash’s Shellder* got them all wet with Water Gun, and Pikachu zapped them with Thunder.

Slowking got rid of Team Rocket, conjuring a mighty Surf, that swept up the trio and sent them blasting off. Westwood had lost his notebook, which sucked but he had back ups and other volumes. Plus he had Slowking, he’d be able to finish his report and submit it. The missing piece was the King’s Rock, a hold item that had effects in battle, but also could trigger evolution. This was an amazing discovery.

He apologized for taking the King’s Rock without asking, but Ash wasn’t bothered about that. “Team Rocket must have stolen your notebook.” Ash sulked, feeling guilty.

Westwood patted his shoulder. “It should be fine, my research is theoretical, they shouldn’t be able to do any harm with it. They didn’t get their hands on Slowking here!” It was also thanks to Ash this discovery was made.

A truly fantastic experience.


Ash returned to the beach and found Misty and Brock sulking. “Hey guys…what’s wrong?”

Brock had struck out with every girl he asked out. Some even teased him for trying too hard. “I don’t wanna talk about it.”

Ash looked to Misty. “Well Misty did you catch a Shellder?”

She jumped up screaming in frustration. “I DON’T WANNA TALK ABOUT IT!” She had been fishing all this time, not catching a bite. When she finally got a tug on the line she tried to fish it out but wasn’t having much luck. Once she got a glimpse of the pokemon she threw the ball and captured it.

What she hooked wasn’t a Shellder. “Slow…” “Psy…” “Slow…” “Psy…” Her new Slowpoke and Psyduck were getting along. Her freak out also scared the Shellder Togepi was playing with away.

“Not another one!” She ran off to grab something sweet at one of the stalls.

Ash had to send Shellder to Oak’s lab now that he was near his other Pokemon and their balls. “Come on Brock cheer up, isn’t there plenty of fish in the sea?” He tried to comfort his friend.

Brock had a lot of bad luck with girls, every one he flirted with or asked out either ignored him or laughed in his face. Ash’s words had little effect.

Krabby got an idea, using his pincer he grabbed the back of Ash’s trunks and pulled them down, exposing his plump booty. “Ahh Krabby!” Ketchum gasped, trying to hold up his trunks, but his butt was on full display.

Brock caught sight of the bountiful booty and felt his heart flutter. Charizard stared at Ash’s ass with his cheeks burning and the flame on his tail burning hotter. ‘What am I thinking, am I so pent up I’m thinking weird thoughts?’ That didn’t stop him from starring, a blush blooming on his cheeks as the sun shined down on the plump cheeks.

Krabby eventually let go, but Ash was oblivious to what just happened, even as Brock’s cock tented his speedos, and Charizard rolled over to hide his crotch.

To be continued…Beach Training

Shellder * Ability Skill Link Moves: Water Gun, Tackle, Ice Shard, Withdraw

Ash and co stay on the Seafoam Islands, hoping to do some training. Brock gets in trouble, trying to shake off some weird thoughts he’s having he hits on the wrong girls and their boyfriends cause trouble.


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