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Digimon parody: Patreon Reward

Takeru’s Size

Yamato never expected something so huge from his brother. Having seen his own and his dad’s he expected the men of their family to be average. In the digital world he learns Takeru is far Far FAR above average. He’s got a kinky side eager to dominate older guys and even cucking his brother with his massive dick. Size Difference

Chapter 1

Yamato felt he had to grow up at a young age. His parents were always fighting and arguing. He did his best to be there for Takeru, and shield him from their nonsense. The young blonde didn’t know why his parents were fighting, but they had troubles.

It was tough being a good big brother, there were times it felt his parents were being so childish he had to be the man of the house. Things only seemed to get worse when his parents split up. His mom took Takeru and he was with his dad.

His dad had other interests, it wasn’t other women it was other men. They had an arrangement, but it appears his mom wasn’t being satisfied. The problems in the bedroom spilled out and soon they were fighting about every little thing.

He wanted to believe he wouldn’t end up like his parents. Yamato was a good looking guy, cool, had both cooking and musical skills, so he had girls wanting him left and right. He dated but things just never worked out, for one reason or another he’d end up getting dumped. It didn’t make sense, he was a good boyfriend!

His dad felt for him, knowing about bad luck with women. His best friend Taichi had his back, on every break up, the brunette offered himself up for a rebound. He had been hesitant about sleeping with a guy, but the first time he was so hurt and Tai was so caring. ‘It’s just one time!’ It was amazing!

Tai was a fellow big brother, and was very giving and loving. He kept coming back to Taichi after every break up. The brunette was so great in bed, he learned a lot from him.

Soon he was spending more time with the brunette than he was with girls. His dad even caught them once, he was balls deep inside Tai and he didn’t even bat an eye, as if this was completely normal.

His dad slept with men, their small apartment meant there was very few secrets. Yamato has caught his dad walking to the bathroom with cum leaking out of him. So he could put the pieces together.

Hiroaki would be a hypocrite if he protested Yamato and Tai’s relationship but that’s not what unnerved the blonde. He was more shocked when he brought a girl around. The man was under the impression Tai and him were together/seeing each other. “Tai’s just a friend dad!”

“Okay...sure...friends…” He wasn’t gonna argue with his son about this.

Yamato may have been trying too hard to not be his parents. He was looking for the perfect relationship that wouldn’t end in divorce. His times with Tai, he told himself he’s not like his dad because he’s topping.

It was when he started dating Sora did he got another shock, hearing something he heard his mother say. “Let’s stop this, you just can’t satisfy me!” A low blow.

“What?!” It was happening again.

Sora sighed. “I’ll be frank, you got some nice moves but I’m bored. Your cock is cute, but I got toys bigger than you. You’re hot and all but I’m looking for more of a man!”

Yamato was a giving lover, very sensual and sensitive; his mother often complained that Hiraoki was a very selfish lover. So he did his best to make sure his lovers were satisfied. Taichi taught him about foreplay and how to drive his partners wild.

The jabs at his cock struck a familiar cord as well. Yamato and his dad were roughly the same size, 6 inches, not a bad size at all. There wasn’t much he could do about his size. Taichi and other guys in the locker room were either around his size or smaller. So he saw himself as a good average size.

As for manliness, despite going through puberty at a young age he didn’t have a lot of manly hair. He had a little bit above his crotch, none on his pits or balls. His dad had more of a rich bush and more hair on his body, so he thought he’d grow into it. Tai had hair on his pits, but as for his crotch he shaved.

He felt Sora was being unfair, but he didn’t feel so broken hearted. “Fine, we’re done!” He rushed off and ran to Tai.

The two went at it, Yamato fucking Taichi with gusto. His bed was rocked, and the two finished. Yamato was still running mentally. “Taichi...I’m done...I’m done chasing girls…”

Sora’s words cut deep. It made him wonder if this was what his past girls were thinking and just never told him. “You don’t have to give up on love, those other girls weren’t right for you.” Taichi took his hand. “You are a great guy Yamato, you’ll find someone who gets that.”

The blonde blushed. He laced his fingers with Tai’s. “Maybe...I already have…”

He smiled. “Oh yeah? You want to give this a go?” The brunette was in, it made Yamato blush harder. He nodded.

Taichi sat up, the blonde’s cum leaking out of him. Now the blonde was a tomato. They hugged and kissed and began their relationship.

Yamato’s thoughts shifted to Takeru. ‘I hope he doesn’t have to deal with this kinda stuff.’ He had done his best to shield Takeru from their fights and arguments so many hearing it from a girl wouldn’t cut so deep.

The thing is, he was going the impression that Takeru and him were the same. They had the same parents, the same genes right? Well…

The two did share some things, Takeru had a thing for guys as well. He hadn’t seen his brother in some time, they usually had to keep in touch over the phone.

So when they ended going to the same summer camp together it was a bright time. They had finally gotten to see each other face to face. “Takeru!”

The shorter blonde rushed over and the two embraced. “Yamato!”

It was a touching reunion. “Oh man, have you gotten taller!” Yamato ruffled his hair, making his little brother laugh.

Takeru beamed. “Sure have, I’ve grown a lot since we’ve been apart.”

“Yo Yamato...and is that Takeru!” Taichi ran over. “Yamato has told me all about you!”

Takeru blushed seeing Tai, the brunette was sexy, and it seems the brothers shared a same type in men. He tried not to stare. “This is Taichi, he’s my boyfriend!”

His eyes widened. “Oh wow!” He had heard about Taichi over the years but nothing like this.

They’ve had convos about his different dates, and Taichi’s been mentioned off and on, nothing explicit. So this was a surprise.

Another surprise was on the way as several campers were suddenly gifted with a strange device and brought to a whole strange world.

Taichi, Yamato, Takeru, Izzy, Joe, along with Sora and a girl named Mimi were brought to a digital land, getting their own digital partner. The group find themselves on a strange island under the siege of a dark digimon named Devimon.  He was using the power of the Black Gears, to turn innocent and kind digimon dark and wicked.

It was dangerous but their partners drew on their power and digivolved, growing larger and more powerful. Yamato was freaking out, feeling he needed to protect Takeru through all this, even butting heads with Tai a few times. “You don’t need to protect me, I’m not a kid anymore, and I have Patamon with me to!”

“Of course I need to protect you, I’m your big brother!”

Takeru and Taichi were also weirdly hitting it off, so Yamato was feeling things. Obviously he wanted his boyfriend and his brother to get along, but there was something about the way Takeru got so close to Tai.

He would go over and cuddle with him, when Yamato and Tai switched watch. Yamato got this weirdest feeling inside him. ‘I can’t be jealous can I, he’s my brother…’ He kept trying to see Takeru as little but…


The group ended up in a strange mansion where they got to eat, enjoy a bath. Yamato did what he usually did, checked out the guys, Taichi and him were the same size, but Tai was thicker. Izzy was surprisingly bigger at 8 inches.

Joe came in acting all shy, which annoyed Yamato. They wrestled the towel from him and Joe was rocking 9 inches of uncut meat. He was also a thick nest of manly hair. ‘Whoa he’s huge.’

“Now that’s some meat!” Taichi exclaimed. He made Joe blush and squirm. They were the smallest in the room, but Taichi seemed more turned on.

“So you like big dicks Tai, check mine out!” Yamato heard the words, but couldn’t believe they came from his little brother’s mouth. He looked over and his jaw dropped.

Takeru was huge, he was even bigger than Joe rocking 11.5 inches soft. In both length and girth he had them all beat, but what really shocked Yamato was Takeru wasn’t so little and wasn’t a kid anymore.

He had rich blonde hair on his pits, he had a rich bush and treasure trail up to his navel, he also had a long tuft of hair running along the seem of his sac. Takeru had all the guy’s attention, his body just gave off a strong and manly aura, it was mouth watering.

Yamato was about to learn that Takeru had grown up a lot, he’s changed and there was a ton for him to learn. In the digital world Takeru felt free to be himself and express himself. Yamato’s world was about to be flipped on it’s head.

To be continued